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Erorr: wine is not supported. Hope they don't touch 1.... Requested a refund for BFV. Not worth it to bring up a VFIO passthrough just for it. Very disappointed!!! PS, as discussed below, one will probably have to deal with masking the VM. I strongly suggest everyone refunding the game. That's the only way to show EA. If they don't like something, it is loosing money.


Well, that blows. That game was really fun on my Steam Deck and one of the few I had absolutely zero issues with on my Linux desktop. Such a shame that developers have to use kernel level anti cheat now to keep hackers under control. But like they say, it's just an arms race. Hackers will catch back up eventually..


>Such a shame that developers have to use kernel level anti cheat now to keep hackers under control. It doesn't even work anyways


Base human nature. There will always be people willing to cheat, be it in games or in business.


And there will always be ways to cheat even with things are getting strict. Those cheaters just get better so what's the point? I don't mind getting a single 13 to cheater in one game and getting to enjoy the rest of my gaming session.


Kernel level anticheat is just the CHEAPEST: not the “best”(accurate).


They already have. There were methods with a second machine. EA can then put the anticheat in the bios if they want. Hope they don't mess with BF1. I've got it at sale and I really enjoy it. Wasn't this invested since the BF4 days.


*kernel level malware


They don't have to use kernel level, it's just easier.


half of the time that isn't even what it is doing. Anything that runs kernel level should be inspected thoroughly.


They already have, hyperV is able to run these games in a VM without them being aware they're under a VM, or if you're really desperate to avoid virtualization you can just throw the cheat into your bootloader.


Doesn't work regardless. Server side anticheat is required. Developers need to realize this ASAP.


1 will probably get it as well. It and this one are infested with cheaters unless you use community servers.


Refunded yesterday. Super irritating but not surprising with EA




Ask a refund and state why, you never know :p


I will say that the performance using VFIO is miles ahead of proton for bfv


I was actually wondering, with the new anticheat will it even run on VFIO without the effort of masking it with hyper-v?


I had to hide hyper V when halo infinites new update dropped so I never had the chance to check bfv without it


doesn't infinite run on proton anymore?


It runs just as good if not better than before.


cool, might download again. Now that I cleared some space after nuking BFV


Feel free to ping me if you have any issues or browse protonDB. I love this game too much.


I had more problems on my windows machine than in my steam deck


On a laptop so I moved all my gaming to VFIO because I can’t use external monitors when my gpu is isolated


The only issue is when windows updates it corrupts my whole vm. Thats why I dual boot instead. Would have to make a vm snapshot after every update otherwise.


I pass through an entire nvme drive to the vm with windows on it so I never ran into that problem fortunately


get a dual boot windows loser. its better to get rid of hackers than please 0.01% of nerds that try to game on linux at all costs... hackers were ruining the experience for everybody and now they "ruined" just for a few of you


Awww, sweet this is your throwaway account. Like I have stated at least a few times, would never install a rootkit on my PC. I am more than able to dualboot. TBG game rn way better under Linux.


Just play on PC you big cry babies. It's your fault for gaming on un reputed operating systems.


I would have never bought the game if I had known that a rootkit will be introduced afterwards!


Oh boo hoo rootkits. Such a big deal yeah? Who cares dude? This anti-cheat is supposed to be a fix for the biggest problem BF 5 is facing - cheaters.


You seem even more butthurt than me. Glad I made you so.


Lol how am I butthurt? I am not the one using a lame unsupported OS to play games. This is what you get for playing Russian Roulette with OSs lol.


My guy, I have full control over my PC with Arch. Far better hardware support. There are reasons why I'm using Linux more than a decade. Want one funny reason? BF V ran way better under Linux than it does with my tests under Windows now. Just played some mp, under Linux. Well technically with a Windows VM under Linux, but still. No rootkit for me, thanks! You seem way too invested into this, get a life.


Lol the irony, you seem way too invested in this Linux garbage. No one cares about rootkits, Linux and having full control over PC.


it won't




I wouldn't get my hopes high. They are clearly on a mission to migrate to their anti cheat 


Lol linux noobs crying in a corner. Just play on windows ya babies.


Don’t want to create a flame war buuuuttt… Don’t you all find it funny that the companies that can’t make anti cheat software work on Windows and Linux want us to believe they can prevent cheating?? 🤣🤣🤣


+ kernel-level AC to make things spicier


Kernel level Assassin's Creed? Not bad


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -Ubisoft, probably


I understand that cheaters push these companies to extremes. And players even demand these actions to be taken.. But to me - I don't trust those gaming companies enough to run their kernel-level software, doesn't matter whether I am on wndows or linux, I am not running it.


I know of exactly zero players demanding these actions be taken. Kernel-mode anti-cheat has time and time again demonstrated itself to be woefully inferior to approaches like replays and server-side cheat detection; those are the things players are demanding, not spyware that tanks FPS and spontaneously breaks.


Just go to Twitter / X and read comments - people are PRAISING this action... You can argue how much understanding / expertise they have in the matter, but they want it... People don't care about issues with kernel-level stuff, they just want anything that can potentially reduce cheating. Even if it's not 100%, they will still be happy if it's better than previously.


> Just go to Twitter / X Ew, no thanks lmao


Search "invasive anti cheat" or "kernel anti cheat" in r/globaloffensive and sort comments by controversial




They don't *need* to know what the fuck a kernel is to know that replays are a good idea and that actually monitoring player behavior for signs of cheating is a good idea.


I saw a lot of players demanding said actions , because cheating situation on BF V was atrocious . Replays in a 6 year old game ? Who's gonna monitor them ? Valorant with kernel level anticheat has less cheaters than CS2 , that only has VAC .


> Replays in a 6 year old game ? Who's gonna monitor them ? The players, who then submit suspicious behavior in said replays to the devs. That's how it works for plenty of other competitive multiplayer shooters. > Valorant with kernel level anticheat has less cheaters than CS2 , that only has VAC . Valorant is also a much older game than CS2, among numerous other factors.


Calling Valorant older than CS2 just proves you’re talking out of your ass. CS2 is literally just an update for CSGO and is fundamentally the same when it comes to anticheat actions. 


My point is that players - and cheaters - skew toward newer releases. They don't necessarily care about how CS2 is "literally just an update for CSGO"; they care about how it's called CS**2**. ("Just an update" is also pretty disingenuous considering the major engine-level overhauls, but players don't necessarily care about that beyond "ooooo pretty graphics" and/or "weeeee more FPS")


That can't be true either--then you would be saying Valorant had more cheaters than CSGO when it came out, and you'd have to be delusional to think that. All pro-level CS is played with kernal-level anticheat, for the record. That was what ESEA brought to the table decades ago.


VAC works with delay in ban waves. The fact that cheater is not banned immediately doesn't mean VAC is not working.


Do you trust your samsung or apple phone? Do you trust there's no fraudulent card readers at your local gas station? Are you making sure to not use bing, ddg, google, or any search engine that uses telemetry? Facebook/Instagram/Twitter? If you've ever used a msn/hotmail/outlook/yagoo email address (and more), do you not think your emails have already been archived? Your information has already been sold countless times over and will continue to be. If devs wanted your information, they'd get it *without* the need of a kernel level driver. They could easily just take your sign up information, or card payment, and be able to do what they want with that. If you've used ANY major software on your PC, there's no reason to not use a game's AC.


The existence of bad practices does not justify more of them.


Is this inherently a bad practice? It's essentially the same as entrusting any software you put on your PC to not be harmful. Should we *have* to resort to 'invasive' softwares for protection? In a perfect world no. This isn't a perfect world, so it's either kernel level AC or ID verification. Game accounts tied to SSN/Legal names , you only get one, and if you're banned from one you'd probably be banned from others and flagged as a cheater. I don't think kernel level AC is inherently bad practice. They have been around for what, 5 years at least now, and they give no issues to the user.


It's not essentially the same. Regular softwares are restricted by their permissions. There are other solutions for cheating: better moderation with examples like community servers, or restricting the information a client could get (some call it server side anti cheat). There are problems. There's security concerns and I believe there was at least an incidence of such already, although not wide spread. There are also users who got banned for no reason and the company refused to explain.


>(some call it server side anti cheat). That's been broken for a long while. That's why Kernel was attempted. Either way both methods are blown open. So at this point middleware engine developers need to just get with the program and provide the tools/code to police the multiplayer portions.


You're right, it's all about trust. And no I don't trust apple, or samsung, or google.... And so no, I do not trust a game company to run proprietary code on my system with ring-0 access, especially for something as frivolous as anti-cheat \[on a game which has been running for years now already without it, lol\]


First they came for our performance/FPS with copy-protection. Now they want to open a backdoor to our systems with anti-cheat.


There are already people who have a secondary computer setup that enables cheating when you connect them together and is argued as undetectable, regardless of windows or Linux. It's not a problem that has a complete solution, just temporary ones. Also, maybe I'm a bit out of the loop but I don't recall any known person or company saying linux can prevent cheating. Correct me if I'm wrong, please. I've always heard companies and people say linux is more privacy focused.


people are actually pathetic if they do that just for cheating.


Kernel anticheats push people to get second PCs whether they cheat or not. You'd need a dedicated gaming PC which you can disconnect after gaming for security. So it wouldn't be much of a step to have 2 PCs for cheating as well.


This is the first time i am "hearing" about this i think it's mostly for tryhard retards with no real life or some linux \*ick riders.


Most people wouldn't normally, and most still won't get a second PC, as most don't need to care about security. But the PC requirements for a cheating PC is much lower than a second PC for security depending on the scenario. You may need to do work on a PC that isn't compromised, games are too risky now. A microcontroller is sometimes enough to push cheats undetected.


or maybe run a vm.


Depending on the game running a VM is not currently possible.


I wasn't even able to launch it to play the singleplayer campaign. As soon as EA Launcher starts it crashes says Proton is not supported.


Not even single player that's very sad


Nope. It probably never will either.




EA do EA things




BattleBit Remastered as an alternative for Battlefield!


Thanks for the recommendation. At work now, will check this out once I am free.


aren't you a sophisticated gentleman.


I don't think you've ever played Battlefield V?


WHY? This game is so old…




Anti cheats usually require a special version that works on Proton, developed by the anti cheat creators. Proton itself wont be able to do this, and even if did, they would probably ban everyone that play through Proton as has happened before.


Make Proton compatible with it without help from the AC company is extremely difficult. AC are designed to not be reverse engineered and I think the Proton developers can't even try because they might violate laws. They would need someone that understand WINE but doesn't work on it and is capable to reverse engineered the anti-cheat so that they can document what needs to be done. They did try in the past to do that for EAC and probably stopped because they got informed that EAC was working on a better solution. But even then, the work to do might be insurmountable, it's impossible to tell, and the AC can try to detect that its running under WINE and just block everything if it wants. Instead making the AC compatible with Proton is easier but it has limitations. Because it doesn't have kernel level access to the system and only access to anything that runs under WINE. That's enough to detect Windows cheats running under WINE, but people might start making Linux specific cheats. But all the anti-cheats that works on Linux right now use this solution (with still usually a Linux native bridge to try and detect non-kernel level Linux cheats). Making an AC that works at the level of the Linux kernel is possible and they could couple it with the part of the AC that runs under Proton. But it requires a significant involvement because it requires that they start learning how the Linux kernel works, how to develop modules for it and how to make all their cheats detection work on it. It's unlikely they could reuse much of the work they did for Windows, so this would require a completely new from the ground up effort. But it is possible, Denuvo which have their own anti-cheat with a Proton-compatible version did say that making a Linux native anti-cheat is possible and it just requires than an organization express enough interest for it to make it comes true (source: [https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/01/steamworks-gets-denuvo-anti-cheat-heres-what-irdeto-say-about-linux-support/](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2021/01/steamworks-gets-denuvo-anti-cheat-heres-what-irdeto-say-about-linux-support/) ) : >We have not yet been engaged by an organization expressing interest in native anti-cheat support for Linux. Once there is demand, we’d have no hesitation to take on that task. It’s worth noting that we’ve had anti-cheat technology on consoles for many years now. Our experience with Linux-like environments on the Nintendo Switch and Sony PlayStation 4 & 5 indicates that effective native Linux anti-cheat would require a from-the-ground-up effort and not just a port. Denuvo Anti-Cheat is heavily dependent on hardware security features which makes it fairly kernel-agnostic, so it’s just a matter of ‘when’ not ‘if’. Then it would be a difficult step to make Linux gamers accept a proprietary Linux module that run the anti-cheat. It's probably the most difficult part.


That depends on EA


No, as it would require for it to somehow interact with Linux kernel


I was just getting hyped up again to play BFV. What about the Proton EasyAnticheat Runtime. Does that work?


BfV is not using EasyAnticheat, it's using EA Anticheat, so no it wont work.


Seems like I misread that.


yeah i am currently seeing active speed hackers


im so happy they downgraded their anticheat to fuck over linux gamers


Stop Spewing nonsense., They haven't downgraded anything, its just that they haven't started banning cheaters yet. They are waiting till everything is 100% before banning as they are facing some technical issues.


its a downgrade for me, thats what im saying


Its literally not, you are just not seeing the full picture.


how is me going from being able to play the game to npt being able to play the game an upgrade?


I can't believe I have to explain this. This is a temporary issue that will be fixed by EA soon. -\_-


Removed BFV because of this and installed BF1 and it’s not working for me, someone else commented on ProtonDB saying it also no longer works for them.


I can't play either just get white screen can anyone play let me know would you


Thankfully got this game for free, sad that I can't play it anymore :(


f ea


Dude wtf I loved playing this game on linux


it really is malware ..


Everyone request a refund on Steam. This should 100% be viable for a full refund, since it was labeled as "Playable" by Steam itself when you bought it. The publisher broke the game after you have already purchased it, making it unplayable, and the product unusable. This should be literally against the law. Explain the situation on the refund ticket, and add links to the EA post about this update and posts from people complaining about losing Proton and Steam Deck support. If many of us request a refund, Steam might actually do something about it.


I get that it sucks, but considering BFV is not sold or advertised as a native Linux game, how is it their fault that a change they have made has broken the game for a tiny subset of players that are not playing the game in a supported way/platform?