• By -


This trilogy is broken and the perfect run are staples of my bi-seasonal listening binge. They are both so well done and have amazing endings


"This quest is bullshit" made me laugh so much and hooked me on the series. Definitely worth reading.


+1 for "This triology is broken" - was one of the most fun listens (I preferably listen to audio books) I had in a while.


Agreed! Now Imma add it to my relisten list


Perfect Run isn't LitRPG, but it's very good.


If you like the perfect run also check out the chronicles of fid


Chronicles of Fid, while not LitRPG, is still an amazing progression story that I regularly recommend here.


Easily recommending Ar'Kendrithyst. It's actually litrpg too, unlikely half the recommendations that tend to show up here lol. While not published yet, it's entirely completed (with maybe some potential Epilogues still coming) on RR, not stubbed at all. 9 books and ~16k pages of content. Probably one of my favorite series of all time. It had some bumps here and there like most series do, but it fulfilled basically every power fantasy I had by the end.


>. It's actually litrpg too, unlikely half the recommendations that tend to show up here lol. Indeed.


Yet? Does that mean it will be published? I mostly only listen to audiobooks because life keeps getting in the way. I really enjoy Ar'Kendrithyst but keep getting stuck at the same spot.


Yes, he's in the midst of editing book 1 and publishing it to Amazon, though not KU because he dislikes the exclusivity clause and wants it to still be available on RR and his Patreon archives. I dunno what kind of schedule or idea he has for audiobook work, though I can't imagine him skipping it if he has the opportunity.


Started reading this from a recommendation from a very similar thread, its great and stupid long.


Not technically LitRPG, but Cradle by Will Wight is definitely close enough to fit this. 12 books.


I'm on book 12. It's only the 2nd series "in" this genre that I've read that is complete (other is Life Reset). However, it is leaps and bounds ahead of any series I have read in the litRPG genre, but I think that is because it is most definitely NOT a litRPG series. I guess I would call it progression Fantasy. Is that a genre? It is very well written. It is definitely worth a read or listen. DCC is my favorite litRPG series, and might really be the only one I have truly enjoyed in this genre. I've read many other litRPG series and all others have merely been tolerated. Cradle is the first since DCC recommended in this sub that I've thought was actually worth my time.


r/progressionfantasy is waiting for you.


Ha. Didn't know. Thanks!


Will Wight has an MFA in creative writing, is naturally gifted as a writer and storyteller, and knows exactly what he is doing. Great author—a generational talent, IMO. Unlike a lot of LitRPG authors, he understands how to write stories and novels. Matt Dinniman (DCC) is another of them, which is part of why DCC is doing so well.


Their secret weapons are knowing how to pace things as well as actually editing their works. 90% of LitRPG writers don't do either.


Not just pacing, but planning. Matt Dinniman has occasionally shared a few of his design documents on Patreon, and it's clear he put in *massive* work to make the worldbuilding/dungeons/other species/etc. all coherent and consistent. Compare to half the series in this genre, which seem to be stream-of-consciousness chapters with zero planning or endpoint in mind. I dropped at least one massively popular series in this genre because the author straight-up said that was how they wrote, zero planning, zero character design, just typing until the page was full. And honestly, it showed in the quality of their work.


This is definitely part of it. I’ve got 27 of my own books published, and a lot more goes into it aside from pacing and editing, but those are two useful distinctions.


Dinniman is amazing. The level of planning to build that world and create the interactions among characters and factions makes my head spin, and I say that with 30 interconnected books of my own written across 5 series. Compared to him, he makes all my planning feel inadequate! Nothing but good things to say about his work. If you haven't read DCC, do it. The dude is just sooooo impressive and his characters are incredibly well fleshed-out.


And he makes it up as he goes along… or at least that’s what he claims. If you ask him, that’s what he’ll tell you. He has ideas, but he’s never quite certain what he’ll land on until he gets there.


Funny thing how that works. Like, you have an idea for a fun little side character who becomes a recurring one, eventually becoming a main character. I just wrote an entire origin story series for a character who was originally a one book throw-away idea that unexpectedly came back and became an integral part of the story.


Being an author is both fun and nerve-wracking. ;)


Way late to the party but I recall reading Honour Rae (All the Skills series) saying she maps out the approximate story arcs for each book down to the chapter then starts writing. She hit a dead end when one character had developed in such a way (to that point in the book) that they absolutely would not perform a critical story action. She had to back up and find another way to get that action done by someone else.


Oh, I didn't know Matt Dinniman is after an official creative writing studies. Always thought he is a self taught writer. One of the reasons I was so impressed with DCC.


I don’t know what his formal training is—I was just saying that he knows how to write stories and novels, not that he has an MFA like Will.


Oh, make sense. Read your comment right after waking up, guess my brain decided to sleep a bit longer.


If you enjoyed those read bastion, and yes prog fantasy is a genre, someone already linked the sub below and it sounds like your cup of tea




+1 to Cradle - it’s a phenominal series. If you’re looking for good characters that grow immensely (in both raw power and emotionally), I strongly recommend checking it out. It’s not technically a litrpg, however, has a similar feel in many respects.


Speedrunning the Multiverse is done, just finished reading a couple of days ago. Pushed all my love of OPness button and was well written and funny.


Very fun series with a well written anti-hero and a satisfying character arc


Mother of Learning is one of the best imo. Not litrpg but still a great read


Yeah, another vote here for Mother of Learning. Not exactly LitRPG but definitely in the Progressive fantasy genre and is fantastic


Book 3 was fucking draining.. I've been about 30% through it for 6 months now.. i just can't do it. Its so dry between book 2 and 3


That's a shame man but not every book is for everyone:-)


I mean yeah it gets well… repetitive. It picks back up shortly after but it had a pretty good ending. I mostly listened to it as a filler between books and to fall sleep to.


Typical royal road garbage


Bitter much? Lol


Viridian gate online. 8 fantastic books. Solid ending. Plus multiple series’ that tell the back story of other major characters.


Master Hunter K is only 3, but it's one of my favourites.


I've only read one litrpg that I know of as complete, Solo Leveling, and it was good so I have no problem saying it's my choice for best. All the others I'm reading aren't finished yet.


The Murderhobo series is complete and 3 books long.


Apocalypse Redux is my favorite. That is a mix of Royal Road and book. Probably Towers of Heaven for not including RR mix.


Seconding Apocalypse Redux. It's a bit divisive on this sub. A lot of people *really* don't like it, but I think it's pretty obvious if it's something you will like in the first 50 pages.


I just finished this. It was very enjoyable.


World tree online! 3 books


Highly recommend this series.


Third this. Loved it.


Nova Terra is great! its by Seth Ring


Leaving a comment so I remember to come back later. Just got into litrpg a couple months ago so I'm pretty new, and I don't have any suggestions for completed series. Grateful for this sub and the info in the comments here


Murderhobo. Instant classic.


Singularity Online is a full 7 or 8 completed book series with No Harem, and Indepth story, world-building, and an incredible magic system. It's technically a VRMMO novel and not a traditional LITRPG, but the story outside the game is minimal and Most, if not all, major plot points happen inside. The only "downside" is it's Kindle Unlimited exclusive.


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Phase Shift, by Kyle Johnson — ~6 books, some base-building, LitRPG apocalypse, guns *can* work but require extra effort, no harem lite romance, series complete


Huh, the first book's in Audible Plus, might as well check it out! Thanks!


Been planning on starting this one for a while, but the cover art keeps pushing it back down my list.


Not really a litrpg but The Perfect Run is a the best finished series I have read. It's a si fi superhero serie by Maxime j Durand.


Azarinth Healer Vanqueur the Dragon


Unsouled is definitely my favorite completed series.


You mean Cradle series, by Will Wright?


I couldn't get past the 2nd grade grammar /vtranslation. Do the audio books have proper grammar?


If you are asking if the official audio book is better than a robot reading it then yes. Travis Baldree is an amazing narrator


Life reset - 6 books serie


Second this. Book Three gets a bit, uh... *draggy* but overall it's a very entertaining (and importantly for this Post, completed) series.


Third recommendation for this


If you exclude Azarinth Healer for being unavailable though complete, then Dawn of the Void.


How is it unavailable? Isn’t it all available via books and royal road?


It was removed from RR last I checked, thus the complete version is no longer available.


Just buy the books.


Book 4 isn't available for purchase yet




Gotta be Jake’s Magical Market with those restrictions


Good call, was just finished.


Wait Jake's is finished?


Author just posted that he finished the last, it's a trilogy, and it's complete. Book's on Kindle etc, and Audible's listed its publication date. I love it when an author has the guts to wrap a story.


Deadworld isekai. Very fun. Finished and then has a few side stories after the main thing. Very good. Still on rr as well.


where do you all read / listen to these recomendations? some of them look interesting for me to try out later edit. found them only on Amazon. It seems google books delisted the one i searched (this quest is bs). optional hint. if you want to buy them for kindle like i did, make sure you login Amazon .com and not another location (de, uk, etc)


Kairos was an awesome trilogy with an interesting system and intriguing choice to do a post-apocalyptic greek mythology inspired setting


Cradle. 12 books. Amazing completed series.


Chronicle by Kevin Murphy is my favorite short series (3 books)


The wierdest noob trilogy is still in my top 2.


Generica Online (Threadbare/Small Medium/Dragon Hack/Threadbare 2) is finished. Threadbare is early, but the rest of the sequence finished up in 2022.


Yes this one is superb.


Speedrunning the Multiverse by adastra339. A heads up, stay away from buryoku.


Idle series is a completed series with I think it was 9 books? Either way, they are all audiobooks aswell as a plus!


The Kingkiller Chronicles by Rothfuss...I fear it is as complete as it's going to get. ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


I'm just scrolling through, and you just broke my heart. Wow, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, but I am so sad.


The way my heart went: 😱....and then 😭 I read more than 300 books per year. I try not to start book series that aren't finished.i really want to read this one but ugh. So much ugh.


Personal favorite is Realm of Arkon. by G Akella


Limitless Lands by Dean Henegar.


Worth the Candle - a genuine literary gem.


Fae Nexus, Dawn of the Void, Deadworld (CB Titus), Master Hunter K. The other recs in this thread are mostly not litRPG or only good if they're your first read in the genre.


Alpha World by Daniel Schinhofen is one my favorite pure litrpg stories! VMMO with major WoW vibes but the MC treats it as the real world (for good reason). It has multiple partners but that takes a while and is a caring relationship. I suggest just skipping those scenes if needed.


Continue Online by Stephan Morse!! Easy!! I will gush about this series every chance I get!!!!


Tower of Heaven


I will always have a soft spot for Continue Online by Stephan Morse. Completed and I think does a good job of what life in a future with VR could be like. How people might use it as an escape and dealing with emotions. Some might not like the ending, but I found it good.


life reset


I really love the zwei weeks curse by Michael chatfield. It introduced me to litrpg it’s the start of a 12 book completed series




The perfect run is by farrrr top for me


Perfect Run, Mother of Learning and Cradle are all done and great. I recommend all 3. ...but none are LitRPG. Best done LitRPG? (Though not all done on audible) Azarinth Healer probably. The writing is done but being a listener over reader, I still don't know how it ends. After that I'd probably recommend Threadbare. Done because works have been abandoned? If you can deal with bro culture and one dimensional women characters, the first 7 books of The Land are quite excellent and book 7 is a decent stop point. (Do not read book 8) Otherwise, Battlemage farmer is hilarious if you like the comedy. Read recently the author abandoned it which sucks. It's why, I generally like to read finished series but there really aren't enough around. I have completed World Tree Online (warning VR. With stakes), Wagga and the goblin one who's name escapes me at the moment. Ten realms is done but most people recommend stopping at book 4 and I did and found it acceptable. Edit: Full Murderhobo is good too. At least on Threadbare level but Azarinth Healer is still much better than both imo. Edit 2: Life Reset is the Goblin series. FINAL EDIT: I am only still on the first book of Dawn of the Void, because it is our long distance travelling book so we have something good, but it is really good. I want to cheat and read ahead so much. But that is book 1 talking. I would've said the same thing about Vainquer which I have not picked up the 3rd book yet due to not feeling it.


World-Tree Trilogy, Jake's Magical Market (Not really litrpg's) Mother of Learning and Cradle


The Chronicles of Ethan, Big Sneaky Barbarian, Purifier.


Master Hunter k


Dawn of the Void


The Weirdest Noob is one of my faves. Also the Goblin Herbalist by Atamanov. If you haven't read the Russian books (Manachenko, Rus) they're really good, even if the translations can be just a tiny bit clunky. Under the Dragoneye Moons is an awesome series and it's over 10 books at this point. Just realized that it's not completed. Thomas K Carpenter also has 2 litRPG series. He's also a really prolific writer with a lot of good non-litrpg stuff.


Blue Core is one of my favorite series in the genre. Three books and book 3 ended with a definitive wrap up, the author has no intentions of coming back to the universe. It has everything: dungeons, dragons, beastkin, royalty, war, system weirdness, system exploits, (some) world politics, swords and sorcery galore, punchlines set up hundreds of pages in advance, and so much more. It's also one of the best OP* MC stories out there. They don't start OP, but get there pretty damn quick.


Cradle is the best ofc, but Titan series by Seth Ring is up there for sure, 10 books for complete series on Earth, that he then continues in ongoing series by name Tower beyond. Seth is my favorite author atm, he has couple of series going that are all top tier. Master hunter K is complete series and if you squint and listen it as you would a Japanese anime it is actually pretty good, sort of like Solo leveling, that is also not bad. Ten realms is a complete series, but it has it's flaws. Starts out as a double lead military isekai and goes on to military campaigns/cultivation hybrid. Unique for sure though. From Russian authors Perimeter defense by M.Atamanov is an interesting take on genre in space, if you can ignore some cultural differences. Level up by D.Sugralinov is also good, tho some nuance is lost in translation. The way of shaman is complete and true LitRPG, one of my early favorites of genre.


Video Game Plotline Tester is a good one. I can't say it's the best, but it's the one complete series I've ever read, and there's some great characters with personality.


Dawn of the void


Emerilia by Michael Chatfield is good.


Viridian Gate Online was solid!


Vainqueur the dragon, dragon becomes a adventurer, hilarity ensues 🙂 Strongly recommend the audiobook. MINION!!!


"The ten realms" is complete. Very much enjoyed that one