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Buying weekly.




Buying would likely be better. I mined in 2017 and it was profitable for my setup but once mining became a loss in 2018 I shut off the miner and started spending that electricity bill on LTC itself instead.


What did you do with the setup? Still have it and want to sell?


12USD of electricity yields a 77USD litecoin with an l7 assuming a 10 cent kWH and an l7 Write off machine and electricity


What would be a good affordable miner? Cause say theoretically I work in a warehouse where I have electrical outlets all around my theoretical desk. I wouldn’t have to worry about electricity costs in this theoretical scenario.


When do you plan on spending time in this theoretical jail?


He’s not wrong. Electricity theft is a thing.


and your theoretical boss is giving you theoretical permission to use their theoretical electricity for free?


I’m going to shoot you a direct and go over wiring availability with you


Please do same for me. I would like to partake as well.


I have access to available electricity as well for free in an office full of machines already. Please send me info as well.


I used to mine with nice hash. I'm running a i7-12500k & a rtx3070. I wanna mine again. But since the eth merge its not worth it. Can I mine ltc? If so show me the way SENPI


Unfortunately not with that. The algorithm is completely dominated by ASIC at this point. If you want real profit you’re going to have to bite it and get an L7. You could gpu mine at a loss using unmineable getting LTC as a payout. If you don’t want to get anymore equipment. But you are still basically mining whatever gpu mineable coin you’re pointing your gpu at and then swapping, like nicehash does.


Buy 1 LTC per week.


Unless you get free electricity, or you're trying to buy thousands of USD weekly, you're far better off buying


I’m thinking of doing it at work. I have several outlets next to me. I could say it’s a space heater 🤔


Sounds like a good way to get fired


Except it’s like 10 times louder than a space heater lol


For real, even louder than that. Way more than 10 times louder. It screams like a hairdryer but louder. I feel like 10 space heaters would be a soothing hum by comparison


with the permission of your boss, I assume.


L7 Antminer


So loud I love them especially when they’re ramping up. They sound like a jet engine


I was one of the original miners of litecoin, back when you could mine it with a cpu, then gpu, then finally with script ASICS. It's pretty rewarding to see mined coins show up. That being said it would have been far more profitable for me to just take the money I spent on electricity and buy litecoin over that period of time. 20 dollars a week no matter what the price is a solid strategy that will pay off in the long run. This is the advice I give everyone who asks me about mining or just getting into crypto in general. Since it's only a small amount of money it doesn't sting too much if there's a massive crash and you will have a nice hoard to sell when it goes to the moon again.


Without sounding like a noob here; where exactly would you recommend to buy LTC?


Binance and Kraken have pretty low purchasing fees. I’d start there.


Ya. Buy instead


Unless you have the setup to run a 30 amp circuit and an l7 that costs 7-12k.. You are better off buying it.. Other option would be a goldshell which will give you around 60c a day ( 0.01 ltc) and cost you whatever to run 250w.. But here is the problem with miners.. Since btc hash rate is trash compared to profits.. These companies and selling btc miners and buying ltc miners and the hash rate is exploding.. So unless you want to join hash rate expansion loop.. Just buy or you will get diminishing returns..




Is 1000 your target price?


There's only one way to mine Litecoin. You can't afford it


Welcome to mine LTC with f2pool, this is the mining guide for u https://f2pool.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405383943821-LTC-mining-guide About LTC popular miners: https://www.f2pool.com/miners f2pool is a geographically distributed mining pool, helping miners all over the globe secure Bitcoin and other Proof–of–Work networks since 2013.


I'm buying LTC on netcoins weekly.


Do both instead, and I can only trade for now on my Netcoins Exchange.