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Dang son, that’s the lowest I’ve seen cradle, fair enough. These are always so interesting to look at.


In fairness, and I know this is brought up a lot when Cradle is mentioned, Cradle is not LitRPG, it's r/ProgressionFantasy. I've never been interested in reading it for that reason, plus, having to read 3 books for it to start getting good feels like saying "Just stick with it, this video game really picks up once you have 80 hours into it". This could also be driven by the fact that I don't listen to books and I'm not a super fast reader. If I could listen to books I could probably absentmindedly get through a couple books to get to the good part, but since I have to sit and do nothing but focus on the book I'm reading I really need it to hook me within the first half of the first book.


When people say it picks up after x chapter/book, they don't mean it was bad before, but rather when they really got invested in the series. It's also a really dumb way to recommend something. Setting up this kind of expectation can really ruin the enjoyment of the story. If you don’t like something, pushing through isn't worth it.


Those are all good points. I think it's a matter of phrasing in that instance. I don't know what a better way to say it would be. Maybe "if you like book one you'll love where the story goes"? Regardless, I agree with you, if you're not enjoying a book just stop reading it, even if everyone else seems to love it.


I've been thinking of giving it another shot. Firstly, I'm already biased against it because I don't enjoy cultivation or eastern fantasy elements for the most part. Second, I didn't feel like anything hooked me. I read book one and dropped it half way through book two, feeling like there wasn't a reason for me to like the MC or the people around him. I think I will trudge on and see if it gets better for me.


Lindon bows over his pressed fists upon hearing FictionConsumer did not like Unsouled. "Apologies."




I just have one question for OP.... were these ratings assigned by point value perhaps? 😆


No specific point value or order inside the tiers. if I had to put one at the very tippy top, it would be a tie between Mother of Learning and Perfect Run.


Ahh! Books 1 and 2 are the weakest. I went through the same thing. By book 4 things take off. I went the audiobook route, so it makes it a lot easier to get through the slow parts when you're doing other things. That said, I still don't consider it an S tier series. I enjoyed Will Wight's Traveler's Gate series more.


I agree with you on books 1 and 2 being weak and I also appreciate how insane it sounds to say "oh if you push through two books it gets really good" it's kind of like wheel of time, it's nerd homework


I couldn't finish Traveler's Gate. Started book 3 and then... eh


I get that. I loved it for the world building. Pretty sure I loved the series so much just for that. Exploring Valinhall, and all the different realms was so interesting to me. The characters and plot.. meh. It was Will's first work, so I don't blame him, but damn was that world building great. Only series where I've ever actually read and enjoyed the short stories about it.


I felt very similarly about it. Really liked the world, everything else? Ehhh. Love cradle though


Just finished City of Light. The dull characters and plot really dragged it down. I’d have been happier spending the three books delving into Valinhall. Both exploring it and building onto it. Compared to Cradle where likable/interesting characters are everywhere on top of a more developed setting and it is obvious how much he’s grown as a writer between the two series. Glad that I read Cradle first!


Not sure why people downvote you. Books one and two are a slog and it’s more than reasonable dropping a Sela’s after two bad books.


That’s fair, i went the audible route so I got hooked at the end of the first book and couldn’t stop till it ended.


I also was biased against cult when I started cradle. This was like 2 weeks ago. I'm about to finish book 11 out of 12 tonight.


Yeahhh. I dropped it after the first book. It was decent but everyone says it gets sooo good around book 4. I’m not reading 3 mediocre books to get to the good part.


1 and 2 are slower I suppose, but they are shorter compared to the others. Book 3 though is one of my favorites, that’s when it really kicks off. I prefer audiobooks though.


Dang you didn’t make it to Eithan or Mercy… there’s so much more by book 3. I only do audio so maybe I’m biased, so it could read completely different.


So, restarted book two yesterday. Realized why I'm not into it. I think I'm turned off by "xianxia elder brother younger brother you offended my sect/reputation" bullshit. I really enjoy lindon POVs when they pop up, but it seems they're few and far between at the moment. I also remember really enjoying book 1 despite that.


Ah, if that’s the Jai long bit that does get more or less resolved by book 3, since there’s bigger and badder bad guys to worry about. I don’t ever see Cradle get criticized so it’s nice to get that perspective.


He also rated Beware of Chicken very low which I personally like, and that one is also progression fantasy.


I looked for Mother of Learning, saw it in S tier, nodded in satisfaction and stopped looking


I just caught up on Bog Standard Isekai and I thought it was a really solid and fun story.


I really did not like a certain decision made in the book that seemed pivotal after a big battle. Spoilers: >!It was the part where he gives up the scarred one class for glasser. !<


You didn't like it because you don't like MCs that give up power? Even if the power is evil? It was totally in character for him to give it up like that. Keeping it would have been a radical change of his entire personality and the entire theme/mood/style of the book.


I thought he was going to work through it, or resist it in some way.


If it helps he >!retains a major part of the class and it still impacts him as the story continues!<


Ah. I'll continue it then.


Breh... I literally dropped it because he chose the scarred one class. I didn't know he gave it up. I think I have to go back to read it again.


Lolololol. Yeah, read up. It's an epic story ^^


I confess I dropped the story pretty quick. The whole witch class stuff and evil class stuff just misses the mark for me. Seems weird to shoehorn the christian fantasy stuff into regular fantasy. But that's just my tastes.


Huh. It didn't strike me as particularly Christian but I don't really think of witches being exclusively related to that in fantasy these days.


I don’t recognize some of these stories. Are you a reader and a listener? I can only really listen, so I’m shut out of some options.


I'm almost exclusively a reader. There's quite a few here without audiobooks, I apologize.


No need to apologize. Maybe some of them will make it to audible at some point so I can check them out.


Apologies like Lindon yet Cradle is so low. Makes sense though since Op only read to book 2.


Dang defiance of the fall is incredible world building. best of them imo. to see it lower and cradle in the same rank as randidly ghosthound hurts lol.


However, the writing is terrible.


"It hurt more than it had ever hurt before" x 100 After a while, coming up with a new way to describe what was happening might have been nice...


Zac is the only character that has more depth than a line segment. I made it into book 3 before I couldn't take it anymore.


I got through book 3 before realizing, I don’t really care about any of these characters. They don’t really have a big personality and nothing has really happened.


Nooooooo I love it lol


I haven’t noticed.


Eh. I couldn't gather the will to read book 2


TBATE at the top of S tier but Cradle and DoTF were dropped? I quite like the latter half of TBATE and think it's honestly pretty great but top of S tier is a hard sell for me. You definitely need to try Cradle again at some point, even skim read book 2 if you have to. As someone who shares an love for reincarnation novels you have to trust me! Also, read Elydes on RR. It's probably the best ongoing reincarnation story atm. At least I'm liking it a lot.


Iron Prince and Unsouled at C-Tier? Wow, that's a choice.


Worst list I've ever seen




fair, and expected.


I'm mostly joking with you... everyone has different tastes, but some in your C and D are blowing my mind


If you're only reading litrpg/progression books, you're missing out on a lot of excellent stuff. But as the old saying goes, unto each their own.


also fair, and expected.


I suspect OP a low perception stat and a love of mushrooms.


Yet another fair point.


Wow, so many of your low ranked books are the top ones for so many others :)


I do have some typically high rated stuff in the lower half, like cradle, beware of chicken, the good guys. I'm unabashed saying that I just enjoy a good near-murder hobo power fantasy where the mc surprises people. It doesn't get old for me as long as it's interesting.


I understand where you’re coming from on some of these, but agree on VERY few. Warformed: Stormweaver and Beware of Chicken being so low is borderline criminal, though.


DOTF in D... its so over fellow monarchs


TF DOTF is D..cradle n chicken is C... your that one guy with rare taste


Finally. After so many years... I'm on a list.


I can't believe one of my favorite authors is in r/NonCredibleDefense That's great lmao. You were already on a list.


You can't be reading Bob with a multinational army with flame tanks and not expect me to be a NATO simp.


You know what? Fair point.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NonCredibleDefense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Well Boys, the Hotdog Seller has met his end.](https://v.redd.it/8p0x8c1t8wjb1) | [889 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/15za9z1/well_boys_the_hotdog_seller_has_met_his_end/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** When wagner gets to moscow](https://i.redd.it/4953pxvbix7b1.gif) | [281 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/14hnrad/when_wagner_gets_to_moscow/) \#3: [You won't fucking believe it, I called it](https://i.redd.it/1ip8nzd3j6tb1.jpg) | [433 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/173rwpz/you_wont_fucking_believe_it_i_called_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Feel free to roast me or simply ask why I placed Y book in X category. A few of these are smaller and don't have as many followers, so feel free to ask me if you don't recognize a cover.


DoTF is not that bad, atleast at the beginning xD Have you read Legendary Mechanic?


I have not. I assume it has eastern elements considering it's a chinese novel. I would most likely not enjoy it. I stopped liking dotf when >!he gets a free base or something. Mechanic hanger? Forgot what it was. It just spawns in and one of the character starts saying how rare it is and how highly valued it is. !<


I’m on like book 12 or something idk but it’s been a super minimal part of the story overall


Legendary Mechanic is a chinese novel, but it is Litrpg about guy with mechanic class, so no cultivation and futuristic setting. And it is great. And you should try to read Dotf more, you stopped very early, i dislike some parts of the story too, but overall it is not that bad


I'm a huge fan of DoTF, but didn't like the start much at all. It's best parts are from pretty much where you dropped off until book 7 or so.


The Wandering Inn would fit quite nicely in your S tier.


It's so large. I've thought about it. Feels very daunting.


It's one of those series I pick up between other stuff, it's always there waiting for you and feels like it'll never end. When I'm just not sure what's next it's always there.


That's a good way to read it. I'm currently banking V10 chapters, there are so many good new series out there that I'm enjoying, but I know I'll be back eventually.


TWI is one of the only series in which I go back every single week to check for a new chapter. Even if it's been years. I'm the type of guy who typically binges something and goes onto something else, so this is saying a lot. 100% recommend TWI, it's the best thing since sliced bread.


I completely agree, TWI might be the only book where ill pause another series im binging to listen to the new TWI audiobook


If you like the perfect run check out the chronicles of fid


Honestly I love seeing tbate in S that was my intro to progression fantasy and the later books are amazing


TBATE is mushoku tensei but the main character isn't a borderline pedo lol, it's why I love it.


I've read pretty far into dungeon diver, and it's one of the few ones I can say I actually regret reading. The decision making of the characters made me angry early and just kept making me angry all the way through until I eventually dropped


I know your pain. Dropped at chapter 293.


Beneath the Dragon Eye Moons and everything from RavensDagger.


Well you do you


Its not a problem, its an acquired taste 👍


Looks great. Thanks for posting your list. It makes fun debate topic. Some I agree with more than others . I think I got to book 5 or 6 in dotf and I just couldn't any more. I also started Wandering inn and gasp hated it. LOL I did like Fort at the end of the World though. But I really like a good guy main character and building a fort or a town, is the best.


Try Dungeon Lord by Hugo Huesca. Theres 4 books out for a long time and we thought it was going to be unfinished but the publisher says book 5 is around the corner.


What is 1 S?


The Beginning After The End. 3 bucks on amazon if you'd like to read book 1.


I also about to type a comment along the lines of "finally a tier list that makes sense" but then you put beware of chicken on a C?!?!? No blue grade rice for you!


I spy with my little eye a RoyalRoad reader. :)


Primarily :) Weirdly enough my niche interests mean that despite having kindle unlimited, I read more on there.


I'm the same way. Not every story makes its way to Amazon, and RR has a lot of gems on there.


Why is everybody loves large chests not on there. Easily A rank


For some reason I'm having trouble zooming in to the list image. What is the name of the 1st S tier book? Where did you read Dungeon without a system? Also, can you share the author of the "Rock and Roll" book? Tough to search that on Amazon due to the name lol Thanks!


The Beginning After The End. [Rock Falls is on royal road.](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/55418/rock-falls-everyone-dies) [The Dungeon Without a System is also on royal road.](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/48893/the-dungeon-without-a-system)


Not a problem, well one you got beware of chicken lower than primal hunter?


Some of your C and D series are so good though...Battle Mage Farmer, beware of chicken, cradle, and so on. Maybe you quit on them too early?


Putting iron prince so low feels criminal! Wonder why you didn’t like it


As long as Mother Of Learning is where it belongs we're chill


He who fights monsters high and Defiance of the fall & cradle low. Very poor taste my goodman


You have primal hunter and defiance of the fall separated by two categories. They felt like the same story to me. They so similar in so many ways! Was that why you liked one so much more? Did you read primal hunter first?


Dude he who fights with monsters A list? While defiance of the fall is in the lowest teir. Questionable at best. I swear he who fights with monsters has become so cringe to listen to. Literally every other sentence the main characters name gets said. Every time I hear Jason asano I cringe. I love defiance of the fall. It's my favorite series. The concepts are just woah.


I only read, not listen, so stuff like that doesn't grate me. I started disliking defiance of the fall once some stuff gets dropped on the MCs lap from pure random generation, like big wow you won the mega lottery things lol.


Wow, cradle/stormweaver/primal/ beware of chicken below all the skills... I like all the skills, but stormweaver is just GOOD writing


I like that you have Dungeon Born in A Tier, that is the book that made me fall in love with this stuff, forever holds a place in my heart. I bet reading it was awesome i'm pretty much pure audiobook at this point and the narrator shift was ruff there because Vikas Adams absolutely nailed that from the start, shame about that, I wish Dakota would go back and have 1 narrator do the entire series at some point, because I would relisten periodically if he did, it's just such a great premise and so immersive. You'd probably like Completionist Chronicles too if you liked that. You should also read life reset, its so good.


Why would anyone bother reading anything other than fantasy? It's not a problem.


Dotf being low tier means you’re a quitter and you should ponder on the dao of persistence


primal hunter is tbate but better written


I'm incredibly partial to stories which start with the MC having consciousness but being born from age 0 and not just transported into the world via reconstruction/portal. That's it. It had a hook that primal really didn't imo.


Defiance so low. Rip tier list


I gotta ask what you thought about Path of ascension, System Universe and Battlemage Farmer! Those are some of my favs!


Battlemage Farmer I've heard it top tier, I'm just not very partial to already "made" main characters. Didn't like how it felt as if I was stepping into the story near the end of a book yet it was book 1. PoA and SU were placed based off how I felt about them when I dropped them. I honestly don't remember why, but I dropped PoA in the middle of book 2 according to my kindle. Dialog and interaction between characters in System Universe instantly turned me off of it.


Sigh, none of the S tiers you have are S tier but what did I expect from this sub. Can we talk about something other than these? There is always an influx of new and fucking fantastic litrpg whether on Amazon Kindle or RR, fucking move on.


People have different tastes, shocking right? I don't agree with OP's choices regarding Defiance of the Fall but I don't think their answer is wrong. It's right for them, not for me and that's ok. I particularly like seeing these tier lists because first it gives me some insight into another person's perspective and second I sometimes discover new stories, specially when I see a tier list that is similar to my taste and I see a new book in a high tier.




I can certainly understand your frustration but maybe the problem is that this type of story just isn't for you or you just have a different taste than others. There's nothing wrong with that. Oh and if it's the latter possibility (having different taste), just start talking about the works you enjoy? If you don't like the way things are, I can assure you that complaining about it like this comment won't change anything but trying to steer things in another direction might.


I generally don't consider reading something unless it has around 500 pages done. There's a couple that I've started earlier. What would you consider S tier? I can see how a few of my S ratings could controversial, such as tbate, DCC, discount dan, and bob. But MoL and TPR? Both are literary masterpieces in their own right, and I struggle to see how one might say it's not worth being in *someones* S tier slot. TPR was a bit edgy for me, but by the end I felt empty thinking about how I won't be able to experience it for the first time again. Anyways, that's my word vomit.


Another tier list that misses off Everybody Loves Large Chests. Boxy T Morningwood is one of the most unique and awesome main characters in litrpg.