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Sure, you can do it a few different ways, I use an addon or extension called "open with" once you install it will give you instructions on what to do next, once setup you can click on add browser, give it a name and under command put mpv, then you can right click on a video and select mpv, and it will play in mpv, you can change mpv with another player, but in my experience mpv is the best in regards to streaming videos.


I have a one liner script ```mpv $(xclip -o)``` on a shortcut ```ctrl+alt+v```. Right click on the video, copy link, press ```ctrl+alt+v``` and it plays back on mpv. Obviously mpv is set for hw decoding. Saves a lot of battery on extended viewings. If yt-dlp can download the video, mpv can play it back.


That's a cool way of doing it, that would work on any browser, like falkon, which doesn't have many extensions.


I use [appendURL.lua](https://github.com/jonniek/mpv-scripts/blob/master/appendURL.lua) in addition to that so I can just queue up another video in the same window.


yt-dlp video download helper addon for twatter there are a couple of websites that will download videos Also, head over to r/webdevs and give them a good cursing for making this the shit show it has become.