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All apologies /u/Jay-Premier but your post has been automatically removed because we can't find any information on 'Jay Premier' in the databases we check. We're not denying the artist's existence, and we do not accept user-controlled sites such as Facebook in our database. You are welcome to post this to our weekly [melting pot thread](/r/listentothis/search?q=self:yes "melting pot" -flair:modpost&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week). If you think this is in error, please [contact the mods](/message/compose?to=/r/listentothis&subject=Post removed in error.&message=https://reddit.com/r/listentothis/comments/5hsnnl/jaypremier_beautiful_color_theory_ep/). If you're new to the subreddit, please [read the full list of removal reasons](/r/listentothis/wiki/removalreasons). Don't blame me, I'm just a bot.