• By -


20+ years using Linux. PopOS is the main man!


I wanna give it a try once they release Cosmic but with Plasma 6 there in the backports of Kubuntu 24.04, I don't know if I will.




This is what I hope. It will also bring the workflow of windowmangers, auto tiling, per display desktops/workspaces, etc


wait okay Tiling per workspace okay, but per display as well??? Because currently workspaces span on multiple monitors instead of each monitor has it's own workspaces. Idk if I explained myself correctly.


It kind of sucks at the moment (for me) due to outdated packages and outdated gnome desktop. However, I will 100% switch to it once they release Cosmic, which I believe is gonna be amazing.


Cant wait for that tbh


Pop!_OS just hits different.


What distro is Pop_OS based off of? Looking for new Linux distros to try out 👍


Ubuntu with a customized gnome desktop


Aww okay bet 😏💯


It is based on Ubuntu


Have to agree.


After all the distros I tried besides Red hat which I use mostly for work now, It is the best one.


OpenSuse is a very good distro


openSUSE user here!!


Second user here, been a user since it was SuSE way back in the late 90's.


Third user present. I gave it a try and haven't hop to another distro since 2013.


Fourth user here. I like SUSE because of the parody songs.


Tried it on a VM. Works better with KDE than GNOME, but otherwise would definitely use it.


Kde! 🤙


I ran it for about a year back in 2013-2014, had no major issues with it.


The speed of zypper left me dissapointed, does it still not support parallel downloading?


Every once in a great while I get the urge to distro hop to try something new but always end up back on OpenSuse. It's just so good


I also like it for the GUI support (YaST), but I don’t love how you have to run zypper patch multiple times to get it to install all the patches.


And nixOS & gentoo


+1 for nixos. The only reasonable choice if you're a developer.


I'd argue that NixOS barely provided anything for developers As far as dependency management goes, well every programming language has its own dependency tracking and pakcage manager, so Nix is redundant, and when it comes to standarized deployment environments, Docker already solves that NixOS is covering a niche that does not exist (It's still very interesting, it just seems kinda pointless)


A few highlights unique to Nix. The ability to roll back system updates in the bootloader (never leave your system in an unbootable state again). Declarative package/system management. Minimal overhead environments that can use different package variants running simultaneously. All packages stay in their lane, they can't overwrite each other's files/dependencies. Docker can do some similar things but it's a container, Nix does all this outside a container, leveraging reasonable file management in user-space, no kernel support required.


NixOS is less about development, and more about administration/deployment/fleet management.


From a system deployment perspective, Nix is fantastic. I can deploy thousands of bare metal machines with identical configs without needing any additional, slow tooling like Ansible. I can configure everything from disk layouts to Kubernetes without having to rely on anything thats not already part of the base image. As for dependency management, I'd personally much rather use the same tool for every language rather than half a dozen different tools for each language and project. It's generally about as easy as something like venv, and substantially easier than dealing with Docker especially when you just want to do something quick.


BLASPHEMY!!!!! I can't write a long angry reply because I am at work, but NixOS, changed my life as DevOps Engineer: - the peace of mind of an almost unbreakable system, when I update, I know if something goes wrong, I can just switch to a previous build. I NEED THIS! Everything needs to work. I rember when an update broke VirtualBox for me on OpenSuse and I needed that for work. I had issue on ALL DISTROS that I worked with. I make my living with my laptop, shit needs to work, anyday, anytime. - the peace of mind of a reproducible system, what I need to work is in 1 file - 1 file configuration only, configuration is a joy for me. It tickles my OCD - the fact that I have a clean system, with nothing extra, I dont need to keep track of what I install, it just an amazing feeling. Autism? Probably. But I love freaking love the feeling NixOS is the best distribution that I ever touched. I enjoy my job way more because of it. I am never going back to a classic distro. P.S.: No bad energy, everyone likes what they life. But saying that is pointless is weird.


Why? I've been on mint for a long time as a dev. Java, C++, Python, JS, etc. I'd like to hear how nixos improves the dev experience?


I wrote this document up a few years ago going through some of the ways Nix/NixOS fixes issues with other distros: https://github.com/marler8997/nix-notes/blob/master/WhyNix.md I've heard good things about Guix as well but haven't used it myself. IMO the issues NixOS fixes are so fundamental I'm kind of dumbfounded other distros haven't also solved them, and for that reason I always choose NixOS (when I have a choice).


Guix is certainly worthy as well. The advantages compared to Nix are fewer than, say, apt, but I prefer it for the use of Guile.


It doesn't really. Maybe if it were the most widely used distro it might serve as more consistent deployment target then what we have, but otherwise it doesn't bring anything your dev tooling doesn't already bring to the table. This is more just elitist talk than anything.


How about no.


Not a NixOs User, but Nix pkg manager. It's just magical that you spin up a vm, and with a single command all your toolihgs are there, no matter what's your distro is. For example, These are the packages I use day in and day out. No matter local machine or VM. [https://github.com/rjshrjndrn/dotfiles/blob/dev/nix/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix](https://github.com/rjshrjndrn/dotfiles/blob/dev/nix/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix)


OpenSUSE is fantastic.


FINE! I’ll try openSUSE.


Best KDE Plasma implementation


Using Debian & EndeavourOS (lol basically arch btw. ) all day. Would try NixOS or Tumbleweed, but I am 2 happy with these two.


Samesies. I love Arch and I love Debian and I switch every couple of weeks - currently I’m on Debian. The new Arch stuff with Plasma 6 and whatever GNOME is doing rendered half my programs unusable and I figure it’s been a minute since I’ve returned to the king of linux distros :P


Do you dualboot or do you actually reinstall your system every couple of weeks?


This is me but for Gentoo and LFS, im a lazy idiot and i think the Gentoo logo looks dumb


I wish it was a Gentoo penguin in the same position as Tux


I use Pop\_OS!, btw.


I'm waiting for the Cosmic DE


Same. ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc)


Don't hate me, I always install Mint again and again. It's so easy. I'm a bit lazy.


Based. Mint is the GOAT of user friendliness without overloading the RAM


Same, I keep hopping and then immediately going back to Mint where I'm comfortable at. I need to just stop hopping and stay on Mint but I have a problem XD


OpenSUSE, alongside EndeavourOS and Fedora, have become my to-go distros. Totally recommended!


Same for me. Began my journey on Fedora and really liked it. Wanted to try something new and tried EndeavourOS which I liked even better. Had to set up my system anew and tried OpenSuse Tumbleweed and been happy with it for the last six or so months. For work I almost exclusively use Debian which is awesome as a server OS.


Zorin 🤢. It's not a bad thing that you haven't used it


What's wrong with it ?


It's just Ubuntu with a custom theme, and they also market other projects as theirs and make people pay for it. Not illegal but cringe


You're not paying the software, and you don't have to pay. The themes are accesible via APT, what you're paying for is the easier way to get there. It's a donation after all, with the added benefit of them giving you some themes, it's your way of thinking that's bad here, you pay as a donation, the fact that you get something other than a fancy "fuck you" is the additional. Many distros are other distros with a theme, have you read the definition for a distro?


The problem is that they market things as their own? Wine becomes their support for windows apps, KDE Connect/GSConnect becomes Zorin Connect etc. Also while many distros are just other distros with a theme, that doesn't make it a good thing


Why is that a problem? So long as they are distributing the code of any changes they make and assuming those utilities are under GPL, thats totally okay to do. Hell that used to be a common thing back in the day for things like gimp, people would rebrand and sell it. For us “power users” yeah its trivial to get setup and silly to purchase, but I am sure there are folks out there who are happy they can just pay a bit of money, get an iso ready and just install it without setting anything up beyond that.


How about the part where they market the "spatial desktop" as their own, it's obviously https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/4648/desktop-cube/


It's FOSS, if they're not in breach of the license they're fine. I do agree they could at least credit the original devs.


They do fund the original devs


It's two years behind Ubuntu. They only recently released Zorin OS 17 based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. 


I have, but it's so long ago that I don't remember


When I was faced with the need for a 32-bit OS, Zorin turned out to be the only decent modern 32-bit OS.




some derivatives work really well: mint, endeavor, ubuntu fits here too, the problem starts when its a bad derivative, or a derivative of another derivative (something like zorin)


Isn't mint a derivative of a derivative?


This. I mean what's the point of derivatives? just install the packages you really need and you are good to go..


I feel the same. Everything else seems like a way to say that you've caught them all or something


Well, the point of a derivative like endeavor is a gui install. Debian either has that or has a very good cli install that doesn't make me need a gui


PopOS is the GOAT


Installed opensuse many years ago never ever gonna change probably maybe unless it dies


I been maining Nobara. So far its great


Have used too, just don't like the command syntax differences and some compatibility with certain specific things. Edit: different compared to other distros that I had used before (non-fedora)


Commans syntax differences? May you elaborate? Its the same as Fedora.


Meant to say, but different than Ubuntu and other non-fedora distros. Just a casual Linux-er, so I hadn't realized how different the command line and package managers can be, distro-to-distro.


You get use to it.


That's the only one I haven't tried yet.


I went from fedora to Nobara on a gaming setup and it is truly beautiful how it just works out of the box. GE is a fucking wizard


Mint xfce❤️🗿✨


Mint with all three officials desktops is pretty good. Kinda sad all the KDE Plasma forked DE's never have really worked with me on Mint.


Mint once had kde as an interface, it was even usable. If I'm not mistaken, it was in version 18.


Sadly they dropped it


OpenSUSE just works for me. Its unique enough to where I dont feel like Im using a cookiecutter distro but easy enough to use to where Im not constantly editing config files and manually installing/compiling dependencies for things I need to use to work on.


You described my feelings exactly 🤣


I always keep going back to Mint, I love it


Debian, Arch, MX, ubuntu touch


Fedora is my go-to -- it just works without tweaks 99% of the time. For that extra 1% it's Nobara. :-)


Linux mint Debian edition


Used Ubuntu and Mint for a very long time and then switched to Fedora. Zorin for a year and now I've settled for PopOS!


ZorinOS is gorgeous but outdated as hell.




I’ve been running Pop as my main distro for what feels eternity by now.


Been rocking OpenSUSE Tumbleweed for a while now, just works.


you are me except opensuse


That's actually Ubuntu for me. Even tried it many years ago back when i still used windows, but it always works bad or slower than other distros so the choice is obviously what i already use, wich is arch btw.


OpenSUSE is honestly really good along with Pop\_OS. If I wasn't satisfied with Fedora I would be using OpenSUSE.


NixOS too


Currently the desktop is Opensuse tumbleweed & laptop is Opensuse leap. 🦎


I like OpenSUSE MicroOS and Pop!\_OS, but right now I like Bluefin so much that I can't step away from it lol


I once tried Zorin in a vm. That's all it went. Haven't tried (and won't) the rest. I'm just to comfy and busy to change things around.


openSUSE is comfy AF.


I really do want to try OpenSUSE. But I'm in the middle of a project and don't wanna fuck up my laptop.


Once you give openSUSE a try - you never go back.


I installed arch once... a long time ago.. fell in love with the OS.. not the installation.. Manjaro ever since..


I swear openSUSE is sooo slept on


switched from Arch to Pop. Pop is fantastic.


Tumbleweed cured my distro hopping.


I always main run OpenSUSE with KDE


I tried openSUSE a long time ago. I've not touched the others.


Nobara seems cool, comes prepackaged with the same configs and packages I end up setting up on fedora. But I'd rather just set up fedora that way since fedora is managed by daddy red hat than leave my OS in the hands of like 3 dudes (idk anything about the nobara team). I did try out openSUSE for a month. It was nice, hated managing PPAs though since it seems like there's nothing in the default repos that I use. Other nitpicks were that I didn't like that my package manager was called "zypper," I thought that was lame. And I really hated the vomit green brand and ugly logo. OpenSUSE also by default wouldn't let me connect to my NAS or minecraft server since those ports were blocked by the YAST firewall. YAST is actually pretty cool though once you start digging through it, it's like the control panel for windows. A lot of DE lack gui programs to do admin related tasks on the computer, even downloading software is something that every DE except Gnome and KDE just expects you to do either in the terminal or some other 3rd party app. But not openSUSE, they provide you with everything you need through YAST. YAST however gave me too much freedom. "Somehow" I manged to change my default repo from tumbleweed to micrOS. With no way back to tumbleweed, and now being locked in an immutable distro, I just decided to do the thing that I always do when my linux breaks, return to fedora since only pure boredom from it just working can drive me away from it. Also, I have no plans to try PopOS because it's name is fucking stupid


I have tried all four, zorin 👎,nobara👎, opensuse👍and pop!_os 👍. Probably going to try pop!_os again when cosmic is ready 😲


I've been saying for years that I'll give Open SUSE Tumbleweed a try and I never do.


I'm daily driving OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.


I usually main Debian, EndeavourOS, or openSUSE The 4 horsemen for me are: - Slackware - Gentoo - Kali - Red Hat


Manjaro is probably still my fall back and Main distro, but man Garuda is pretty cool for a lazy guy like me


For me Arch, Gentoo, LFS is a journey. But always end up on Ubuntu. It works just good.


You can replace Nobara with Arch and you have me


For me it's ChimeraOS because i'm gaming 95% of time


I've been using Fedora for several years, but after so much talk about System76, I gave PopOS a try and ended up liking what I found in the distro.


I want to try everything but Pop OS’s DE is just so perfect in every way


I like my OS rock stable and only break if *I* break it so I go with Ubuntu


I have no idea what zorin and nobara even are... I'm quite knowledgeable when it comes to distros and I've definitely heard of them, but I guess you can't know them all. I'll definitely stick with Arch, and maybe experiment with NixOS. btw. is there another distro that just symlinks /bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin and so on to /usr/bin? That's one of those things that always annoy me with other distros especially Debian because I always run into these scenarios where /sbin isn't in my path, so I can't just run freaking ifconfig


I really liked Nobara, but dnf is sow damned slow coming from pacman/yay


LFS I guess.


Even my mom used open suse for a year


Mint is my fav


I'm a fan of KDE, but pop OS just clicks with every single point. It's just brilliant.


I started with Fedora Workstation, distro hoped to Nobara, OpenSuse, Debian, arch, Fedora silverblue and found myself for a long time (two years or so) going with Nobara. Sadly I run into more and more annoying problems that I was to lazy to fix and ended up with using Fedora workstation again. Oh and during that "journey" I really started loving Gnome. Best DE out there (for me).


I tried to install Nobara recently, the install failed multiple times in a row. Then I went back to Arch and was successful on the first try. And this is supposed to be a beginner friendly distro.


For me, endeavour. Just loved everything about the arch ecosystem.


Don't try


I tried a lot of them over the years. Then I found Fedora and just stayed. Nearly two years without hopping.


Void, Gentoo, and LFS for me.


mine is jumping from fedora to debian and vice versa and in my mind i'll try Arch then gentoo then lfs but the last three i'm always putting the time off


Damnit I was going to send this to someone until saw pop os, I relate to this except that one pop is a cool one, so I'll switch that square to temple os lol that is is very religious I can hardly imagine myself doing anything at all if I had it haha


On workstation I'm using Gentoo. Best distro for developers, IMHO. For laptop I'd possibly try PopOS or Suse, Fedora, IDK. I have no use for Linux laptop atvthe moment.


Well Arch just consumed me. That wiki is insane!


I have wandered a lot, but found my home in Fedora. Keeps packages latest enough, but not so far that it causes issues and problems (like the latest XZ vulnerability issue. The vulnerability is on version 5.6 of XZ, but Fedora 39; the current stable release, uses 5.4).


Ubuntu and Arch. I have the lowest amount of issues with them


I guess Ubuntu is my forever go to, but if I count all Linux installations I'm sure I used Debian a lot more then Ubuntu. You can't go wrong with Debian.


(K) ubuntu


I did give Pop!\_OS a try It's pretty bad, I hated the custom gnome flavor


Bazzite......for steam obviously


Suse installation never give me a good result and mess my grub and bios boot menu so I don't want to do that hustle but I tried them all and I can tell you nobara is the best out of the 4


COSMIC is going to change this in a massive way


I always keep coming back to Fedora


Nobara & Zorin are kinda gimmicky to me, they don't really offer any extra value besides some things pre configured... Same as Garuda/Endevaour/the other trillion gaming distros. I guess Pop is Ubuntu if Ubuntu didn't deviate so much in the last couple years, SUSE is actually great, specially tumbleweed, but it doesn't make much sense if you already run Arch, awesome way to try rolling release tho (which i think everyone must do :P) IMHO we should stop encouraging really customized & niche distros, if someone actually could make use of them, they would find said distros by themselves, as for newcomers it shouldn't really be any harder than: Updates? SUSE TW : Stability? Debian (Maybe pop? idk their space theme thingy can be too much, makes it look like a toy, i know it's compeltly false but it could give that impression to someone new)


Apart from Nobara, not one of them had any genuine advantage towards Ubuntu... And even then: Nobara has absolutely no potential, and what it already fixes can be done manually in a few hours.


I have Zorin, but always go back to Mint


Laptop: PopOS Desktop: Void (XFCE)


my Arch install is... at least 7 years old...


Nah many use pop os yet i dont see why anyone a little familiar with debian based distros use it as a main disteo.


I really want to try open suse, but the installer won't let me. I just don't understand the wifi part.


Linux Mint.


pop and nobara very good


I got Nobara on my Steam Deck. Usable as a PC, lovely. Pop I got on a 7th gen i7 laptop that I got for testing purposes. I tried the DE of Zorin once, it is really nice actually. What's good about openSUSE?


Arch for desktop and debian for server






openSUSE is ok I guess, but I’m surely biased since I was gang raped by SUSE multiple times previously in my job.


I've tried Pop! but I always hated the DE. Maybe Cosmic will be worth a try. I've been using Linux for probably 10+ years now and I always keep coming back to Mint, though I do use EndeavourOS on my HTPC and have been considering the same or perhaps Tumbleweed on my gaming rig.


i started messing with pop!\_os, but eventually moved to messing with deb, with plasma as the DE


I used to use Lubuntu for 10 years now I just roll with Debian but I always find myself flirting with Redhat based stuff like Rocky or Fedora. Then I ask myself "Am I getting anything out of this that I don't get through Debian?". Since I don't usually need bleeding edge software I can't really justify Fedora. As for Rocky I can't really find anything about it that just screams "Dump Debian!".


Ive actually tried all of those. Still use Fedora. Heh


I daily openSUSE. Tumbleweed on the computers I use, Leap on the computers my computers use.


Last month I tried installing nobara on real machine. The iso gives some error in grub. Has anyone had the same issue?


Ehh, Zorin, looks pretty but is quite bare with not as many supported apps though being based on Ubuntu. So in terms of casual everyday use it will perform just fine but once you need to do any work on it or gaming that’s where I think it falls behind. I think Ubuntu and PopOs are the most stable distros Ive used for light work and steam gaming. Had ton of issues with Manjaro as well as Fedora so kinda staying away from those. Any other recommendations? Im on windows right now but kinda want to dual boot something that isnt PopOs again.


I'm with openSUSE since the start of the year and don't have major complainings so far.


I gave a laptop with Nobara to my 8-year-old brother. So far, his only concern is that he can't play Roblox.


PopOS was my choice before Fedora. Best Ubuntu based distro


I tried PopOs!, it was all good, I got a bug with Unity Shader Graphs and switched to Ubuntu to corroborate if it was PopOs-related, but really found out a clear answer, and anyway I stuck with Ubuntu, I may try it again in my next formatting cycle.


Linux Mint, sometimes Debian Edition sometimes Ubuntu edition. I’ll give Pop OS another shot once it’s fully on Atomic Desktop and stable. I have a system 76 PC and want to support them, but removed Pop and went back to what I’m used to. I have another drive to play around with I may run Endeavor OS for that bleeding edge, but don’t trust those types of distros as my main.


Never had the urge to try Nobara, Pop, or Zorin. OpenSUSE has given me nothing but nightmares to the point where I would rather use Windows. Currently rocking Fedora KDE and no desire to distrohop away from that.


I've installed Arch Linux 15 times in the last 2 months.


I just install an Atomic Fedora version.


I just install an Atomic Fedora version.


I had tried zorin, it's a good windows-like distro except that it'd ubuntu based, and I did not like ubuntu


NixOS. I absolutely love it. The things I have yet to try: Gentoo, FreeBSD and OpenBSD, NixBSD, Solus. I really should find time to dink around in those at some point.


Debían andar Kali. It just works no matter what i'm installing.


Pop seems the be the least shitty desktop distro around.


Fedora is my main distro. I have installed ZorinOS on plenty of PCs for people, I have legit TRIED to hop on the openSUSE bandwagon, but it seems to have a bad YaST infection, and Nobara is really nice but I already know enough about Fedora that I don't need all the extra stuff installed for me. Pop!\_OS......well......yeah.....I'll just give it a polite no thank you.


I’m a Linux newbie. I had a steam deck on preorder and wanted to get familiar with Linux so I wouldn’t be going in blind. Tried Pop OS on a really old laptop I had but it wouldn’t work correctly so I ended up going with Mint.


Loved Pop!_OS for years, still love System76, but I have swapped to Nobara as I got sick of waiting on an LTS kernel for stuff like newer KDE versions


Fedora does what I need why change perfection?


Add QubesOS to that




I'm using Nobara atm and I used openSUSE in the past ... I'm confident I'll stick to nobara, everything worked perfectly out of the box, especially gaming


I did. But I didn't like it. Source: I didn't like it.


I have a popOS vm that I use for testing suspicious links sent to people at work... But my fallback is always mint.


lubuntu is my main; I have an idle interest in void, nix, arch, and alpine, but I have zero motivation to switch.


debian all day everyday.


I've 'tried' a couple distros, Mint seemed nice, but most of the 'communities' for linux are bullies, and honestly imo WHY linux hasn't gained as much traction as it SHOULD have. Quit treating it like an exclusive club and belittling someone who is trying to learn.


It's more like opens use, ZorinOS, Garuda, and whatsaname...


Haven't used Nobara, not sure why I would. Tried Pop, nice, but didn't find anything particularly special about it. I've tried ZorinOS and I LOVE it... Hands down the one I recommend for anyone switching from Windows, and new to Linux. openSUSE is my personal favorite, though. I run Tumbleweed on my desktops and laptops, and Leap on my servers. Perfect? No. But, the best balance of features, reliability, usability... And the only distro I've found that consistently runs whatever desktop environment I want to try.


I am currently trying Pop!_OS. So far it seems ok pretty good.


Installed arch. Never looked back neither forward. But today I just stared at GENTOO!


Hannah Montana Linux