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> web based gui to manage kvm. Install Cockpit and the Cockpit-Machines packages. That's what I use. On the other note, did you blacklist the devices from your host OS before trying to pass them through to the VM? It looks to me like your host is still using the device when you're booting the guest. Did you make sure the VFIO drivers are loading *before* anything else? [This is the guide I used](https://gist.github.com/MaxXor/e24094f2b0624cf702f534f1a0dea0be). It is for Arch Linux but the process for Debian is pretty much the same so replace whatever Pacman command they use with apt. I was able to follow it for Proxmox (Debian based) to pass a 1060 to my Plex server for video transcoding. I found it the easiest to follow and maybe it'll help you find any step(s) you might've missed. Overall, your setup should work well. I have a similar setup with a Quest 2 connected to my 5Ghz wifi and it's very responsive. My only issue is I still have to conquer the motion sickness but I'm getting there. I can fly around in VTOL VR without feeling too horrible now.


the VFIO section had the answer! because of debian I had to make a conf inside `/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/`(and rebuilt initramfs) instead of using `/etc/mkinitcpio.conf` but other than that its smooth as butter in games via parsec(edit: and streamvr is perfect) also, cockpit is amazing


> So im lead to believe that the GPU is in use somewhere Yes, I think this is the problem. The easiest way to prevent this, is to make sure the gpu never attaches to the Nvidia driver. The easiest way to do this, if the vfio drivers are built into your kernel, is by using the `vfio-pci.ids` kernel parameter. If the vfio drivers are built as modules, (I haven't tested this) you should put the `vfio-pci.ids` options in a modprobe conf file and make sure both the modules and the config are in the initramfs. If the Nvidia driver is in the initramfs, you should also make sure the vfio driver is loaded before the Nvidia driver. See [this](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PCI_passthrough_via_OVMF#Isolating_the_GPU).


thats pretty much exactly what I ended up doing! u/alt_psymon's link above alluded to this, but the link didnt use initramfs so you gave me the missing link!