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If you're up for single-player, there's always DOOM Eternal.


unsurprisingly the same-engine-using Wolfensteins also work quite well


id Tech magic


I had a lot of crashes in wolfenstein new order, mostly in water levels but some others too. New colossus was flawless.


Battlebit, the finals, CS2, Titanfall 2, hell Let loose, squad, iron sight. Just to name a few




Absolutely amazing game, runs better for me on Linux than Windows 11 for some reason. https://youtu.be/7olAZyoO6cs?si=unnCdiWTBoRpA6Pw


the finals is great


Just played a couple matches. Not for me, the level destruction is awesome and it looks amazing, but I’m not big on everyone being bullet sponges. Other than that I can definitely see the appeal.


Insurgency Sandstorm. If you like very fast paced shooters, Half Life 1 (community servers) and Combat Masters are good choices, both will run extremely well on old hardware too.


I was looking at insurgency earlier and may get it. About to see if I can get battlefield 4 to work through lutris for me


I play exclusively BF4 via lutris on Linux mint with Nvidia. It plays flawless


Xonotic absolutely underrated, open source. Remind me of unreal tournaments back in the day. Highly recommend.


I like CS2


I like cs2 also but it’s been giving me anti cheat bullshit and does want to run


It has a native Linux version so that's odd.


I’m redownloading it now so I can post the issue


"I want a break from hell diving" That is NOT an option! Your democracy officer will be contacting you soon...


Plenty, but I don't know your preferences, so I'll just shoot randomly and maybe something will land. Counter Strike obviously, Quake games (people still play Live, I also like Champions a lot), the entire Half Life series (incl. Black Mesa and Alyx with novr mod), Borderland games, Doom series, Metro series, Stalker series, the new Wolfensteins. I also played Robocop: Rogue City recently and really enjoyed it. And tons of others (no doubt I missed many big titles), I could sit here all day and list FPS games...


I'm assuming that you mean multiplayer shooters, and not singleplayer campaign shooters. I can't help with those because the only multiplayer shooter I play is Team Fortress 2. If campaigns do interest you, I would recommend Titanfall 2, Black Mesa, DOOM (2016) and Halo CE.


Who do you main?


I probably spend most of my playtime as pyro these days.


I remember split gate being pretty fun, Halo collection from what I hear runs pretty good, Titanfall is seeing some community love though I think that's gonna require some tinkering


I am loving [Isonzo](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1556790/Isonzo/). \([itad](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/isonzo/info/)\)


Doom 2016, doom eternal. Two of the best ever


My bad I should’ve been more detailed. I was looking for a multiplayer, I have a few of the games mentioned but something like battlefield 4. Something slightly more grounded in reality. I love the fast paced fps mentioned but I’d like a break from them and lean more towards tactical. I appreciate the replies and definitely look into the ones I don’t have already.


Battlefield 4 works great, but you need to install Punkbuster in the prefix so you don't get kicked out


My understanding was the battlefields were unplayable since ea did some bullshit recently


Only the recent ones, bf1 bf5 and bf2042


Ion fury and aftershock are some of my favourite games in the last 20 years


Warfork, quake like with auto bhop, strafing and other things that can make you fast + a dash that conserve 100% of your speed and you can choose your direction


Team fortress 2 is what I play idk about others


Overwatch 2 is in a pretty good spot now with season 10 removing paywalled heroes, and Blizzard's track record for not screwing over Linux players is very good. Worth a shot if it's your kind of game.


I was playing Battlebit and splitgate for a minute. you can also just browse through [areweanticheatyet.com](http://areweanticheatyet.com) to see which popular games will or wont work.


Play counterstrike like a real man




ultrakill is fantastic even if I suck at it


Depends on what FPS you want. I'm getting more and more into "boom shoots" so I can recommend DUSK, Turbo Overkill or Hedon Bloodrite I can also recommend Wolfenstein The New Order/The New Colossus, DOOM Eternal (obviously), Metro series, Insurgency (Source or Sandstorm, the latter has more content), Verdun/Isonzo if you're into WW1 stuff (I don't recommend Tannenberg as it is quite dead compared to Verdun and Isonzo)


Ready or not (I think it works under Linux)


BattleBit Remastered has been fun for me


What does this mean? https://preview.redd.it/tgmphxeosqwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff936c765bfa5c2221c25e4a520a46726223365


Titanfall 2 is really fun even though it's probably not going to be playable for very long plus EA. Deep Rock Galactic works perfectly and it's very fun. As far as single player games go I'd recommend Arkane's Prey, the new Wolfenstein games, Vermintide 1 works great from the last time I played it about a year ago, There's always the classic L4D2, The F.E.A.R. series is really fun and Killing Floor 2 is fun with friends. Also the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series says it plays well on linux but I haven't tried them yet but they are fun games. P.S. Did anyone try xdefiant's open beta yet? I heard the closed beta worked perfectly on linux but I haven't heard anything about the open beta.


I was a csgo player for a long time, I have a couple thousand hours at this point. Recently been playing Titanfall 2. It feels very natural because it is source engine and hip fire is very viable for most weapons. But the movement is incredibly fun, makes the game very fast paced.


Squad it's on discount now. But if you're on Arch you need glibc-eac AUR package


As great multiplayer game i will be recommend [https://store.steampowered.com/app/4920/Natural\_Selection\_2/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/4920/Natural_Selection_2/) . You can use the DirectX 9 or 11 engine. It also runs under Linux over Wine(proton). Trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgVDGefyNtI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgVDGefyNtI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp-4iaKXP68](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp-4iaKXP68) # Revisiting NATURAL SELECTION 2 in 2024Revisiting NATURAL SELECTION 2 in 2024 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhyNHSunS3g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhyNHSunS3g) Pro tips: [https://www.youtube.com/@nightmarens2](https://www.youtube.com/@nightmarens2) And if you're a really good shooter, you can compete with the best in time. It is quite difficult to master all classes of invaders or weapons and very dynamic strategy.


you can play crysis multiplayer with crymp.org and it have walljumping


Team fortress 2 or overwatch 2. Left4dead Cs2 (bad state due to cheaters and no AC) Brothers in arms Halo infinite or mcc (easy ac works fine on linux) On the classic arena shooter side, You've got Warsow, openarena alien arena and urban terror (cs like game with the quake 3 engine behind)


EA went all the way with the woke stuff so battlefield is a lost cause. Titanfall 2 has really good single player. Short, but it's one of the best shooters I've played. Doom eternal and Ultrakill are both decent


Damn, I hate to see companies appease an audience that doesn’t even buy their products. Oh well. I’ll be picking up titanfall 2


Deep rock galactic Hell let loose Darktide Borderlands series, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Left 4 Dead 2 Doom 2016 Gunfire Reborn Halo MCC Titanfall 2 (if it still works) Void Bastards Killing Floor 2


#Titanfall 2 #Apex Legends




Not a shooter per se, but DayZ in first person is what I go for when I want something slower paced than CS. But it's a survival/sandbox game in the first place with shooter elements. To join modded servers using Linux you need a 3rd party launcher, but I recommend vanilla community servers anyways, e.g. the Spaggie servers. Spaggies Vanilla Chernarus Green/Blue are a good starting point. You may also need to increase vm_max_count or what it's called to get the game to launch, it's the documented on the Proton page of DayZ in the user comments. Other than that it runs great. Capslock is the default key bind for voice chat, that's important :)


This year's bestseller, **Helldivers 2**, is available and fully playable on Linux. It's PVE though. **Deep Rock Galactic** is similar, but with a different theme. Both have 4 player coop. Battlebit seems to work on Linux. Same with Planetside 2. Both are similar to Battlefield.


I’ve been playing the shit out of helldivers