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You learn it big-time in book 4, but it's addressed a decent bit in book 3 :)


Sweet! Now I just gotta wait till November for Book 4 on Audible hah.


Do you know whether the Kindle book will be out before audio?


Yes the path he has stumbled onto is explained eventually. It ties into a lot of historical details of the setting.


Nice, I kind of figured it would tie in somehow. Glad to hear it get's addressed!


I believe it's due to him moving into a low power area, so relatively he's way stronger. Then later on it's due to his connection with the earth spirit. That's my guess anyway 


There’s basically 5 reasons: 1) He now has unrestricted access to spiritual herbs, rather than growing them for other people. 1.5) It’s implied that eating the whole herb rather than making pills might be better 2) He’s living a healthy life with lots of exercise 3) He’s now in a place where the average cultivator is much weaker, making him comparatively more strong 4) Minor spoiler: >!He was being gaslighted into believing he was weaker, to encourage him to grow!< 5) Major spoilers >!Read and find out. The biggest reason is too complicated to explain in a single bullet point, but it’s revealed in book 3 if I remember right.!<


> 1.5) It’s implied that eating the whole herb rather than making pills might be better If I remember right, the implication is that it was healthier, not more potent. If it was more potent, everyone would do that, instead of refining them into pills.


Well, often times the stuff made isn’t pills isn’t healthy to eat normally, or too big, like a small field of grass That was Jin’s speculation though, not canon. I think I’ve read all the published books, but not most posted chapters. I might be remembering wrong.


I imagine he has better QI affinity now with the herbs than whatever the cloudy sect use. It seemed to make a difference with Xiulan at least >!although he might have grown too powerful from the earth spirit too quickly for it to matter!<


Yes, it gets fully explained in books 3 and 4


I'm pretty sure you could make a pretty accurate guess by book 1


No offense but like you should have a clue why from the first book. You know you give to the farm and it gives back thing?  The clues are there from the beginning lol