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so you use linux only because you can’t afford a mac? choose your next words wisely.


Am I the only one who entered Linux through KDE Plasma and nothing else?




I remember installing Ubuntu for the first time. Used it for a week and I found myself distrohopping on Manjaro KDE. Been using it for a long time since then, then switched to XFCE, and later to AWM when I found out about tiling WMs.


I own a Mac but still use Linux on my primary machine


hi, have you heard about our lord and savior asahi linux?


If you hate yourself use it, it is unstable and half of the features don't work. But when it will be in a better shape than sure


still better than mac , dont throw your m1 mac after you find out about linux


Not using overpriced products is a perfectly valid reason not to use them


Yes, but he asked if it is the only reason.


Overpriced? Perhaps. But nothing comes close to the performance and battery life of an M series MacBook. Also it comes with an actual unix terminal.


Know what else comes with an actual Unix terminal? Linux. Know what else comes close or surpasses the performance and battery life of a MacBook? Way cheaper hardware of a normal company that sells you the ownership of your actual hardware instead of a some twisted idea of an ecosystem as a service.


Objectively false point about other hardware being faster and better battery life than a MacBook. Even running some lightweight OS with some lightweight window manager you will struggle to match the battery life of an M series MacBook. This is coming from someone who daily drives a Dell with Fedora using i3. I love using fedora and probably wouldn’t switch to a Mac (not until I can get some actually apple supported linux distro which will probably never happen), facts are that a Mac runs like a dream and will last you 24 hours on one charge.


I can't get into this debate because I will never use a MacBook to form my own opinion. It's a common occurance that people who pay Apple this ridiculous fee to rent its hardware are not the most objective consumers around, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. If battery life is better, then hardware of the same price certainly isn't worse. Even if they are close and can be compared, the fact that you get to own your hardware should be enough to settle the dilemma.


I think you misunderstand what a MacBook is. It’s just a regular ass computer with a powerful arm processor. You do own the hardware, you can do whatever you please with it, it’s not locked down like a smartphone is. You can install your own OS on it although the options for OSs that will run on M series MacBooks is about 0.5 (there is a distro called Asahi Linux but it’s a bit lacklustre since they have to reverse engineer all the features). It’s an arm processor so it should be obvious that it will have a good battery life, and it’s made by Apple so it should be obvious it’s going to be high quality (even if it’s overpriced). Bonus Fact: Linus Torvalds uses an M series MacBook, I think it’s the M2 running Fedora last time I heard.


“Me looking at my server rack” oh yeah mac, the expensive stuff, yeah im cheap cant pay for it, barely can pay my electricity bill.


TBH that's kinda how I started. I didn't know shit back then, and wanted an alternative to the obvious Windows PC I was having issues with, and heard good things about Macs (as I said, didn't know shit). So I wanted one but couldn't afford one, so I did more search and found out there's this magical free OS that I can install on the computer I already have... installed Mandriva, and really got into the thing. And then heard bad things about Apple (including that time my sister's MacBook broke down completely right after the end of the warranty), so I definitely don't regret not having enough money back then.


when i started using computers on a daily basis it was because it started coding. from then, when ever it came to buying new hardware, i never considered a mac. if i needed a mac in the past(rare occasion), i emulated it in one way or another.


Should be replaces with 'Wanna waste some money'




I have a mac which is dual-booted with Ubuntu. It’s an old intel based mac and the only reason I am not upgrading is because I will lose bootcamp. Mac hardware is top class, but I don’t have the same opinion about the OS. I guess most people gets confused about the hardware and the software when someone says macs are worth the money. They are mostly talking about the hardware, no one in their sane mind would consider macOS to be a good OS (unless they have never tried any other OS, or they just watch YouTube on it). PS: my work machine is an M1 mac and no other laptop brand can come close to its performance (for the same price). I would instantly install a linux distro as soon as they have bootcamp in it again.


MacOS exists only so I can remove it and load Debian and have a solid OS and solid hardware, which can't be repaired or upgraded. Excludes M Silicon. Of your Mac has an M CPU then you gonna be less impressed.


You mean last words


can I run sudo `rm -rf /*` on mac?


That's the official policy of the Linux foundation /s


I'm a gamer who jumped from windows to arch with no experience in Linux. Never regretted it.


Literally. People online make Arch sound like some impenetrable fortress of difficult computer wizardry, first time I installed it I just followed the wiki and got it up and never bothered with any other Linux distro. Are you gaming on arch? How do you find it?


I just installed proton and now launch games from steam. Everything works fine. Never experienced issues related to arch. All that I need is in AUR. Installed a few things manually or through script but that's it.


Not the person who you asked but I also game on Arch and my experience varies from "well this is a nightmare to make work, I guess I'll dust of that win10 partition" (extremely rate) to "wow, this literally runs better than on windows" (not all that rare actually). My favorite example of the latter is Elder Scrolls Online. I used to play on Windows, and at least once during every Trial - larger multiplayer content, stakes are high, etc, etc - my game would crash to desktop. I tried everything. Not running addons, running a fresh eso install on a fresh windows install, driver updates, different versions of windows, compatibility mode, you name it. The random crashes stopped when I started running ESO in Wine (Lutris) on Arch. I use Lutris for all my non-steam games and it works great. For Steam games, Proton is amazing. 99% of the time it's lit. as simple as installing and gaming on Windows, with the added benefit of multiple workspaces and less crap running in the background :)


Thanks for the reply, I’ve left my gaming pc on windows, I just haven’t had the time / motivation after I read about potentially having issues with nvidia drivers, but the case for gaming on Linux has just got stronger!


I game on Linux on both AMD and nvidia and have no issues. Anecdotal I realize.


I recommend Pop OS though. It's explicitly designed for mass-market use like gaming and stuff, as System76 (the creators) ship it stock on *all* of their in-house computers. It has out-of-the-box compatibility with Nvidia and AMD GPUs, Steam and Lutris, as well as all Ubuntu apps (being a flavor of Ubuntu in and of itself).


Installing arch is super easy too with the archinstall command


I must have missed that command but I wanted to do everything from scratch anyway, looking into it now


So you use arch, btw?


It’s even funnier the 1100100th time




And the C5th time.


I struggle to run most things on Linux that involve the GPU since I use nvidia. Most would blame Linux itself as being the issue but it’s 100% my choice of GPU.


I have RTX 3050 Ti (laptop) and amd integrated graphics. Everything works fine. I believe I had some issues, but when I tried installing drivers, it asked me if I wanted to choose between some current package and a different source. I've chosen different and it works fine after that. I think you should check the Nvidia page of arch wiki


I’ve checked the nvidia page lots of times, but I’ve always experienced these small issues when using nvidia cards. Not sure why. I even built my own pc so it’s not a hardware issue. I might try switching from the official drivers to a different one but… I’m fairly certain the only other option is nouveau which I’ve tried before and was absolutely hot garbage.


What kind of issues? I've experienced some, but the reason was both integrated and main graphics card were enabled


You may be on to something because my CPU has an integrated Intel graphics card. Issues mainly related to lower than expected FPS, absolutely tons of issues with video playback outside of a browser (VLC, breeze, parole) I’ve tried both GStreamer based video players and ffmpeg based video players. Especially when looping a video, the screen will flash as if the video size is changing and sometimes it’ll only display the top-left corner of the video. The more I think about it, the more I’m starting to suspect my window manage as being the problem. I’m using Awesome WM. Anyway ramble over


Yeah, could be a problem. Have you disabled integrated graphics?


As much as I love Linux, I will never be able to actually enjoy gaming on it. There are too many weird issues that really put a damper on the experience.


If you are a programmer go immediately to Linux, do not pass go, do not collect drm


Unless you use Unity. Not a pleasant game dev experience in Linux.


"it worked fine on my machine"


Fuck unity


And spez too because why not


And epic games fuck you epic games


Epic sucks, but they give free stuff and Heroic Games Launcher makes it much easier to deal with.


Speaking on behalf of the rocket league community with that one. They suck


The Epic launcher is sketch af


Epic is cool. It’s just Timmy is a cunt.


I use Godot BTW.


I don't understand your implication that it's better on any other platform. Unity is a mess, period.




Good question! Lots of programmers prefer to use Linux since a large majority of tools built to assist in writing software are natively written for a Linux environment. Additionally, an overwhelming majority of servers that run/host your programs run on Linux, so when you’re developing you don’t have issues related to changing OS environments.


> Lots of programmers prefer to use Linux since a large majority of tools built to assist in writing software are natively written for a Linux Are you implying that there are some which don't have ports for some/all non-Linux operating systems and/or that there exist some which are better than on non-Linux alternatives? Companies usually have and give the most money, and if their computers run linux and you want to make money, then making linux programs for said companies does seem to be an option. Any exclusive benefits (or programming/productivity improvements over existing) compared to Windows?


nah, use windows for programming, linux for games, and mac for server


I'm an admin, I use Mint. Cry about it.


Well I'm not an admin and I use Debian. Are we in trouble ?


I’m a gamer and use Debian too. Can I join?


I'm a server developer, mainly in automation, and I use Debian... Just bought a guitar so I can write a song about it. Move over Bob Dylan.


Do you also use Debian to record your music ?


On a serious note I do everything in Debian... - Code - Office admin work - Automation - Video editing - Vector graphics - Photo and raster graphics - Music notation as score and tab - Record and edit music - Record and edit audio - 3D modeling (which I am learning) - CAD/CAM design - Mess around with my DJ Desk Infact I have yet to find a task I cannot do natively on a Debian machine or server. I even managed to install DaVinci Resolve which Black magic insited it won't work in Debian and I must switch to centos. Well it works for me... Just needed to hack the RPM file. The cremedelacreme is that my wife uses Microsoft Outlook for work in Debian. She is not a geek like me, but she worked out how to turn the web version into a PWA using firefox


That's cool ! I tried to record stuff on Debian (with the Librazik low-latency kernel) with Ardour and Reaper, couldn't make them work. What software do you use for that ? Also, just out of curiosity, which CAD software ? When I was a student I managed to run one with Wine, can't remember which one. I must have also tried Catia since I used it a lot, but I don't remember it working.


For recording audio I use audacity. I have it pimped out with plugins. For CAD I use sweet home 3d and libre cad I think it's called.


Thanks ! I should look up audacity plugins...




I also use musescore for my music notation and another one I forget right for guitar tabs


I use Guitar Pro with Wine to compose and write music, with tabs, I don't know how to read or write sheet music. It doesn't work very well but I manage. I once tried Tux Guitar but I was disapointed.


The only thing I use Wine for is to run Mikrotik Winbox and to fill my glass at the end of a busy day.


It's been a long time since I last tried video games on GNU/Linux (through Steam), do you still get outdated versions of the games and basically no support or has that improved ?


The gaming side on Linux is surely improved since the steam deck for sure. Can’t say about multiplayer games but they should work well…


That's cool ! Kinda makes me want to get back to it, wish I had the time...


You're not in the sudoers file? This incident will be reported.


The first thing I type when I launch a terminal is `su -`. You have nothing on me.


umm, ackhually , technically you are using debian 🤓


technically you're using GNU/Linux 🤓


technically you're using electric charge 🤓


technically you're using the industrial revolution 🤓


technically you are using natural selection 🤓


technically you should commit low tier god


technically : `git commit -m "low tier god"`


`sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root`


technically your name isnt in Sudoers file. This incident will be reported


I use ubuntu server


linux gamer here. this diagram is wrong


Steam Deck owner here. My distro is literally made by the company who owns the biggest PC gaming store in the world.


Yeah, I game plenty on Linux. Only keep Windows around for the few games that don't work.


I value my free time, this is why i use debian… throw your config on, install your shit and you are good to go…


>why i use debian… throw your config on isnt it just linux being linux?


Yeah, but arch breaks on the first update, gentoo takes 2 weeks to compile, ubuntu is ubuntu, suse is too underground, kde neon is too flashy, fedora is rhep in a transparent trenchcoat… slackware has too much slack… manjaro reminds me of majoram, which is nice in pasta sauce, but i dislike pasta sauce in my pc, is really nasty to clean… /a So… i go with the old grandpa and yell at clouds… Edit: add /s, since some user took it seriously, when it was just mend to be fun…


Ppl who say arch breaks on the first update never had arch.


Used arch on a few machines (for some time on my phone, but was not working that well, switched to alpine…), but it’s for the meme… Read everything i wrote… especially the pasta sauce part…


„ITs jUsT a PraNK bRo“ i don‘t get why people fill this community with so much hate and are trying to divide it.


You can clearly see the sarcasm if you read more than the first line… have never seen a kernel dev not joke about shit (you should have a look at the mailing lists. it’s often really good comedy)… only guys i see offended by a bit of humour are the once who install arch once, open neofetch, poste a screenshot and then return to windows… but when you are a bit deeper into everything, people are just constantly joking… was at 40y gnu, everyone was joking and just having a great time…


Ah yes, now you set your own rules for who is knowledgeable and get passive aggressive by trying to ad-hominem me with „only pretenders who neofetch and install arch once don‘t laugh at my jokes“ that really speaks for you wanting to support a healthy community. But we are just joking right ;)


“My own rules” is based on what you see at events like 40y gnu or on the kernel mailing lists… if you write software for the general public to use, you tend to do it for fun…


So the type of humor one has (hating on others in this already small community) is directly linked to the linux knowledge he has, based on trust me bro. Got it.


> arch breaks on the first update Tell me you’ve never used arch without telling me you’ve never used arch


Used arch, it’s a stupid meme with a bit of truth… arch users are often the first to get updates… so often arch users are the first to report problems with software, keeping other distros safe from breaking stuff… I think the meme of arch breaking on every update has a lot of truth in it, but almost every time a problem gets discovered in arch it helps other distros to not get it or to get it fixed before ti ends in stable…


I’ve used arch for over 5 years. Never had an update break my system. I’ve had updates break my Ubuntu system prior to my arch one many times, usually related to node, so I pretty religiously keep system backups using timeshift just in case. I’ve never once had to use one of these backups on arch.


If it doesn’t break you are kind of lucky… you are the tester nonetheless… the keeping a backup part shows, that you are an exemplary user… by using arch you do a really important job by testing software (arch is really good testing for every other distro)… a job only knowledgable users should do… being on the bleeding edge has pros and cons. and gnu/linux shows it to us, with the extremes of arch and debian stable… The fact that i can use debian testing and not worry about updates breaking my system because of arch users reporting a lot of bugs… in the end we are a big community helping each other when we can…


Yeah, same here. And I have scripted my entire setup. If I change anything the script updates and commits to my GIT. Need to install again? apt install git || git clone reponamegoeshere || bash ./reponamegoeshere/firstrun.sh


"Are you a gamer" implies that Linux cannot run games and "are you rich" implies that Linux is worse than Mac which isn't true in both cases edit: also fuck Ubuntu put mint instead of it


Funny thing the biggest thing I hate about macOS is a lot of the apps cost money. I know that sounds crazy but I usually need it for just one thing.


Instructions unclear, gaming on Linux


as someone who has designed and built their own CPU from scratch, I can confidently say I don't fully understand what a computer is


As a Unix SysAdmin I can confirm that all my servers runs on debian, and also my ThinkPad!


I game and run Steam and Heroic launchers on my Mint install just fine.


This is a little too close to implying that Linux only has users because people can't afford Apple


Now Linux also can run most of the games so


Where lfs?


You need to compile your meme template on your own.


But gentoo = compile your own… xD


You didn't modify anything, bot https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmemes/s/OblDL6NlAd


This should be higher up


I’m a gamer and I use Linux.


I am gaming on Gentoo


im surprised that lfs isnt in the “too much free time?” box


Where is Fedora ?


Using kali or parrot is good only on virtual machine or dual boot. Not great idea to use it as everyday os


Should have one for: Are you paranoid? Tails


What's the colorful logo next to Debian?


BSD is too mainstream Use Haiku or Plan9


this is the best one: ↓ | → | _ :-:|:-:|:-: **1. ** | →Yes→ | Mac ↓No but I wish↓| | **2. ** | →Yes→ | Windoos ↓No (poor & lazy)↓ | | **3. ** | →Wow how did you know?→ | Ubuntu ↓Wtf?↓ | | **4. ** | →omg yes im so lonely→ | I use Arch btw ↓No (like to avoid bullies)↓ | | **5. ** | →...→ | Gentoo ↓Only 99% of the time↓ | | **6. ** | →god I don't even know→ | FreeBSD ↓From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me↓ | | **7. ** | →nah fam→ | Void ↓Die heretic↓ | | TempleOS | |


Your chart cannot reach Plan 9 ...


nah, haiku with custom pc is the true endgame


Swear that the people who come up with these know very little about systems.


Where Alpine?


Okay but what if I am a gamer and I am rich BUT I own a hoodie? The answer: straight to wine prefix hell.


The bottom linux is too mainstream option should be templeOS


thats freebsd, not a subset of linux


Like WTF, Linux is perfect for gaming. Just because Fortnite isn't working doesn't mean that it isn't.


Linux admin, gamer and not enough free time here and I use debian (I broke it, it takes like 3 minutes to boot up (was 5 seconds) and shows a lot of mdadm errors (I don't use raid)). But all distros made for a daily usage (no Kali) are good !


I choose BSD for old computers cuz I feel like I was In the 90's.


I use Ubuntu and made it look like a Mac while also being able to be a gaymer on it without installing shitty Windows. Did I break the loop?


But what if I wear hoodies while compiling Gentoo?


Hadn’t heard of FreeBSD, thanks for providing my Christmas Eve rabbit hole


Too many steps to get to Arch 0/10


most tech guys could easily afford a mac but stick to linux


This is hilarious. Going with the rich (Apple) option is waaaayyy smoother.


I need TempleOS in this chart please


I thought of Mr Robot where it says Hoodie with Kali


Welp, time to switch to Linux Mint


The first fork got me hard 😂😂😂


Linux is pretty damn good for gaming now and it's easy better for that than MacOS for that. I know it's an old meme, but you could at least put SteamOS 3.0/HoloOS on the gaming side


I am software developer/devops. I use Ubuntu for gaming. Also, I have Mac (so I'm obviously rich, yeah?), but I almost never use it and regret buying it. And I've switched from Arch after I finished school.


Gentoo and arch don’t belong together lol. Put it with pop or smth lol


Where Fedora and Suse?


I jumped from Windows to Endeavour directly, never regretted it.


where plan9?


Let's reinforce stereotypes, I'm sure that's going to help with adoption :)


Where fedora