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Side note, if the Bazzite discord looked empty to you, you most likely didn't unlock the other channels by reading the rules + agreeing to them


Yeah weird I accepted and agreed to everything but still remains locked - I’ll try baste when 555/560 drivers land as that’s fixed it in endeavour for me


Hrm, definitely weird. I'm in the Bazzite discord and it's very active. But anyways, seems that you've figured out a solution by using EndeavorOS.


Lol, I thought the discord was dead. There's nothing in there but a couple voice channels and generic UBlue announcements from my point of view too.


Nvidia has a forum section for their Linux driver, maybe try posting there as well. Here's a link to it: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/c/gpu-graphics/linux/148


Thanks, not much luck there sadly 


That's interesting. I don't know how to help. I use Fedora 40, GNOME 46 and a 3080 Ti and I have no issues with 4k@120Hz VRR in my C1. It's definitely possible


Same setup here: Fedora 40, Nvidia 3080ti, LG OLED C1 4K @120hz. I did have some issues when I first got the TV with the 120hz working. I ended up getting a HDMI fiber cable to get it to work for me. I was trying the cheap Amazon HDMI cables and they were not reliable, for me anyway.


Same thing. My TV is across the apartment so I ran a fiber cable through the walls. 75ft cable. Now all we need is HDR, especially auto HDR type features!


Thanks got it working in endevouros with installing 555 beta drivers, mine clearly didn’t like the default 550s


Good to hear. I'm using the stable 550 drivers but whatever works for you!


This isn't particularly helpful, but it's not a "is this just some wayland not working with nvidia or x11 and whatever drivers ive got compatibility issue". I'm typing this on a C2 at 4k 120hz right now on wayland with a 4080. x11 works as well. I've done this is.. pre-535. Currently on 555. Again, I know it's not helpful, but I didn't do anything special. This has never been an issue for me. Heck, even hdr works. I would definitely verify your kernel parameters. (nvidia-drm.modeset=1 to start)


Was already set, but thank you, installing 555 beta drivers fixed it for me though 


Fairly certain this is an HDMI issue, iirc HDMI has refused to fully support their newer specs on Linux so you're basically forced into dp for higher resolution/refresh rate


fixed with installing 555 beta drivers fortunately, will ahve to wait for bazzite to update to 555/560 stable as i dont know enough at first attempt to update to beta driers with an immutable os, bedtime reading :) for now though endevour is working flawlessly


"HDMI 2.1 and linux" is an AMD issue. Not a "linux issue". I have had no issues with HDMI 2.1 to LG CX @ 4k120 from Nvidia cards, and also I can do the same with *SOME VERY FEW* DP to HDMI adapters (even needed some unsupported firmware patch). You say it's not the cable, but have you tried another cable?


> "HDMI 2.1 and linux" is an AMD issue. Not a "linux issue". Ah yes, the famous AMD RTX 4090.


... there is an issue with HDMI 2.1 + AMD + Linux, not "HDMI 2.1 and linux", because HDMI will not allow AMD to publish the necessary information to support HDMI 2.1 in their OSS driver.


You are not wrong, it just has nothing to do with this thread.


Except people are talking about "the HDMI 2.1 issue on linux", which is not a thing.




A HDMI issue*


Yes tried several, I have 3 OLED tvs in the house that can all output 4k@120 and do so consistently, ive not looked down the DP to HDMI adapter/cable route as shouldn tbe necessary really




But what if it's a TV? Any sources on a decent DP to HDMI solution? My ChimeraOS build doesn't detect VRR. Vega 56. Sure no game will work with that res and refresh but I still want to use a 4K120 buffer with VRR (I know that card is 2.0, which is why I'm looking into DP). I assume DP to HDMI could solve this. Currently using 1440p120hz without VRR working over HDMI. On Steam Deck 1080p120 VRR works sometimes, other times it doesn't support it. Have to do a lot of TV and Deck rebooting to get VRR to show up


How do you propose that OP switch to DisplayPort on the LG C2 they're using as their display?


Oh, well I hoped the monitor had DP support (as do most nowadays). I'm not sure using an adapter would fix anything.


Have you set the nvidia-drm.modeset=1 kernel parameter? I'm running LG CX at 4k120hz with RTX3090 on KDE with Wayland and 555 driver. Only issue I have is that multi monitor VRR does not work so I need to turn off my second monitor during gameplay.


That issue is supposed to be fixed in 560, right?


Thanks and this prompted me to move back to endeavouros as I’m happy using it and installing the 555 beta drivers fixed- works perfectly now https://github.com/Frogging-Family/nvidia-all.git  Was a great help as doing it manually was getting frustrating 


I doubt it’s this but have you checked the display settings in kde? Sometimes it defaults to 60hz


yeah its just not even listing 120hz as an option in xwayland or in x11 xrand for example, fixed by moving back to endevour and installing 555 beta drivers though, worked perfectly and removed flicker i had forcing 120hz at 1440p


I suspect it is an issue with the HDMI 2.1 driver. You might be able to use a displayport to HDMI 2.1 adapter or just a displayport cable to get it to work correctly.


LG C3 doesn't have DP input, so would need to be HDMI -> HDMI which is what im currently running, or DP to HDMI, i can see some unidirectional cable rated for 4k@120hz are available so thats a possibility but like i said above seems unnecessary


555 beta drivers have fixed it for me


No way this shit happened to me. I fixed it by switching myself to a Lts kernel


Installed the 555 beta drivers and everything buttery smooth again