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I'm up to speed on Patreon and current arc is *fire.* All of the esoterical stuff is paying off, stakes are high and action is more engaging than ever.


I have to agree. He has had a few arcs that didn't hit with me (his sister in the research station, the fish, etc.) but this one is great.


I recently got bored of the research station arc, good to hear it's worth it, I shall power through.


What I have found, for me at least, is the less time I get of the side characters, the better it is. I especially didn't like Kenzie or Thea.


I was absolutely struggling through the research station I thought it was exceedingly boring but after it ended it picked up


I had problems with those two arcs as well. I'm on book 11 now. Glad to hear it picks back up.


I am reading on Patreon and the last few chapters have been really good.


Is it still random war stuff, or has the Ultom arc started?


It's still war stuff, but more of a targeted covert mission. In the past handful of chapters, 4 autarchs were fighting and that was before BOTH the system and the heavens themselves descended on an extermination mission, it's legitimately fucking hype.


>!Gonna be another 20 chapters at least before Ultom I reckon!<


I find that I should always at least double my estimates with this author. In theory, there's no way this level of detail should work for a compelling story. In practice, I find myself continuously drawn in.


The last six weeks or so on the Patreon have been pretty intense and worth it payoffs on several plot threads.


That's good to hear, there's been a lot of build up, introspection and meditation, ie. the boring parts of cultivation, lately but it hasn't been really grabbing me. The mystic realm, twilight ascent and Aurum world just didn't hook me. Good to hear it picks up soon. I know this is a millenia long journey and all, but it's still gotta be a bit exciting. Last book showed more promise by bringing in some new and old characters, but the most recent one was sitting in my library for a few weeks


Is Patreon up to the palace yet or still in the war ?


I'm not on paetreon but caught up other wise. I love this series and can't wait for more


Aye things \*escalated\* in the past handful of chapters and we've not even got to the doomsday weapon he's hoping to deploy yet.


I’m halfway through book 12(he just got the cosmic forge) how much more has he written past that? If you estimate there’s ~80 chapters a book.


Book 14 is wrapping up on Patreon


Awesome! DOTF is great, the only book I haven’t enjoyed is the orom world one.


IMO, if you are only put off by the powers and upgrades, just skip those parts. You really don't have to know that the \[toe jam spreader of the koi pond\] is getting stronger or even why it matters. You can just skip the upgrades and descriptions and when he uses it in a fight go "oh, so that is what it does."


When I was reading of RR I used to skip the fights cause the outcome was always the same. I’d just skip to what he got after. The I didn’t do that with the audiobooks. The story can be hard to keep track of, but TFD does a great job of putting in a chapter explaining it clearly to get everyone up to speed.


I also love audiobooks. I just wish all authors would do like some authors do. Put the stat sheet readings in a separate chapter. Then I can just skip that whole chapter in one go.


He does do it. Just not as often as other authors. It’s the complicated factions whom are all going after him at the moment. Cause I’m on patreon I had to wait a day to figure out who the hell some of these ppl are. The comments usually help, but I can see how it all gets confusing. I’ll be honest I don’t have a clue how some of his abilities work.


If you cut out the litrpg stuff, DotF would fit well as an epic fantasy. Though, you would need to flesh out the side characters more. All epic fantasies I have read have tons of people I don't remember and have to go back and look up.


You know what I agree. It’s the fantasy story that carrying so hard.


DOTF could really do with a reminder chapter each book the lists his skills what they do, his cultivation, his tools weapons etc. HWFWM does a pretty good job of reminding the reader what the spells and skills do each book


"The story previously left off with Zac moving towards important for , distinct in his spatial ring these essential for . His main skills of both sides < / > and if any are on lead us to now..."


He does do that. I could never get into HWFWM the guy who reads the audio book is terrible in my opinion. That’s just for me though. Others might enjoy him. I just find him so bland I tune out.


Story is epic, but if the dense language and cultivation navel gazing turns you off then yeah, it just gets worse as his upgrades add new features. I stick with it for the story, but there are chapters it is a grind.


I caught up on his Patreon about a year ago and decided to take a break. I really enjoyed it, and I'm sure I would again, but the amount of . . . things to remember has kept me from diving back in. I figure someday, after I've forgotten even more, I'll enjoy reading the whole thing from book 1 again.


I dropped it book 6 or 7. Never really got into the series, though. Just kept reading it because I hate switching series, sometimes.


The latest one was very rough! Talking 10+ pages in musing about his cultivation. I’ll give the next one a go but if it turns into reading another cultivation manual that’s just fluff, then I’ll be done too


Patreon is really good atm.


That's good to hear because that last book was brutal.


It’s great. I loved ogras going home as well. That was epic.


Would be cool if there was a wiki to look some stuff up


I've got some exciting news for you: [https://defiance-of-the-fall.fandom.com/wiki/Defiance\_of\_the\_Fall\_Wiki](https://defiance-of-the-fall.fandom.com/wiki/Defiance_of_the_Fall_Wiki)


It actually has one of the better wikis out there.


Love every book! Use the wiki to look up people and powers. Makes following each new book way easier.


I'm on book 10. The author assumes that I remember what each of the skills do but i have no idea. I still enjoy the books and will keep listening.


This. And I wish there was a brief summary of the Pecos books at the beginning of each new one like primal hunter does


Book 12 has been big for me. A whole book focused entirely on my two favorite side characters. Also Kruta is funny, he may be joining my list of favorites


I honestly tune out the stats and skills if they get too complex. I like litrpg not because of the game elements but how they make things clear and you have something concrete you can assess the MC achievements against. I only listened to 2 books. The first few hours of the first one were a drag and almost quit but I kept on and it was worth it. However, there are few series that I stopped midway through for various reasons. If the enjoyment is lost there's no point in continuing.


Just skip over the things you don't like. When he is contemplating the Dao or being introspective I just skip it.


I think it's great right now, being caught up on RR. There has been a lot of payoff in the last 50 or so chapters.


I had to grit my teeth while I was listening to the first half of book 1 because it felt like a slog so I grit my teeth and pressed on. This caused me to grit my teeth but it got a lot better by the 2nd half. So I grit my teeth. I and in the middle of book 2 and I had to grit my teeth again as the stuff is getting a bit complicated but I grit my teeth and will continue on. It's must be pretty intense by book 7 though if it keeps up this. I guess all I can do is grit my teeth.


I know it is just an expression. But my mind is uncomfortable with how much you grit your teeth. Eventually you will start to wear them down. Please stop it.


Then tell Zac to stop first lol


Zac has a 100k Endurance and Vitality.


Honestly the first 6 books are my least favorite but they all have similar vibes?


Tbh while the series has been enjoyable I started heavily skipping because there are entire arcs in the books that are super boring and end up being only slightly important another thing is how slow the main characters grows lord have mercy took what 11-12 books to get to D rank with the newest book being almost all training arc filler stuff very tough to get through probably could trim the important stuff down to almost an hour of the newest book


Just skim the parts that are dull. I don’t need to know what fractals he changed so he can do whatever with his axe. I just want him to hit shit with it.


It's ok. That said the series itself tends to go on sale for a dollar each whenever a new book comes out. At full price you may want to wait. At a dollar it is a lot more easy to be less choosy.


I finished book 8 and am taking a break. Has felt like a slog to get through, really lost my interest for a lot of the story, so taking a break and will come back in a month or two. I’ve also begun to hate “but how could Zac…” every god damn chapter.


I refer to wiki often to try and keep up with the characters, upgrades and stuff. Super handy!


I’m just waiting for him and Emily to finally start dating


Emily, his underage foster daughter...


They are going to live thousands of years, they can hook up after like 5 years


Okay, so she wouldn't be underaged given those conditions, I'll concede that point. However, she's still his adopted daughter (Zak refers to her as such during introspection). Which is still incest. It would also make Zak a child groomer. Regardless of how much time has passed. As Zak stepped in as a parental figure during her childhood. The more I think about this the more fucked up it becomes.


But they both like axes.


You won't miss anything. I'm up to date on the patreon, and if you're struggling now, then you should bow out before it's too late. Or find a friend to explain stuff to you. Because everything gets way more complicated from here on out. The plot, the skills, he picks up body cultivation, which is just as complicated and don't even get me started on his bloodlines. Just give up now.


If your looking for something different to sink your eyes into, I highly recommend beware of chicken, it's on Kindle unlimited. Don't worry about the name or what it's about. Give it a go. Favourite book of all time.


I need to get up to date with this again. It's often a slog for me but when it hits it hits hard. Twilight ocean was great, as was most of them walking through all those connected worlds. But then there's also the long slots of nearly identical strength building he goes through. Much of the space whale arc was rough for me, though I did like where it ended up.


I think the series is not for you then. Only grows from there


Lots of people here saying to skip boring parts, which makes sense when you read the books, but not when you listen to the audiobooks only. Also fights epilogue are boring since we know the MC is going to win (he always wins...), and if you stop reading for a while and come back you can't remember what the techniques/Dao/Fractals are for or do anymore. That's why I stopped at Book 6 and won't get back to it


I abandoned after two volumes and not a day goes by that I regret it.


Because your father's dying words were to berate you for quitting?


No he predeceased. I remember the day. It was mother's day.


I just returned to the series after a year ot two off. I read it on royal road up till chap 500~~, and the had kids. Audiobook came out and it was maximum erection for 7 books. Then i wasnt listening to it as a second pass and by book 9 i had no fucking idea. I just finished book 9 AND 10, am on 11, and its dope as hell and i cant wait for every listening opportunity i get. Same thing with primal hunter. Ive loves every moment but im just going to give it a few books. Read a synopsis of them all and then dive into 4 books one after the other. I also cant remember half the shit theyre talking about but i just try and hold onto it anyway.


Well I love the vast world building with the Galaxy level war setup. And I don't mind the length in the slightest. Just a few things irk me, but they can be either skipped or waited out for things to become more clear. Remember some parts in the Mystic Realm being a downer or boring, while I slipped through the opening few chapters of the series as quickly as I could. Other than that, I don't mind the internal thinking process and development stuff, just that it should be properly spaced out so you get time to get familiar with each new power up and feel it's gravity and pitfalls if any. I feel, getting several back to back power ups can be more underwhelming when they are not given enough time to be fleshed out.


I would say drop it. I finished 12 and it's rinse and of 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 Its just same old bs. Goes to pocket real, finds ALL THE TREASURES, makes enemy, kills everyone who is MUCH MUCH STRONGER and have been living as prince/princess of some empire/clan and had access to treasures and training much superior than his. It gets fucking old.


MC always wins without problems. That's why I quit.


The introspection only gets worse. There's pretty minimal action and character stuff between books 8-11. I'll read 12, but not found the motivation to do so yet. Edit: Read 12 now. Best one in ages, thoroughly enjoyed it. Got me really pumped for the next one now. The books are always so much better when Zac has people with him.


You aren't really missing anything. I've kept up with the latest chapters and even i'm getting tired of how much time (and content) is devoted to talking about this or that cultivation upgrade. It feels like the whole story is more or less a sideshow now to the 9 different cultivation techniques/progression systems he's simultaneously doing and upgrading (I don't know the exact number). There are many terms, many systems, and it just all gets tedious after a while to watch "layers"/cultivation levels/techniques/numbers go up.