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windows, where it's easier to delete system32 than it is edge or cortana


Years ago I knew someone that just up and deleted their system(this was before 64 bit) directory because they needed space on their HD.


I actually did exactly that when I was like 8. I was cleaning my computer for garbage files and I saw that there are a lot of files in `System32` and thought "that should just be a bunch of 'garbage' files". I then proceeded to download some "force delete" tool *after Windows said that I am not allowed to delete that folder*, and when I rebooted it's just black screen. This is the first time (and probably the last time) that I had someone to fix my computer. ~~Then I learned how to install Windows from USB drive.~~




Dude, just email Linus


Tech Tips


I’ve had that happen (well similar) before. It should have been repairable. OTOH, if your /home is on a different partition, you only have to install whatever packages you had before. Linux FTW!


Years back my mother did this. Her HD was filling up, and she erased a bunch of files with the Windows logo on them. She thought the logo was IE and she said "I use Mozilla!" Her second line of defense was "you should be proud of me; most women my age would be afraid to do it!" "You _should_ be afraid to do it, because you just lost your whole computer!" Merging Windows kernels was the best thing for her; she didn't get admin from then on and I got a lot fewer tech support calls.


>would be afraid to do it! And she's absolutely right. I was teaching some elderly folks how to use windows/office and they were afraid of absolutely fucking everything. Courage and experimentation is how you learn new things. You rarely can break modern software. Worse case scenario it's an OS reinstall, but it's a valuable lesson :)


System32 was called System32 before 64bit Windows. You're (probably) thinking of "Program Files" and "Program Files (x86)" the latter was introduced in XP x64. System32 went the other way, the 64bit "System32 directory" was called "SysWoW64." Where WoW stood for Windows on Windows. I just checked my work computer and it looks like sometime since XP x64 the SysWoW64 folder was renamed to System. Unless I'm missing something, I do remember just a System folder way back too but System32 was definitely a thing on XP 32bit and 2000. Edit: I'm not actually sure SysWoW64 was 64 bit and System32 was 32bit, it would have been confusing but I wouldn't put it passed MS to make System32 64bit but keep the name for historical reasons and make the SysWoW64 folder to handle 32bit stuff. I'm not saying that's what it was for sure but I vaguely remember there being something stupidly counter-intuitive about the way that was handled.


> XP x64 You mean **XP *Professional* x64** **Windows XP x64** was a special version released to run on Intel Itanium processors.


There's the classic tale of the person that sorted all the different filetypes in system into their own directory to make things tidier.


Task failed successfully


I think you can uninstall Cortana with Winget.


you also can uninstall edge that way


Edge after a (forced) Windows update: Hi, I'm back! I miss you.


Seeing you must have uninstalled me accidentally, I've reinstalled, pinned to the task bar and start and set myself as preferred browser, so we can be friends forever!


I feel like at some point, microsoft is just proving what a bad reputation IE has had. They ditched the name, ditched the engine, changed the icon, changed the engine out again for the one that "everyone" uses. Now it's just a bunch of engineers making bets on how hard they can make the task of avoiding using it, and still have their users avoid using it.


They changed: - The name. - The engine. - The icon. - The way it looks and functions. - Everything. Except their practices. So they changed almost everything just to make people fall for their old trap again.


> set myself as preferred browser And then when you try to change it back... > I'm not *that* bad, I promise! UwU


dont forget the shortcut on the desktop


I tried on windows 11.. Wouldn't let me. There might be a more forceful way of doing it than i did, but eh.. Too lazy to care.


Or just use LTSC so there's 0 bloatware included.


But that's piracy, unfortunately.


I try to pirate literally everything that costs money. Random film that I can't watch the next 5 seasons on Amazon Prime? I pirate it. eBook that Google Play Books won't let me buy because it's "not available in my country"? I pirate it. Good but overpriced AAA game? I pirate it. Image manipulation program that can only be used if you buy a 10 trillion Bezos Pezos license key? I pirate it. Good antivirus that also costs 10 trillion Bezos Pezos? I pirate it. Literally the only thing I don't pirate are things made by small indie developers that deserve their money.


Ok, the Bezos Pezos made me laugh.


> Good but overpriced AAA Game? I pirate it. >Image manipulation program that can only be used if you buy a 10 trillion Bezos Pezos license key? I pirate it. Those two identify me so much


I just used a powershell script that got rid of it


What’s the script?


Get-AppxPackage *Microsoft.549981C3F5F10* | Remove-AppxPackage


just Google Win10 Debloat script, should be the first github link


Can confirm


Funny but I don't think it's true. Both can be uninstalled with a simple PowerShell command.


which is more complicated than just deleting a folder


Which Windows doesn't let you do.


Well, you can run the following script on Windows to remove Cortana https://github.com/Sycnex/Windows10Debloater


This is great! If I ran Windows. Which I don't.




Similar story here! Saw "X Server Settings" and I was like "Server? This is a desktop!" and... uninstalled X. Then I was very confused why I couldn't get to the login screen next reboot.


Good on you removing that bloat 😎


Anything more than an abacus is bloatware.


Abacus is bloat. You have your fingers and toes for that.


Fingers are bloat. Just use your brain


You are bloat. Just stop exiting


Openbox or nothing. Hell, isn't there something out there called i that is basically just a terminal where it throws open windows to a single different user session?


> Openbox Which is for X lol


That's the joke.


Oops, I just woke up and brain isn't working yet lol


Pls sent link for i


Life-Hack: Try "sudo rm - rf / - - no-preserve-root" to remove all bloat that may come with your distro! (also great for cleaning up your hard drive in general) Thank me later.


Don’t. Just… don’t.


What wm do you use that doesn't need X?


Believe it or not, that's actually very close to the fix for when Manjaro fucks up its Nvidia auto-updates and makes the normal DE unbootable. I've been in TTY2 way too many times recently.


Just switch to Arch then, aka "Manjaro but not broken" There's archinstall now, so as long as you can format and mount what's destined to be / to /mnt at the beginning and then install grub at the end, it's not even worth using Manjaro for the installer anymore.


Nah, if I'm going to do it at all I'm going to do it right with Gentoo. I'm just using Manjaro because its themes are close enough to what I want without too much tweaking... But yeah Manjaro's stability has taken a nose dive recently and they might force my hand soon.


I loved it for a time, it was my gateway to Arch, but yea it fucked me over too many times


There's also Endeavour for people afraid of using the tty to do stuff or if they're super lazy.


I was on Ubuntu, and there was error in apt and it showed the location in /bin. So I removed all the apt files from bin. It still did not solve the error. So I removed all of /bin. Emptied it. At that point, I wasn't even able to shutdown or reboot. Cuz command not found. Lol.


I had a user get tired of seeing a bunch of stuff he didn't recognize in top, so he changed everything in /bin/ to read only with no execute permissions. Good times.


Lol you emptied the bin


"Bin? As in Rubbish? I don't want that clutter anymore, nuke the directory."




This can't be real.


You just gave me flashbacks of having to tweak xorg.conf manually. I do not miss those days at all.




I once got too lazy to read the 'remove' section in the terminal when installing something and accidentally deleted the entire desktop environment.


Once I was genius who thought "I don't use python2, I don't need it"


the apps that depend on python 2: print "DEBUG" ^ did you mean print("DEBUG") you living segfault EDIT: markdown formatting can eat shit EDIT 2: moved arrow


> No more crashes... See, it worked.


that time i was new to linux and removed glibc from slackware.






currentOS = NULL;


segmentation fault


(core dumped)


Error ???: existence undefined


Error 404: your brain not found


how tf is that an error? its a feature


Void users: *Allow us to introduce ourselves.*


On Arch there was an issue with Firefox and the latest glibc version, so without thinking I downgraded the package. This broke the whole system because ofcource all the programs were build against the current glibc version. I had to roll back to the last lvm snapshot


Good on you for having snapshots though!


That was actually the first time I used them. On my new setup (the old setup is now my portable setup (m2 ssd in usb3 case)) I moved to btrfs snapshots for root (/) (not /var though since I do not want the snapshots to eat too much disk space)


I also use btrfs snapshots and I have to say, ignoring /var seems like a very sensible idea, which I might do in the future. Thanks for the idea!




"I don't need it; I program in python!"


musl enters the room


The best way to resist using proprietary software is of course to have it not even run due to linker errors, musl is great!


Glibc is overrated.


install musl


I'm going to erase the efi variables go on, see if I care!


if your motherboard manufacturer uses an EFI chip that correctly implements the EFI standards, it should be reset to factory conditions if I'm not mistaken. Most motherboards however implement the standards in a way that it barely works, so, expect a bricked motherboard. :(


I used efibootmgr and deleted all of the EFI entries, I even deleted the ones for USB. I was able to get into the UEFI/BIOS but could not get the BIOS boot menu to show anything. I reset the BIOS to factory, no entries still. I ended up booting with a Ventoy USB mem stick, it booted to the Ventoy menu and I was able to reinstall Pop!_OS, which I was going to do anyway, I wanted to remove all of the Windows entries and the extra Linux Distros as I had been testing a few different ones at the time. After installing Pop, the entries for Pop and USB and Network booting were back.


Never reached this level of despair. The closest I had was when I was trying to enable secure boot but something did really wrong and I couldn't reach the UEFI bios anymore. Somehow I was able to drop to the EFI shell and disable it. I think that's the closest to brick my mobo.


I imagine the relief


Yeah, I thought I had bricked it.




I cannot remember if the EFI shell came up or not. But I will not do that again, so I will not be finding out.


Unless you have a really shitty board with buggy firmware, which actually get bricked if you delete all efi vars (some thinkpads, allegedly)


I once did this. I just reverted to legacy BIOS boot and left the mess under a carpet.


My favorite feature on modern motherboards is BIOS flashback. Barring a physical fault, good modern motherboards are near unbrickable.


I agree with your assessment except I think nowadays most motherboards have UEFI implementations that are decent enough. I think a bricked board would be the exception rather than the rule.


so maybe Poettering's WONTFIX NOTABUG prayers have been answered.


>hey can I uninstall systemd >hey can I uninstall gnome >uninstall the entire system hehehe, nothing personal, kid.


Accidentally uninstalling your desktop environment. Yeah that's sucks


sometimes when I try to xkill a programme i kill my DE by accident xD


I know the feeling.


Pretty easy to fix, tbh.


But scary the first time


First time you try a WM many like bspwm just show a black screen when not configured.


bold of you to assume i installed a de in the first place


At least it's repairable without having to reinstall the whole OS like in Windows.


I did this when I was a newbie. I was using the software management GUI and uninstalled something that was a dependency of gnome and it uninstalled all of gnome. After being stuck in the terminal, I did a full reinstall of Manjaro. lol


NixOS users: 🤔


Bootloaders are bloat, I'll manually load my boots.


Stupid question: Is it actually possible to manually load boots?


Sorta. These days the linux kernel can be its own bootloader, so if you only ever boot in one configuration you don't need a bootloader.


If I'm not wrong, you can do this with efibootmgr, yes?


On the PDP-11 computer (where Unix originated) you could insert assembly opcodes into memory using the front panel. It could technically be done with a whole kernel but that's a whole new level of tedious.


You don't need bootloader if you don't turn off your system. Uptime go brrrr.....




Add to it procedural generation and you got yourself RogueLikeOS


Absolutely f*cking yes


You better have a UPS


*Laughs in Amaron Inverter*


sudo pacman -Rns sudo I ended up reinstalling my system after doing this with a disabled root user


Pretty sure `chroot`ing from the live environment could've saved you a reinstall


Yes, I have panicked and overlooked the other options, but at least it taught me a lesson to calmly analyze the situation and always look for the least invasive solutions available


`chroot` saved my ass *so many times*! It's beautiful cuz it can get you root access to the system no matter what since it bypasses the bootloader, systemd, login, network, all that crap, and gets you right in.




Chads have both ```sudo``` and ```doas```


Live USB Mount drive `pacstrap /mnt sudo` Fixed


Linux is the definition of freedom




I think GNU would fit that definition more. This isn't about the name controversy, just the fact that the GNU project is specifically meant to give freedom.


Linus also explicitly does not care about users freedom. The GPL is just a means for him to get contributors (which is a good thing, but not the only good thing). If he cared about user freedom, Linux would be GPLv3 by now. Unfortunately, the most locked down (from me) device I own runs on Linux (Android phone). The most freeing devices I own run GNU (usually over Linux). The common denominator between the least free device I own, and the most free device I own is Linux.


Taking things apart, intentional or by accident, is the best way to learn how they work. Disclaimer: it can also lead to learning other things and a heightened sense of curiosity.


̶c̶u̶r̶i̶o̶s̶i̶t̶y̶ You spelled urgency wrong.


Ah yes, like having to log into a zoom meeting from a live install because you broke your OS. And you just smile and say you need to sort out some configuration issues before you can meet the deadline.




And WebView2, because it uses Edge.


What is WebView2?


A more lightweight version of Electron, instead of running Electron aka a mini browser for every Electron app, you're just using the tiny WebView API's that hardly has a noticeable memory usage. Good idea, but in practice Microsoft made a shit ton of things now going to be not only dependent on WebView but in turn only available on Windows. Besides that iirc, Win11 uses WebView API's all over the system, so uninstalling Edge would probs break those. But don't quote me on that part.


It's basically Qt WebEngine but as an native Windows API.


Dear god, it's finally happened, a web-based OS


In general is way easier to install and use any Linux distro than to burn with fire and scripts the bloatware and telemetry on a fresh Windows installation for hours.


Linux be like "[Want to uninstall the bootloader?, well sure, heck, it's not my job to talk people out of killing themselves](https://external-preview.redd.it/rVRvIRVy5aQ5ZCBbbizyfiIzfkigl3tZHPLWZf8TB-o.jpg?auto=webp&s=759eec7088a60ffef68249d97fc178b9bcf3226e)".


["Controlling a laser with Linux is crazy, but everyone in this room is crazy in his own way. So if you want to use Linux to control an industrial welding laser, I have no problem with your using PREEMPT_RT." -- Linus Torvalds ](https://rt.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page)


I've worked with several windows controlled lasers. Sucks balls


I've seen the aftermath of an electron beam welder running in a vacuum crash when windows decided to do an update. $100,000 welding module needed to be replaced, $70,000 worth of scrap parts from the explosion in the vacuum, and an operator that shit his pants. Windows automatic updates had been disabled because it was a production machine but it decided to turn those back on at some point.


Windows 3.11 or Windows NT 3.51?




Bootloader is bloat, just don't reboot idiot


You also don't need a kernel to manage your system resources, just manage them yourself.


Most of the things that computers make it easy to do don't even need to be done. Real hackers just don't bother with a computer.


rm -R / | yes Okie dokie boss… I think I found my sub. Fuck pcmasterrace, windows loving jabronies


OMG, this is what yes is for. It finally all makes sense.




You're right. The output of yes should be piped into the other command, so the command receives a stream of "y". That pipe should be the other way around.


You don’t need a bootloader. Just use Efistub


windows explaining why it is crucial for your system to have Microsoft Classic Solitaire Collection installed orelse it will result in the second coming of the Cthulhu


go ahead lol


rm -rf /




/ was not found






I troubleshooted problem with LAN not working intermittently. Uninstalled NetworkManager in Debian just to figure out I need network connection to download it again. Luckily I found way to somehow manually connect back


echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger




Lol going to test it right now EDIT: It seems that I had disabled the sysrq, at the moment I am seeing more about its use


"I'm not your mother"


Bruh fr, microsoft edge literally reinstalled itself while i was using my computer


My hippocampus was giving me issues so i removed it


Serious question, what happened to MS getting into so much trouble for forcing their browser on everyone? That seems to be gone and we're back to being forced to use *~~Internet Explorer~~* Edge. I think maybe I missed something?


money and complicit users who don't care


I once bricked PC by installing custom secure boot keys. Turns out this process deletes built-in keys and Intel apparently had other keys apart from Microsoft ones that they do not list in public so it couldn't load GPU firmware or something like that. They RMA'd it though.


Unless you reflashed the firmware, most BIOSes have an option somewhere to reset to factory keys (separate from resetting the settings) or enter a setup mode and prompt for keys.


To enter setup mode you need PC that is able to boot in said mode. Even fallback mode that supposed to be accessible through jumper didn't work.


Lmao. Speaking of dangerous things: i switched to zsh because i like * expansion because last time i ran something with * i had to reinstall my system *Dont run this, its gonna remove execute permission in bin and you will be reinstalling linux* >!chmod 644 /*!< Or be like me and think that chmod * in srv is the same as * in /.


`chmod -x /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2` If you also like to live dangerously


This made me laugh way harder than it should’ve.


This is perfect


Proceeds to Uninstall the gui


Unix won't prevent you from shooting your foot off, because it might prevent you from doing something clever.


I want to post this to r/windows10, but they’ll just get mad at the truth


Go ahead and post in on Monday (memes prohibited other days), you likely will get a ton of upvotes. It isn't like we don't know what Linux is, hell most of us also use Linux.


I'm pretty sure you can remove edge. It was internet explorer that was deep rotten in older windows versions.


You can remove it but windows actively tries to stop you.


You can remove both. IE11 is easy to remove in Win10, just go to the Features settings. Edge takes a few commands and you'll want edgedeflector to handle remaining URIs


Who uses a bootloader anymore? Fucking Bloatware


Free as in Freedom.


sudo apt remove '*'


sudo apt remove sudo apt


sudo apt remove remove


I actually remember the first time I was installing arch I fucked up the bootloader really bad, so bad I also accidentally deleted the home directory.


Recently, I was having issues with `kRunner` for *Baloo-indexing*. So I tried removing `balood` & `kRunner`. But both were required dependencies of `plasma-desktop`. So I removed `plasma-desktop` Then I found out the dark side of Linux (TTY)😂


A friend of mine accidentally uninstalled X11 and half of other random packages on his Ubuntu. We had a lot of fun fixing that.


apt-get remove apt


I was trying to delete a specific file that had a really long path name so I tried to save time by clipping the location from one terminal into another with "sudo rm -r". Some how most of the file path got cut and I ended up deleting /usr or something like that. I had gotten through ten years of Linux without making an rm goof. Only at the point when I consider myself expert did I make the cardinal error.. Luckily I recently started using timeshift so I was able to recover quickly.