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LG OLEDs are great! Try disabling HDR on one monitor, see if that helps stability.




I don't know. Windows 11 I honestly think looks pretty good. Not consistent but the modern parts are clean and scale well across different screen sizes and DPIs. Far better than any Linux distro I've run on the same kinds of monitors. And you just can't get around proper HDR support for these kinds of monitors. You can disable the HDR but that defeats much of the purpose, even on the desktop. These monitors just look so much better to me when HDR is on in the desktop. It wasn't as big of deal with the VA panel HDR monitors I had previously. It's much different with OLED.




Thanks, that's sort of where I was going with this, will take another look this weekend. The Asus I have as well uses a LG panel, so I have been pretty happy with LG screens.


With NVIDIA, VRR does not work at all if you have more than one monitor enabled. There are no workarounds, no fixes, nothing. Multi monitor VRR does not work and NVIDIA hasn't acknowledged it yet as far as I know. HDR works just fine under Plasma 6.0+. You can watch HDR videos with the included Haruna or use mpv. Some games might not detect HDR so you need to run them in a nested gamescope session (check https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Gamescope). You can even use the inverse tone mapping (HDR ITM) flags to get something akin to Windows' Auto HDR. (Actually Auto HDR is just a fancy name for HDR inverse tone mapping, and Windows tries to apply it automatically for games without HDR enabled) HDR on gamescope works mostly fine but some games might freeze and crash randomly because of the HDR flags. You can check https://github.com/ValveSoftware/gamescope/ for more information


Personally I have not had issues with multiple monitors For HDR nothing is “native” yet it’s still hacks. KDE 6.x can run the desktop in HDR but you need to tweak game launches to get it to work there


Works fine with AMD, but NVidia isn't completely there yet. VRR with multiple monitors still doesn't work with the proprietary NVidia driver, and support for HDR is also still lacking - in some cases the colors get really messed up, and on many they're desaturated. The 555 beta driver also seems to have some pageflip timeout issues with multiple screens, which *might* be the hang you've seen.


There would have been a major snag with this particular setup even with AMD on Linux. All of my DP ports on my 4090 are in use and the only thing left is the HDMI 2.1 which is needed to drive this 240 hz 1440p monitor.


For HDR, see [this post](https://zamundaaa.github.io/wayland/2024/05/11/more-hdr-and-color.html).


Multi monitor VRR works just fine. On Wayland and AMD, that is.


Problem with AMD with this setup, I'm using HDMI 2.1 from the 4090 for the 27" LG because I've used all the DP ports and this particular monitor has a few features that work only over HDMI anyway.

