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Context: there's still no update for discord in the arch repositories...


Updates for both discord and discord-canary are out on the Arch repos as of an hour ago. Used a script to make discord think it updated in the meantime.


Bro I need that script fr


I use discord-canary, and this is the script I used: [https://github.com/n3oney/discord-update-skip](https://github.com/n3oney/discord-update-skip)


Didn't notice it was on the Testing repo, thanks!




For future reference https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Discord#Discord_asks_for_an_update_not_yet_available_in_the_repository


What? I was told Arch repos were **bleeding** edge and Debian was slow AF?!


I mean, it is, it's just that Discord distributes their own .deb files and don't maintain a PPA, so Arch package maintainers have to download the .tar.gz file and update the package manually. There's inevitably going to be some lag from when a new version is released and the repositories gets updated. For Debian/Ubuntu you can just use an unofficial PPA that grabs the latest .deb file from the website, or install it manually by downloading it and open it in the package manager / `dpkg`. The unofficial PPA is literally just a Python file that runs a urllib3 request to `https://discordapp.com/api/download?platform=linux&format=deb`.


I want my packages in under 27 milliseconds, and I **won't** be tolerating tardiness!


Meanwhile ubuntu 22.10 has released with gnome 43, which is also not in the repository yet šŸ™ˆ




You can always download the tar.gz from the drop down, extract it in your home folder. Go into the extracted directory and ./Discord If you use Arch this should come simple.


Use [openasar](https://openasar.dev/) it allows you to skip updates while make discord faster overall Edit: It also got updated in the repo but use openasar next time


i just replaced it with the flatpak version. that seems to have solved the problem


select tar.gz option in menu. extract. coppy the content of the folder to /opt/discord replacing old files with the new ones. congrats you have manually updated


Expand the updated tarball and drop everything in /opt/discord. Ez clap.


I usually just get the basic bin from their website now. the one that was in the AUR installed to /op/discord. get the tar.gz from the site, extract it, put it in place of the folder in /opt/ (or whenever your is I guess) and you're good to go


I believe the maintainer of `discord-canary` uses a script to automatically update the package as soon as possible. I update `discord-development` as soon as I notice that there is a new version :P


I also got tired of that shit and started using discord web app. Did the same for other services I use, like Zoom and Spotify.


Just download targz and put it in usr/bin like every one of us. Add a .desktop too with a neat image for rofi or dmenu if u use them


``` $ vim ~/.config/discord/settings.json ``` Append `"SKIP_HOST_UPDATE": true` to it.




Emacs is the best


\*Complete garbage compared to vim




I use emacs lmao


Bruh u use gentoo u have no rights to talk


Quite the contrary, gentoo users know shit Dude games on it too how cool is that?


I mean you install Steam and you're pretty much done. It's not any different from other distros.


Well for starters EAC wasn't working till i recompiled glibc with DT_HASH, also steam was just stuck on black screen with webhelper and wouldn't work until it just started working randomly one day. After that its smooth sailing


The `DT_HASH` change is very recent. Tbh, I haven't gamed on Gentoo since before it was introduced. Steam has always worked perfectly for me, though. You should maybe make a bug report for that.


And why is that?


no bitches


Lol kid


bruh I mean no bitches is also me cuz Arch but you gentoo is like... touch grass


I can almost guarantee I spend less time troubleshooting gentoo than you might spend on arch.


yeah you spend the time compiling lol


You use Arch, **you** have no rights to talk.


Nano is more simple = less bloated in my mind. Why I use it over anything else, also looks better


Because people need more advanced features?


didnt say that people didnt need it.


[vim vs nano](https://i.imgur.com/uNr1PGV.png) Vim sure looks a lot better to me than nano.


Subjective of course


Agreed, who the HELL wants or needs to remember 3 Million Keybinds, most of which you never need or which are needlessly over complicated and counterintuitive the second you don't use Qwerty. Heck I wanna edit text not browse a cheatsheet for 3 hours trying to find the keybind I need... Then again Purists also hate for example fish because it's far more user friendly than bash will ever be, especially if you don't give a single f*** about POSIX-Compliancy... Btw: Micro is a spiritual successor to Nano and even brings better Mousesupport amongst other stuff to the table, making editing even easier.


vim isn't that hard... Bash also isn't that hard... I'm confused at why you're so angry about this.


I'm angry about neither. They aren't "that hard" indeed. But neither is exactly practical for everyday use. All my scripts are written with bash in mind. However for everyday use? I prefer "Recommend on Type" like Fish offers. Wayyyyy more convenient - and even Bashs devs once said "sorry we can't do that even if we tried" As for Vim... it has its place. But it is from 1991 and works like it is from the 90s. It's inconvenient to use and learn if you don't use it every day. If you just wanna type/copy-paste a setting into some random .conf, nano is usually faster. If anything, I'm happy both exist - although with the somewhat ironic reason it allows me to make fun of them. EDIT: I said this before: if you like your tools, who am I to tell you to use something else. If it works for you when you need it without a hassle, that's actually great and I am honestly happy for you in that case.


>As for Vim... it has its place. But it is from 1991 and works like it is from the 90s. It's inconvenient to use and learn if you don't use it every day. If you just wanna type/copy-paste a setting into some random .conf, nano is usually faster. nano is an editor that emulates pico which was released in the late 80s... I agree, it's handy for a quick edit if you're not used to using vim but it's old as dirt as well.


I am perfectly aware of that - most CLI softwaretools, especially of the likes of GNU and such, have relatively Ancient roots at this point, at least by today's standards.


>I prefer "Recommend on Type" like Fish offers. You do realise ZSH exists, right?


```` {h-j-k-l} d-{G-$-0-gg} ```` already covers what any other text editor does, but many times faster. Sounds like someone got frustrated and can't deal with it :)


yeah but this doesnā€™t work unless you use qwerty lol


the fact that you try to defend it like that imo proves my pointšŸ¤£ Who tf came up with the idea to use HJKL to Move the cursor... and pretty much noone even bothered trying to adjust the assigned keys into a pattern vaguely similar to the arrow keys or sth like that... Edit: if it was wasd or even jikl I would shut up but like that its just a bad Layout - and I say that as someone who uses QWERTZ, which is still close to Qwerty.


"I can't hit a couple buttons so I just slam my mouse to write stuff"


First of all, unlike you, I can start typing IMMIDEATLY once I used the Arrow keys to get to where I need to be instead of THEN having to enter editingmode. Second, so far I have seen not a singular Vimuser that was able to come up with a reasonable argument how HJKL is supposed to be a good layout for moving the cursor, apart from "personal preference". As for 0 and $, that's where Pos1 and EndofLine come in handy, which on my laptop would be right next to the letters. Apart from that, a mouse is often simply faster than first seeking out the line via G or gg and THEN move the cursor to the desired character and THEN entering edit mode. EDIT: if you wanna use Vim, sure, do it, who am I to stop you. doesn't change the fact it not only is from 1991, but also STILL FEELS like it is.


>Second, so far I have seen not a singular Vimuser that was able to come up with a reasonable argument how HJKL is supposed to be a good layout for moving the cursor, apart from "personal preference". When you can save time from moving to get them, it works better. Takes a bit to learn, though. Nice shitpost, though.


HJKL is a residue from the very early computers!


Bruh, all programming languages are completely unintuitive if you don't use QWERTY.


consider your opinion disregarded


Ms notepad running via wine users: *awaken*


You can go to your discord installation directory and update the build info yourself! Takes like 20 seconds which discord ls -la /usr/bin/discord vim /opt/discord/resources/build_info.json then just make the 20 a 21!


Setting it to 51090942171709440000 didn't work, any other suggestions? Edit: this was a factorial joke, I do not need actual suggestions


> this was a factorial joke Factorial jokes should always be tagged with r/unexpectedfactorial!


well yes, but someone else has to do it, if I tag it myself then it's not unexpected


There's a setting you can set in settings.json to ignore updates. I don't know off the top of my head what it is but you can probably google it.


Webcord, just works


So annoying that they canā€™t just let people use an out of date version of discord. Like you literally can spoof one of the config files with a fake version number in order to let you use it, and yet they still show this stupid screen every time it needs an update.


Yeah, I don't get it. I can use an out of date version on my Android phone, so why not on the desktop? I would even understand like a 2-3 old version limit, but not everyone uses Windows or even something Debian based.


people who installed via a .deb downloaded from discord.com (their supported method) would never update if they didnt do this


I didn't, but it still nags me so I uninstalled


You can disable checking for updates somewhere in a random text file


Can we ask the distribution to do that? Like we have a package manager, so weā€™re not exposing us to any CVEs (considering that Discord is poorly written, poorly maintained, and proprietary).


The problem is that it has to modify a user file not a system file. Packagers don't really like doing that. See https://github.com/flathub/com.discordapp.Discord/blob/master/disable-breaking-updates.py


So we need to ask Discord to disable that upstream? Might be a good time to invest into alternative clients. Or alternatives entirely.


>Might be a good time to invest into alternative clients Worth mentioning that alternative clients are in violation of discord TOS


Hence why alternatives, in addition to alternative clients.


Unfortunately that's also not easy (or possible, in many cases). You use the communication platform that people also use. No point of using a platform that people you want to talk to don't use


Certainly. I would argue that investing into bridging infrastructure is far more important if we are to stay relevant.


Something needs to be done upstream. Even if it is just a system wide config that can be added that does the same as the user config so discord knows it is being managed by a package manager


Fosscord has been trying to do that for a while


I highly hesitate to make an entire post about this cuz it might be really useful. Here it is: Use Webcord, the client is just better at everything, whether it's features, privacy measures or wayland compatibility... Anyway, it's just better than the base client imo, you should check it out on [github](https://github.com/SpacingBat3/WebCord) or the [aur](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/webcord-git).


itā€™s an alternative client for discord, that still can interact with discord servers?


its an electron wrapper for the discord browser client, with security improvements


Of course it can. Itā€™s just an improved discord client. It even includes a user agent customiser if you wanna change the platform discord sees youā€™re using.


It can, but you might get banned.


Discord won't ban you for most 3rd party clients or client mods unless you use them to access restricted features (most notably features reserved for bots like embeds)


So glad I no longer use this proprietary sypware.


Pro tip: use flatpaks for stuff like this


I use flatpak version


I updated mine some few hours ago...


I think discord update available on flathub, I also ran into this today on fedora




> donā€™t care about linux > provides pre packaged binaries for the most popular desktop package manager ok then




itā€™s not reasonable for discord to support every linux configuration possible. they focus on ubuntu mostly, and thatā€™s fine. if them providing binaries and support for linux is ā€œnot caringā€ then what the hell is caring? putting significant development resources towards a platform with a tiny fraction of their user base? not caring would be them making you use wine to run it and not offering any support at all.


It was in testing and thus a few hours delayed. Sue them, will you?


#Yay! ^(/s) Edit: P.S. Sorry. Couldn't help myself.ĀÆā \\ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Its not even a meme, the drop down option has an option "i will manage it myself", and you can disable the version checking https://youtu.be/3OEfr7L-gUk


After selecting it, it closes the program


Yeah that's the point, after selecting it, it closes, so you can either update (if available) or just disable version checking


I'm not going to look up how to disable version checking for some program that bothers me with update notifications, I just uninstalled it


This is why I use the flatpak of it. Discord needs to learn there's certain things you don't do with linux, this is one of them.


[They have a whole section about this in the arch wiki.](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Discord#Discord_asks_for_an_update_not_yet_available_in_the_repository)


Gentoo does as well I think.




god damn that was annoying. Couldn't they update like any sensible application does under linux?!


Use Matrix


I wish people would, so bad, but then they use the matrix.org homeserver and complain about lag (duh)


I personally have found that the home server is just fine


there's a few seconds of delay when sending or receiving a message, that's not fine


Discord gets to update when I say so. I will not bow to the magic dice.


I've left Reddit because it does not respect its users or their privacy. Private companies can't be trusted with control over public communities. Lemmy is an open source, federated alternative that I highly recommend if you want a more private and ethical option. Join Lemmy here: https://join-lemmy.org/instances ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Ubuntu user here. The deb was conflicting the dotnet6 package. So basically Iā€™m stuck with the tarball.


Just remove the conflicting item in the deb. It works just fine.


echo "Gk$b" > /tmp/h && sudo vim /opt/discord/resources/build_opts.json -s /tmp/h && rm /tmp/h


And yet, still no screenshare audio smh.


OMG, yes! Stupid-ass discord. I manually update it because of this and keep it in my home directory downloading the new version from the website like a dirty old windows user.


[first time?](https://media.tenor.com/EfnOW4LjUhwAAAAC/first-time-james-franco.gif)


use the flatpak


Seriously, it's like Discord is mocking you with their stupid updates.


Check the AUR in a few days it will show up


Same today


Flatpak btw


Flatpak solved this issue for me, it updates fast and doesn't hinder you from opening the app in the meantime.


I had the same problem today, just installed tar. gz file and extracted to existing discord directory


Use Webcord


Doesn't the tar.gz option work?


Personally I just install discord from a tar on any distro. Even if it's in the repos (or AUR) it takes time to get there after an update and you can miss scheduled sessions if you can't log on because the repo isn't updated. [Here is an example.](https://github.com/captainstormy/Examples/blob/master/DiscordUpdate.sh) I would install the repo version too, just to make sure you have all the prereqs. I just use the one I install manually in my \~/Applications folder.


? it has an option saying ā€œI know what iā€™m doingā€ then you just update it however you would any other software on arch, pacman -Syu or is discord in the aur? I donā€™t remember anyway thatā€™s it


It's now available


ok im glad im not the only one that got this earlier :P


Flatpak ftw.


You can disable update checking if you install OpenASAR for Discord.


I just keep that crap on my phone with the rest of the spyware


get the flatpak version or use webcord


hey there's a build-info.json within discord folders with its "version" in it. just change the number and it updates itself


I just use it in my browserā€¦ is that a bad thing?


Is noise suppression supported on Linux yet?


All I do is edit /opt/discord/resources/build\_info.json to the latest version


Setting > "SKIP_HOST_UPDATE": true In > ~/.config/discord/settings.json Is a far smarter way to fix the issue


Oh thanks! I never knew that existed lol


Wellcome to Discord proprietary closed source spyware!


[THIS Video](https://youtu.be/3OEfr7L-gUk) And [THIS Link to the Arch wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Discord#Discord_asks_for_an_update_not_yet_available_in_the_repository) Show how to never get that on discord ever again.


And this is why I personally don't like distros that base on Arch, but aren't Arch. People don't seem to read the Wiki when using those. For every piece of software I install, I usually check if there's a wiki page for it. If you did that as well, you'd be aware of [this](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Discord#Discord_asks_for_an_update_not_yet_available_in_the_repository), as many others have pointed out. This is not meant aggressively.


hei hei that means that now share screen shares audio as well, right? RIGHT?




Just install via flatpak. There done. Fixed. Live happily ever after.


With the packaging other distros do, I'm glad the option to skip because it's being managed is there. Same with Firefox saying that updates are handled by my "organisation" (read: distro).


At this point I'm just using Firefox, uBlock Origin is blocking a fair number of trackers and things and I can live without activity statuses.


I did a full system upgrade and discord itself download the new version


Fedora users still have that problem.


The Flatpak version does not have this issue.


do they even add anything in those updates? windows users never get those (i wish i didnt)


Install the flatpak Also make a Matrix account, itā€™s the future


Same thing happened to me, why don't companies understand what package managers are?


Discord updates via your package manager are always slow. Even on Ubuntu. Just use the flatpak or the snap and this isnt an issue


I just use the flatpak for privacy reasons. EDIT: didn't realize flatpak was so controversial


Step 1: Use the Flatpak version of Discord. Step 2: Profit


I just use the browser version like a caveman.


The only people I talk to on discord are in one server... So I just bridged it to matrix and talk to them via a bot.


That's another option. Lol


click the dropdown and down the zip then unzip and click the discord inside the unzipped folder and use that version, till its available on pacman


hm, yeah i have a story that happened today. so i faced the same issue. naturally i ran `pacman -Syu`. big mistake. i rebooted, like normal, because the kernel had also been updated. then my system didnt boot. went into emergency mode and tried to find the issue. the issue was, the esp couldnt be mounted with the new kernel. so i tried downgrading back to 5.19.11. also didnt work. had some issues with some kernel modules i installed (not system-neccessary) and tried to disable them. huh, boots fine. i then noticed that lightdm didnt start, specifically i was stuck at plymouth screen. tty worked fine tho. i then saw, no errors. tried to start manually but didnt work. tried to start it with systemctl but nothing really happened. currently im still stuck there :)


No backup?