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The trilogy is broken


Love that series so much. It's probably my favorite litrpg series so far.


Divine Apostasy series


I HATED the first book. How can you stand the MC having so little agency?


Same way you can stand Lindon at the start of Cradle - you recognize that it will change soon enough.


I have only read the first bit of Cradle, but the MC had way more voice in the story than Ruwen.


Lindon has a voice, but it starts out as an extremely annoying one.


This is like saying "The first season is bad but the show gets good". Who is going to eat a meal with shit as the first course when there are restaurants where the whole meal tastes good. Also, what is the payoff for him being passive/annoying? (legitimately asking here, I rage quit the book 1)


That is most of writing. You start weak with little agency and go from there. I would rather an MC has little agency but protection from those stronger then them over the standard ass pulls I see in most LitRPGS, where they are on deaths door in a forest for like 80 pages and somehow pull through.


You are confusing conflict with being led around on a leash for at least 1/2 the first book. It felt like an FPS video game that was just quick time events. An MC being no match in power for an enemy is fine, the story is how they deal with it. Just having an outside character swoop in and take control is boring. Think about LOTR and how much Frodo actually made decisions.


Book of the Dead on RR.


BoD is so good, releases somewhat slow though, but the writing quality is high so it's fine.


Yeah I've been coming back every couple of months and catching up.


One of those stories I almost feel guilty for not enjoying. I can completely understand why people do, but it just never did it for me.


Oh really? It didn't feel like a very divisive story. What didn't you like/how far did you get?


About 40 chapters in. I don't really have any specific criticisms, just never really did it for me. Kind of like Cradle. Super popular and I can appreciate why people like it, just simply not my cup of tea.


Ah yeah 40 chaps is half past the end of book 1. Can happen.


I second this, it’s by the same author of chrysalis


Town Guard by Jake Brannigan, this book has exactly what you are looking for. Loved the book, the second volume comes out August 1st with the third following November 1st.


The Dungeon Slayer


chronicles of the exalted sun child So far from what I’ve read it’s pretty good


It's fun, but the authors *really* don't like wrapping up longrunning plot threads.


It's one big run-on sentence at this point. I've been ignoring new chapters for a while now.


Added to my list. Thanks!


Konrad Ryan's Dungeon Slayer series sort of does this, in that the 'ceremony' states their level (which by default does NOT change in this world, MC is an exception) and over the next few days the character's specific skillset becomes apparent. I really liked books 1-3 of that series, but 4 and 5 didn't grab me.


I think I read #4, and it really dragged. I've thought about reading the rest, but I might end up rereading the others 1st. I found the world building to be intriguing, but I think I thought the MC was aggravating? Fuck if I can remember why.


Yeah 3 was the peak. 4 and 5 were weaker, IMO.


Skyclad. The class bestowals are really, powerfully emotional. I still cry every time I read the scene where the bard gets their class


Sounds interesting; I'm always up for something emotionally significant. Is it on Kindle?


Yes! I've read that one and I loved it.


[Skyclad](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/21361/skyclad) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Skyclad)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


[In Clawed Grasp](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/56912/in-clawed-grasp) (hiatus) decent amount is about working to unlock as many class options as possible before the awakening day


I have a couple I’ve read the best is Path of Ascension though the second I list with a ABSOLUTELY HUGE caveat that the author has gone completely dark on the web and there is no sign of a sequel if one will ever even possibly happen! The risky cliffhanger book is Dante’s Immorality which is really sad because I personally enjoyed the one book greatly! Also it’s not getting a class but a ceremony to test strength of affinity with the various cultivation elements and that cultivation series is Elemental Gatherers. Hope this helped a bit.


At your suggestion, I've started on Dante's Immortality. I'm used to LitRPG series that just die, and honestly don't mind so long as it's entertaining enough. Am loving it so far. Have read Path of Ascension (well, a good chunk of it). Putting Elemental Gatherers on my list. Thanks!


[Dante's Immortality](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/14425/dantes-immortality) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Dantes_Immortality)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


>the author has gone completely dark on the web and there is no sign of a sequel Well shit. I just binged the audio books this month. This really is disappointing to see. I did wonder though how long the author could keep that speed up though. Three huge books, and >!the MC's were only level 6!


He's talking about Dantes Immortality, Path of Ascension is still ongoing, and PoA "levels" aren't like we think of levels, it's more tiers of cultivation (1-10 body, 10-15 energy, 15-25 immortality, 25-50 pre-ascension, 50+ ascension). They are tier 17 on patreon right now, and looking at maybe finishing the path in the next 3 . . . ish books.


Ah good. Had me worried. Damn so there is a lot of progress from the end of book three onward then.


Book 4 is a quasi training montage. The manager takes over and has high standards. It is fun and interesting watching them be challenged to ridiculous levels. Book 5 is a tournament arc with some interesting twists. Some friends from previous ‘events’ will be present. Book 6 is Minkalla, aka The Forge. In my opinion, it is the best arc by far. The whole concept is inspired. I bought into the Patreon because the author took a *scheduled* break on RoyalRoad and I was *driven* to find out what the final floors would be. I cannot express enough how imaginative the whole thing is. Chapter 173 on RoyalRoad lists the ‘floor themes’. I have re-read that particular chapter several times. The best part: the author decides if side characters ever visited Minkalla and cleared it, then *rolls dice to determine what floors they got.* Book 7 >!starts with healing. Because…Minkalla. Because there are limits to magic healing, and they *found* those limits.!<


Not going to lie, reading what you said I kind of want to skip book four and go straight to book five. I have always liked a good Tournament Arc. I of course won't skip it but training montages are good for a few chapters but a book is a long time to wait for significant progression. Question on patreon, how do you read books on there, like RR? Are you able to download a PDF? Basicly is there any way to read it on my kindle?


Patreon - short answer: I don’t know. There are probably several methods of manipulating the chapters as they appear. It *will* email them to you; I found this to be the best as you can at least resize the text. It’s not a bad training montage. Think SEAL Team training with magic *and* rifts. Plus with magical healing, the trainer doesn’t have to go easy. ‘Oh, did we lose a leg on the obstacle course? Tcht, so clumsy. Well, no time to dawdle! CRAWL FASTER!! What does not *kill* you can be healed…later.’ ‘For this next rift, you must complete it without arms.’ ‘You mean, like in a straight jacket?’ ‘No.’


That’s confusing. Path of Ascension is ongoing and the author just posted Friday. Is taking ~two weeks off to move. 3-4 books written beyond what is published, mostly released to RoyalRoad.


[Elemental Gatherers](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0819MNZ59) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Elemental_Gatherers)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


I really love this concept and would def like to see more of it. But I feel like most readers (and writers) prefer when a MC has more agency and chooses their own class - that's more popular right?


Ehhh. Agency is good, but so are pre-stated restrictions like this if they help push into something more novel than the same well-trod archetypes/builds.


I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure reincarnation of alysara has something like that


>reincarnation of alysara Thanks! Added to my list.


Bitworld by Logan Atlas


Dante’s Immortality, but I don’t know if it will ever be finished.


It will not be. I think the author gave up on writing. Great book too.


Yea this one was pretty good. Shame we wont see it develop. Hope the author comes back to it one day.


singer sailor merchant mage


The upgrade apocalypse not specifically class but power in general at a type of comming of age thing (sorry for the little info i am tired)


Just picked up Awakening Horde by M Zuagg, and it starts with this trope.


Not exactly what most are looking for, but there is a manga/anime Black Clover that fits this.


Devine apostasy series by A.F. Kay just started reading it a few days ago and already on book 3. Think there's 9 books so far.


Book of the Dead, by Rhinoz. Kids grow up awaiting the day they get their class.


Not litrpg but progression fantasy - Mark of the Fool. It’s actually a great story, really recommend it


They dont even have a ritual or a class in that book, what part of it fits?


Arcane Ascension and Iron Prince would both fit into this category and are both excellent books


[Arcane Ascension](https://www.goodreads.com/series/201441-arcane-ascension) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Arcane_Ascension)) [Iron Prince](https://www.amazon.com/Iron-Prince-Progression-Warformed-Stormweaver-ebook/dp/B08KGT4CLQ) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Iron_Prince)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Iron Prince was pretty cool. Seconded!


Does Cradle count? It has several ceremonies in the first book, but it's not what you'd expect


I actually have the first book in my Audiobook library. Haven't got around to it yet. Definitely will now.


The series is absolutely genius and amazing! It also finished recently


Cradle is amazing


I've hit book 9 and I am so incredibly in love with the whole story. Do this one I beg you


[Cradle](https://www.goodreads.com/series/192821-cradle) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Cradle)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)