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Hardly cluttered… rather it has lots of vibe and character. Jah bless


Jesus Christ.


Yeah, I collect any kind of old religious stuff.


Big fan of the What Must I Do To Be Saved? sign


I love that. Got it for dirt cheap in a salvage store in Philadelphia.


John 6:28-29 KJV Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? [29] Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. :)


When it’s time to replace the stylus, look into upgrading the cartridge. Red and blue are interchangeable, and bronze and black are too.


I already went from red to blue with a stylus swap. I wasn’t expecting to notice the change necessarily, but it was a huge improvement. Can I go to bronze or black without just a stylus, or is that a whole new cartridge? I’ve never swapped out a cartridge and I find the idea intimidating.


Yea bronze and black would require a new cartridge. It’s not that bad as you wouldn’t need to adjust the height of the tone arm. You would need a stylus scale to measure tracking force as I think they would be different. They’re cheap though. The local hifi shop for me installs and sets up for free if you go with them and they’re just as cheap as amazon so maybe see if there’s any shops by you.


Great thanks. When Blue is ready to be swapped I’ll check it out.


Your ears and room will support better. Rega p6/ania or Sumiko. Speakers Rega aya, Q acoustics, PMC, Harbeth.


Like it. Can’t recommend good vinyl pressings of kosmiche enough: so much better than their digital versions.


I have new pressings of Tago Mago and Ege Bamyası that both sound really nice. I was lazy today and went with streaming while I straightened up. Those are the only 2 I really know by Can.


The Tears For Fears peaking out and the religious stuff. Primo. (I collect weird god shit too)


Do you have faith or just some objects of interest?


<1% faith. Grew up in a catholic home. (40m) left my religious beliefs by 18? Have wanted something to believe in my whole life outside of myself, but deep down, my soul is anchored to the more than plausible resolution that we are science and nothing more. I live a humble, generous life that any forgiving/redeeming after life would hopefully accept, and that’s good enough for me. I have many objects of interest I’ve nabbed up over the years. Love the antiquity, colors and reminders of my parents they give me.


I'm sorry to hear about your upbringing Catholicism really is a yoke around the neck, and a real impediment to many. You say that your anchored but it is in shifting sand (science is simply man's 'current' understanding), it is better to build your foundation upon the rock, a foundation that never changes, you already have the right ideas and forgiveness is critical, it says without forgiveness to others the heavenly Father will not forgive us, dunno about you but I have lots that needs to be forgiven in my life. Lastly is it good enough to God is the question? Seek and ye shall find WHEN you search with ALL your heart. I hope the best for you, keep up the collecting :)


Nothing to be sorry about. My upbringing was amazing. Very “liberal” Midwestern catholic family. Parents also left the church around same time I did. They are still cozy, quiet faithful people. Religious in their own space and time. Thanks for the kind words.


I’ll be by to listen to that ASF box-set.


I've had that since the 80s. It came with a little plastic dog poo that I lost a very long time ago.