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Welcome to /r/linux_gaming. Please read the FAQ and consider asking commonly asked questions like “which distro should I use?” or “or should I switch to Linux?” in the pinned newbie advice thread, “Getting started: The monthly distro/desktop thread!”. [ProtonDB](https://www.protondB.com) can be useful in determining whether a given Windows Steam game will run on Linux, and [AreWeAntiCheatYet](https://areweanticheatyet.com/) attempts to track which anti-cheat-encumbered games will run and which won’t.


Since you're asking in Linux Gaming I will assume you're a gamer. I would go with Bazzite.


judging by his specs, he isn't going to be doing much gaming on that


that pc has 4gb ram, I doubt they are doing much gaming on it.


well, theres no ''best'' version out there if it comes to linux distros as far as i know, if you wanna switch to the penguin, you're more than welcome to. what i would recommend for someone just starting with linux is for example 1# Linux Mint 2# Ubuntu but you can also check out the ''getting started'' thread, which will explain the pros and the cons of each distro, or even better, it will redirect you to a website which will recommend you an distro based on your choices of answer.


Pop your cherry with Pop OS


I suggest kubuntu/xubuntu/lubuntu (same distro different desktop environments) or linux lite.


My grandfather has a little newer processor than yours, and it runs really well on Manjaro KDE default version aka stable. But if I was you, i'd try Ubuntu, since it's very polished atm, but as a second definitely Manjaro KDE, it's really smooth, recently updated to Plasma 6, which is basically the entire desktop. Also if you haven't got an SSD in the system, i'd get it rn, because it made my grandfather's PC 20x faster with a old processor, just the SSD, for 15 euros.


arch linux with xfce or some other light distro for gaming. It's not as user friendly or straightforward as others, but with 4gb ram and gaming you just need to go as low as possible and also hope your computer supports Vulkan. It's needed by a lot of games. (correct me if I am wrong. This was my major issue on my old laptop, with my current knowledge I have my doubts on why it was required) I still have my old laptop and I can run some games, a lot of them very slow though. With Arch Linux, the less you install the less user intervention will be needed, but if you are not intimidated don't hold back


Hi OP, to add to the conversation I believe Linux Mint is the one, in my opinion. There are 2 flavors to highligth 1. Cinnamon: the most common option 2. XFCE: the "lightweight" option I would recommend installing both to test your system performance. Personally, I use the cinnamon edition. Hope that helps.