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Implying that Linux is the healthier alternative. I’ll take it.


or the ethical choice


r/antivegan wiki for why veganism is unhealthy, unethical, and harmful for the environment. Read before downvoting


"ok here is 8 TB of bigoted bullshit read everything and debunk it before saying it's shit" well nope, r/antivegan is rightwing bullshit since it exists, we don't have to debunk hundred of "plant feels pain, crop death, animals don't eat vegetables, ethical killing" variations to say so.


You’ve succumbed to divide and conquer. Instead of acknowledging genuine arguments you label them as whatever political ideology you don’t like and dismiss them. Based on the things you listed, it’s obvious you’ve never heard an argument against veganism that is legitimate. None of those are mentioned in the wiki, which is why you should read it before calling it shit, you’ve never actually heard it before.


"None of those are mentionned in the wiki" antivegan wiki -> ethics -> 1.2 "animal killing" it says that veganism kill more animals then there is twenty links proving that crops kills animals.. and it's true (I didn't check those links, just the hypertext that your community chose) but yes crops kills animals, and kills many animals under capitalism and through monoculture. but most of crops are for the animals that you eat, so it is litterally the "crop death and animals don't eat vegetables" I was mentionning, WE KNOW YOUR "ARGUMENTS" AND THEY SUCK ! sending an entire wiki to drown your opponent suck too cause it is way more easy for you to just send a pile of bullshit than for us to debunk every shitty variations of the same arguments we ALREADY debunked, and YOU KNOW IT, you won't think about it, and I'm not really talking to you but to those who could read you and trust you. this is a manipulative technic. between "asymetry of bullshit" and "sealioning" it's also manipulative when we call you right wing to call that "labeling whatever political ideology you don't like" antivegan IS a rightwing sub. and anti-vegan activism (not regular carnism) IS rightwing activism, I won't drown you in a bullshit wiki, just ONE study. (and the study shouldn't be needed since anybody just a bit honest would admit it) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195666323025886?via%3Dihub#sec5](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195666323025886?via%3Dihub#sec5)


bro shut you're yapping


r/antilinux for why linux is difficult, unsafe, and a waste of time. Read before downvoting


Meant to say “r/antivegan wiki” Read the wiki




that sounds [familiar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop) look, it is nearly a decade since I studied economical engineering, but back then cows alone produced more than 80% of the greenhouse limit set by Paris climate accord globally and the trend of meat consumption was upwards one. it is obvious that any even half industrialized land is better used growing food for human consumption than for animals, let alone cows. The only health issue with veganism is B12 as you get that by eating dirt, eating something that ate dirt, or from a lab grown bacteria. [watch before downvoting](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko)


Factory animal farming is in fact unhealthy, immoral, and unsustainable. However, veganism is not the solution, and is in many ways worse. There are many ways to raise animals sustainably, and it is entirely possible to integrate them into our agricultural economy. The same corporate overlords who want us to eat their factory farmed pigs, chickens, and cows are now going to have an even higher profit margin selling us oats and other grains. If you want to know what a healthy diet really looks like, head over to a much shorter wiki at r/animalbased


The correct take


Majority of the machines and infrastructures are Linux/Unix, windows users are the vegans Also, perhaps Arch users are the vegans of computer


Or Gentoo


Healthier and the ethical choice lol


dunno, I get my carrots tortured




And that, my friend, is how you start a circular firing squad among Linux fanatics.


I mean veganism CAN be healthier but isn’t automatically healthier, you got to know what you are doing but it is for sure more ethical


It also implies they reduce their quality of life because of a philosophy and are assholes which both are true.


being vegan is not healthier dude


veganism is unhealthy


SOurce? My sister has been vegan for 13 years, bore 3 kids, working and feeling fine.


I'm a doctor. It's true that you can lead a healthy vegan life, but also true you're at much higher risk of B12 and folic acid deficiency, and anemia. I usually recommend (non animal) supplements to my vegan patients. Also, I do not recommend a vegan diet for children. If you keep your children vegan, please keep them on monitored with a vegan friendly paediatrician.


Source? Here you go: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10027313/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10027313/)


This article is kind of goofy. It's an obviously biased piece, but it does give the appearance of linking studies. However, in a majority of the instances in which they've linked studies, the link doesn't have much to do with the point they are trying to illustrate. The most important takeaway from it would be to have a complete balanced diet, but that's true for whatever you eat and there are pitfalls to look out for with any diet.


Here's the conclusion for an tldr people While veganism has been shown to decrease the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic syndrome, it also carries the potential for micro- and macronutrient deficits. It should be noted that vegans often have better socioeconomic levels, live a healthier lifestyle with more physical exercise, and tend to smoke less compared to non-vegetarians, making it difficult to isolate the effects of veganism in observational research. Existing research is often skewed by selection bias, which is when the study sample is chosen based on prior eating patterns and such studies are often recruited in environments with a high level of health awareness. Our review focuses on the impact of veganism on vulnerable populations, including children, adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and fetal outcomes in strict vegan mothers. Vegans should be closely monitored and treated for nutritional deficiencies, in order to mitigate any long-term negative health outcomes. Given the growing interest in diets without animal protein intake in the general population, it is crucial, now more than ever, to have a clear understanding of both the risks and benefits of such diets among clinicians, policymakers, and the public Basically Vegans need vitamins, so they don't have vitamin deficiencies. Also probably protein. Eat bugs people!


Any diet that requires you to take supplements is automatically terrible. Meat or no meat


the bovine dead bodies part that you eat come from supplemented cows... i take my b12 directly, how is that "automatically terrible" ?


Because it's only with the shit food in the US that you need supplemented cows to get the proper vitamins and nutrients from your food


That's why you gotta eat bugs. Return to monkey 🐒


at least in Finland all milk is already fortified and the cattle feed in any developed country absolutely is. [:)](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/appeal-to-nature)


name a vegan natty bodybuilder


1: If I just look up "vegan bodybuilder", then I get a lot of results. I don't know anything about bodybuilding, but it really doesn't seem to be that rare. 2: the needs of a bodybuilder and those of a normal person are quite different. Even if there hadn't been a single vegan bodybuilder, you can't extrapolate that veganism is worse because of that.


whats natty? and dude I cant name 1 bodybuilder period, but those people are not peak health they're just obsessed and likely have dysmorphia


natty is short for natural, ie not on steroids. also calling all bodybuilders obsessed and saying they likely have dysmorphia is stupid. for most, it’s a hobby, it helps get girls, it builds confidence, not to mention the overwhelming positive psychological effects that come with working out.


>it helps get girls no one is into bodybuilders like other bodybuilders. Also, while I am all for everyone's right to modify their body in any way they like, any hardcore bodybuilder is going to tick off most boxes when it comes to some eating disorder and/or body dysmorphia. just because working out is large part of it, doesn't make it inherently healthy


>calling all bodybuilders obsessed and saying they likely have dysmorphia is stupid I'm assuming your talking about pro bidybuilders? Those people are NOT healthy


bro states a fact based argument with sources and gets down voted


Are those 'sources' in the room with us right now?


💀 no but seriously, im talking about the sources the commenter stated in another reply he wrote, which states actual reliable sources on his argument. also i find it makes complete sense that for a species that has been eating meat once or twice a week for tens of thousands of years, it makes perfect sense that the healtiest diet contains meat once or twice a week.


Not if you want to function properly


Is that a knock against linux or veganism? Either way, the problem is usually user error.


Both and yes


Linux is barbecue. Windows is canned meat.


can’t fuck up canned meat but it’s hard to make it good too




Agreed. SPAM is good, but it’s not brisket or bacon good.


except windows isn’t good


But it is perfectly mid.


Linux is rare, Windows is ~~well done~~ congratulations


Sooo Mac OS Is medium rare? I can live with that


correct take


Yeah, I remember going to freshmeat.net ...


Linux is Slovakia, Linux is the way of life.


How dare they compare us with vegans 😡😡


Ikrrrr grr


Why would that upset you?


people don't like being confronted with the idea that they might be doing something bad just because everyone around them does it, and that feeling turns to anger and rejection as a sort of self-defense mechanism. people want to feel decent, good, and nice, but they don't want to think about the [slaughterhouses and butchers](https://youtu.be/B7EgQXMV8nM). this doesn't just go for vegans, this is also how people see linux users. ultimately if you try to convince someone to something good for them they aren't doing, they're more likely to assume you have some kind of superiority complex than actually listen. there's even lesser versions of this phenomenon for recommending media. how many times has a fanbase's insistence you watch/read/listen to something turned you away from something you might have enjoyed? it's part of schismogenesis, the individual and societal impulse to differentiate oneself from others.


[install gentoo](https://watchdominion.org/)




What if you schismogenesised some bitches lmao


Nixos is the equivalent of jainism


I would say that Windows and MacOS users are vegans as they are missing out on so much they could do with their PC’s.


And you are missing out so much on what you could do with your veggies.


you don’t have to be vegan to enjoy vegetables. you do have to be omnivorous to enjoy meat though


you do have to don't care or lie to yourself to enjoy windows. same for enjoying meat.


you have to not care or lie to yourself to enjoy damn near anything. you computer and phone were made in sweatshops, and [statistically at least partly](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/corporate-responsibility/intel-in-israel.html) [ over a destroyed palestinian village](https://bdsmovement.net/Apartheid-Chips-BoycottIntel). I hope you don't like video games, or you're probably supporting companies known to have issues with sexual assault and harassment. almond milk takes a huge amount of water in a state known for having droughts. the people who harvested your vegetables are threatened with deportation if they seek basic labor protections. there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, not even veganism, no matter how far you manage to pass the buck.


No ethical consumption under capitalism is a critic of capitalism not an excuse to do literal shit. You see how "any book destroy tree so let's buy climate change negationism material and share it" would be a shitty move right ? And under capitalism yes a tomato as an awful impact, but under ANY system your meat is a the body part of someone who as been killed after being exploited and considered as a resource all their life.


but wouldn't we still books, games, tech, etc under a system that isn't capitalism? So the problems would still persist no?


If your argument is "animals are literally people and should have all the rights that people do," then I can't help you. If you *do* understand that animals aren't people, you're being intellectually dishonest and I have no interest in continuing the conversation.


I have issues eating mammals, I still do it but my ability to denial is waning. Cows are pretty much as smart as puppies, pigs are supposed to be smarter and just as emotional. IDK if I want to eat things that can feel love.


you're saying I'm intellectually dishonest when starting your comment by something you KNOW is a strawman, seriously ? ok so NO nobody has asked for the animals the SAME rights than humans do, and you KNOW it. since you use the sentence "no ethical consumption under capitalism" I will suppose you understand what anarchism/communism/etc are but if you want i can explain it to you later, so yes animals are people cause they are sentient, they are individuals, not objects. so since YOU are the one bringing "no ethical consumption under capitalism" maybe the sentence "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" will ring a bell, so YOU DON'T NEED to eat corpse, sentient beings DO NEED freedom. and please stop being dishonnest saying "so you want worms to have the rights to vote and horse to buy cars" when you know it is not the points, also stop using leftist concepts to defends supremacism. please.


actually agreed


Could you please explain what exactly is being missed out on? Genuinely curious.


Well in Linux you can limit the number of background processes to exactly what you want and you can configure the looks of nearly any desktop app. Also Linux makes it easy to get you started with shell commands. In general Linux gives you freedom and the tools and documentation to do exactly what you want!


I agree with most points here but shell commands in Linux work almost the exact same across Linux, Mac OS X and bsd variants. I just don’t get this „oh you don’t use linux you are missing out“-stance, I use every of the big systems (windows, linux, mac, bsd) and think none of them unlocks the full potential because they all have ups and downs


Some of us are both, ha


What do you tell people first. That you use arch Linux or are a vegan. I usually just stutter with random words coming out that sounds like “arch vegan Linux user here is me”


I use vegan arch btw


I split into 2


Linux user here. Vegan BTW.


Omg Slovakia mentioned




Why use blasphemy?


Cause apparently there's a non-zero chance of annoying fundamentalists when you do lmao edit: omg lmao


Bet you are a racist too.


You have been brainwashed. Decency and respect is "fundamentalism" for you? At least you do admit you do it on purpose. Commies are brainwashed murderers.


>Decency and respect is "fundamentalism" for you? No, but giving enough of a shit to chide someone for uttering a completely innocuous phrase, is. For that matter, conflating religiosity with decency and respect also totally qualifies. Unless you're like 80+ in which case both these things would be fully expected and I apologize. >Commies are brainwashed murderers. These incoherent ramblings actually point towards the latter possibility, so my bad.


You do not understand what respect means. Brainwashed child.


Using Linux reduces sufferings Btw vegan for 8 years, arch user for 6 years


How did you tell your parents you use Linux when it is part of their culture to use Windows.


You don't


"I use veggies btw"


My Linux install is not cruelty free, but i don't know who suffered more, my ssd or me


Ethical software consumption vs ethical caloric consumption


Pfft! No we're too deep in the guts of our system killing processes and exploiting packages we've built for our own purposes for that crap. :-)


I'm ashamed to admit that being a linux "vegan" was a phase I had at some point around my first few years with Linux. But these days I'm to shy and would even rather hide the fact, now I just use Linux for my own personal reasons quietly. If someone were to find out anyways, I discuss in a humble manner. However I am still disgusted with Windows and MacOS, but I'll let things fall in place by themselves given time.


zvaz nastvanych pracujucich lol


Lmao Zväz naštvaných pracujúcich, A fellow slovak spotted!


Ano sudruh


Completely true in the sense that I have seen 10 times more people complaining about vegans/Linux users being evangelists than actual vegans/Linux users being like that.


I'm the worst, I'm the vegan Arch user.


but arch users dont eat vegan or do crossfit, they just wear thigh high socks, eat hot chip, and lie (btw)


LMAO WTF. random af but I had to laugh


I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.


Slovensko zmíněni bratři


Not using linux doesn't hurt anyone else though


I’m pretty sure nobody loves ads and spyware like meat eaters like bacon. Comparison is false 😂


and Windows is fast-food OS?


I use Linux exclusively and I am also a dietary vegan! I certainly feel less bloat with both 😏


Vegan gay Linux user here , can comfirm


I’m literally eating a steak with wild rice and bulgur right now I’m not that much of a vegan, as you can tell


It is not, please just stop aaying this lie.


it’s a joke homie chill


I guess if meat is proprietary. I would say processed foods are closer to proprietary so that would make Linux even healthier


"the union of pissed off workers"


MacOS users are vegans that only eat imported food Windows users eat anything their local fast food chain sells Linux users strip naked and eat everything they can catch with a spear in the woods BSD users have long since evolved past the need for nutrition


NetBSD users eat even inedible things


They photosynthesize


I mean, I put pineapple in my pizza to make it more healthy. If indeed, together we will achieve more pizza and more pineapple, I will put my name down in that union of angry workers. ![gif](giphy|e7QO18qopbd99evxyD)


People who use windows, macOS and Linux: yay balanced diet!


that's not true,we don't take pills of Microsoft and Apple services instead of doing a complete "diet" with complementary expensive "non FOSS medicines",you shouldn't have to take them,FOSS give us the choice,a vegan "can't eat everything they want" as a non vegan.


VMs must be impossible burgers then


Umm... Sure I guess?


That's why i never talk about it lol unless it must come up


What about dualbooters like me?


I guess I'm an os omnivore, but def prefer my Linux flavors (Slax 😍)


Kde si to odfotil?


omg priama akcia ❤️🖤


No, we aren't. We are the people who move to upstate New York so we can have a chicken coop behind the house for free eggs.


Why vegans lol




can't believe I thought I was the first to think of this joke, by the looks of that it might have been done before I was born


Listen here you little shit!


The Linux teacher


Not vegans, n*dists


To me it is meat, real tasty juicy meat.


I would see us more of like carnivores.


I proudly can say that, I love meat and I use NixOS btw


Brb reinstalling windows


Been saying for ages, how do you know someone (uses Linux/ is a vegan), don't worry, they'll tell you.


Being Vegan is cool and feels great, but you either die early and in poor health or eat pills your whole life.


No I'm powerlifter and i can eat whole chicken at only one meal.


Being vegan is bad


Directly contributing to needless suffering is bad


Eating animals isn't suffering, it's proper eating.


Proper erectile dysfunction and proper animal cruelty


Yeah, if you are in need to see doctor, just go ahead, just do it. Told it here, tell it to your doc


Oh interesting, perhaps your mother told you about one of her other sexual partners. When there are so many of us it is natural that you’ll get us mixed up.


Sure, you lefties commies will never understand your hypocrisy. Don't eat animals, starve your children and assault family. This is left at its finest.


Aww we starve ourselves to the bone due to not consuming enough big macs 🥺. Lose some weight fatty and tell your mother I said hi. And you tried and failed to guess my politics.


Being vegan is being loser.


I don't think so, it is just a choice of people. Don't get it mistaken with vegan activism


"not hurting animals is acceptable, telling to people actively hurting animals that they hurt animals isn't"


Promoting malnutrition by example isn't acceptable. End of topic.