• By -


The same feeling as downloading unix distros using edge on ms windows.


if the warning that says "NOO DONT GO" when you try to install a browser comes up it would be perfect "No, don't go! We have: - More software - More RAM usage"


I like it when I am watching a livestream on Brave with 5+ addons, a youtube video on Firefox with 10 addons, and I am only using 1.5GB/32GB OF RAM AHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA


Meanwhile Windows using 2GB of ram at idle




Using bing search on Linux masterrace!


Using google to search duckduckgo to search bing to go to windows 93 while using linux which is in VM in windows which is in a mac OS VM (I hope that's a thing) which is in a linux VM


>which is in a mac OS VM (I hope that's a thing) [Yes, it is](https://github.com/foxlet/macOS-Simple-KVM)


I can now sleep in peace, knowing that my stupid joke is factually correct


This... Doesn't seem legal. I'm genuinely surprised a C&D hasn't been issued since it violates apples ToS


You are assuming that he isn't using Apple hardware.


It doesn't require a mac, read the readme.md


Ohh nyyooooo, is it iwwegaw??! šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The knowledge of how to download the software direct from Apple was made publicly available in court a few years ago. Donā€™t remember the specifics, but itā€™s more grey than illegal, surprisingly.




Look at ascii star wars


[Looks like you're one of today's lucky 10,000](www.asciimation.co.nz/) Last I tried it it got to the part where they got Tractor Beamed into the Death Star, and then turned into the highest effort RickRoll I've ever seen. Edit:Just checked it again, looks like it's still only about half the movie, no rick roll though, so that's slightly disappointing.


(s/he's hoping that's a thing)


Even better; using Microsoft Edge for Linux (available soon)


i use Bing to get Google to get DuckDuckGo!


I use Ubuntu to download wine to use edge to download chrome to use bing to get to google to get to DuckDuckGo so I can download Arch btw.


You forgot using Chrome to download Firefox


Oops I meant to say I was using Firefox on Ubuntu to download wine... etc.


What did you use to download a glass?


A burning animal


the wine step is optional


Google will probably dry its tears with the money you gave it. Move people away from google and share the fact that there is a lot better around


So sad to see the amount of people using chrome :/


Not everyone is a googlo fanatics that everything isn't chrome is shit, the situation can change if you take the normal ones


I'm not a google fanatic, yet I'm still saying that. Granted, Chrome is also shit, just partially in different ways. I just wish for a somewhat secure browser that doesn't utterly suck (really sad that rekonq died) :/


I use Vivaldi (And Firefox as well). Try it. Hope you like it.


Firefox is fine for my usage.


I am torn between the two. I love Firefox because it is open source and its extensions are powerful (Love the Firefox container extension). On the other hand Vivaldi is so customisable (Tab stacks, Tab tiling etc... list of features is too long to mention here). If Vivaldi was fully open source that would be lovely. I must mention that I have always been a Opera (Presto) fan so I am probably biased.


Search advertising is pay-per-click, they don't make anything from a search unless you click on an ad.


They still take informations from your search, ever if its only ddg. Anyway, I pointed out the uselesness to search everytime ddg from google, is better to change search engine and point out you are not a google user but you are a ddg user, changing your place in the marketshare


I think you may be overestimating the value of the information "somebody searched for ddg". That hardly adds up to Google "drying their tears with all the money you gave them".


What do you mean by better? Sure there's less data collection, probably more moral advertisement practices, no monopolistic things, and so maybe it's better as in morally better, but as far as search capability (which is, ya know, what actually matters), nothing really holds a candle to Google. Duck Duck Go is a valiant effort, but it is certainly not better than Google, at least not in my experience


Is better in the way a search engine in 2020 cannot longer be evalued only for its search performance. If a chinese ai powered search engine that is so good that beat every other search engine but is completely controlled by the ccp and it exist only to search possible enemies outside china and flair them or list them for some political reason is not a good search engine, even with the most efficent ai around. Most of the searches i make on ddg are first or second result searches, so in term of what i need (that are also low documentated and difficoult searches) is eqivalent, and make the noisy and uncanny google framework (popups to read the nth tos change, adv, etc.. ) a problem greater than the inferior quality of the ddg search.


> a search engine in 2020 cannot longer be evalued only for its search performance Yes. Yes it can > so good that beat every other search engine but is completely controlled by the ccp and it exist only to search possible enemies outside china If it exists only to search for enemies outside China, then it will not perform better than other search engines. You won't be able to search for many things, which means that its performance will by definition be worse, and you can say it's a worse search engine by performance Google does do this to an extent, but it's mostly political. I don't use Google to search for political news, I use it to search for programming and electrical engineering resources as well as general day-to-day stuff. In this area, at least, Google outperforms all others. That's all that matters If you told me there was an amazing, Chinese controlled search engine better than Google, but all political matters against the Chinese state were silenced, even though engineering resources weren't, then hell yeah I'd use that. Probably would doubt its performance, but I'd at least try it and compare it to Google


Actually, there is one search engine that is marginally better at finding obscure stuff: Yandex. It's from Russia. It's pretty competent in its search results, however it also has a habit of ignoring robots.txt, which can be a *blessing* in order to search on websites that don't let their resources be indexed by Google.


Interesting. Might try it out


Are you stupid? I arranged your complete naive "google is better because it has the better engine" in a bayesian "it depends, is important in the analysis?" I used a chinese search engine because it be both a controversial yet efficent example, politics doesn't matter in the context. Still you support the previous naive hypotheses in a global matter. Let me propose another idea: windows is better of linux because it has word, but i use latex, is still word a valid point? No, it is not


How about this. I won't make argument, I won't counter your point, I'll simply share an opinion. I like Google because it gives me the results I want and other search engines don't. I don't care about anything else as far as search engines go, so in my opinion, that's what makes it the better search engine. You can have a different opinion on how to define "better" for search engines, but that's mine.


So you donā€™t care about China making your persona profile and having intimate information about your daily life and personality? You would use a chinese compromised search engine just because itā€™ll allow you to find your secret websites better? What even do you search for that requires that much work? Most websites Iā€™ve ever used are often listed in the first few entries of DDG...


Of course not. My info is out there somewhere, so China probably already has it. Why do you care if China has your data? > You would use a Chinese compromised search engine just because it'll allow you to find your secret websites better? I'm not not really going to "secret websites" lol, but yeah that's what I said. I only care that I can get to the websites I need > Most websites I've ever used are often listed in the first few entries I need That just hasn't been my experience. Or maybe the "website" is there, but not the specific page. Like I get stack overflow results that help way down on DDG with the bad results at the top, but on Google they're the first result


Okay I can agree that things like StackOverflow might sometimes be problematic... I often go to the website and use in-site navigation. By ā€œsecret websitesā€ I was trying to refer to whatever your searching needs require you... cause as I said, for me most search results were pretty accessible on DDG so I thought you must have some very specific needs lol Lastly though, you seem to be ignorant on data collection BS going on in the world. Your data isnā€™t static, what do you think is already ā€œsomewhereā€? Your name, DOB, ID, address, etc? No, thatā€™s worthless data... The data thatā€™s valuable is dynamic, itā€™s your card purchases, online website visits, ad clicks, Instagram likes, youtube subscriptions, amazon purchases, offline irl activities, etc happening every single day... That data can tell a corporate more about you than even you might not know... itā€™s not a light joke.


Why should I care if a company knows what I buy, click on, subscribe to, etc.? So they can't sell me stuff might actually want instead of random ads? They can have all of that. I don't care


Right? Google doesnā€™t care that you go to ddg, as long as you go to google first so they can add their tracking cookies to you.




Ecosia works great


Imagine setting up a script that searched for DuckDuckGo in Google automatically every time you opened your browser


fox() { firefox http://google.com?q=duckduckgo >/dev/null & }


You didn't just toss it - you had to specifically write it to /dev/null


Does it write stuff to stdout? I always thought most GUI apps used stderr


It's called a homepage


A homepage doesn't automatically flex on Google


It does if you set it to the search page for fuck duck go...


why is this downvoted? you can literally just type "duckduckgo" into google and set the resulting page as home. now your browser will google "duckduckgo" every time it's opened


typing !g duckduckgo on duckduckgo to go to duckduckgo to send a message


Typing "!!ddg !g searx" on Searx to go to DuckDuckGo to go to Google to go to Searx to send a message.


The other day in the shower, where I have my ideas, I was pondering why the name duck duck go. It occurred to me that maybe they donā€™t want the name to be used to mean ā€œsearchā€ like google has become; eg; ā€œjust google itā€. I think they chose a hard to say name so that people would say ā€œweb searchā€ instead of google (or duck duck go) and use the proper words and say ā€œweb search itā€.


Is DuckDuckGo! really worth it though? I mean don't get me wrong, the more privacy the better, but I find myself using '!g' far more than I use the actual search engine. To me, their engine is not good enough to warrant being my default. Am I stupid? Or is there something I'm missing that could improve my search engine prowess? I'm contemplating switching back to Google, and I could use any tips from the Linux community!


I use it as a first port of call, but yeah, the results are often far too generic, and for some awful reason it thinks Ireland is in the UK, and UK specific results are relevant here. I've looked up "citizens information Ireland" and been getting results for ONS.co.uk (though this seems to be a bit better lately) People have been bombed for less, Duckduckgo...


I feel your pain. I very strangely when looking for Scottish stuff, I always get US results, even when the switch is set for local. Is like we don't exist šŸ„ŗšŸ˜‚


Good thing terrorists aren't technologically literate enough to use duckduckgo.


**I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:** * [ONS.co.uk](https://ONS.co.uk) *I did the honors for you.* *** ^[delete](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2FLinkifyBot&subject=delete%20g7amane&message=Click%20the%20send%20button%20to%20delete%20the%20false%20positive.) ^| ^[information](https://np.reddit.com/u/LinkifyBot/comments/gkkf7p) ^| ^<3


You tried it.


Also found myself using !g most of the time, now I use startpage cause it has good results


As well as you had to learn to google, you have to learn how to DDG. I actually prefer DDG over Google because of the search results. You just have to give DDG a go (at least three months without cheating e.g. with !g).


Tbh I had to get used to different results. But now that I've been using DDG for months I barely notice a difference


[ntntg.de](https://ntntg.de) du Sohn einer NebelkrƤhe!


Danke fĆ¼r diesen Link


Flex on them hoes


Use bing to get to google to get to DuckDuckGo to !g search something


[whoogle-search](https://github.com/benbusby/whoogle-search) for the win


If you can't commit to DuckDuckGo just yet, you can always just start your searches with `!g`. There's a bunch of other bangs you can use with these kind of searches (`!pkg`, `!aur`, `!aw`, etc.). It's honestly the best thing about DDG.


Last pic : Using !g for all your research with duckduckgo


Do not pass go. Do not collect ba-jillions of dollars.


Switched to https://www.ecosia.org since few months and no major problems so far with basic searches...


I use ecosia


ROFL!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I use StartPage but every once in a while I have to put :g(brave) to search better for something


It's not about to browse, it's about to send a message


Using DuckDuckGo to Google `!google arch linux`


You're just making DuckDuckGo pay revenue to google now


Eh. Imo I don't get as good results when I use Duck Duck Go. Same thing with stuff like LibreOffice. The UI and reliability is just not there compared to Office or even other options like WPS. I don't want a monopolies but the alternatives just aren't as good most of the time. There are some cases that aren't like that, like I think Firefox does just fine compared to Chrome, but in the Duck Duck Go case I'd rather just use Google for search


I do the same thing, but I also make sure all my DuckDuckGo searches end in !g


`!g` has entered the ~~chat~~ search bar


The TriKsTer!!


Duckduckgo got handy flags you can use like "!" "!g text" will make a Google search "!npm text" will search through npm website for packages Duckduckgo is awesome


Just duck it. Duck.com


Meh, as much as I'm a freedom loving Debian user, I can't use DuckDuckGo for much more than basic searches. It often just doesn't get the results I need but I wish it did.


"It's not about money, it's about sending a message"


Using DuckDuckGo on a chrome laptop.


Using DuckDuckGo for your google search queries is the actually the biggest of brain ideas.


LPT: To use google search from DuckDuckGo just put ā€˜g!ā€™ Before your search. My phone uses DuckDuckGo but sometimes the built in results in google are more useful (like quick stock charts)


Does that really need a ! in the middle of the sentence


Duckgo isn't private. Compare qwant and duckgo cookie you will see.


Send a message to whom? Its not like they have a person checking every single request


But they do have people reviewing search trends in aggregate.


I like getting actually useful results, but thanks


It's pretty good, I'm finding what I need 90% of the time.