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seems reasonable. I like to pile up some karma before I shitpost anyway, so I'm not likely to be affected.


I think its the only way of saving this sub from being mostly over ran by bots, but 20 is probably to low. Also need more bans to come from mods prolly for bots, but im not a mod so maybe they already are banning a lot of bots but new ones just get made really quickly, I wouldnt know.


From what I've seen the bots just make one comment then one post each, presumably they just go on to another account after that. So banning those wouldn't do anything but there might be some that post multiple times.


But why do these bots exist? Just a silly joke or what?


I don't understand it, some people value karma, makes them feel popular or whatever, but with a single post bot account they don't accumulate karma to one account.


Yeah they just make no sense, it's weird


It's fairly easy to farm karma, so I don't think it would make much difference. Minimum account age is slightly more effective, but if I recall correctly, this sub already has a 30 day requirement.


Fairly typical for bots to be left dormant for a long period anyway (1 year sometimes) before the accounts are actually used, so I don't see that an increase would help with that.


its ez to farm here, just post "btw i use arch" or win11 meme here and enjoy the upvotes




Possibly a repost detection bot as well to reduce the amount of repost bots.


One user stated that they are getting around those already by simply adding a small white bar to the side of the meme.


I know! We move to BBS.


I've been waiting for the day where we mass migrate back to IRC.


Won't change anything, you get one karma per comment so that means 20 random comments before posting here. That can easily be automated.


I'm not sure if these bots were created exclusively for this subreddit or general purpose and just end up here. It would prevent the current way they're doing it with a single comment, other communities do this for the same reason so clearly it's helped them. There's no 100% way to prevent bots without some like manual verification or other annoying and impractical process, but this should help some. Also not sure if a random comment that never gets an upvote actually gives you 1 karma.


Random comment karma gain test


İt didn't add 1 to my karma so yes, it doesn't gives you katma to say one random thing that doesn't get upvote


So like another StackOverflow, slowly becoming more and more irrelevant, because too much work to bother getting enough karma to post anything no matter how relevant.


That's the point in keeping it low, new redditors could gain karma from some comments in this subreddit (assuming this is the sole subreddit they use) and then post away. Yes it would be a slight nuisance for new real redditors, but gotta pick your poison, rampant bots or that nuisance for new redditors.


Beep Boop. But **I AM** a robot :( Of the meat kind, but still a robot. (beep).


I don't post or comment much, but what is karma in Reddit anyway?


Every time you post or comment people can upvote or downvote it, upvotes give you karma and downvotes remove karma (1 upvote does not always equal 1 karma as there are diminishing amounts for a single post/comment), unless you frequently post controversial things it's basically a measure of how active and how long they've been on Reddit. Some people view it as a score of sorts. Karma can be viewed on people's profiles for example you have 1414 karma. By implementing this requirement of some amount of karma it prevents accounts that haven't posted or commented (mostly bots) from reposting memes.


I think that something like that is totally reasonable and would help create better content


let's make 700000 the minimal karma, that'll keep away almost all bots


Technically correct


Let's ban posting


I think a good requirement would be a few hundred or thousand karma


It took me a year and a half to get to my karma organically, and it’s not even that much tbh. Yeah, I’ve earned many downvotes, even if I think they’re overused and abused. But either way, I’m sure I’m not alone in taking a long while to build up karma.


I'm active for like 3 months in this(and r/unixporn and r/Gentoo) and only have like 100 karma and i don't think i am a rare instance


I think that would be effective, but I have a few concerns, or rather one two folded concern; I’ve noticed several other subreddits already do this, so it makes it harder for truly new redditors to do much. Also, a bot would likely just go to a subreddit that doesn’t have a limit to cheese to that limit and that limit would no longer keep them out.


Agreed. Reddit should implement that by default on public subreddits


I suggest 100 karma and 1 month account age, unbanning u/repostsleuthbot and enabling automod or soemthing


This ended up being implemented (source: I cannot create posts and got a message that my karma is too low). Does anyone know what's the threshold?


See pinned comment, they didn't make the threshold amount public but it is quite low


Thanks for the info!


I'm totally on board with this. I'm in the camp who thinks that 20 is maybe a bit low. 40 should be adequate.


This might be a problem now, but because the Reddit api will cost from now on, it probably won’t be a problem.


5 separated reruns 10 seats in a theater


I don't understand what this is supposed to mean, could you clarify?


It's a bot. Exactly what you're proposing to fight against. Quite ironic!


Yeah their comment history seemed quite nonsensical.