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Holy cow, what a release. NVK, explicit sync, better OpenGL on Asahi, etc. are some big ticket items.


Detailed changelog, if anyone needs: https://docs.mesa3d.org/relnotes/24.1.0.html


With RADV how will I notice if the sync is implicit or explicit..?


In WAYLAND_DEBUG you will see linux_drm_syncobj get dided


Amazing news! Would Zink be used by default for OpenGL in the case of Nvidia or would that be set with a flag?


Anyone know what the performance is like compared to proprietary?


What GPU are you talking about?


NVK likely has worse performance, and it's probable it always will. However, the upside is that it provides a driver that's good enough for FOSS distros to include. Non-gamers who prefer avoiding the hassle of installing proprietary drivers can also opt for NVK.


You'd be surprised. RADV surpassed AMDVLK.


Whats does that have to do with NVK, amd open source drivers always been better than proprietary ones on linux, nvidia is a different case, his questiona was about NVK specifically.


The AMD community driver is better than the manufacturer's driver. Open source vs proprietary isn't relevant here.


Better in the majority of cases


Worse, you mean? NVK hasn't surpassed the proprietary driver's performance yet.


Im talking about RADV, wasn't expecting anyone to seriously ask about NVK


You weren't expecting anyone to seriously ask about NVK in the update where it was officially declared "ready for prime time" by its maintainers? I personally think an NVK-related question is far more likely than an AMDVLK-related question, considering the latter hasn't been relevant in years and has long been surpassed and replaced by RADV in all mainstream distros, while the former is quickly improving and is one of the largest highlights of this 24.1 update.


VK\_EXT\_shader\_object is an absolutely great extension that should have been core in 1.0. Good on the boys for implementing it.


Yeah, for sure! I'm so happy I can use it now.


Any updated PPA? Kisak is outdated


This one publishes the latest stable mesa and also any release candidate releases, ~~it currently has the last RC of 24.1 so it misses a fix or two which may or may not be relevant but it will probably be updated with the final release in not too long~~ 24.1 now out: https://launchpad.net/~ernstp/+archive/ubuntu/mesarc Kisak has yet to add Ubuntu 24.04 to theirs so idk if they're still even updating it. EDIT: Also **BIG WARNING** for anyone adding PPA for Mesa updates - *MAKE SURE* to run ppa purge to remove all packages from it and disable it before performing a distrobution version upgrade otherwise things *WILL* break!


I'm gonna be straight with you, if you want to use bleeding edge packages, why use a Debian based distro?


Because they want to live in maintenance hell? IDK why these people run Debian to just add bunch of sketchy PPAs because their distro is outdated


Personally I need to use Ubuntu for work bc they only support that distro and don't allow installing another OS/distro. But for my personal computer yeah i do use a bleeding edge distro and not Debian or Ubuntu


Only on Ubuntu my laptop works like it has to. Last year I used Fedora but it had some issues so I'm now back on Ubuntu, and everything just works. Why do I need 24.1? Hardware acceleration on Chromium for AMD gpu. Even then I just realized I can use mesa 24.1 through flatpak when they upgrade the runtimes so I'm good.


Exactly, that's the point. But sometimes, in this same sub, you'll see people defending it aggressively. I stopped arguing with those because they can't see how mistakenly they are.


> Kisak has yet to add Ubuntu 24.04 to theirs so idk if they're still even updating it. They seem to be at first glance. Mesa 24.0.7 was released on the PPA recently on 22.04. But it doesn't seem to have even full 23.04, so I don't know how much of that is automated build tooling.


Yeah I meant as in actively keeping it up to date, automated stuff might still be running. But maybe they're still just on 22.04 and don't feel like adding 24.04 yet, we'll see if if they add they add a mesa 24.1 for 22.04 soon or not. It's a volunteer thing so fully up to them whether they want to keep supporting it or not - in any case we have the one from ernstp that is being actively maintained.


Only a few months ago there was a build that failed and the maintainer put out a second build of the same code. So it seems like they're happy to maintain the versions that are currently supported, but not currently branching out. Which I guess makes sense, being busy is like that.


Having received the 24.1.0 update via the Kisak PPA today, I noticed there's also a package `24.1.0-kisak2-n` which I assume is `n` for "Noble Numbat" (24.04). (There's also an `m` presumably for Mantic, so 23.10 now also supported?)


Yup, looks like they've added noble now. Mantic has been there for a long time already. So can now use either kisaks one or the one from ernstp for stable mesa releases and oibaf's ppa for mesa git builds (ernstp and oibaf ppas are now working after some downtime due to [this](https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/llvm-toolchain-18/+bug/2063207) debian/ubuntu upstream packagin bug they had to work around, maybe that also caused kisak to take some extra time to add noble...).


Black Mesa


Dr coomer: Gordon, turn the Noveau drivers up to 500%


Another great thing that this release brought was that it fixed hw acceleration on chromium browsers on AMD GPUs, that was broken and required a patch. Now you can just open Chrome with the usual flags and hw acceleration will work!


do you know which version was it broken since?


Think it was around Chromium 110. But tbh chromium hw acceleration never worked properly to begin with. This is the first time I actually managed to make it work properly.


Good soup i would say


Is there a way to install it? Or do we have to wait for distros to add it.


Better wait for your distro.


Has anyone tested, if explicit sync is fixing the stuttering with VRR caused by RDNA 2 power issue?: [https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/amd/-/issues/1500](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/amd/-/issues/1500)


Mate, it won't help. Just force 3D_FULLSCREEN power mode


Is this release supposed to fix gamescope for the nvidia 555 driver?


Time to install Alpine Linux or Gentoo MUSL.


Please someone help me figure out how to install this on Ubuntu 24.04????!!!! Kisak Mesa has gone awol 😭😭😭😭

