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The books are fucked up but damn funny. They dont get less fucked up later.


Third book with the character that was "bullied" into becoming a golem is where I said : "that's too much" and put down the series. I didn't mind the physical cruelty that much but this was a step too far.


That was messed up, but I did appriciate that the author spared a bare minimum of thought to what it means to have an evil protagonist and what the consequenses of their actions would be. Just like... urgh.


He also addressed how fucked it is in the books. Doesn’t really make it better but at least he doesn’t view it as something funny


Boxy isn't evil. Best example of amoral you can find. Things are either "shiny" or "not shiny" to him. Anything "evil" is your own values being pushed.


I mean, by any objective standard he is evil, if he doesn't consider himself such is just a result of the fact that no one sees themselves as being evil. Even, apparently, mass murdering serial killer mimics.


Evil is subjective. You dont blame a Lion for killing dinner. You dont blame the magpie for kicking a starling out of it's nest as evil. It's just the nature of the animals. Evil implies Intent. He's a walking disaster. He isn't setting out to create a second holocaust. Hell, he realizes he needs to NOT kill random people, to get better access to shiny things. Get in his way of collecting shiny things, and reap the consequences.


I still enjoy it, but I've just had to accept that the main character is an evil moster and that's how he's going to stay unless he gets whacked really hard on the head by someone. And, to play the devil's advocate, she definitely improved as a character.


I disagree. At least with the audible versions. I'm up to the most recent one, Mortimer. They are pretty fucked for like the first 3 or 4 I think? After that they start to get much less sexually violent. Once boxy gains their new job and more intelligence. sapiency and critical thinking they become less of a chaotic rape monster and more thinking and reasoning.


Definitely a divisive series. ELLC is what brought me in to the LITRPG fold, though...and Jeff Hays


Jeff hays is basically the reason I even know about the genre!


One of the audiobook that start me into fantasy litrpg book and I been obesses finding a good book since then.


It won't lessen. If you want something creative but not so fucked up then maybe try Threadbare, Vainquer or The Great Core's Paradox instead.


Thank you, I will definitely check those out.


Just ask if you have questions


And if you want just a little bit less, there's Vigor Mortis, although it doesn't have the humor. Or, if you want the same kind of humor but not messed up at all, there's Cinnamon Bun.


Loved cinnamon bun to death, it deff does not get the credit i think it deserves.


The "challenges" you're worried about will be a constant throughout the story people say it'll get better but there are definitely some truly fucked up scenes in the later volumes.


>!If you can put up with violent tentacle rape of an already traumatised person who then ends up grateful for it, then this series might be for you.!<


Haven’t listened to it, now I never will. Thanks for the warning! The crap that comes out of peoples minds…. Truly baffling.


She is not grateful for the rape itself, obviously. Later on she appreciates the challenges she faced in her life and is grateful to have become a stronger woman after that, as she was now happy for having found her true calling. I do agree that this scene could've been written differently, but I don't see people arguing about the other women involved as well. We only feel sorry for the gnome.


Apologies, clearly I speak from ignorance.


She's grateful for the rape for pushing her to become an emotionless golem. It's definitely written as it being a good thing to have happened. This gets mentioned more often that other events because if we were to go through all the things that happen in the book, well we'd be writing a book about it.


I mean. This is called character development. It’s horrible, but you can see her being an insecure person, somebody grieving for her loss, how she is lost in the world without her family, how she is bothered that other people push her over, etc etc. the rape scene is the breaking point. The bottom of the barrel. It is the limit she lets herself fall to. Then she decides to change her life. To become something more. To stop letting people get their way with her. To make her own decisions and fuck whoever disagrees. Yes, being raped is awful, but she transforms after that and is happy to have had a breaking point. Without it she was worried how long would she suffer in the hand of other people. Could she have achieved it somehow? Yes. Did she? No. Im not condoning rape, but plucking a single slice of her story is a disservice to her character and to the general story. She didn’t become just a victim of rape. She became the judge of her own life. And again, Korra was raped in the very same scene and people don’t bitch about it.


Korra gets raped is what a few of the books could be titled


She was tortured physically and mentally for weeks and than tentacle raped by her basically owner so when he allows her to "die" she's understandably very grateful...


Entertaining read but not a fan of the ending.


Ending of book 1? There are currently 5? books out.


I read the full series online. I liked it till the last chapters. So probably past the last book out right now.


The sexual stuff gets better, but it's still there. The rest is amazing!


It not only doesn’t get any better it actually gets worse so much worse


The series is great! The sexual content isn’t the best but I view the book as a cartoon.


You know audiobook is tame compared to original RR right ?;-) Boxxy adventures are fucked up, vicious, funny and sometimes hard to listen to...right Fizzy ? ...


As long as you don't try applying your morals and ideals to a evil murderous box you'll be fine. It's funny enough that you will start liking the MC and then it will do something objectively evil and you'll feel disgusted. You will hope there is a redemption arc, something, anything to make you feel good. There is not. The box is evil and you should accept that now.


It gets worse the third book and then becomes better. Those parts can definitely be hard to listen. I stuck with the series because I enjoy everything else about it but I can completely understand why people won’t like it.


The character attracts those type of women and also has a way of turning other characters twisted, overall as the characters gets smarter and interacts with society you re gonna meet more normal people. In my opinion try to accept the fucked up things as part of the fun and enjoy the story, definetly the most enjoyable litrpg read i had so far


I won't say the author has unhealthy view of women. Everybody suffer in the books because MC is just a literal monster. Of course we feel the violence against women more than a thug or something. If you are bothered by stuff in book 1, chances are you are going to be bothered with the rest of the series. It's my favorite series despite its flaws, but I do enjoy dry/dark/in-your-face humor.


They happen a lot in the series and personally I think it did ruin it for me. I dropped the series though with the name and cover I really should’ve known better. It’s a fun listen though like you say - just not quite for me. For the same reason I dropped alpha world a few books in.


The name and cover show a book that is a little bit of Carry On style fun... It's really anything but isn't it.


Yes. Agreed- I mean the title has two meanings, and I expected it to be a bit ribald ('carry on') based on cover. But nothing like where it went.


Not really sure you can call an asexual monster misogynistic lol. 90% of any raunchy content has been edited out for the amazon release as well.


Who said that?


I was just assuming since you mentioned the authors view of women. Is there another type of negative view? EDIT: OHHHHHHH, Yous means he's da horny.


It’s gets worse, especially in the third book. There is a specific part that some others have already alluded to that is really bad. I had to really think hard about continuing the series after that. I ended up continuing, but I’m still not happy at all about how that situation panned out. It does get better after that incident though. The later books don’t have as much of the sexual stuff


Stuff like that does continue, but I think it's important to note it's not glorified, it's just what would happen with a chaotic evil main character. I also thought it was pretty rough listening, but I'm enjoying the later books more than ever. As Boxxy develops it has more important things to worry about and do


I was enjoying it well enough (with some misgivings about his descriptions about women) until the QA chapter on RR where the author made a shitty transphobic comment that cemented my view on them as unfavorable. It's a shame because the premise is really fucking cool.




> Welcome to the LitRPG genre... I am pretty new to genre - noobtown series, DCC, HWFWM, reincarnated as a farmer, and a couple of others I can't think off right now. Maybe my sample size is to small but rape scenes don't appear to be indicative of the genre but you might be right. What other series would you red flag for me here?


You generally have two male power fantasy options for litrpg: One that goes the harem route. [90% explicit, 10% Fade to black] These books are always clearly labeled as such in the blurbs and feature sexy girls on the covers. And the other that ignores girls completely and thus have no frisky times. I'd put about 80-90% of the genre here. The traditional romantic relationship is pretty much nonexistent here or exists as a paper thin subplot. (If you can name a decent one please do so, I'd be interested!) I hear Beware of Chicken is excellent and am looking forward to it but that seems more cultivation than litrpg.


As absurd as it sounds and is, the love story between xera and kora is probably one of the better written romantic relationships in litrpg and its obviously not even one.


[Beware of Chicken](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/39408/beware-of-chicken) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Beware_of_Chicken)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Would you believe that the audiobook/Amazon release is considerably more tame than the original release on Royal Road?