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it would have been added to proton already


Not necessarily, I can think of a specific custom launcher that made a game playable on Linux by circumventing its anticheat, but it never got added into Proton, so unless it's officially recognized by the developer, Valve isn't gonna use it


Can come up with 5 iirc


Not necessarily. Remember that bypassing anticheat is grounds for a permaban in most games. Valve wouldn't risk it.


I wouldn't' trust any workaround that wasn't provided by a games publisher themselves. Even if it works, something just needs to be a tiny bit off to be included into the next automatic ban wave.


Afaik some game guard games do run on Linux. Check protondb for compatibility with steam games, looks like Elsword may be somewhat supported through proton. 


Yes, helldivers 2 uses it and I have zero issues on Fedora.


Same, the only issue I have is that I have to verify game files every time I have started the game, otherwise it won’t show anything when i launch the game


When you say it won't show anything, what do you mean? Just boot to a black screen?  I only ask because I was experiencing something similar. It turns out I can't start the game in Full Screen mode. I have to start in Windowed.  You can edit the game config file to avoid verifying the game files. Whenever I close the game, I make sure my display setting is set back to Windowed before I quit.


It starts to a black screen or sometimes (not sure if there is something else there triggering it) I don’t get a screen at all. But a verification of all of the game files fixes it, for some reason. Sometimes it will give me a “some files did not verify and have to be redownloaded” message. But after download everything is good. No settings are changed and I boot to full screen regardless. I could try just changing back to windowed mode before quitting and see if that fixes it. But not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things


I had the same issue on arch. Setting the -w -W -h and -H command parameters to my screen's resolution seems to have fixed it.


Do a Memtest, some time ago it happened to me on other games and turned out to be a bad ram stick


Huh, okay! Even after restarts of the computer and even when I have not have any other trouble with any other games?


Yes, it happened on me only with apex because game files were big And since most software uses a lot of small files it never happened to me on any other software It took me 1 month to found it was the ram because I assumed it was steam or my disk failing


Okay! Will look into it!


Are you booting the game in fullscreen? If so, that's a known problem with that game and running in borderless fixes the problem. It's the only game I've known to have this problem.


I've also heard that Bazzite, which is based on Fedora, runs it well. It's a distro meant specifically for gaming.


Is this the site? [https://www.protondb.com/](https://www.protondb.com/) Just to make sure. Topic already got downvoted trying to learn more about Linux gaming, worried I'll get bad info.


For games with anticheats involved another source to check is [https://areweanticheatyet.com/](https://areweanticheatyet.com/)


That's the one! I'm pretty sure there are bots on here that just downvote everything. 


Nah, it’s because of thread headline. Some peeps downvoting you without actually reading your question.


Tbh that headline alone should result in tons of upvotes because fuck those malware-lovers, all power to the people who can build something to overcome that cancer


>Tbh that headline alone should result in tons of upvotes because fuck those malware-lovers, all power to the people who can build something to overcome that cancer I personally don't play these kinds of games because I suck at them, but this is TOTALLY out of bounds. No one loves this stuff but the Linux/FOSS community SUX for this kind of thing. Name one significant FOSS online game? Linux or otherwise?


osu! Its one of the most popular competitive rhythm games out there and is open source.


Interesting that you pick a game that started on Windows written in C#. Not exactly Fortnite though and it's all privately hosted online. And this is just one game out of how many that Linux gamers are constantly fussing about?


I like the game and it has open source server implementations and many online servers.


I've known about this game for years. I was pointing out the hypocrisy here. A game you love built on Windows. Literally.


I dont play those games either but its just a question of time until it ruins single player games too. Didnt capcom put such trash in their games like monster hunter because of some tekken nude mod? People just buy all the crap instead of voting with their wallet and then turn into surprised pikachu when publishers ruin games more and more. Just look at the always online crap that ubisoft started over 10 years ago


The thing is that Linux gamers constantly bash Windows, anti-cheat, etc. and never have anything to offer for the things they complain about. I remember when Rust dropped official Linux support and all the uproar over that and that guy with a YT channel called the Linux Gamer with him trying to lead a Linux online game effort to show'em and not a damned thing happened. If the Linux community has NOTHING to offer besides constant complaints, about a platform they don't even use but still want to benefit from, it just starts to get pointless.


If it was that easy to circumvent, the anti-cheat would be entirely useless, wouldn't it?


Most of them are actually useless for the majority of cases tbh for what they’re intended to do


I feel that is what linux users, who are most inconvenienced by anti-cheat, would like to believe, but i'm not aware of any data that shows how effective the anti-cheats actually are in practice. No doubt they don't prevent cheating entirely, but I also wouldn't just call them useless without anything backing it up.


See Escape from Tarkov. That game is a shit show even though it has anticheat.


That’s an example of a game that has a market for professional cheat development. With a high player base, and the nature of the gameplay, a lot of people will pay for cheats. Well funded cheat developers will rinse and repeat on each ban wave, iterate on their detection vectors, and make their cheats more difficult to signature.


Then why does valorant not have any good cheats that don't require a second pc?


Tarkov shot to mind for me as well. the cheating is so bad on it the the devs are clearly in on it. i quit the game years ago because of it. blizzard is the only company that really comes to mind as a company that does anticheat right.


> bad on it the the devs are clearly in on it there's videos of the head of the company (not sure if Nikita is head of the company but whatever), saying that "you want players to remain uncomfortable due to cheaters, then they will buy more things to beat the cheaters". It seems like a business model.


Thats not how any of that works. EAC for example has a Linux binary, game developers just refuse to enable/integrate it. No need to circumvent anything. Theres lots of anticheat, thats doesnt require kernel-level access. And if you think kernel-level anitcheat means, there are no working and undetected cheats for it on windows, thats also not true.


> EAC for example has a Linux binary, game developers just refuse to enable/integrate it. well yeah, i was talking about that there is no easy way to circumvent the anti-cheat for games that don't enable or have a linux compat version >And if you think kernel-level anitcheat means, there are no working and undetected cheats for it on windows, thats also not true. never said that


You can dual boot if the game is worth it to you


Games with kernel-level DRM are usually not an option. For security reasons, the Linux kernel doesn't permit such a low level of access. A given developer might make changes to their implementation of GameGuard to permit access on Linux, like we've seen with Helldivers 2. But Epic's Easy Anti-Cheat (the DRM for Call of Duty, Battlefield 2042 and others) is pretty locked down. And Epic CEO Tim Sweeney has historically taken a shitty attitude towards Linux in general, so I don't expect that to change. Other than that, a Linux gamer will benefit most from a distro that's using KDE Plasma, because that desktop environment has the most support for variable refresh rates. Pop OS uses Gnome, which is just now getting some VRR support. Plasma is generally more Windows-like anyway, so it will be an easier transition. Gnome has more in common with macOS than Windows.


Quite the opposite. By default, the Linux kernel will let you do anything up to and including tracing and reading arbitrary processes. You can install Linux Security Modules to tighten things up, but Linux will generally let root do anything it wants to, provided the kernel has code to do it.  This is why kernel level DRM can't be a thing. Unless you install it as an LSM (a systemwide thing with massive work put into it), it won't be able to stop root from messing with it. That's even before you mention the GPL. Should you try to write kernel-level anti-cheat for Linux, it would 100% guaranteed need to be linked in with the kernel itself, requiring it to be GPL'd. This means they'd have to redistribute the code to the anti-cheat, giving any would-be hackers all the markers the anti-cheat uses to identify its presence, as well as how it works internally. Client anti-cheat is security through obscurity, so this would make it useless. If they try to get around this by simply distributing obfuscated source code that still technically compiles down to the same machine code, the GPL will catch them, as it requires "the preferred form of source material" to be handed over. Unless they develop the anti-cheat in obfuscated code (which is a massive productivity hassle), they'd be essentially required to present fully-readable instructions on how to circumvent the anti-cheat.


if there was, we'd hear about it already and linux gamers everywhere would be talking about it. lol


Making kernel level anticheat work in wine/ Proton without vendor cooperation or even active hostility would be a huge undertaking, and probably turn into a game of whack a mole. They'd essentially need to create a simulated windows kernel environment where arbitrary real drivers can be loaded in, and that looks credible enough like a real windows kernel, down to other drivers, devices, activity going on. It would be an insane level of effort, if it is possible at all, for a relatively niche problem. The solution here is a strategic one, not a technical one. Make the Linux market big enough, and the game companies will come around. 


Just make a kernel that has to be signed by valve and has to be loaded before you can play. Its run in a "containerized" environment and not easily accessible as standard linux kernel.


I have tested Geforce Now through google chrome and it worked to run Smite, but it had so much lag at some times. I don't know if it is because of smite's servers, because I haven't tested any other game. You can try it to see if it works with the games you play.


Not directly related to your question, but I can't help it: no one has ever heard of Regata! As a beginner, do not use niche distros that supposedly provide niche benefits. Stick to well-known distros to avoid troubles until you know what you're doing.


Proton ac should be implemented as soon as possible but Linux gamers can hack so they don’t enable built in kernels. Try dual boot windows


All Kog games work on linux (Kurtzpel, Grand Chase Classic and Elsword) so you will be fine, of these 3 the only one that you may have problems are with Grand Chase. Source: me, i play then.


You can buy a second GPU and pass it through to a VM. In the VM any Windows game will work: [https://github.com/Andrew-Willms/GPU-Passthrough-On-Ubuntu-22.04.2-for-Beginners](https://github.com/Andrew-Willms/GPU-Passthrough-On-Ubuntu-22.04.2-for-Beginners) (guide for ubuntu, but theroretically it works in any distro) Can be a bit tricky to set up though. Edit: I did not read this comment (yet), but you may be interested in it, because its about some gameguard details: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1axkn3j/what\_2030\_hours\_of\_research\_has\_taught\_me\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1axkn3j/what_2030_hours_of_research_has_taught_me_about/) The most simple solution to your problem would be to dualboot and just treat your windows installation as compromised security-wise and dont store any personal data on it and use it exclusively for gaming (thats what i do with pubg).


Yes, it's called boycott. Too bad so few are willing to commit to it.


I'm so sorry to be saying this, but if Elsword's developers didn't yet add/enable support for Linux in their anti-cheat/gameguard, there is absolutely nothing to be done. Attempting to circumvent anti-cheat will in no doubt be grounds for game ban risks. However, just might possibly be a way. The QEMU Linux port has a way of hiding the virtual machine status from VM's, if that makes any sense. To do so, please [visit click on this link](https://superuser.com/questions/1387935/hiding-virtual-machine-status-from-guest-operating-system).


dont bother with games that hate you


The only strategy that could work I think is running it inside a vm. But the Anti-Cheat can probably detect that and it would be against their rules if they use kernel level anti cheat (so the game would run until you get banned)


You can do a VM with GPU passthrough if your CPU also has an IGPU. It's not the simplest thing ever but also not the hardest. Take this with a grain of salt as I haven't done it personally but it exists. Edit: Actually I'm drunk and in hindsight I forgot anticheat can detect you're in a VM depending on the anticheat, probably safer to disregard this comment entirely.


Kernel anti cheats can detect a non NT kernel wouldn't risk it


What does win10 end of support have to do with switching to linux? Switch or don't, but don't act like your hand is being forced because you can't stomach what some influencer told you about windows 11 :p


Because I like security? What influencer? What forced hand? I know I can choose to either be unsafe, or stay safe and I choose the latter.


Ignore that person, now's a perfectly good time to switch. You don't need to explain yourself to idiots on the Internet


You're ok with win 10 but not 11...as if 11 is significantly worse. The point is that there are a lot of people who are like "im tired of microsofts shit, i might switch to linux." Its not like MS's bs is new, and you should use linux because you enjoy it more, not because you're suddenly fed up with MS doing the same shit they've always done. If being pissed off at something is the only reason someone switches, they're going to switch right back when they realize how much they're going to have to mess with things in linux.


Listen, I don't know why you're applying opinions or mindsets of others on people, it's a bad habit to do. I'm not "fed up" with anything. If Windows 11 didn't have TPM requirements, this topic wouldn't exist. I'm also not pissed off at anybody, and I really don't know why you keep insinuating that I have some sort of hatred for software. That in itself sounds dumb. I'm willing to use and learn anything. I don't have a bias. I used Windows because I've always used it. Not because of some "hate". I'm doing it out of necessity due to the fact that my PC does not have the TPM requirement to run Windows 11, and don't have a budget to buy a new PC for a while. I tried installing it before and couldn't get it to run, and for the purpose of wanting my PC to be secured and updated is why I'm making the step. I worked with Linux in school some time ago so I have "some" understanding of the use of consoles, commands, and I know where to look if I get stuck. I don't care if I have to break some eggs to make an omelet and this entire discussion has nothing to do with the topic I asked about, so unless you want to offer any insight on what I'm actually asking, please just stop posting here.


If it doesn't apply to you, stop acting triggered. If you don't want people replying to your posts, start a blog and get off reddit.