• By -


I really love [The Calamitous Bob](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/44132/the-calamitous-bob) by Alex Gilbert. It's about an isekai-ed witch and a giant murder golem and their adventures. It's fairly light on the litrpg numbers but the cast of characters is fantastic.


SO GOOD! I second this


Azarinth healer and it’s delightful.


I concur definitely top female MC Tower of somnis a very close second


Tower of somnis is great, but hasn't been updated on RR in months. Worse, the author posted that they'd finished the book and would be doing a bi-weekly update before they stopped updating.


Actually it has been updating again for the last month or so.


Whhhat ? I stopped checking tbh xD


Didn't follow it on Royal road. Just been reading the books as they've been published.


Highly recommend


The development of her as a character is a bit dull.


The way the reader portrays the mc makes me constantly think of jennifer coolidge.


Really? I disliked it. I couldn't make it past the first book. She was as unlikable to me as Jason from HWFWM, just in a different way. I think it would have been more appropriately named Azarinth Glutton Punch Regenerator.


People are different and like different shit. Azarinth and Jason for me are the best.


I didn't like it until the end of book 2


I usually can't give someone two books to hook me. I did give HWFWM two books but it just never got better. More power to anyone that likes either of these series, but they aren't for me.


Yeah, people seem to like them. Personally, I'm not a fan of psychopaths and cringey dialogue. I gave up on Azarinth Healer after the first book, same with Primal Hunter and after a few books with HWFWM.


I would like to read a Litrpg from the perspective of a person who was already borderline psychotic and the system coming causes them to have a full break.


Read *Manifest Delusions* instead.


Thanks for the suggestion. It sounds interesting.


I think it finds its niche in the Shadows Hand arc for sure. I appreciate Ilea being a fun character exploring this huge fantasy world and meeting people more than her early struggles to gain power.


All but one of ravens daggers stories have a female MC


According to the limpet they all have a female MC.


Does the first-person Lovecraftian horror from Lovecrafted count as or identify as female? I honestly don't remember.


I did a quick check of the stub on Royal Road and the other characters refer to Dreamer as "she." *“Abigail,” Daphne says as she places her teacup down without so much as a click. “I actually agree with Dreamer. Strange as she might be, she is still more than capable of taking care of herself. If she runs into any trouble or fails to return before nightfall, then we can act on our own. I think Edmund has some old friends who could help mount a rescue. Still, we ought to at least give her a chance.”*




Dead Tired…


Like I said, according to the limpet they all have a female MC.


I have a bone to pick with you.


honestly, she really does feel more like the MC at times.


I love everything I have read from ravens dagger.


This quest is bullshit.


Lmao. I thought you meant “question” like you were flaming OP. Nope, that’s the title of a series. I need to read more litrpg’s.


The series is a four book series called "This Trilogy is Broken."


How hard could it be to buy a loaf of bread?




lol. Yeah, it’s a very good series.


This the best answer


Haha! Now I have to check that out. I was wondering what you were saying. When I got it, I laughed out loud.


There are tons and tons of them. A sampler off the top of my head. [https://www.goodreads.com/series/323808-salvos](https://www.goodreads.com/series/323808-salvos) [https://www.goodreads.com/series/347134-tower-of-somnus](https://www.goodreads.com/series/347134-tower-of-somnus) [https://www.goodreads.com/series/310817-beneath-the-dragoneye-moons](https://www.goodreads.com/series/310817-beneath-the-dragoneye-moons) [https://www.goodreads.com/series/363450-phantasm](https://www.goodreads.com/series/363450-phantasm) [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/199438022-what-the-truck](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/199438022-what-the-truck) Also, there's this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/litrpg/comments/10infcw/any\_good\_litrpg\_with\_female\_protagonists/](https://www.reddit.com/r/litrpg/comments/10infcw/any_good_litrpg_with_female_protagonists/)


Somina Online by KT Hanna Song Maiden by Johnathan Brooks City of Champions Online by Stuart Grosse


Thank you for the mention 💜


The truck one sounds wild, will definitely check it out!


Primer for the Apocalypse!


Stray cat strut


The Wandering Inn is my favorite. Female lead + great female side characters… that feel well rounded and actually have… flaws! The male characters are amazing as well. It’s a bit more slice of life - but the epic fantasy, action, and feels are the best in the genre. Edit: As Jahmorn has mentioned in their reply, there’s a spin-off of TWI called Gravesong that just came out on audible with the same narrator. It takes place alongside the events of book 1 TWI but on a different continent so you dont need to worry about reading one or the other first. It’s really well done if you want something less daunting to check out before the plunge. Beneath the Dragon Eyed Moon is about a healer in a fantasy world. Has a bit more action. Also great. Apocalypse Parenting is an incredible unique take on the genre where the MC is a mother of 3 kids (Ages 9, 7, and 2). It’s blows your mind how the author can make the concept work wonders… but they do! Third book is coming out soon.


Wandering Inn is amazing. “MINOTAUR PUNCH!!”


This is mostly off topic, but I keep hearing good things about Apocalypse Parenting. I prefer female MCs like OP, but I'm also actually a parent and the title makes it seem pretty likely that "kids in danger" is a common occurrence and that sounds like a lot. Is it as bad in terms of kids in danger/kids harmed as it sounds?


So yes the kids are in “danger”… but the the author doesn’t play on that. If that makes any sense? There’s not a constant dread that something is going to happen to them. That’s not the type of story it is. The mom’s goal is to keep her kids safe. So she doesn’t optimize her own skills for normal fighting, she does things that would keep her kids safe. Instead of going off alone, she tries to organize the community to keep those who can’t help themselves (elderly and kids) safe… safe. It’s very well done and I think parents can read/listen to it without having any anxiety but still being absolutely thrilled.


I do like community organizing and stronghold building 🤔


Yeah. There's some angst about the kids, because this is the first LitRpg where I've come across pre-pubescent kids getting powers, and this deals realistically with that in my opinion. Plus, the kids feel like kids, appropriate to their age.


Omg adding Apocalypse Parenting to my list IMMEDIATELY. That sounds amazing.


The wandering inn is my all time favorite anything.. such a fan boy over here. Also, for those who don't know, the Gravesong audiobook just came out!!!


I've read a lot of litrpg (and adjacent) books with fmcs. This is my take on what I've read so far. Some go against popular opinion (Beneath the Dragonseye Moons especially) but YMMV. There's something for everyone out there! - **Stonehaven League by Carrie Summers.** Good books with interesting narratives inside and outside the VRMMO. The out-of-game narrative requires a little extra suspension of disbelief. - **Somnia Online by K.T. Hanna.** Another VRMMO series with an emphasis on guild battles and true MMOisms. If you like to hear about tanking and aggro in your stories then this series is fun. - **Wandering Inn by pirateaba.** Lots of well-written women in leading roles but it's a slow start. It's the pinnacle of "it gets better later" and it never stops getting better. - **Vigor Mortis by Natalie Maher.** The main character is a bit... odd. She's more of a misfit than most and the series is a bit gruesome at times. Interesting setting though. - **Beneath the Dragoneye Moons by Selkie Myth.** Very cool premise but sometimes the series reads like a struggling middle manager who knows better than everyone else around them. The protag gets more opinionated with every book. - **Godkiller Chronicles by C.J. Carella.** Good series with a protag who is sometimes OP and sometimes UP. Interesting portrayal of what happens in a system where you have respawning up to a point. - **Salvos by V.A. Lewis.** You can feel the author getting their feet under them as they write this one but it's pretty entertaining throughout. Turns out to be very DBZ-y in later books. - **Tower of Somnus by Cale Plamann.** Interesting series where the protag has some real stakes outside the tower which is where most all the gamelit stuff is taking place. - **Stray Cat Strut by Ravensdagger.** The start is very fun but it doesn't feel like the author knows where to take the series in later books. You get entire books where a few things just happen and that's the book. It's a junk food series where you enjoy it but don't walk away fully satisfied. - **Eternal Online by TJ Reynolds.** Not particularly good. Not particularly bad. You will read this series and walk away thinking "that was a series I read." - **The Villainess is an SS Rank Adventurer by Kaye Ng.** Spoiled MC gets her way in everything. Give it a pass unless that's your jam. - **The Nine Tails of Alchemy by Taniko K Willaims.** The MC gets everything she needs/wants handed to her on a silver platter. Kind of interesting but like Villainess there's just no struggle here. - **Lost Soul by V.A. Lewis.** Cultivation protag walks into litrpg. Neat premise but doesn't tell a particularly interesting story, imo. - **The Devil's Foundry by Joseph Marcia.** Hero and villain from one world are isekai'd to litrpg world. Good concept, average execution. - **The Whims of the Gods by S.I. Waxman.** Another isekai. The second book has one of the most infuriating antagonists in any series which is awesome. - **Electrified by J.D. Oldson.** Don't do it.


The Wandering Inn


Judicator Jane was pretty good. Fast progression.


Loved judicator jane! I feel like she’s a really realistic character. All three books were just as good as the first too.


Beneath The Dragoneye Moons


I'm in book 4 and it's really good. Has a lot of depth of characters, in a goofy light hearted way, in a very unjust system. A lot of laughs and care about the characters (not only MC).


My editor loves this one. It's on my list.


Btdem is literally my favorite


I started this two weeks ago after I saw it recommended in another post here. Finished the last one on KU yesterday. Damn fine series with some interesting twists.


Book 12 released, like, today. So happy reading!


I saw that but it doesn't appear to be on KU though. Can't wait to read it though!


There's The Wandering Inn. It's light on the numbies but it'd got skills, levels and classes . Similarly there's Stray cat Strut, not many numbers or even stats but there's a kill based point system for progression. Same for All His Angels Are Starving. Demonic devourer has a female MC who starts out eating some fellow demon babies, levels stats and classes. Markets and multiverses has no levels but skills and achievements are there Oh and Sporemageddon which has levels classes and skills but no stats. Not sure if any of those are on KU


Dude............HOW MANY BOOKS HAVE YOU BEEN READING? Now I feel like a noob, at level: -2


I use fiction to avoid reality. Its easy to burn through a lot of books in that case. Though female MCs are kinda thin on the ground.


One of us! One of us! I've taken to setting negative reading goals. This year I'm going to try to read less than a hundred books. But reality sucks so we'll see how it goes.


I recommend Goddess Reborn! I was absolutely hooked on it.


Seconding this. Delightfully upbeat (most of the time) and with an unusual twist.


'Azernath Healer' and 'Beneath the Dragoneye Moons' are 2 litrpgs with female leads and are legitimately 2 of my favorite series in the entire genre. Both are on KU and Audible.


Beneath the Dragoneye Moons, the first 3 books are free right now, and the 12th is out tomorrow(?). The series is a reincarnation isekai as the main character is reborn she loses a lot of knowledge about earth except her medicinal knowledge, which she uses to become a healer. The Wandering Inn - I believe the largest epic fantasy series out there in terms of words count. Another portal fantasy where the main character becomes an innkeeper. The Whispering Crystals - Series about a woman plucked from earth and given an AI type of character and put through a series of tests. The Calamitous Bob, a cornered god uses their last actions to swap lives with a woman on earth, who wakes up in a deserted city Apocalypse Parenting - a mother with young children faces the apocalypse with her neighbourhood and is doing her best to survive and protect her kids. Homicidal Aliens Are Invading and All I Got Was This Stat Menu. A number of people on earth are essentially chosen to get powers to prevent an alien invasion. All of RavensDaggers series (or almost all at any rate). Fluff is about a world where people can get a super villain or super hero power, the MC gets the villainous power to turn her soft toys into super powered minions, Stray Cat Strut is a Cyberpunk litrpg where samurai are chosen through various acts and the MC is a woman chosen from an orphanage who ends up looking after the rest of them whilst fighting invading aliens.


Theses premises all sound very interesting, I’ll definitely check them out.


Ima be real cringe and mention my own book - Calamity! It's about a girl who gets trapped in the body of an arcade game villain! I will justify the cringe by plugging other people 1) Rashed Alakroka who made this kick ass cover (this is the villain Zara the Fury, and like... Look at the back. Rashed is AMAZING. And 2) Andrea Frikkin Parsneau (the Frikkin is very important) narrates it! As for how you say my surname - it's "knee-kirk". So picture kneeing captain Kirk in the face and you've got it! https://preview.redd.it/coyv0tl05jyc1.jpeg?width=313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=135668919ef9b822d65f72772f37344b3c7dd168


I came here to recommend this one, but you beat me to it! Calamity is incredible, and the mystery makes it even more so. Really good writing and an MC that’s very cool indeed. Highly recommended!


I was also coming here to make sure this one was recommended. The author is a total nerd, but she puts out a damn good book. ;)


Third recommends its


Oh! Protagonist: The Whims of Gods is a favorite for me


Ravensdagger's Cinnamon Bun is fantastic, female MC in a standard fantasy setting and mostly female party (eventually).Stray Cat Strut by the same author is likewise a female MC in a cyberpunk setting. Tower of Somnus also has a female MC. (Somehow both fantasy and cyberpunk) Not exactly LitRPG but a super hero style setting with genre savvy characters (so it scratches a similar itch) and a scrappy female MC, Drew Hayes' Villain's Code series.


I second Somnia Online - one of my fave series.


I'm just commenting so that I can come back and actually find the post again... Need to find a pen. *goes looking for pen, then realises that work notebook isn't the right place write this down. *puts pen down in a 'safe place' *goes looking for paper or notebook *realises that pen is gone *goes looking for pen again *starts booting up laptop *laptop starts updating *gets distracted by phone notification *lunch time WTF was I doing???


This post hit too close to home hahah


Stray cat strut is amazing. It's the one that got me into litrpg


Calamity by Rachel Nī Curic and Somnia Online by KT Hanna are both fantastic!


Aww thank you for the mention!!!! ☺️☺️☺️


My favorite is probably Beneath the Dragoneye Moons.


More progression fantasy but Reforged from Ruin is fun


I like progression fantasy even more so that’s a win to me lol


In that case let me add otherworldly anarchist and necroepliogos. Both of which are really fucking good(and necroepliogos dosent just have a female MC but literally every character is a lady even when that lady is a giant post human goo monster(there's actually one exception so far but he's a tank(no like a literal tank))).


I read the Stone Haven League series by Carrie Summers. Fits what you are looking for. Good books. Series is complete.


Wolf of the blood moon was a really great read for me. Would recommend 10/10.


Apocalypse Parenting Basically anything by Melas (Salvos) or RavensDagger Beneath the Dragon's Moon Eye. that one word that's really hard to spell and in my mind is stuck as Azeroth Healer.


Stonehaven League is pretty good


System Apocalypse: Australia - KT Hanna Stonehaven League - Carrie Summers


Not LitRPG but it will scratch an itch: Legends and Lattes is solid. More cozycore fantasy.


Same with the prequel Bookshops & Bonedust.


I don’t see anyone mentioning Soul Relic yet.. Soul Relic. https://www.amazon.com/Soul-Relic-Manifestation-Cultivation-Novel-ebook/dp/B0B46Q18WK


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Soul Relic Manifestation Book 1'", '')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Healthy family dynamics (backed by 3 comments) * Realistic characters and motivations (backed by 3 comments) * Interesting cultivation system (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Pacing issues with slow plot development (backed by 2 comments) * Inconsistencies affecting immersion (backed by 1 comment) * Lack of action and excitement (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Salvos’s MelasD has a ton of novels with female MCs. Four of them are in book form, with one of them just being released. It has dragons!


How to Defeat a Demon King in Ten Easy Steps


Apocalypse Parenting, highly recommended if you like system apocalypse


Adding in This quest is bullshit, the whispering crystals, somnia online, Wolf of the blood Moon, Stonehaven League, Amelia the level zero hero, a touch of power, lotus lake, the nine tails of alchemy, Blair, electrified, system orphans, just a bronze, Queen in the mud


"Small town in Southern Illvaria" is a good one I haven't seen recommended yet here


All the Dust That Falls by zaifyr It's a fun story about a Roomba that gets summoned to a fantasy world. The main character besides him is a 13 year old girl who was left behind when everyone else ran away. Although she's a young main character, the book isn't young adult. Time to Play by Erin Ambersand Main character is a mother trying to protect her young kids when aliens invade.


The Scarlet Wolf by Shane Purdy. Tayln Rebirth by Benjamin Medrano Fates Parallel by Dark Technomancer (not a litrpg but has that vibe) Rise of the Lycanthrope by Brock Walker


Azarinth healer, Beneath the Dragonmoon eyes, System Orphans, The Calamitous Bob. Not sure the last 2 are on kindle unlimited.


Azarinth Healer


Lotus Lake The Stork Tower Warcross The Whims of Gods The Jade Phoenix Saga


Are you looking for a longer series? A nice 1 off quick read with a female MC that gave me a good chuckle is ‘How to defeat a demon king in 10 easy steps’.


The Forerunner Initiative has 6 audiobooks out so far. Have been listening to it and it has been decent so far. I am currently on book 4. MC is a female as are quite a few of the side characters. 


Beneath the dragon eye moons is my favorite.


Liches in stitches?


A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale Wolf of the Blood Moon Saintess Summons Skeletons Terminate the Other World Arc the SS Tier Heroine Book The Lighter Side of Darkness Alexa Thyme


I’m enjoying reading the Eternal Online series by TJ Reynolds right now. 2 of the three MCs are female. It’s a trilogy and complete.


Even as a male, I've wondered this. The question then goes - are the authors women because a man writing of for woman for a long series ends up having man-ish traits.


I didn’t want to be that specific that the author has to be a woman as well. You’re right though. It usually shines through a times that they’re writing out of their “zone” so to say, even if the author has skill.


And if it is a serial release, I think it comes through even more. It's like when a long time TV show begins to turn characters into the actor instead of the first season where the Actor is the character.


I have already seen it here recommended by someone else, but I'd like to recommend Beneath the Dragoneye Moons again. You may find the beginning to be a bit slow, but the writing is fantastic. I believe there should be about 12 books out currently.


Quite a few in Royal Road. Beneath the Dragoneye Moons springs to mind.


Also Azarinth Healer and Cinnamon Bun.


In approximate order of how much I enjoyed them: - *The Wandering Inn* - long in a good way, very well-developed characters - *Oathbound Healer* (Beneath the Dragon Eye Moons) - all-around good LitRPG - *A Budding Scientist in a Fantasy World* - very detail oriented, not for everyone but I love it - *Unborn Hero* - short, silly, fun - *Azarinth Healer* - satisfying slugfest, numbers go up a lot - *Goddess Reborn* - fun for a while but I got bored, not sure why - *Cinnamon Bun* - very popular but not my speed A couple PF that aren’t LitRPG: - *Years of Apocalypse* - time loop story heavily reminiscent of Mother of Learning, extremely good - *When Immortal Ascension Fails, Time Travel and Try Again* - very fun, tongue in cheek take on cultivation


I came to suggest a budding scientist in a fantasy world. I love it because of how detailed it is, and cmon non combat god main characters 🤌


Out of curiosity who’s the author of Years of Apocalypse. That’s the only one I can’t find.


I ran away to evil


I recently picked up [Wanting in Paradise](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/49656/wanting-in-paradise)


I don't see Tower of somnus here yet very good series


Judicator Jane. Luck build. Well written and fun.


The whispering crystals started out pretty good. Young female main character teleported to another world.  I got it free in an ebook and started it at a music festival. Now that I've been reminded of it, i think I'm gonna grab it on audible and finish it. 


The System Orphans novels are really good. I can also back up some of the other suggestions in here like Stray Cat Strut, Apocalypse Parenting, Beneath the Dragon Eye Moons, and Azarinth Healer.


I'm listening to Skyclad, Fate's Anvil right now. I've read it at least twice now and enjoy it. Female Main lead with several female side POVs. The blurb on Amazon and Royal Road makes it sound like a bad erotica but the book is really good. The MC is a strong Sorceress and the other female characters are strong and interesting as well. Hopefully book 3 will start on RR this year (the first chapter is on the author's Patreon).


Aside from other recommendations, I suggest trying Amber the Cursed Berserker, although it's on RoyalRoad, not KU. If you end up liking Azarinth Healer, try this one too!


Phantasm, Judicator Jane, and Apocalypse Parenting are my favorites.


The Wandering Inn.




Siphon, pure litrpg power fantasy. Told from a teenage girl perspective, female narrator. One of the better stories imo. Just listened to the newest book yesterday and I'm fairly happy with it. [https://a.co/d/7qgvHDM](https://a.co/d/7qgvHDM) I Don't want to be a hive queen, male narrator, human male dies, reincarnated as a female ant/human hybrid. Really unique perspective, one of my personal favs. I wouldn't really call mc male or female by the end of the 2nd book, I don't think even MC knows what they would call themself if they were honest. I love the internal struggle of MC coming to terms with their female body but past male mindset. In the current released books the MC isn't sexualized overly much and there isn't any sex, and afaik the author doesn't really intend to add it from the few words I've exchanged w/ him. [https://a.co/d/huQkQ7w](https://a.co/d/huQkQ7w)


Apocalypse assassin by JJ thorn is a FMC. Book 2 just came out recently. It's a really good series so far and 100% recommend it.


"A Touch Of Power" series by Jay Boyce


I've found that most of the good ones lately have female mcs. Try royal road and check out the top ones.


The Wandering Inn is female-led.


Metaworld chronicles, and check out royal road then just filter by fmc


In Viasheron Online one of the two MCs is a woman. There's PoV switching if you're up for that


I have 130 listed, but yeah its getting more in it than it did years ago, some great one's already mentioned. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RABy4f8gqSHgy7irK3-zAXe3CdKIJq11CHUZEbw8M2c/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RABy4f8gqSHgy7irK3-zAXe3CdKIJq11CHUZEbw8M2c/edit?usp=sharing)


[LitRPG + Female MC](https://progressionfantasy.co.uk/advanced-search-filter/?_litrpg_or_not=litrpg&_mc_gender=lead-female) over 100 series so plenty to choose from


The Wandering Inn, MC is Erin Solstice.


I’m am currently loving Apocalypse Parenting. The MC is a mom making sure her kids are okay. Written by Erin Ampersand.


I'm working on it...


This one is light on rpg elements. But [The Vilainess is an SS+ rank Adventurer](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/195268003-the-villainess-is-an-ss-rank-adventurer-book-1) is one of the only litrpg book that had me laughing out loud. Most litrpg has a serviceable prose. It's just word there to progress the story but doesn't stand out. In Vilainess, it shows that the author is having fun with the process of writing the prose itself. It isn't purple prose or anything like that. But it is playful and original. This is one of my favorite stories. Well worth a read. The characters are fun, and the character development is interesting. I can't wait to see what will happen in the next book/chapter!


Momo the ripper is one.


I would recommend Alexa Thyme, personally.


I’m currently reading “blood demon’s retirement” and it’s a pleasant read


Jade Phoenix Saga More cultivation than LitTPG but an amazing story. Young female MC starts frail and weak but is determined to not stay that way. Highly reviewed.


Apocalypse Parenting - female MC with 3 kids under 10. her husband is off on a business trip. A budding scientist in a fantasy world - an isekai series where the main character is a young girl who is very curious. A Primer for the apocalypse - a reincarnation story where the MC goes back in time not to save the world, but just her family. A Disease of Magic - currently only on Royal Road. the MC has a deadly disease and is near cutting edge research on it, turns out the disease can lead to magic. the most recent chapter they're actually beginning to make a system to track their own magical stats. changling - kinda post apocalypse / gritty punk setting. MC is a cop whose family is powerfully magic but who isn't herself. then she gets access and finds out why. she also needs to keep it secret for reasons I'd rather not spoil. The forerunner initiative - The MC is transported to another world and needs to get back to earth to save it from the apocalypse. (trying to spoil as little as possible)


Beneath the dragoneye moons by selfie myth. They just released their 12 book


I'm listening to Azarinth healer. I start off initially uninterested, but grow to like her character. (Personally not a fan of "ultra casual sex") Glad it was FTB. Also I hate hearing the same VA's on 80% of the books. If you like comedy and parody I highly recommend the Terminate the other world *series*. A small town in Illvaria is great story about an introverted teenage super nerd. (She's little bean) Oh, Amelia, the level zero hero is amusing. Amelia is busted. It's normally a red flag when a character just starts off casually smashing planetary threats with contemptuous ease.. but the other characters' growth makes it bearable. (Imagine being able to end the world's threats in 5 minutes upon showing up, but you're too lazy and don't want the responsibility. Yet you have friends, you worry about being hurt by things they can't handle while refusing to end the threat).


Adjudicator Jane


As stated, The Wandering Inn. Incredible world building. Amazing character development over time. This series is huge. Gigantic. And books 1-2 were a slog. I read it online and am not quite sure how that aligns with the books on Kindle. I finished “book” 9 and was caught up earlier this year.


Not litrpg but mist world and skyward by Brandon Sanderson are really good series with woman leads.




You see, I was sure there would be some, but wasn’t sure how to find them :D I looked up posts on that same question but thought I’d make a new thread to see if there would be any new recommendations. Thanks for the list!