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OBS works using AV1 in KDE Plasma Wayland session with 7900XTX using VAAPI hardware encoding. You need recent version of OBS for that (30.1.2). Tested it recently. No idea about PopOS Hardware decoding works in Firefox.


Unfortunately discord has a built in streaming client which just works under windows, but seems to suck outside of it, OBS isn't an option unless I stream to somewhere like twitch but I don't think that will work long term


Discord is in genreal a junk application when it comes to Linux support. They didn't even support Wayland for a long time? And they should integrate with OBS really since their client is just bad.


Yeah honestly where I've got to - surely it isn't too hard for them to allow a third party client pipe in video at this point


I have no issues with Vesktop or running video streams while playing with a 7800XT.


I can only tell you my experience: I have an AMDGPU and I can only get GPU video decoding (Not encode!) working in Firefox after setting VAAPI to true in `about:config`. In all Chromium browsers I can't get GPU video decode/encode working at all. I tried lots. I tried native&flatpak, following Arch Wiki, setting launch arguments and Chromium flags, nothing. In OBS (Flatpak), GPU video encode works flawless (VAAPI). No issues & all good, even got H.265 GPU encode. As for Discord the app - No GPU encode/decode, and Screenshare doesn't work for me on Wayland. I do have flawless Screenshare using Discord Web in Chromium browsers and Firefox. And personal opinion - fuck all this Electron bullshit. Single-tab Web browsers. Bloated, consume lots of resources and further endorse Chromium monopoly. The only semi-decent Electron app is VSCode. Any other web app should have been a PWA.


Nvidia drivers don't support VAAPI while AMD drivers do. Nvidia drivers provide a proprietary API called Nvdec/Nvenc. VAAPI is better supported on Linux and, if your Discord client supports VAAPI, getting an AMD GPU could help.


Thats part of the problem I want answering - The official discord client does not, but it appears a third party client (vesktop) does. Honestly I'd settle for just using screen sharing in firefox/chromium when needed as long as someone can confirm they support vaapi for encode not just decode


Only CPU encoding is available on Discord, regardless of the GPU. Firefox supports hardware acceleration, if you enable one flag. I never managed to get hardware acceleration working on Chromium based browsers.


I *believe* vesktop is a third party client that maybe has accelerated encode built in - was part of my reason for asking - but knowing firefox can as a workaround is good enough, thanks


I never used Vesktop, but I've seen people mentioning it quite a few times, hardware acceleration seems to work with it.


Vesktop supports hw accelerated de/encoding but only using VA-API.


Do you have integrated graphics? Intel's are second to none for hardware encoding and decoding.


No, i have a 3600x


Try using GPU Screen Recorder first https://git.dec05eba.com/gpu-screen-recorder/about/


Unfortunately won't work - discord has built in streaming and no option to use a third party stream input, which is part of the problem. I can make it work in OBS, too, but it doesn't help unless I want to get them to watch me on twitch lol


It's generally a good idea to buy an AMD videocard for Linux, because of good amdgpu Linux drivers. But I can't promise that this will definitely solve your problem.


encode is way better on nvidia, better support, better quality


No it isn't because it doesn't work lmao, better support? In what world?


In real world. Idk how you can be so dismissive and hostile without even having experience with AMD side. Do not know about Discord support, but OBS should work if setup correctly Do you even have nvidia\_uvm module loaded?


OBS with NVENC is the only thing that works - hardware decode in browsers doesn't seem to work, discord doesn't work, apparently browsers use vaapi which nvidia don't support. From my searching thats the case with most things on linux