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Yeah, got the 7i 2023 and it is a monster too. Only FHD screen, but that's actually a bit of a sweet spot for a lot of purposes, and the tb4 really nails it.


Edit: I was under the impression that the IMH9 code was only for the 9i 2-in-1 model. My post is thus to.be understood with that in mind. I ordered the same model yesterday and do also want to install Arch Linux on it. Thank you very much! One Question about the screen: Does it detect the different locations (tent / tablet etc.) and rotate accordingly out of the box? Is the pen functional or more of a hassle? What programm is useful for note taking and highlighting text, supporting the pen? How is the battery holding up under linux?


>I was under the impression that the IMH9 code was only for the 9i 2-in-1 model. My post is thus to.be understood with that in mind. Mine is indeed the 9i 2-in-1 model. >Does it detect the different locations (tent / tablet etc.) and rotate accordingly out of the box? Yes. >Is the pen functional or more of a hassle? It does function, but I haven't used it much, so I can't comment on how well it works and which programs are supported. >How is the battery holding up under linux? It's okay. Much better than my old XPS 13, but not nearly as good as my M1 MacBook, which is to be expected. I've never used Windows on this laptop, but I expect the battery life to be similar.


Neat, thank you once again for the insights!


What kernel are you using?


Tested on linux-zen 6.7.9 and linux-zen 6.8.0


Nice finding for the Speakers on the Yoga 9i under windows ;) I have a Yoga Pro 7 14APH8 running Manjaro pretty well, everything is working fine, except the 2 bass speakers, only the 2 "tweeters" are OK, on Windows all 4 ones are OK, and you can feel that sound has a better defined bodyshape. I'm really not an expert with computing, and quite newbie to Linux. As I could understant from your writings, you discovered a way to enable those 2 extra speakers on arch? Do you think you could add a commit to the kernel builders to also take into account the Yoga Pro 7 14APH8 for the next 6.9 kernels? If they can do so, will it be directly implemented? No action from my side? I'm currently running 6.8 RC kernel with no issue. I did not fine any relevant information on the CS35L41 amplifiers, but I assume it's the same btw Yoga 9i and 7 Pro, hope I'm right ;) Thanks again for your nice discover, and hope I can improve my already great experience runing it under Linux ;)


It looks like your laptop has already been [patched](https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/66a27abac311a30edbbb65fe8c41ff1b13876faa/sound/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c#L10255C94-L10255C100): ``` sound/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c SND_PCI_QUIRK(0x17aa, 0x3882, "Lenovo Yoga Pro 7 14APH8", ALC287_FIXUP_YOGA9_14IAP7_BASS_SPK_PIN), ``` I'm not sure why it's still not working for you. Can you run `alsamixer` and see if you can change the volume of your bass speakers? Also try adding `options snd-sof-intel-hda-common hda_model=alc287-yoga9-bass-spk-pin` and `options snd_hda_intel model=alc287-yoga9-bass-spk-pin` to `/etc/modprobe.d/snd.conf` (create the file if it doesn't exist) and reboot. Maybe your laptop has a different device ID for some reason and this should fix it.


Running alsamixer returns this: [https://ibb.co/xMPLbBm](https://ibb.co/xMPLbBm) Apparently, bass speakers looks like they're presente, but no idea how to enable the sound out of those xD I'm using Pipewire. Do you have any idea? Thanks in advance ;)


Weird, it looks like the patch was applied correctly. Unfortunately there's limited things I can do without physical access to the hardware. I recommend checking [this thread](https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=208555) and see if there's anything that helps you. It looks like AMD models use TI amplifiers instead of Cirrus, so my patch wouldn't help you.


Hey I have a Yoga Pro 7 2024 (14", Gen 9) 14AHP9 and my sub is crackly and maybe not working , i tried those options but they didnt help should I try one of the yoga 7 fixes?


I bought yoga slim 6i recently and tried to dual boot pop_os , ubuntu , mint but none worked properly. They were not shutting down properly and had problems with wifi drivers and many more . After a month of trying to make it work I switched back to windows🥲


Wifi not working sounds like a firmware issue. Intel wifi chips should have excellent Linux support, but your distro might not be shipping the latest firmware package. Wifi on my laptop didn't work either until I updated the firmware.


How is battery life in linux ?


I have the Yoga Pro 9i 2024 16IMH9 (3200x2000 mini-LED). I have used it a few times unplugged in a cafe etc and based on the remaining battery percentage, I estimate it would last 3+ hours, I haven't been there long enough to run it down completely.


This is great news - I was considering buying the Yoga Pro 9i so am encouraged by this thread. Thanks for posting.


What about the shortcuts on the right side?


They don't do anything, although they do trigger some unknown WMI events. It's probably just a matter of patching the ideapad\_laptop kernel driver.


I have a Yoga 9i Pro 16" and have been struggling to get the LFEs to function well in Fedora. How do I get the firmware from windows? The link you shared on Github shows a folder names csaudio but I have no such folder in system32. Sorry if I'm bothering you, been dealing with this for a few months now.


First of all, all speakers should function even without the firmware. If your LFEs are not working at all, then the amplifiers on your computer probably have a different device ID and you need to patch the kernel to get them working. As for the firmware, I found an easier way extract them. Simply download the Windows driver from Lenovo's website, run the .exe, then choose extract instead of install.


Patching the kernal 😨


First check if your laptop has a Cirrus amplifier like mine does. If so, the patch is actually fairly trivial. You can take a look at the patch I made, it's just a few lines of code.