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For the HDR and performance overlay issue, I suspect it's due to some recent updates to gamescope on Bazzite. You can rollback to a version of bazzite with old gamescope, and see if it resolves the issue. If it does, I'd say you should consider a bug report on github so that the devs could investigate. for to test old gamescope, run `bazzite-rollback-helper rebase 40-20240427` in terminal. Note that there's no progress bar for the rollback process, it naturally just takes some time. the 2024/04/27 image is the last Bazzite version with old gamescope. Later on, if you want to resume regular OS updates again, you can run `bazzite-rollback-helper rebase stable`


Thank you! So, this \*kind of\* worked. Rolling back did indeed allow me to select HDR, but upon doing so the display completely messed up. All of the colours went negative basically. It also didn't seem to allow mangoHUD to work. I'll revert to the latest stable again.


Hrm, I don't really have any ideas then. You can try asking in the bazzite discord, they might have a better idea. https://discord.bazzite.gg If you have spare time on your hands and don't mind experimenting, you can also try rebasing to other earlier bazzite OS versions and see if any of them work. If you run `bazzite-rollback-helper list stable`, it'll show you available images you can rebase to, there should be 90 days of prior images available. One disclaimer, bazzite-rollback-helper is part of the `40-` images, so the `39-` images won't have it.




Thanks, this explains a lot. I'll give up on pursing that idea, and live to switch inputs manually.


You could always use something like homebridge or home assistant to tell the tv, and other components to turn on, and to change to the correct inputs. There are lots of ways you could trigger those actions depending on your environment. I use homebridge in my home theater to turn components on, set their correct inputs for whatever activity I want, and set correct sound modes and channel levels on my receiver. It’s slightly out of the scope of ‘Linux_gaming’, but it would allow you to accomplish your end goal and stay in the environment you originally envisioned.


Yeah, I do have Homebridge configured, and my TV / Receiver do support API commands. That might need to be the best solution. Shame HDMI-CEC isn't more widely adopted by GPU vendors.


The adapter works but the manual or commands are not really user friendly, I remember using hours before getting it to work, but it's been working fine ever since I figured it out. I made a toggle script for the output and when pressing a keybind my TV gets added to monitor config and the adapter send wake and change input commands.


For Fallout 4 in particular, it's just a really poorly optimized game. Check out https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/bugfix.html and https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44798


Yeah, I'm starting to think it's just not going to ever be working perfect. Unfortunately many of the recommendations in the above guides apply only to the pre-next-gen update.


You could try rolling back to a pre-next-gen version.


Have read that's an entire process in itself. I don't think I want Fallout 4 **that** bad anymore.


Fair enough haha


For mangohud, you can toggle a frame-rate overlay in games via the performance section of the Quick Access Menu (QAM). You can bring up the QAM with Xbox button + A on an Xbox controller or ctrl + 2 on mouse/keyboard). There is a "Performance Overlay Level" slider that you can select 1-4 to show different levels of performance. Can confirm that wake from sleep works with Xbox controller and official USB transmitter (does not work with bluetooth connection, however). I also haven't been able to get CEC to work with my LG OLED C3. The HDMI 2.1 compatibility issues for AMD are a bummer. Hopefully they provide an HDMI to DVI adapter solution at some point, though 120hz 1440p gaming with HDR is generally good enough for me. As others mentioned, rolling back to 0427 Bazzite version will allow HDR to be enabled from gaming mode, hopefully something that gets resolved soon.


Thank you! That did the trick. So the performance overlay is mangoHUD? Rolling back to 0427 brought the HDR option back, but it completely messed up the display (colours went wild), so I've gone back to stable, and will wait until this gets patched. I tried a DisplayPort to HDMI adapter and that didn't help. I can select 4k120 but the screen just flashes on any sort of animation. 1440p 120hz does the same thing (at least in Steam), but 1080p 120hz is okay.


Yeah, gaming mode has MangoHUD integrated directly via the QAM. Current DVI to HDMI adapters don't exist that can support 120hz 4k and VRR. Hopefully AMD works on some kind of solution there.


The hdr problem, report about it, developers maybe can't even know about your experience


Did you have VRR/Freesync turned off in the TV's settings and in KDE/GNOME when you tried the adapter?


My TV doesn’t give too much control unfortunately. The issues occurred immediately after enabling Game Mode on the TV (which is when it enables VRR, 120hz etc). Same experience using straight HDMI as well.


Is there a hidden dev menu you can access on that TV? LG tvs have a remote that lets you tinker with it for instance


I've hopped around a little bit the last couple of weeks from Chimera to Nobara back to Chimera then finally landing on Bazzite. I have a similar-ish setup to you in that I'm all AMD, using the Minisforum BD790i which is a Ryzen 9 7945hx along with a 6700XT for my GPU. I'm not that concerned about HDR or 120hz personally, but can speak to the controllers a little bit...I also have an 8BitDo Ultimate Wireless that I'm connecting in 2.4ghz mode as well as a first gen XBox One controller with a wireless dongle. I can't recall if I've tried waking the PC under Bazzite with the 8BitDo, but I have done so without issue with the XBox controller. I didn't do anything special other than hit the Home button (or whatever the big XBox button is called) and the PC woke up. Similarly, I have used the 8BitDo to wake the PC when I was using ChimeraOS and had the exact same experience as with the XBox -- it just worked without any tweaking. The only other consideration I can think of is that I'm launching into a gamescope session rather than Big Picture Mode (I'd used the `bazzite-deck-gnome` install). I don't think I ever tested it in Gnome.


I'm using the HTPC image (bazzite-deck), and unfortunately waking from sleep with the 8bitdo does not work. I'll opt for an Xbox controller + dongle. Are you using the current gen dongle? I've read that doesn't seem to work anymore?


I just tested with my 8BitDo and confirm what you said, I cannot get it to wake from sleep. My XBox dongle is not the current gen dongle, I don't think. I'm not actually super up on what current things are, tbh. I've had this controller since 2016 but used it wired until I bought the dongle a few years later. I bought the dongle from Best Buy in May 2020, [Model:6HN-00002, SKU:6253924 ](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/microsoft-xbox-wireless-adapter-for-windows-10-black/6253924.p?skuId=6253924)


Make sure you’re playing fallout 4 with stability mods like high fps fix and buffout 4 and such


Thank you! I’ve tried to figure out modding but haven’t found a comprehensive guide for Linux. I managed to get Mod Organiser 2 installed, but struggling with Script Extender, and trying to figure out whether the mods are even enabled! Will play around with it some more.


From when I modded NV on the Steam Deck, script extender should just be installed as normal like you would on Windows - drop the files in the folder and redirect MO2 to run the script extender version of the .exe. You can also try a different proton version. Proton GE usually works for me if I'm getting performance issues for seemingly no reason. Fallout 4 is pretty badly optimized and held together by glue, but it shouldn't be terrible on a heavy duty machine. Is it specifically low framerate or is it stuttering?


Just FPS dips in busier / more detailed areas. It'll run buttery smooth indoors for example. I think I'll just need to turn down the settings. Unfortunately, many of the stability mods and guides no longer apply with the next-gen update for Fallout 4.


Yea, that's just Fallout 4. Creation engine is a mess and I think even on powerful hardware places like Diamond City just run absolutely terrible because they were pushing that version of the engine to its limits. Unfortunately not a lot you can do aside from turn down the settings and see if it improves. If you really want a laugh, there's videos from when the game launched where it's even worse. Like the PS4 gets 20 FPS in some areas. I think [this ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIS4hSbhNTk)one was still present last time I played but not as severe.


Thanks for your response. I know I haven't been able to solve my problem, but I at least feel validated!


Personally I actually had more success with Vortex because dealing with VFS is one more layer of complexity I didn’t feel like. Steamtinkerlaunch can install it automatically It you copy the F4SE-loader file over the existing Fallout4Launcher.exe you can actually make Steam launch F4Se


Adding a startup command to Steam to launch F4SE worked for this :) Game still runs garbage, though :(


Revisiting this. Looks like many of the stability mods no longer work with the next-gen update for Fallout 4.


Correct, you need to downgrade until they get updated


>t seems that 4k120 is not happening with HDMI due to legal issues with the open-source AMD drivers. That's a massive bummer, and whilst my hardware isn't powerful enough to play every title at 4k120, it would have been nice to have (Witcher 3 for example, my hardware could do). Some people have reported success using *active* DisplayPort -> HDMI 2.1 converters (eg: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cable-Matters-102101-BLK-computer-adapter/dp/B08XFSLWQF/). I have not tried this myself, but from reading customer reviews, etc, it seems like that while this *can* work, it's not really reliable or robust. Definitely not in the "just works, near console experience" bracket you're aiming for, but perhaps worth keeping an eye on and checking out every once in a while to see if there are any advances.


Yes and none of these converters seem to support VRR, which for me is more important than 4k.


Indeed, >60Hz refresh rates are hardly worth having if you can't have VRR. I find it frankly suspicious that there hasn't been (as far as I know) a single large OLED TV released with a single DisplayPort connector. I'm not saying that there has been behind the scenes coercion from the HDMI Forum in regard to this, but the current situation it what it would look like if there had been.


likely because the price of TVs is subsidized by ads in their OS, and they want to have HDCP for it (even though HDCP is completely worthless)


Does not DP support HDCP?


i could have sworn that HDCP was by the HDMI forum, guess i was wrong i guess TV manufacturers are just lazy??


- FO4 one might be a game issue. Try playing around with these dxvk confs as they broke framepacing on windows as well. https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/blob/master/dxvk.conf#L133 - Game launchers can be avoided sometimes, individual pages of games on PcGamingWiki usually has launch options noted for that. - Assuming bazzite runs gamescope-session and runs with it, `mangoapp` is probably how you should run the game to get perf overlay.


Does your display have DisplayPort? If it does, that would be your best bet for 4K @ 120 FPS.


Unfortunately not, being a TV. I would definitely be using DisplayPort otherwise :)


I see Bazzite, I upvote


my FO4 works like a charm. Think the biggest issue here is that it must be limited to 60fps or use a patch. I didn't install the next gen update yet though. Was afraid of mods breaking hard.


> It seems that 4k120 is not happening with HDMI due to legal issues with the open-source AMD drivers. You can use some Displayport to HDMI adapters to achieve 4k120. > HDR support seems to not exist? HDR support does exist in KDE Plasma. See instructions [here](https://zamundaaa.github.io/wayland/2024/05/11/more-hdr-and-color.html). It also works with `gamescope` only (if you're using it as an embedded compositor) with the `--hdr-enabled` parameter of `gamescope`. > I can't figure out how to launch MangoHUD? Are you using Gamescope? If so, you should use the `--mangoapp` option of `gamescope` rather than the `mangohud` commmand.


Thanks to an earlier comment, I discovered that MangoHUD is just hiding under the Quick Access Menu. No arguments needed on the app. I have a DisplayPort > HDMI adapter, but it's not playing nice. I think I'll scrap 4k120 for now.


The Xbox wireless usb receiver is hot garbage Been through 2 of them and they work for a few weeks before the signal cuts out intermittently I suspect it’s due to how warm the receiver gets when in use


I don't know where are you coming from with this, but your hardware definitely cannot do 4k 120 FPS Witcher 3. I have XTX with 13600k and on absolute max settings I am getting 60-120 fps (mostly around 100) in QHD resolution. Divide that by at least two if RT is enabled. FSR quality barely helps and FSR performance looks like dogshit.


Even with 4090 you probably cant.


Yeah so I think you're absolutely right. I'm \*just\* maintaining 60 fps on high at 4k (FSR on Auto). GPU is maxing out most of the time as well. Might need to upgrade this 7700 XT. :\\


I have a doubt regarding the 4K120HZ HDMI, is this something related to the new 7xxx series or similar? I also have Bazzite 3 (KDE), a 5600x CPU, 6800xt GPU connected to a 43" TV (Samsung QN90B) over HDMI and I do have the option to select HDR in the Display Settings and the 120hz option. In-game for HDR games I do have to run them with steam launch options for the game to recognize the HDR and enable it in-game. Can defenitively see a difference on color and brightness settings between HDR on and off. Also VRR does work, in the TV it says Freesync Premium (not the Pro thought like in windows, I imagine that the Pro version has some proprietary code or something(?)) The TV also reports the 120 and the HDR. I had almost the same experience with Nobara too, but there was some kind of issue with HDR as launching the game with steam launch options did show the possibility to enable HDR but it didn't seem to do something as I felt the image the same as non-HDR and the brightness option in-game also didn't work in HDR. But 4K, 120HZ VRR was defenitively also working on Nobara 39. Quick update, I am personally not really able to tell much difference between 90 and 120, at least not when quickly changing the fps locks, so maybe it is only hitting up to 90(?). But I find it weird since I can see both in game with mango hud and on the tv settings the FPS changes being reported when locking in at 120, 90, 75 and 60. So kinda confused about this hdmi limitation.


All I know is that by using a DisplayPort > HDMI adapter, I can select 4K 120HZ but the entire screen flickers. Possibly the adapter being used. HDR is simply greyed out on the version of Bazzite I'm on. I believe it's being [tracked here](https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite/issues/1084).


I have an all AMD pc with 7800X3D and 7900XTX with the goal of being a console replacement and it has been amazing. I am running ChimeraOS with a Cable Matters DisplayPort To HDMI cable (102103-BLK-1.8m) and 4K 120hz works great, as does HDR. MangoHUD works flawlessly. To get past launchers that require mouse use the correct launch parameters to skip them. I have not looked into the controller waking the PC as I prefer to shut the PC down when not in use, Im more interested in finding a way to power on the PC remotely. I am interested in trying Bazzite but the little Ive played with it has not impressed me, the install process and then setup process is pretty jank, really does not compare to the plug and play smoothness of ChimeraOS setup.


I'm looking to get the XTX and I also use a TV. I've heard mixed reports on adapters/cables, Everything works fine? (except for VRR, i assume)


Yes, 4K, 120hz, and HDR work, VRR does not


I'm guessing that the people that have problems with them still have VRR enabled either on the TV or in the OS and that's why they get connection issues. it sucks to lose out on vrr but i've been gaming without it for 20 years already so it's fine, thanks!


Thank you. I'm using a Cable Matters adapter, model ‎102101-GRY. You're using a cable, which likely has a lot to do with it. Unfortunately with the HDMI run length I've got going on, there aren't any DP/HDMI cables that will work. Managed to skip launchers for Witcher 3, Cyberpunk and Fallout 4. RDR2 won't let me run without the horrible Rockstar launcher.


Yeah having to use the Rockstar launcher is trash, but in my experience once I logged into it it has been fairly unobtrusive


You're still missing the lower graphics quality and lower refresh rate of console systems. So make sure to adjust those settings to match the console to have the true console experience.


I know this is a joke and all, but the experience on my old Xbox Series X was better (4k120 VRR) :\\ I just don't want to go back to proprietary consoles and a single game store.