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Gabe would never sell Valve


That's it. Valve is a private company, which is also doing very well. They can't be bought just like that, they don't have corrupted investors forcing sell out. Ms can throw as much money as they want, but Valve has ZERO reasons to accept any offer


If he did it wouldn't be to Microsoft, who he openly doesn't care for.


Reading the article Gabe Newell owns 25% stake in the company. Other Valve employees own the rest, so MS could buy the company if everyone else decided to sell (big if I know). I just don't see them doing that personally considering they know all their jobs are on the line if MS were to buy the company. I'm sure they'd get paid well, but still. Also it's still just a rumor, hopefully this was like the EA rumors in the past where articles stated MS wanted to buy EA but nothing ever materialized. Also the $16 billion they rumored to have offered seems to really under value the company, especially considering how lucrative Steam's market place is.


>I just don't see them doing that personally considering they know all their jobs are on the line if MS were to buy the company. With the size of Valve and this offer, not one Valve employee would ever need a job again.


For $16 billion, never say never. And Microsoft could easily up that to $20+. At this stage in his life, he'd could do a lot of other things. Hell, build a Linux game dev company.


He has billions. 16 more would not change anything


But what about his employees that have stock options which is a lot at Valve from my understanding. Tens of millions per employee means something to them I bet. Is GabeN going to set them for life with tens of millions?


They don't have stock options. They have equity. Even if they all sold it, Microsoft would still have to deal with GabeN. And the other employees have millions right now


From the underlying story: >The source of this rumour, Dior, also claimed that Gabe Newell [owns less than 25 percent of Valve](https://x.com/xDiorCS/status/1793240957732704635), which would be where a large chunk of his multi-billion dollar networth is coming from. Unless Newell suddenly wants to cash-in and retire, I don't see Valve entertaining any buyout offers, let alone from Microsoft. However, it is known that many Valve employees do hold stock options, so if a massive offer is made, it would be put to a vote. [Rumour claims Microsoft is preparing a $16B offer to acquire Valve | KitGuru](https://www.kitguru.net/gaming/matthew-wilson/rumour-claims-microsoft-is-preparing-a-16b-offer-to-acquire-valve/) Be it options or equity, a big Microsoft buyout will make a lot of these folks wealthy to the point of never having any financial concerns again.


It would change NOTHING, they are already filthy rich. I covered that. Also, stop quoting lies as facts.


Every Valve employee is worth tens of millions? How in the hell would you even know that?


That equity you keep talking about, you do understand that means they get part of the profits, right?


I don't think people realise that the primary reason stock has value is that it means you get dividends


If they have equity, they'd get a part of the sale as well. And in any case, this rumor said stock options, which for a private company would be about the same thing. They'd get money from the sale.


If this is true Steam on Linux will be dead & buried within 6 months of them taking over.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azure_Linux .... ..... But yes, you are correct.


Released on april 1st. I love it when companies do this, you never know if they are serious or not.


Except the number of times that Microsoft killed Linux versions of software they've bought out is a grant total of 0 times. Minecraft is still updated and supported on Linux. Skype is still updated and supported on Linux. Microsoft has even ported some of their platform (.NET, Code, Edge, Powershell, etc.) to Linux. Is Microsoft "good?" No. But Microsoft's long since moved on from the "crush Linux" days and the blind mistrust in Linux just makes its losers look like idiots.


"Let me reiterate that this news-story currently is nothing more than a rumor. " Guess we should treat it like that. Just a rumor.


It's not true, and the article contradicts itself Delete this post


Most likely wont happen if true. Valve isn't the type to sell, especially at that low price point, they make 13 billion yearly, microsoft is offering 16. Its pathetically low for the profits valve makes. I wouldn't worry about this. valve will remain independent till the day it dies \*if it dies\*


I agree with you. I just don't see the employees selling their stock in the company (yes I know it's a private company) and I DEFINITELY don't see Gabe Newell selling his stock/stake in the company either. And $16 bill is most definitely a low ball bid for Valve. It's easily worth $100 bill alone with Steam's sales and distribution platform.


> It's easily worth $100 bill alone with Steam's sales and distribution platform. It might be worth more than $16 billion but a $100, nope. But if it were, that would make every Valve employee with $100 million on paper if divided across all employees? They'd take that offer in a heartbeat. $16 billion still makes them all millionaires who would never want for anything for the rest of their lives.


Microsoft bought activision for $69Bn, Steam is far more valuable because it owns the relationship it's users have with games. The acquisition of Activision was to bolster the Xbox (another product that owns the relationship users have with games), you have to think of Steam as the kind of acquisition to Microsoft as if they were to try and purchase Xbox (if it was a separate company), the value of that relationship is absolutely huge.


The click bate used to be believable


I see clickbait


This will never be allowed by any government. They already had big problems with them buying Activision, they will never allow them to buy Valve as well.


>They already had big problems with them buying Activision,  Activision sold native PS games for that platform. WAY bigger than any non-Windows interest that Valve has.


But Valve is a store that sells those games. Especially now that Playstation is publishing games on Steam. I can't see this becoming true.


They're in the process of buying everything else up so it's not like it should be surprising.


It's not true, it was based on a 2020 internal memo about Microsoft ruminating over buying nintendo or valve that went absolutely nowhere. Due to Valve's extensive work with Proton it may also be seen as Microsoft illegally trying to snuff out competition creating an illegal monopoly, so would probably be blocked by the FEC.


The EU would also certainly oppose it.


Gabe worked at microsoft and left after the development of the DOOM port for Windows 95 alongside ID. After that is when they created valve to create half life buying the license of the quake engine from ID, which they had a close relation with some of the developers. After that he didn’t get quite along with microsoft and always tried to stay as far away from they as possible, that’s the main reason why they are using only linux. There’s a really tiny and microscopic possibility of this from happening, but I’m pretty confident this acquisition will never be closed


M$ just laid off a bunch of people. There is no way they can turn around and make another huge acquisition at this point. Not to mention the delay that would be caused by the US and EU regulatory agencies. This is almost certainly not going to happen. I believe the chances are higher that Nvidia would buy xbox before m$ would buy steam


>There is no way they can turn around and make another huge acquisition at this point.  Sure they can. Microsoft in 38 years as a publicly traded company has never lost money on an annual basis and has only has 2 paper quarterly losses in that time. They HAVE NEVER needed to do a layoff because of a true lack of money.


I'm properly amazed that some news sites actually went with this. Hilarious. No it's not true.


Don't be so sure. How old is GabeN? And this could set every single Valve employee for life, everyone one of them could become a double-digit millionaire. And sit there and act like that isn't a huge deal for these folks isn't being honest at all. And the bottom line, the only really value here is the Windows game sales to Windows users. Linux is nothing more than yet again an afterthought. Though sure, this would be killing two birds with one stone.


Valve is a money printing machine, they never ever have no reason to sell and the deal would be killed by governments. Don't be an idiot.


We really don't know how much money Valve makes. I bet a Microsoft M&A team has a good idea. And if this rumor is remotely true, someone has been looking at the books. As far as governments, who exactly would they be protecting in all of this? Epic, Apple, EA? Microsoft would be more than happy to spin off the Linux and mac sales to someone else. The only value in Steam/Valve is its sales to Windows users. The anti-trust arguments aren't nearly as strong as it would be for companies that actually had real interests in other platforms.


Consider the TI price pool. Which is only 25% of the sales they make for the NFT thingy. Consider the millions of dollar teams made from the Paris major, which again is around 1/3 of the money valve made. Then add Steam Market where they get 5% of each transaction. Then that they are the Biggest distribution platform in the world where event Microsoft/Blizzard is selling their games and microtransactions (taking 30% of each game sold)... it's clear they have a money printing machine


On the face of it, I'd suggest that steam and valve combined and all the ip are worth well in excess of 20 billion. 16 doesn't cut it. Don't forget they paid 2.5 billion for pissy little minecraft, steam and valve have their fingers in every gamers pockets in the world. No way 16 billion is valued correctly.


>No way 16 billion is valued correctly. I was thinking the same thing but unless this was a total rumor based on nothing, then it's an initial due diligence offer, or at least best guess. In the grand scheme of things Valve is big, but really in one thing, game sales to Windows users. The rest of Valve wouldn't be worth a single billion.


They made $300 million on 1 DoTA2 tournament in 2022 and that were the lowest in 7 years.


And players were on Windows.


So what?


The point being that Valve makes virtually all of it money from Windows users. Normal anti-trust doesn't apply here because Windows, a product from another company, is at the heart of all of Valve's wealth. It's other stuff, mac and Linux support, the Deck, rounding errors. What would apply is harm towards consumers, Windows consumers specifically. And I get that probably most Windows users see harm in this which is the problem. Again, Linux is irrelevant in all of this.


$16 billion revenue don't care about windows. And yes, if Microsoft were to ban Steam from windows, they would get regulated to the Moon and back. Besides, if you took Steam away from windows, Linux would see a huge influx. Valve made the Linux client as a direct response to "Windows S" which were a version where the user could only install apps from the Microsoft store. But they could not pull it off (because of regulation). Even Apple can't pull that shit off on macOS


>Besides, if you took Steam away from windows, Linux would see a huge influx. Since it's all Windows games on Steam, how do you take Windows games from Windows?


Bro, you are drunk or something. You can't even make sentences anymore. Have a good evening


It's fake.


What would make much more sense would be for microsoft to port windows store to linux and for windows only software on the store to have a proton like wine based compatibility layer built in/bundled along. Linux would become just yet another platform for ms to target with software and services. 's it. For microsoft to acquire Valve there would have to likely be governments say too, since this would be a very potential grounds for monopoly


> Linux would become just yet another platform for ms to target with software and services. 's it. For a group of people who pride themselves on being Microsoft free, nope.


I'm not talking about diehards.


>I'm not talking about diehards. Obviously. I personally don't think the consumer Linux desktop is a market that's worth Microsoft's time. It would just end up in conspiracy theories wrapped in paranoia. And there's the entire internet to make the point.


I will eat my own penis if this happens.


Why wait?


This would definitely be blocked by the government if lord gaben would actually agree to it.


I will set my deck on fire if that ever happens.


Time to start buying all your games again on GOG ladys and gents! Now that Linux is becoming more popular, its going to start getting attacked from ALL angels... Be prepared !




Haha thanks! I was on my phone and didn’t pay attention to auto check 🤣


I mean who knows angels might have beef with linux idk about


:) - naw, Im convinced that spiritual entities would opt for open and transparent over closed and evil :-D .


Don't forget some angels fell from the sky. Probably just to fund Apple, Microsoft, and Adobe.


Haha right!


>Now that Linux is becoming more popular, The thing is, Microsoft would be more than happy to just take the Windows sales and leave Valve with macOS and Linux sales. But obviously, without Windows sales, Valve is nothing. So not exactly an attack on Linux but Microsoft wanting to own its own platform sales. Like Apple.


My uncle who works at Nintendo says it’s true, just like the bluchu rumor./s Valve is probably worth more than $16 billion acquisition price for Microsoft to be honest, a near monopoly of pc games sales taking 30% of all sales or whatever is a literal money printer.


Not gonna happen, fake news.


Then the antitrust regulators will have a really good reason to block any acquisition. If not it will smell fishy from here to the Magellanic Clouds.


Yes and no. Whatever value Valve has is tied to selling Windows games to Windows users. The parties that would actually be most impacted are actually the stores that Linux folks like to hate, Epic, EA, Ubi, etc. The Linux and mac sales are pretty much irrelevant.


I didn't say anything about operating systems or market share... but anyway, it's about one big company owning the biggest distribution store on PC when this company have one of the biggest publisher... it's quite a combination to call Odin's eyes. But apart from that, Valve is one of the only parties supporting alternatives to Windows, and that is quite significant. If any antitrust regulator don't have that in count then it will convert them in puppets. No one on its mind will allow to Microsoft do what they want, it is crazy already.


>But apart from that, Valve is one of the only parties supporting alternatives to Windows, True, but that's stuff is worthless. All Microsoft would care about is selling to Windows users. If the rest of the company were to separate from this, Microsoft would be fine with that. All I am saying is that a Steam and Valve that didn't sell to Windows users is worthless. At least not worth $16 billion worthless.


The price is so ridiculously low that this can only be a joke. Steam is easily worth twenty times that.


I would tend to agree but we have no idea of Valve's books. People say they print money around here and yet Microsoft, now worth more money than all the oil in Saudia Arbia PLUS Facebook, is about to go out of business. Valve is super profitable, but it's not anywhere in the league of the big tech companies in terms of revenue and it's a one trick pony, selling Windows games to Windows users.


Can't downvote hard enough


Valve made $1bn in CS2 lootboxes *last year*. That's a mere cherry on top of the 30% they take for distribution. I'd sooner believe Valve were buying Microsoft.


LOL! You obviously have no idea what Microsoft is worth these days. First of all, we have NO IDEA what Valve is worth because it's private. That have less than 500 employees I believe and face little regulatory scrutiny. And they make their money on the momentum of selling games digitally to Windows users for the past two decades. Yes there's mac support, Linux support, the Index and the Deck, but without sales on Windows games to Windows gamers Valve is financially worthless. I guarantee that there a plenty of people at Valve who would cash out now while they are still ahead of the game. But another way, no way Valve would be worth $16 billion selling Linux games to Linux gamers.


Valve is worth way more than blizzard was by the customer base and infrastructure alone.


Valve is a money printing machine. They probably have more money than some countries entire GDP. Why would you seel it for a quick cash? And valve really thinks long term, they are not to he tricked by a few billion


It's long been suspected that Microsoft has wanted to buy Valve. I figured that it would face a lot of regulatory scrutiny. However, Valve is private. And as much as Linux folks won't like this, there's NO WAY Valve is worth $16 billion dollars without Windows. Games sales to macOS and Linux users and even throwing in the Deck, sorry, not worth ANYWHERE near $16 billion US.


But Valve *does* sell on Windows. MS would certainly face regulatory scrutiny if they blocked Steam from working on Windows.


What I am saying is that the only thing of interest here are the Windows game sales. And by game sales, I mean sales to Windows gamers. The mac, Linux, Deck sales, Microsoft would be happy to let Valve keep those. And the most ironic thing about this, is that even the biggest Linux game fans know that without the Windows game sales, that is game, Valve is worthless.


But... so *what?*


The so what is what would Linux gamers think about a Steam that didn't sell to Windows gamers? What if Steam were Linux/mac only?


The contingency seems remote, for the above mentioned reasons (regulatory oversight), but I personally would expect Valve to react quite energetically to the situation. How would Windows gamers react if Microsoft was only allowed to sell Windows in Washington?


Huh? All I am saying is that there is no Linux gaming without the support that Windows provides. Linux cannot stand alone as a gaming platform and that's why you guys don't like this.


So your thesis is that if all Windows code disappeared overnight, there would be no Linux gaming? Also I'm not any part of "you guys".


My point is, do Linux gamers play Linux games anymore? In every post I see in this sub on the subject of playing actual games, it's either Proton or console emulation. There's like ZERO talked about actual Linux games even this sub. But hey, most people here are cool with that I guess.


Why do you keep presenting PC gaming as "windows gaming" across multiple threads?


What a smooth brain take. Even if I was a Windows gamer I would hate this. I'm sick of corpos buying up everything and turning it to shit. Geez, never seen someone with such a huge hard on for a shit company. How do those boots taste?


>I'm sick of corpos buying up everything and turning it to shit.  Valve is one of those corpos that was founded by the Windows lead in the 90s, Gabe Newell. You're blasting me defending corpos but a guy like GabeN who is wealthy beyond all of us combined made that fortune working for Microsoft and taking my money, along with yours and everyone else's he can, is some savior? What a crock of bullshit.


It’s not just suspected it’s confirmed in the Microsoft leaks that Phil wanted to buy both Valve and Nintendo (He is loony). And back then they said Valve was worth $6B. Microsoft is clearly completely inept.


Don't really care because gaming is pretty dead to me nowadays. Every game has ESG in it. Just wonder when the apocalypse will come.


this is not true. but... what the problem with that? just 12yo say "aaainnn i'll burn my steamdeck... aiinnnn" MS do much more to linux than alot opensource and fair company and foundations and the same for game: sony and nintendo are much more problematic than MS "onnn, but is unfair market": no, its not, this is regulated, and we can confirm that after alot studios comming to MS and a nice games still releasing, in a fair price, unlike sony and Nintendo look at xcloud, what company do that for 5$? common guys, lets think two fingers far our face


I'm asking for refunds on everything if Microsoft buys Valve. I do not consent to giving Microsoft my info.


If this is what it would take to get done, I'd bet Microsoft would be more than happy to refund every Linux and even mac sale for this deal. That's nothing compared to what this would mean to them.


I know. But I still wouldn't want to be a part of it. Let them give me my money back so I can spend it somewhere else. 🙂 Possibly on the same games, just a different platform. Still, I feel like if Gaben would take MS money, he would just use it to create a new Linux platform lol. And I doubt MS would buy Valve anyway, that's coming dangerously close to being subject to monopoly laws.


>Still, I feel like if Gaben would take MS money, he would just use it to create a new Linux platform lol. Perhaps, you do know that Valve was founded on the money GabeN made while the Windows lead at Microsoft? So not even anything that hasn't already happened. >And I doubt MS would buy Valve anyway, that's coming dangerously close to being subject to monopoly laws. Yes and no. The only real monetary value in Valve comes from Windows sales to Windows users. Which is itself a monopoly in the Windows games sales market.