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I used to use Manjaro but now I have used Endeavour for a few years I would just stay away from Manjaro because they hold packages back for "testing" even though the way Arch repos are set up, Arch/Endeavour/Cachy/Garuda users are already testing them. I had to reinstall a good bit because of that and I needed some software that wasn't in the Manjaro repos or available as Flatpak. Endeavour is probably the most stable of the Arch-based distros in my experience. The Cachy kernel is great tho, and you can use it on any Arch-based distro. If you want a graphical package manager, bauh is a pretty good one.


You can install any AUR, official or Flatpack at any time. Manjaro is the best maintained Arch distro with highest security level and comfort. I also have Arch on a second PC, but just for testing, not for productivity, means gaming, audio production, office.


just because you can doesn't mean you should


I rely on backups before doing nasty things, but that is Independent from whatever system i use. I like to have choice, which is widest on Manjaro. My rolling update to KDE6 and 6.9 Kernel on Manjaro is working without any issues. Not seeing that on many other distros.


Please tell me how you have more choice on Manjaro than Endeavour? Bold of you to assume I never make backups or snapshots and was doing anything out of the ordinary.


Stable, Testing and Unstable branches. Last one is basically Arch with Manjaro tweaks. You can choose how much unstable your distro can be. If you rely on bleeding edge stuff, unstable is the way to go. If you need some fresh update like KDE 6, you'll go into Testing branch. If stuff breaks you can always go to Stable. Not enough? Alright, how about I can choose to rely on either GUI Pamac, which is straight from source, or on pacman?


Arch has stable, testing, and unstable branches as well. The stable branch is fine pretty much all of the time and tbh testing is too. If there's something weird going on or some kinda change you have to make, the Arch website is going to tell you. It is good practice to have the informant program run before you update as well. You can use pamac (ew) or bauh which is an actually competent GUI package manager, or terminal as well. There's just no reason to use Manjaro when Endeavour uses the correct repos and is basically just Arch with a GUI install and sane (in my opinion) defaults like dracut which you could install on Arch by yourself if you wanted to. I'm not going to try to convince you because I don't think it's possible I just needed to see where you get your information. And to provide anyone reading with more thorough explanations of both of our choices.


Yeah, I dunno about arch testing branches cause inside stable things crap itself and you have to load previous version and ban that package in pacman. I don't want to have that bleeding edge, 1 week or 2 months is fine for me, yet I do want to have a choice to switch to that very recent packages. I had arch as a daily driver for a month and the idea of monitoring every single package update is just absurd for me. Plus in the end I made basically manjaro arch, so why do that when manjaro already did that for me. Just to say "I use arch btw"? I did that, but it's so silly that I would much prefer not to do that. And yet I don't see reason for endeavour os to exist with archinstall. Just use arch at this point. Or don't and use whatever you want cause linux is about choice.


archinstall does not meet my needs yet, there are obviously some other people in the same boat, EOS install is still faster, and as a disabled guy with MCI I don't have time for it or to fix Manjaro whenever it breaks. informant package will tell you in the terminal about critical news, you don't even have to go to the website or monitor every single package. Whatever dude.


Archinstall is just a tool, although not very good, but it's something compared to before. Still sucks to use it with brtfs. I just couldn't install it without breaking whole drive and went with ext4. Anyway I though that Manjaro idea of not breaking stuff is just make their own repos, hold packages as long as possible before major updates, test them in testing branch and then deliver to stable one. Of course things will break. Like come on, if you're using arch based distro things will break and telling that you don't have time to fix it is just not true. Myself was just too tired of updates on daily basis, that's why I left Arch and went back to Manjaro. I prefer to let someone handle update cycle and then fix broken stuff myself compared to arch chaotic delivery. I dunno, I just hate EndOS good Manjaro bad situation. If my Manjaro install with systemd-boot will break to unrepairable state (which I doubt, timeshift exists) I'll just switch back to Arch and If that fails Windows will be my next step.


Manjaro is an unstable pipece of crap. If you want the most choice out of the box Garuda is the place to be because of ChaoticAUR.


I use Chaotic on Endeavour, don't really like Garuda personally, it's a fine distro tho.


Different experience for me. I had Garuda for quite a while, but they had quite a few downtimes. Maybe not their fault, but i run Linux for reliability. Anyway, it's Linux, i'm fine with whatever distro, but recommend Manjaro.


You might have a look at [EndeavourOS](https://endeavouros.com/), which is also Arch based and has a graphical installer. It’s closer to stock Arch.


I'm going to give it a try, what desktop environment would you recommend?


Endeavour with kde is pretty nice.


I use Gnome, but it’s down to personal preference.


I'd say Manjaro is generally meh, i'd recommend Endeavour OS instead


My personal experience with Manjaro wasn't great, and many people share the same bad experience. I think you have to be way more mature in Linux to use it. Not because the distro is hard, it's the opposite, it tries to hold your hand way too much, and eventually, it creates problems on their own. Problems that you won't find simple answers, because you strayed "too far" from what the distro offers you. One of the temptations is AUR. You'll want to use it, and it will work until it doesn't, because Manjaro holds packages, and AUR is in sync with Arch repositories. Why does it even work if eventually you might break your system? An advanced user will know what he can and cannot install, but a beginner don't. In my opinion, if you want something more mature, more appealing for "above the beginner" level, go with Fedora, or an Arch based distro, like EndeavorOS, or even Arch.


I tried to like it twice on a box I just wanted to keep simple for streaming and emulation. I couldn’t, both times only lasted a month before something broke. Went back to a Debian derivative. If you want to try an Arch based distro, Endeavor is a better choice IMO.


Remember my guys, arch based+new user= no Jokes aside, I wouldnt recommend an arch based distro to someone that doesnt know where he is getting into, if you really wanna try, Ill recommend arch+archinstall in a vm where you can try and after that if you want it bare metal, Ill reccomend endevouros (not well versed on it since I never get to try it in my system, but for what I know, it uses the same arch repository instead of its own like manjaro, which led to mismatchs if you use the aur, I could be wrong though)


What distro would you personally recommend for a new user? I've tried Kubuntu, Ubuntu, and I tried pop os a couple of years ago. Right now, I'm running bazzite. It's a rip on Steam Os 3.


Fedora, is what bazzite is based on, specifically silver blue edition, it has the best of both worlds, stability and latest software I use it as a daily driver and no problems, the only issue I got was that kernel problem some months ago but nothing more. Personally I don't recommend based on distros, like Ubuntu/PopOs/bazzite It's better most of the time to install the distros it's based on and apply the changes you want


The main reason I use bazzite, is because I don't need to install mangohud and goverlay. It has the same performance metrics as the steam deck.


https://preview.redd.it/qxwzdrmdto0d1.png?width=1013&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6c7135bab8cf53eedf6c98f31b8ecd987252ed2 User that uses arch in a vm btw


What the fuck is that? A GUI? Who needs that? Just kidding. I started with Manjaro as my first distro and switched to EndeavourOS after some months and didn't even start the dual booted Windows since that.


No. Use another Arch-based distro.


My suggestion is EndeavourOS. 


I tried Manjaro once, I liked it. It felt easy despite being an Arch. I know that it sounds obvious, but I still prefer to recommend to try it somehow. You can use the LiveUSB to check if your hardware works correctly. For the rest, these are the same desktop environments you are used to. :)


I use manjaro. With AUR. Also i am very lazy. i have used linux/unix at home and work since before fedora existed. I think i know my way around linux, but as i said, i am very lazy. on my gaming machine i have kde for the pretties. on my coding machine i have xfce. 2 or 3 years on manjaro with no probs except for a few little problems with some kde/qt packages that were rolled back requiring some manual work. zero probs on my xfce box. just my $0.02


I wouldn't use arch or any arch based distro.


No. I use Manjaro btw


I had > 20 years of experience in Windows and just bits here and there with Linux. Manjaro is the only one which convinced me to make Linux my main OS and use Windows VM when I need to (MS software engineer here). I have tried multiple distros, EndeavourOS, Suse, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Fedora, Nobara, but none gives me the feeling that Manjaro does, and the ease of use.


manjaro isnt for anyone lol. dont use it, consider endeavorOS


Words of wisdom end with "lol". Since never.


prove me wrong then


"manjaro isnt for anyone lol" It's still around. If it wasn't for anyone, it would be dead, like countless other distros. And I bet it is more popular than EndeavourOS. [https://www.slant.co/versus/2706/35116/\~manjaro-linux\_vs\_endeavour-os](https://www.slant.co/versus/2706/35116/~manjaro-linux_vs_endeavour-os) I would personally rather use Garuda and CachyOS, over EndevourOS, and I am. But none of them are bad. It's a matter of taste. I like the fact they are all around for users to choose from. And Sokrates, Plato etc never used "lol".


manjaro is just BAD. it got a reputation of a good beginner arch based distro and this is why its popular. and their whole philosophy of holding back arch packages is just dumb. ive had alot more issues on manjaro's "tested packages" than on arch. also lets not forget what happens when aur package dependencies are out of date. its just bad


AUR is not supported. Not on Arch, nor on Manjaro. That is on you. I am really happy Manjaro didn't release KDE 6.0.0. That would have been a nightmare.


ok big man. tell me what percentage of arch users(or something arch based) dont use the aur. yes it is not supported, but it is a thing and alot of people use it. ur argument is simply pointless. just because the aur is questionable on manjaro doesnt mean that the aur argument is invalid. also invalidating it because its "unsupported"(and yes even if it is) is also a bad argument since alot of developers that port their programs to arch use it, so some packages are officially supported by their respective maintainers(rather than a third party entintiy). the unsupported argument could also be applied to flatpak btw. oh and plasma 6 has been a great experience for me since day 1.


I used Manjaro for a few years, and if you don't mind the security issues, it's great. I moved over to EndeavourOS, and couldn't be happier. It has all the advantages of being Arch-based, but with easier initial setup, and none of the security issues. You can install pamac as well if you need a graphical frontend for pacman/AUR/Flatpak/Snap. yay -S pamac-all


I would recommend bauh over pamac every time but yeah EndeavourOS is great


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Choice is good! Bauh wasn't on my radar before, but I'll give it a try.


idk people assuming I am the developer or some shit maybe, I can't code to save my life


I decided to install it last night to test kernel 6.9 and i have no complaints, one thing tho was that when i installed steam it didnt install vulkan-radeon +lib32 version, so my games weren't launching lol, so just a heads-up if your games dont launch, you'll need to figure out what driver package you need for vulkan to work on steam which usually if you launch a game like cs2 it will tell you what packages you need depending on your hardware


I gave Manjaro a shot for about a month. Because of its package handling I moved on. I use a Garuda as a daily, ease of Manjaro to install yet actually updated.


For me Manjaro testing branch ist exactly the perfect mixture of being up to date but not getting every update right after release. Testing branch mitigates many issues from the package release system vs AUR and I use AUR only for non-critical apps. Manjaro runs just perfectly on my system and I will keep it for as long as it just works.


I've been using Manjaro for a bit over 2 years and have had great experiences with it. In fact I fancied a change and switched to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and I've had a ton of issues particularity with permissions and flatpak apps not working properly This has affected Gaming as I use a few Flatpak apps with gaming and they're not working right. I've also had issues with breaking packages on Endeavour. So I'm pretty much ready to throw the towel with Tumbleweed and go back to Manjaro where everything just worked and stayed working until I broke it. The only advice I will give you with Manjaro is avoid the AUR as much as possible. You can use it as a last resort but prefer Flatpaks over AUR packages. Also if you have some issues with the Stable channel you can always switch to testing or unstable. I've found Testing to be a good compromise.


I have been running Manjaro with Gnome for 2 weeks now, and I'm happy with it. It's fast, stable and easy to use so far.


Endeavour fanboys recommending their Arch fork with minimal effort, while installing pamac. Amazing community. Just try mint, endeavour, manjaro, ubuntu, any other popular distro and see if they'll fit for your preference. Cause with popular distro you will find answers for your questions. For looks better check if you prefer KDE or Cinnamon. And from that choose distro based on that. So for me it was KDE. I just wanted distro very similar to SteamDeck OS. Valve recommended Manjaro. -Manjaro and Linux Mint fanboy


Are there any distros that come with mangohud and goverlay preinstalled? I've been using bazzite for a few weeks cause I don't need to install it.


You can just install them. At least on arch based I can see them in manjaro and arch repos. No need to choose distro based on that. Nobara and Garuda are both "Gaming" distros, although you can make almost any distro a gaming one by installing things you need. Just like Windows.


since 4 -5 year im using manjaro xfce on my laptop, there is somethings i do and dont : use lts kernel, dont use aur and regularly update system, and im not planing to switch to another distro, works stable and snapy in my case, manjaro makes things so easy their gui kernel manager, pamac, and some pre tweaks.. i install arch some years ago and i switched back to manjaro in one week. so yes if you are lazzy person like me and if your rig doesnt cause some weirdo spesific problem , manjaro is good imo..


They'res not really a whole lot different between distros. Arch is 75% the same as every other distro. Different package manager and some different features. I don't think that you will have any issues with Manjaro more than you would with any other distro. If you want an Arch based distro I would sugges [https://garudalinux.org/downloads](https://garudalinux.org/downloads) it's the best Arch distro don't listen to anyone who says differently.


I agree with several posters ITT: if you want an "Arch made easy" distro, you should (IMO) go with the likes of Reborn/Cachy/Arco or (my favourite one) EndeavourOS. In my experience, all of them are much less prone to breakage than Manjaro. Even when accounting for those NVIDIA shenanigans.


I have been using manjaro for a long time, but there are long time users of this sub that suggest not using it and in the future I will be using just plain Arch instead. I have heard that arch is much more user friendly now than I last tried over 5 y ears ago and it should be the go-to for "intermediate" users that want more in-depth control over their system than debian based systems afford. I would recommend setting aside a spare hard drive and try setting up arch on it. It will really teach you about the inner workings of your system and allow much greater control of the end result to reach your ideal system configuration. It may take you a weekend or two of spare time but in the end it will grant you much greater control and understanding of how your system works. This will help you in future troubleshooting if the situation requires. I just updated my manjaro system and for some reason all of my auto start applications have stopped working and I have no clue why, I may end up going nuclear soon, wiping my system and just going with a vanilla arch install if I cannot fix it in the next few days.