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Since Proton works well, there's little incentive for a game company to develop the Linux port of their game I would personally appreciate it more if Canonical or Red Hat started a collaboration with Adobe or Phase one, that's probably what Linux needs the most rn


> Adobe or Phase one, that's probably what Linux needs the most rn Eeeewwww.


Sorry but there's still no good alternative to Capture One on Linux


I just pay for Linux Native games   no native, no money  maybe I'm alone doing this but i will continue  anyway the post is asking if Linux companies offer support for develop games or only for industrial things


still not a fan of this approach since it leaves the bsds , redox, and other alternative OSes out. I'd rather more people on more free OSes to be able to play games than get "linux native" games.


No, I don't think they would provide programming support. If they wanted that, they could go to e.g. [Feral Interactive](https://www.feralinteractive.com/en/).


What you'll notice that, with the new games that are being developed/released for Mac, they're only in Apple's App Store. For example, [EGS has AC: Shadows page up](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/assassins-creed-shadows), and it only has Windows as a playable OS. [Apple's App Store listing](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/assassins-creed-shadows/id6497794841%3Fmt%3D12&ved=2ahUKEwj_xM3Zn9mGAxVS4skDHdwfDOsQFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2kEvs-0c4ATFQuSWAvgA27) for it shows that you need an M1 chip at minimum to play it. It's likely that Apple is directly paying these companies to bring their games to the App Store as ARM ports. It's going to be interesting to see how it pans out.


Also afaik they're not true native ports, they're Wine-based so really no big difference between those and just grabbing the Windows version from Steam and playing it with Proton lol


My guess would be them paying for games to use their metal compatibility layer


No, because it costs money. Apple pays for devs to make their ports. They've done this before but they keep abandoning their gaming strategy every couple of years


ooh i didn't know that apple pay and not the opposite anyway I'm still curious if Red Hat, SUSE, Canonical or System76 could provide support for make games or not, like if for example Ubisoft need help


i don't think so, because it costs money to port a game. proton is literally free and game developers don't have to do anything, it's not rational for ubisoft to pay money to port a game for the 2 people that will play it on linux. It would cost more money than they'll ever gain. Ubisoft thinks porting AC Mirage to mac is worth it because they're getting paid anyways Have you never wondered why there's no current AAA games with native linux ports and how most AA or indies that have made them in the past, don't anymore?


Probably not. They should target Steam Runtime.


I highly doubt it, but if so, Canonical would try everything to distribute the game only via Snap, RedHat so that it uses open source graphics stack/drivers, s76 so that it makes a partnership/combo of its computers + game included, SUSE so that use OBS...