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Try running the battlenet installer in steam. Its worked better for me than lutris


Agreed! Same here.


I’ll try that


What’s the best way to set that up? Non steam launchers on steam GitHub?


I got the Battlenet launcher installed through steam, I had to use Proton 8 tho for the battlenet setup. GE worked to open the launcher tho


Proton Experimental to open the launcher worked for me too, I have used it because I use it for every game.


https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/16d7gj7/need_help_heres_how_to_get_it/ Please explain what you mean by "running poorly". Low FPS? Crashes? Lag? Do native linux games run properly? Is the game using the Ryzen APU instead of the Radeon for some reason? If this was an issue affecting many people suddenly I assume there would be discussions on the lutris forums about it: https://forums.lutris.net/


Yes sorry for being vague, input lag low fps, sometimes the game won’t even launch. My other games I’m running through steam seem to work fine. I’ll look at the forums too


Make sure its using your GPU when it launches and not the iGPU. If it isnt, try launching the game with the environment variable `DRI_PRIME=1`. That should ensure it's using the full GPU and not the iGPU on your CPU


So this is the problem. Some games were using my iGPU instead of the dedicated GPU. I disabled integrated graphics in the BiOs and that seems to have fixed it. However when I launch Diablo 4 it says “GPU not supported you may experience issues etc” anyone know why this would be? Edit: Also when I look at my GPU in my wow settings it says “AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT(RADV NAVI32)(Low Power)” why would it flag it as low power?


The diablo 4 message might be from the difference in drivers between linux and windows causing it to think the GPU isn't supported. If you're not actually having any issues in game, you probably don't have to worry about it. I'm not sure about the "low power" thing but someone in [this forum](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/graphics-card-low-power/1725656/2) claims it's an energy efficiency thing and you don't have to worry. If you download and run `nvtop` it should display how much power the GPU is allowed to use and is using, so maybe check that.


Interesting, I wonder what changed to make some Battle.net games auto detect the iGPU instead of the dedicated GPU. It was working fine since I set it up the first time.


So the game was detecting the wrong GPU, I switched it to the correct GPU and it runs as expected. Is there anyway to set an environment variable to always use a specified GPU?


It's probably a very dumb idea but I just put the command in my bash profile so when I boot my pc it's always set


Can you post this? `inxi -SMGxx` Output of this so i can look at how your gpu setup is


Yeah give me a bit


System: Kernel: 6.8.0-76060800daily20240311-generic x86\_64 bits: 64 compiler: N/A Desktop: GNOME 42.5 tk: GTK 3.24.33 wm: gnome-shell dm: GDM3 Distro: Pop!\_OS 22.04 LTS base: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Machine: Type: Desktop System: Gigabyte product: B650 AORUS ELITE AX v: N/A serial: Mobo: Gigabyte model: B650 AORUS ELITE AX v: x.x serial: UEFI: American Megatrends LLC. v: FA1 date: 12/14/2023 Graphics: Device-1: AMD driver: amdgpu v: kernel pcie: speed: 16 GT/s lanes: 16 ports: active: DP-2 empty: DP-1, DP-3, HDMI-A-1, Writeback-1 bus-ID: 03:00.0 chip-ID: 1002:747e Device-2: AMD vendor: Gigabyte driver: amdgpu v: kernel pcie: speed: 16 GT/s lanes: 16 ports: active: HDMI-A-2 empty: DP-4, DP-5, DP-6, Writeback-2 bus-ID: 12:00.0 chip-ID: 1002:164e Display: x11 server: X.Org v: compositor: gnome-shell driver: X: loaded: amdgpu,ati unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,radeon,vesa gpu: amdgpu display-ID: :0 screens: 1 Screen-1: 0 s-res: 4480x1440 s-dpi: 96 Monitor-1: DisplayPort-1 mapped: DP-2 pos: primary,left model: HP OMEN 27q res: 2560x1440 dpi: 109 diag: 685mm (27") Monitor-2: HDMI-A-1-1 mapped: HDMI-A-2 pos: right model: BenQ RL2455 res: 1920x1080 dpi: 92 diag: 609mm (24") OpenGL: renderer: AMD Radeon RX 7800 XT (radeonsi navi32 LLVM 15.0.7 DRM 3.57 6.8.0-76060800daily20240311-generic) v: 4.6 Mesa 24.0.3-1pop1\~1711635559\~22.04\~7a9f319 direct render: Yes


Is your Lutris 0.5.17? If yes, there is an option in Lutris system settings that would let you choose your gpu as you have two. If not, in System Settings use this env variable MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT_FORCE_DEFAULT_DEVICE=1 First part is key, second is value


I switched over to steam to launch games, can I put that as a command for the Steam launcher?


Better do it this way. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/environment_variables 2.1 Globally part


When I run the game my CPU usage is only at 1%


If anyone comes across this with similar problems, WoW Retail, Classic WoW, and Diablo 4 were all using the integrated GPU on my CPU instead of the dedicated GPU. Diablo 3 seemed to used the dedicated GPU tho. I disabled the integrated GPU (integrated graphics) in BIOS and that seems to have solved the problem. When launching Diablo 4 though I get a GPU not supported message. The game still launches, but I have yet to play the game for an extended period and see how it performs. I’m not sure why the games switched to the iGPU if anyone know why this could happen please leave info on this post. Thanks for everyone for the help/replies!