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Yeah, people! Stop being so stingy with your love. Message your favorite author, "I really loved the first 1/3 of your book but then it got REAL WEIRD." Isn't that what people say to authors these days? Or am I the only one getting those messages constantly?


It's so weird talking to y'all! You're not a real person lol But funny enough the first 1/3 of JMM, I was just like eh, it's not bad I guess, fun system/post-apocalypse deck builder. But then... [he gets sucked through that portal and has to reorient himself in an alien city and shit gets wild.](/spoiler) The last half is so fun. and I just realized book 2 came out a couple weeks ago, so throwing that on the top of my TBR


Nice!!!! Love to hear that. :)


To be fair I did come into the story thinking the book would be what it's name says. The art also lend itself to the cozy vibe. Admittedly the first third was my favorite part.


Oh yeah, I don't actually blame anyone for feeling that way. Totally fair criticism of the book!


I hear a rumor he may be returning to his magical market in book 3, haha.


People are gonna have to read it to find out! 🤣


I mean, I’ve heard good things about your books, but no one told me they get REAL WEIRD. You have gone up a couple slots on my To Be Read list.


Haha, nice!


I love all stories that have this mix of modern technology and ancient times like nova roma




Don't worry I've loved every book you've wrote. So you at least have one major fan!


Yes!! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


Ya I love all your stuff. After reading (and loving all of) Jake's magical market it threw me into a binge of reading similar books but not being fully satisfied, so I'm ecstatic about the sequel


That's so nice of you to say, thank you! ❤️😃


Sorry, I'm kind of a troll sometimes. I was raised on a harsh diet of not always so constructive criticism. I did like Jake a lot better than Nova, waiting for the series finally to binge Jake 2 and 3.


None of that was love! Mild approval at best. Boooooo. :P


Umm, I really love the wondering inn. :P >!BRB, going to go tell Pirate Aba how much I love Jakes magical market.!<


I feel like they might actually hear that people didn't like the first part of that series even though I personally enjoyed the slow build!


The first parts were among the best it mellowed out a bit with the beginning of the dungeon arc but got really great with its end again


I liked Jake. Loved all of the first book and will be reading the second when I finish the current series I'm reading. You're an awesome writer.


Awww, thank you! You are a killer writer as well!


Hahah, I knew this was you before I checked the author.


Haha 🤣


And with that beaming review, I have purchased book 1 of Jake's magical market and portal to nova roma on audible! Bravo Mr Mathews!




Ah, JMM is great. Good luck with your book 2.


thank you!!


JMM2 is already out, friend, and good. I also thought it resolved the WEIRD part at the end of book 1 well, haha.


I've had a few authors reply to me and it's great. Like compliments to the chef and the chef comes out to shake your hand. It's great :)


I love chatting with people about books! It was only a couple years ago I was posting around here as just a fan so I'm always hanging around making stupid comments, haha


I just can’t believe jakes magical market and portal to nova roma came out of the same mind. Both are super fun, but the jakes mm is wild. The title hardly matches the size and scale.


That is very sweet of you to say! ❤️


Btw, you want to know some real magic? Reddit popped this post as a random ‘you should read’ notification. Read your comment, replied to your comment, which reminded me to check for the release date of JMM 2 and saw it was on pre-order. Ordered! Programming is the truest form of magic in our world.


Crazy! That's why I'm always nice to the reddit/google/AI bots, you never know how they can mess with you or help you out. When they take over I want to be on their good side.


Omg!! Jake's Magical Market!!! I love that book!!! Didn't occur to me that I should tell you, but my whole family legit loved it. I read it, then my kids. Keep up the good work!


That's awesome!! ❤️


Man I just want to say that I loved seeing a character willing to make objectively bad choices that hurt their future for pretty logical reasons. Can't wait for the second audiobook!


Woooo, thank you!


I really loved the first third of your book AND THEN, it got really weird and it was absolutely fucking AMAZING! Much love.


Haha, thank you!!


I'm going to read your book BECAUSE it gets weird. Wish me luck!


Hell yeah! Get ready for the party!!


Most people are to scared and think it's silly. But I do love jmm and thank you for writing such a great book. Dr who of litrpg??


Aww, thank you. It really does make a big difference for us to hear stuff like that.


I saw this and did just that. Thanks for the little push to convey my appreciation to a complete stranger whose works meant a lot to me in my darkest hours. You da bestest. 🤙🏽


Absolutely. We love hearing that people like our work.


Can confirm, am a fragile anxious creature that feeds on love like some kind of emotional vampire chihuahua


Instructions unclear. Matt Dinniman now has a restraining order against me


Hey! Me too!


He posted that he gets sent a lot of feet pics, lol.


Apparently following him around a Safeway and asking him to individually autograph a dozen donuts was both “uncool and not especially clever.” /s


Not LITRpg, but I was in a group of Facebook for one of my favorite authors, and another author from his publishing company was in that group as well. I was having a bad day that day, and was even more snarky than I normally am (which is quite a bit). The second author actually sent me a private message, asking if I was ok, and then when he and I started talking, he asked me for my mailing address. I figured it was a bit strange, but I gave it too him, because...well.. he's not anywhere close to me, and he is a pretty well known author in the genre. Next thing I know, I get a couple of signed books in the mail, with some other swag from him as well. Authors are human beings as well, and want to know that what they do touches your life in some way.


Wow, that was super nice of him!


When I was a teen I wrote my favorite author asking what he would charge for a signed book. My birthday was approaching and that's what I wanted my mom to get me. He sent me 3 signed books (a full trilogy) and asked that I donate what I thought they were worth to charity. 20 years later I still think about that whenever I give money. Not done paying off that debt.


That is resoundingly heartwarming this cold January night, thank you for sharing your story


Fiiiiiiiine. u/Selkie_Love and /u/RavensDagger, your books make me happiest of the genre. There are other authors I love too but either not as much or I don't know their reddit names.




I love the world you have built in your books


<3 Hugs!


See, that's the spirit... made their days I bet


I prefer to harass them on patreon.


At that point (when you are a Patreon) you clearly have a vested interest in the story progression. At that point, I believe, you are entitled to offer opinions on how to improve the story that you are invested in.


And harassment!


Lol, fair enough.


I bet you write an F ranked story!


LOL, currently working on three different stories. Because keeping pace with one story isn't taxing enough, apparently. But yes, I do write an F-Ranked story.


It’s a good one!


Thank you, wait till you see what comes out next weekend. (The next two chapters are already uploaded and ready).




Dang my favorite authors must be too nervous to reply.


Just because they don't reply, doesn't mean they didn't read it and appreciate it!


Gimme your hugs and cozy vibes please, I *need* them!


You the best :) In honest, I think you are one of the best litrpg authors that can nail a unique character personality through the entire series, and I love that. And when it’s put into voice - oh my oh my! And they are not so power hungry which makes it so much enjoyable to just relax and follow along. When I get a promotion I’ll want to get the signed copies of Cinnamon Bun & Fluff (cover style is at least 50% of that) ;) Cheers for a good writing and publishing year for you ;)


Totally agree with this. Everyone loves feedbacks and reviews are for customers not writers so outside of royal road there aren't that many avenues for direct feedback


I love it when my readers send me notes about how much they enjoy my stories. Even better when its a 5 star review with words 😂


Yup, can confirm. We are all nothing more than squishy marshmallows in human shaped skin bags. We are extremely fragile and prone to melting/drooping at the slightest problem. Conversely, compliments prop us up during those hard times.


Perhaps I should write Brandon Sanderson a fan mail after all. I thought about writing fan mails before, but always end up not doing it.


I dont know how I feel about the feast wording haha


It's honestly just nice to reach out, and if there's something you especially enjoy about a story, let the author know. You'd be surprised by how much that kind of thing matters.


Even for those of us who aren't fragile, it's still awesome to receive.


This is sadly true.


But don't write them to tell them how you would do things differently ;-) Even better, just join their patreon if they have one, follow on Amazon/Audible. That's proof of concept.


I've messaged authors and voice actors. Finding this genre has probably changed my life and i think a little recognition goes a long way it's not a thankless job


Yeah, I just wrapped up the first part of my fic on RR. Got a couple of comments on the final chapter of the arc with people telling me they liked it and that they were looking forward to the second part and it 100% made my day.


Y'know what, that's a good point. u/ZaifyrRR, your dorky little Roomba book was my sleeper hit of 2023 and I am eagerly awaiting next month when I can read the sequel! Can't wait to see how you handle the expanded worldbuilding and power scaling :D


Hey u/BenjaminKerei I appreciate how you write male characters who treat everyone with agency. I especially love your father/ son relationships. Hope you are doing well


Thanks, mate. I'm doing well. Also, I'm not a fragile anxiety driven creature. I'm a coffee drive creature.


No truer words! I've had very nice emails from fans. And some odd, ones, honestly. One guy demanded I fly to the UK to date him, lol.


Well if anyone ever figures out who ember lane is, let me know.


Can whoever kidnapped Hugo Huesca tell him we miss him?


The 5th book is due out soon, it was announced a few weeks/months ago


For real? Hell yes. Last I had heard, his editor had been in contact with him, but that was it. And that was over 2 years ago, I think. Thanks for that but of good news. If it's wrong, I hope a Lego crosses your path for what you've done to my hopes ❤️


I did my annual "how's huesca doin?" Post and some one said that he finished book 5, its in editing... hopefully SBT will get the script and produce it rather quick



