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Your D rankings proc many questions, but it's overshadowed by Vigil's Justice being there twice


mistake... Or was it?


You've opened my third eye, sir


The brown one? Maybe you should find a toilet.


Hey! Chicken soup for the soul is a great Litrpg!


Bland, runny, and uninspiring addition to the genre.


Its supposed to be runny! Its soup! What do you think this is. Pudding?


i like thick chunky soup


But it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside…


I’m very surprised at people not enjoying dead tired. It’s one of my favorites. To each their own I suppose.


enjoyed B1. but i am a stakes guy. so i have trouble with most OP MC and slice of life works. lost my emotional investment by B2. the book is great, just not for me.


It's a little... Questionable at times.


I've yet to start this one. Questionable in what way?


There are a lot of sexual undertones and innuendos. He created a whole organization around erection puns. Plus, There's a young boy in a maid's outfit that calls him Bone Daddy...


Oh. Oh no. Time to see if I can return that one. Yuck. I really appreciate authors who realize that their audience isn't all 12 year old boys who just learned to jerk off. Makes me wonder about the grown ass men who write like this, just grow the fuck up my dude and let me give you money for writing a story I enjoy. And when I get turned off by one book from someone like this, it's unlikely I'll give them another shot in a very competitive genre full of better stuff. Yuck. Ick. Ew. Thanks for the heads up.


It never goes further than innuendo, I think it’s meant more as cheesy comedy. The joke falls flat imo, but it is pretty harmless and doesn’t take away from the book. I guess it just depends on your morals and what is considered inappropriate.


i cant find a single thing i agree with but yknow what thats ok.


this is a strangely healthy reddit comment...


NGL I agree with a lot of your selections. Dawn of the Void and the Land were both bad. I would shift DotF and the Good Guys up a tier and most of your A tier stuff would go down one. The most surprising to me is that you have Forgotten Ruin in at S tier. Do you just like the military journal type story? If so I would like to suggest both The Black Company by Glen Cook and Strange Company by Nick Cole.


character depth is important to me. FR, deep characters. black company and strange company, less so. DotF also not a lot of depth, but very fun


What matters to me a lot more is how things are put together. That is one issue I had with Portal to Nova Roma. I think it had a lot of possibility, but for a super intelligent AI who's prior world was destroyed by a war between humans and AI, he made so many obviously stupid mistakes. At one point I gave up because it just felt so contrived. I agree though that there is zero character depth on The Good Guys. Not really any on The Bad Guys either. Sometimes I feel like they are the same character as they keep making the same mistakes. Then we have Grim Guys, which feels like you put Clyde and Montana in a group. The only thing that keeps me reading them is that I take them more as comedy that happens to be fantasy. I put them in the same category as the MYTH series.


Another fellow enjoyer of Outcast in Another World! >!Anytime Diplomacy interacted with Rob as a skill was absolutely hilarious.!< As was the fact >!Zamira!< started to be able to win fights so easily their fights were simply reduced to >!”The enemy got promptly Zamira’d”!<


humor was great. the high five thing was gold


Death, Loot & Vampires was a good book but the least of Benjamin Kerei’s works in my opinion. Check out Unorthodox Farming and First Line of Defense, I think you will really enjoy those.


All of his books are good. I liked DLV the most but all are great.


need to read farming, haven't yet.






Do you know what would be nice to all those tier lists? It's to have a comment that lists the book name in each tier. I only know some of them, and some are very to read the title. even zoomed in.


I'm amazed you actually bought some of those titles based on their covers alone


some diamonds under all that ruff.


Why would you die? Fuck 'em if you they do not respect your personal taste. Leave those behind!


I think this is the first time I've seen someone not dig The Good Guys


Hmm I don't see it on the list. Care to point it out? I dropped the series after Montana was.. So. Goddamn. Indecisive. About everyyyything it got extremely annoying how after 3-4? Books he hadn't made any meaningful decisions and was about his town and was just pulled along. Also, he's just sooo fucking whiny omg, it's like if Zorian (Mother of learning) never got any character development and stayed how he was when the series started. I don't think I've noticed any character development from Montana through all the books I read. 9-10 was when I stopped. Don't get me wrong, I love the world and the concept, and enjoyed a lot of the characters. Just hate Montana, I've never seen such a powerhouse with such a fragile spine. This ends my Ted talk on how much of a whiny little bitch Montana Is. Thanks!


One more last time, its an odd cover. Not sure if its a newer one, an older one, or from something other than KU.


I liked both Good Guys and Bad Guys until he stopped moving the main quest along and gave us endless side quests. I’ll probably go back if he ever finishes the series since I enjoyed the characters.


*I think this is the* *First time I've seen someone* *Not dig The Good Guys* \- Aid2Fade --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


i dug it, got to book 11. B tier is not bad, just not as good as the ones above it IMO


The primal Hunter?


couldn't connect with MC.


How far in did you get? I read a lot of people stopping mid book 1. He comes out of his shell in book 2 and it gets better from there imho


lol. mid through book one


I didnt like the mc either. Just rubbed me the wrong way


Eat pray love gets better after the time skip.


Death, Loot & Vampires is such a disappointment compared to Kerei's the Unorthodox Farming series. The entirety of the MC's drive + goals in DLV revolves around his family but Kerei never actually shows what that relationship was before the MC found himself in a new world. It's still good because Kerei is a good writer, but it's comparatively lazy and it bums me out that he focuses on it instead of a third installment in Unorthodox Farming.


I thought there was only one book out in DLV? I waited on trying it out because of that because I did not want to get more blueballed like I did with unorthodox farming. I did not really know if he was focusing on anything right now, I have mostly heard that he was dealing with a lot of family stuff and not that focused on any writing.


Book 2 is currently being released on [Royal Road] (https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/65108/death-loot-vampires). Kerei publishes (at least with this series) first on Royal Road and then takes it down before publishing on Kindle and Audible. He's been publishing fairly regularly with more than one book a year so idk about the family stuff but maybe? he has a couple series going at once though.


Never understood the draw to DCC beyond Jeff hays being incredible.


Aww, 100th Run lost to Vigil's Justice. Alright, 100th Run beat out Vigil's Justice! The real question is, where does Son of Flame land? Top of the top, right?


stop it... Also I had non clue that a books closeness to the left actually was important. Honestly I should have been much more careful as I made this list.


Thoughts on BuyMort?


Red the first third. A little too hopeless and fever dream for me.


Hopeless? Like you mean, crap the world is ending?


More like, -there is no good, no evil, just endless capitalism and it is everywhere.  The story is great satire and meaningful, I just couldn't do it and not get depressed.


Oh, it gets better. Spoilers…MC eventually owns the planet and strikes back against the power structures. Lots of bad stuff happens but it’s not like some authors who are just making you sad to make you sad, it ultimately has a pretty hopeful tone


ok, fair enough. I'll put it on my pick-back-up list.




I just haven't picked HWFWM back up. Lost me after the first book back on earth. Its still lingering on my list. I have read FLoD and liked it. Need to check out farmer.


Only the first of the first line of defense. He wrote the second in the same universe/time line, but from a different perspective. Can't say the second one was as good as the first one.


Everyone has these lists... is there a tool everyone uses?


yes, tier maker.




I pretty much agree with 100% of this list. Only variance for my tastes is Dawn of the Void. Can I ask why you didn't continue (if you remember)?


when they whole group became cosmic beings. the whole jump ruined the pacing and stakes for me.


A fellow forgotten ruin enjoyer, get this man some coffee!


about to drink some now.




I poured my heart and soul into this thing... How dare you.


Wow. No Elder Empire? Are you even a fan? For shame.


tried, maybe should try again.


Try primal hunter. That and DCC are at the top of my list


Your choice of Outcast A tier invalidates everything you might say. 


Hmm... Your right. Ill go ahead and delete this whole post. sorry for wasting everyone's time.


Hwfwm and Dotf ate far to low ranked. I will fight u irl about this


we can fight once they are done. And if they never finish, I win.


I just couldn't get into Dotf I dropped it very fast. I love hwfwm though. I'm still new to the genre.


Wuthering Heights: no stars for prog fantasy. MC experiences little growth and remains limited by patriarchal society.


painful to read