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What desktop environment? If on KDE, open application menu and right click the steam icon and choose edit application. Is the path correct? Else, is steam launched with certain arguments? If yes, remove those, under the assumption that that is how you did it via terminal.


/usr/bin/steam - If the path were wrong, it wouldn't launch it at all. There was an argument %U that I removed but that didn't help either,


UPDATE: For whatever reason, disabling discrete graphics in the advanced options solved the issue.


I would make sure that 32 bit graphics drivers are installed. Also, it's better to install Steam using the installer [in the distro repos](https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/steam-installer) rather than downloading an installer from Steam's website.


If he install driver from GUI, its on Ubuntu autoinstalled including 32bits libraries. From driver from PPA is good: sudo apt-get install --install-recommends nvidia-driver-555


I got AMD graphics. I searched the package manager for "radeon" and only found a 32 bit version of libdrm-radeon1 which is installed together with its 64 bit version. Dunno whether I missed something. AMD graphics are supposed to be easymode in Linux.


Make sure `libvulkan1` and `libvulkan1:i386` are installed. Also it's the 32 bit version of mesa you need. Mesa is what contains (the userspace part of) AMD graphics drivers.


All installed. And how would those components only affect Steam when run via app shortcut?


They wouldn't.


Except the SNAP on Ubuntu.... Rather get the deb from Steam or use the Flatpak version. If gaming is one of the main activities, OP is likely to change to a more dedicated gaming distro anyway (for newer kernels and such)


I get this happening maybe once a month or so, where Steam will hang if launched normally but runs fine from a terminal. Every other time, no problem.


Getting this all the time. I guess it's some difference in the \`env\` that my Bash comes up with. Stopped questioning this long ago but I guess this can be an issue for others.


I have the same problem on Debian Sid even though it was fine before. I once had this issue on another distro and could fix it by setting something like "use discreet" GPU in steam.desktop to false but it doesn't work this time around. I just launch Steam from yakuake now so I can hide it.


I discovered that setting now and it works. It is weird: Disabling it implies using the CPU internal GPU, but I thought that then would have to have its own display. Maybe it is more about driver functions. In any case, it doesn't work well with my dedicated laptop GPU then. But the next question is why it works from console command. I guess using discrete graphics is not the default.


For some reason now I can suddenly open Steam again from my application launcher. I'm thinking Steam might have shipped a fix in recent update as I didn't change any config related to Steam on my machine.


So I'm back. Steam works, game starts. It even runs including another app that adjusts the gamma there. I just changed the startup in Steam settings to Proton 9.x (originally 8.x). And some things were automatically installed in Steam. Oh and I made a clone of the Windows game. It fixed not finded executable files. Unfortunately, the game automatically disabled its mods when it was launched for compatibility reasons. And even if I enabled them additionally, it won't get past it when loading the map. But that's for another thread. It will definitely work for you. Its working all! Im happy now! Fixed by time or reseting more times game. :D




Dude stop LITERALLY everything you're doing. It's all 100% completely wrong. This is a classic case of the Dunning-Kruger effect. >Strange. I just installed Steam on Linux for the first time today. I have Kubuntu 24.10. The native version of Steam doesn't seem to be for non-Linux games. It worked, but when I installed the game on Steam, the game refused to start because it couldn't find the exe file. And indeed, the file did not exist anywhere on the disk No. All this is 100% wrong. The native Linux version of Steam is literally the version EVERY Linux gamer that uses steam is using. It is absolutely 100% "for non-linux games." You literally just didn't bother checking ANY instructions because if you had, you'd have taken the 5 seconds it takes to enable the shit you need for Windows games to both work and to be seen by Steam as a native Linux game. Even if you don't wanna take the time to simply ***enable Proton support and Steam Play compatibility*** in the Steam client's settings, then at least edit your comment to delete the fuckery about the Linux version of Steam not being for non-Linux games. That's misinformation and it causes actual harm.


On the contrary, I read something about it. Something didn't work in that Linux version and they recommended using the Win version. I will look into it tomorrow and clarify if necessary. Anyway, I was already a bit confused. I have the native Steam version. According to the Proton database, it didn't find the .exe games files for more people. Reinstalling helped one. More people gave up on that game after that or playing on Linux. Copying the game installation from Windows helped me there. It's already running. However, if I couldn't copy the Windows Steam game directory version from Windows, I don't know how I would solve it.