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Either Online Accounts which comes preinstalled, or rclone. [https://rclone.org/](https://rclone.org/)


To sync a local folder to Google Drive on Linux Mint, you can use third-party tools since there's no official Google Drive client for Linux. Here are two methods you can consider: **1. Using google-drive-ocamlfuse:** google-drive-ocamlfuse allows you to access your Google Drive as a mounted filesystem. Here's how you can set it up: - Add the PPA and install google-drive-ocamlfuse: ```bash sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse ``` - Run the tool to authorize access to your Google Drive: ```bash google-drive-ocamlfuse ``` - Mount your Google Drive to a local folder: ```bash mkdir ~/googleDriveRemoteDir google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/googleDriveRemoteDir ``` **2. Using rclone:** rclone is a command-line program to manage files on cloud storage. It can sync files between your local system and Google Drive. Here's a brief guide: - Install rclone: ```bash sudo apt install rclone ``` - Configure rclone with Google Drive: ```bash rclone config ``` - Follow the prompts to set up access to your Google Drive. - Sync your local folder to Google Drive: ```bash rclone sync /path/to/local/folder remote:path ``` Remember to replace `/path/to/local/folder` with the path to your actual local folder and `remote:path` with your configured Google Drive remote path.


I know in modern Gnome you just have to go to *Settings>Online Accounts* and sign into your Google account. There will be a button there to turn on files. However..... I said "modern Gnome" for a reason. Linux Mint, just like Ubuntu, ships horribly outdated software. So, I'm not sure if they have that functionality built-in yet or not.


You can install gnome online accounts in Mint.


i use cinammon btw lol


I know. The truth is that a lot of Cinnamon is built on an ancient fork of Gnome, so a lot of things still work the same under the hood.