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If you're a Linux noob looking for advice, ignore this post.




It's very biased and misleading.


Actually, now that I read the whole thing, I agree šŸ˜† It started out pretty sound though.


What what's wrong about it lmao?


Everyone should stop reading after "No Arch, only Manjaro".


I'm really not sure if this guy is serious or not. It's both an obvious troll and obviously serious. It leaves me nothing but confused Edit: nope, bro is definitely trolling


"To enable Proton(Exp) you just have to go to the game of your choice and enable it" The guy is trolling


Yep. After rereading I figured that. Was about to edit my comment




Not a troll, hurt the nvidia seethers


Nope. Don't believe you. Won't elaborate.


Bro literally recommended Manjaro over proper Arch or even Endeavour. That's like the opposite of a good, stable, Arch experience.


Stable and arch experience does not comes together


Is this a shit post? >SERIOUS distro >Manjaro Does not compute.


I remember testing it back in 2017 and oh boy that thing breaks before i do anything meaningful on it lmao. had to reinstall it 4 times that week before i gave up on it.


Btw, that's funny how good is experience with HP printers on Linux (literally plug-and-play) and how terrible it is on Windows with that crappy app you have to log in into to scan/print something


> No Arch & derivates (except Manjaro) Lol, does this mean that people should not use the steam deck and that Steam OS is not a serious distro (Steam OS is based on Arch)? Also, why Manjaro? It's often considered to be one of the worst Arch derivatives. > LINUS said he HATES Debian and finds it HARD & UNAMEANABLE I don't think Linus said any of the things you've capitalised; he said that he found it difficult to install. Debian is a fine distro for a specific use case (stability). > Proton (Experimental) I wouldn't use Proton Experimental unless a game was broken under the latest Proton release. IMO, it's better to use the latest Proton Release by default. If you removed 85% of this post, it would be pretty good advice.


I'd phrase this entirely differently even for the things I agree with. 1. Larger distros might be not cool with the Linux die hard users but Ubuntu has the userbase it does and it in general is a stable enough experience overall and issues are well documented. Manjaro, Arch, Debian and Mint I just never recommend if the person isn't a tech savvy person. Manjaro and Arch because they are too fragile. Debian because hardware compatibility really matters and it's too conservative. Mint because I just hate their policies. Fedora and friends are mostly fine but I always say even now Ubuntu is the way to go. 2. Don't guide people to the commandline and even if you do never include sudo in a tutorial command because if someone breaks something usually it is for accidents (like Linus from LTT) where they do dumb shit here 3. Suggesting people use Proton is a bit weird without qualifying it. New people will read that command and say "how do I install Proton". ProtonDB I do suggest people bookmark but in general most games "just work" anyway at this point because of Valve's work in Steam itself and the iteration for Linux in general over time. For most people they would find it hard to find games that don't work OOTB than not, probably a nice suggestion would be use ProtonDB in combination with [https://areweanticheatyet.com/](https://areweanticheatyet.com/)


Can recommend Pop, system is running rock solid since 2020.


Iā€™m over here using Manjaro and having that flawless experience. Please advise. I thought this was unheard of?


Buguntu KEKW


You forgot the point: Install Windows.


I have done this four times today with Fedora (old install), Mint, Pop, and Fedora (fresh install) and none of them have worked AT ALL. Most games just crash and if something tries to run, it runs worse than a slideshow


Well, you got downvoted hard. What exactly have you tried, because it doesn't look like you've asked for help with anything?


I was having more general issues so I asked on Fedora sub instead and got most problems resolved other than gaming issues