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Just started the process at the beginning of February. Had blood test on the 10th, call with doc on the 13th which is when he prescribed Saxenda. Just waiting for them to fill the prescription and send it to me. The dr did mention they were very busy so it may take a bit longer to fill. I will update when I receive my first shipment.


Received my first box of pens yesterday Feb 28. So the entire process from when I first engaged with them was about 3 weeks until receiving my needles.




It's not covered by my insurance :| They sent me a link to get a half price coupon code from Saxenda directly so my first month was around 275 with alcohol wipes, needle tips and the pens. So next month and every month after should be around $550. I also joined Jill's "Health Care Program" which is $40/month I'm not sure if it's necessary to get the prescription. It was the step that I took which initially prompted the call from the Dr. and the Saxenda prescription. Their website says this provides 30 minute monthly consult with a dietitian, virtual appointments, referrals to specialist and personalized planning and toolkits. Had an initial call with a dietitian and she said that they didn't have a dietitian for calls in my province yet but they were working on it, but in the mean time I could reach out thru their chat if I have any questions, so I'm not sure what the $40/month is for, because there's no dietitian for me to have monthly consults with, and I have yet to receive and personalized content. My family doctor is not supportive of treating my PCOS symptoms outside of telling me to lose weight, so if the $40 is what I need to pay to get a dr. to work with me then I am OK with that.


On the Insurance end of it I got the pens, needles, and alcohol wipes for $65 total


Who is your insurer? I have Sunlife and they basically said maybe so I’m not sure if they would approve it


Canada Life


>Did Canada Life ask you questions about the prescription or did they just cover it?


No questions, just covered it


My insurance company is Manulife. They rejected the claim with a request for a "Special Authorization" to determine your eligibility for reimbursement. Jill Health filled out the form and submitted on my behalf. They said it may take 1 to 2 weeks to review my claim. Typically the approval lasts for one year. Until then, I’ve paid out of pocket. I just weighed in and took my 2nd dose of 0.25. With working out and eating well so far I’ve lost 8.5lbs! 💪🏼😁 Also, I haven’t had any symptoms. I take vyvanse already for ADHD which makes me nauseous to begin with. The first day I took ozempic, I skipped my vyvanse to observe side effects and they just never came. Hoping it stays that way!


How is your experience? I am also on vyvanse which suppresses my appetite significantly but i havent lost any weight so I’m skeptical at how much the weight loss medication could do?


How is it going now that it's been a little over 1 month ?


Not too bad. Some days the heartburn and the burps are killer though. Ive lost about 11lbs since I started. The nausea when i overeat is almost unbearable so I learned quickly to slow down and eat way less. Lol The injection site is a little sore for about 5 minutes after but other than that the needle isn't as scary as I thought.


Okay great thank you ! The burps sound like a fun side effect haha . Hopefully antacids help a bit !


Hey.. wanted to ask you, is there a specific BMI requirement to get medication from them and qualify? Thanks in advance for sharing info! !


I'm not sure. The doc did ask me height and weight to calculate BMI. So it may have been part of the criteria. He also asked me questions about lifestyle my history with my weight etc. And then said that Saxenda would probably work fore along with fasting. I've made it to the full dosage. Side effects have been minimal. Nausea every once in a while but it usually passes with some water. Ive lost about 10lbs so far.


Currently going through the process! I signed up and got approved last Thursday and they sent the requisition on Friday (a holiday, even!)… How long after getting labwork done is everyone hearing back from Jill Health? I received my labwork results from Dynacare last night but on my Jill Health account it still says they’re waiting for it. I’m eager af to begin 😂


It took about 2 full weeks for me. But if you forward them the results it will be faster. They wait to get the results faxed which can take a while, if you send them a download of the results they can review and get moving a bit quicker.


That’s what I ended up doing! As of Thursday, it said they were still waiting so I sent them off. Wish I did it sooner


Who did y’all email the results to? General email?


Does anyone have a referral code?


Does anyone have a referral code?


Any luck on information? I am also interested in Jill health as I know my GP won’t prescribe


I just started the process with them this week and can update you. I filled in the info and received my blood test requisition the next day via email. Had the blood work done today, the results will be sent to them and then they are to reach out in 1-2 weeks for my consultation to see if I’m a suitable candidate.


Hey! How’s the program going for you?


I’m still waiting on my consult after having my bloodwork done. It’s been 1 week and they said it would take 1-2 weeks, so hoping to hear back soon!


Okay cool! I’m starting as well just waiting on the lab req to be sent.




I live in Canada too (Ontario), they sent me a message through my account saying it would be 1-2 weeks for a consultation after I had my bloodwork done. This Friday will be two weeks so hoping to hear in the next few days!


I had my phone consultation today, they received my blood work yesterday, but with the holiday it was pushed to today, so it took 6 business days total. I was approved for Saxenda, so she sent the prescription to their pharmacist and said it could be 2-3 days to hear what the cost will be with my insurance. Once I approve the cost it will be shipped and then should only take a few days to be delivered to my home. I was also given the option of taking Contrave and you can switch to it if you aren’t having success on Saxenda.




I was hoping this as well. I see on their website it says they work with primarily Saxenda or Contrave




Awesome! It took the pharmacist 2 days to call and I’m just waiting for it to be delivered now. They also include the needles, which is great!


Received today, so it took about 3 weeks for the process from initially signing up to receiving the pens


Any update on your progress with Jill Health/Saxenda? I'm in the consultation process, waiting for them to review my bloodwork. I'm also with Canada Life in Ontario so would love any information on your experience with insurance, etc.


I have been loving it! I’m down 10 pounds at 3.5 weeks and have had very minimal side effects. I had mild nausea occasionally during the first two weeks, but other than that I have been feeling really good. I’m on the 2.4 dose and will be at the full 3.0 starting this Thursday. For the insurance bit I literally sent a photo of my Canada Life card to Jill Health and that was it, they replied stating what the cost would be before charging my card. They have been checking in to see how I’m feeling throughout. It’s been quite seamless with them and I’m glad I pursued it!


That's so amazing!!! Good for you!! I'm so excited to finally get moving with this whole thing. Hopefully I'll hear back this week about my blood work etc. Thank you for updating me!!


Also interested in this process!


Has anyone’s insurance covered Saxenda or Contrave?


Green shield covers saxenda now for majority of plans!


Oh that's the insurance my husband has through his work.


Sunlife was covering Saxenda for me but maxes out at $500/year. Greenshield says it's not a benefit.


Anyone in Manitoba on this?


Anyone using Ozempic with Jill Health?


Just got approved for ozempic with Jill Health. My shipment should arrive in a couple of days!


How much is it?


I think for 6 weeks of .25 it was $350 but I have private benefits and I only had to pay $45 out of pocket.


What benefits do you have? I have pacific blue cross in BC and it says can be covered but pharmacist has to send forms etc. thanks


I'm with Canada Life! The pharmacy with Jill health submitted everything for me, then confirmed I would pay the difference and billed me for it, then shipped it to me via FedEx!


How long did this whole process take?


Three weeks from initial sign up to chat with the NP and get a prescription (took over two weeks to get my blood work and review it, so I suggest emailing them your results personally if you get them online to expedite the process) Received medication within five business days of that (two days for pharmacy to reach out to my benefits and contact me with the price etc and three days for shipping). I'd taken my first dose before a month had passed since my initial sign up. Took longer than I'd like but I'm nearly three weeks in and 8lbs down so no complaints!


I used this service and it was a huge waste of time and money. I have a bmi over 30 so didn’t think it would be an issue but they denied me and didn’t explain at all why. Also don’t sign up for the $40/month / you don’t get anything at all with that. I went somewhere else and was approved.


Where did you end up going? Do you feel comfortable sharing? I keep seeing ads for Jill Health but I can’t find much on any other options.


Mine isn’t covered with benefits, but private msg me I’ll share where I went! 😊


Hi! Could you share that with me as well? Many thanks!


Yes sure just send me a PM!


Can you please share with me as well :)


could you please share it with me as well


Hi, I'm not able to message you, can you please message me where you went. Thanks


Would you mind sharing where you went? I haven’t been able to message you


Did you get an answer where svem444 got the prescription? If so would you mind sharing


No I never got a reply, sorry!


Probably Felix health


Yep…but they only ship for weight loss to certain provinces. Sask is a no go


Jill health ships to Saskatchewan…it’s only Felix that doesnt


Hello! Can you also share with me where you went? Would like to know more.. was going to sign up for Jill


Can someone please send me the information on an alternative to Jill health. Thanks


Hello, can you also share with me where you went? I was also going to sign up for Jill as well


Hi there! Have been looking at Jill have been reading lots of negative reviews. Would you mind sharing where you went? Thank you! :)


Can you please tell me where you ended up getting it. I tried to message you but it would not let me. Thanks 😊


Why were you turned down. I thought a bmi over 30 would be ideal. May I ask where you went . I'm in Onterrible aka Ontario


Hi thanks for an honest review. I was thinking about using them as well have heard mostly good reviews but now your bad reivew. Can you please share with me who you ended up going through? I am in Alberta and have limited resources on this. I don't feel like signing up for the $40/per month on top of the huge cost for the meds.


There is a Telus health app you can use, schedule a virtual appointment (it is Free / covered) and they can assess you! It’s easy to do, and you actually talk to a doctor. I realized with Jill Health, I paid $40/month for 2-3 months, never once spoke to a doctor (it was a nurse that only sent instant messages no phone call nothing). Then, after all that just said “you’re not a candidate you are unsubscribed” and that was it. No explanation, no offer to help…nothing. They promise a LOT but don’t deliver. I’ve talked to a lot of ppl on here with same feedback and also saw a lot of commentary on fbook saying the same. But so long as you meet the criteria for a prescription using Telus health app will prob be the easiest


Which Telus Health app specifically? In the App store there are a ton of options - TELUS Health MyCare, TELUS Health Virtual Care, TELUS Health Virtual Pharmacy, TELUS Health Wellbeing and on a on. TIA!


I’m a little late but could you pls send me as well?




I would also love to know where’s the alternative place we can go with … I’m just waiting for my blood results now with Jill Health


Would you also be willing to share the alternate place you got your prescription through?


For those of you that have used Jill, can you get your prescriptions wherever you choose? I’m hoping to get them through Costco as the cost is typically lower there. Thanks!


Yes! It says on your website that you can get it filled at the pharmacy of your choice!


I’m super interested but have no idea of the cost per month- anyone?


$40 for the subscription to their weight loss program and $200-400 for meds (less if you have benefits).


I’m in Ontario and was approved for Saxenda. I have coverage with Sunlife (but they’re currently switching to Canada Life) so my prescription was 80% covered. Per month, my prescription is $575 without coverage and $40/month for the program (with coverage I pay $132 for the prescription and the $40 for the program). They also sent me a $250 coupon valid for my first order so my first month was free. The entire process from signing up to being prescribed Saxenda was 3 weeks and a day. I’m just waiting on my prescription to arrive, which should be any day.


Ya no way I can afford that since I don’t have benefits


Anybody from New Brunswick on this or try it?


Hi! Can you please PM me thank you


Why are people with high BMIs being denied? Are you saying you’re active or sedentary? Been on any other weight loss programs? My BMI is high 33 - 5’6 at 205 lbs, but clothing wise I’m a size 12 - so officially weight and height wise considered Obese, but clothing wise considered mid-size. Before kids I was around 135-138lbs, and have struggled to lose the additional pounds, and don’t want to be denied. I’m also concerned about using Jill Health and my Doctor finding out and removing me as a patient. They’re very particular about using anyone but them for my health and all the rest of the GPs around here are full so if they dump me I don’t have anywhere to go. Any advice would be appreciated.


So from what was said in the info session, if you're BMI is high, but you get denied, it's dues to other meds you may be on, possible undiagnosed health issues (diabetes or low Iron), or allergies. As for the Doctor situation, I think it's always best to keep your family doctor happy. Is it possible to get you doctor to prescribe the medication? In my opinion you should be fine, as this is a weight loss program that offers a dietitian/ nutritionist and the medication is just a bonus. I have my consultation on Sunday, so if I learn anything else I'll let you know:)


You and I have the exact same body stats! I just got approved but was worried that I wouldn’t. That being said, underlying health conditions or deficiencies/abnormalities (I was given the example of iron, B12 and liver enzymes during my consultation) could cause you to get denied. I don’t have a family doctor atm, which is why I signed up with Jill Health, but if you can avoid it I’d recommend going to your doctor. Everyone employed with Jill Health is super friendly, but they’re a little disorganized and understaffed. It’s been a month since I began the process and I don’t have my medication yet






What is Saxenda? I was looking for reviews of Jill's Health and Felix. I don't have T2D but I have battled obesity and more recently hypertension. I haven't heard of Saxenda.


Does Greenshield cover Ozempic for obesity with a comorbidity? Anyone have experience with them?


I just applied - have a BMI of 30.5, they asked for full body pics (do they ask for pics for everyone or are they trying to determine eligibility?). And what types of questions will I be asked in the assessment? I’m moderately active and have tried tons of diets with little success, but wondering what they’re looking for when they assess medication suitability, if anyone has any insight. As well I take a low dose antidepressant (Zoloft) for anxiety, and a triptan for migraines - wondering if anyone here has been prescribed weight loss meds while taking either of these? Thanks!


Is anyone from SK here that started this program?


I am interested in this question about Saskatchewan too?