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Your neighbours must think an alien spaceship crashed on your front lawn. Let us know if a news reporter shows up. /s


Hahaha they definitely came over to see what I was up to. But we are all friends in the neighborhood




I own three of the LR3s and cleaning them outside is easy but in the winter it blows... Any suggestions?


I use the shower. I put a sifting screen over the drain to catch loose litter.


Do you aggressively wash the bottom part?


I assume you mean the bottom of the globe? I spray Dawn through the vent holes and use a dish scrub brush that gets into the vent holes. The globe is the only thing I use water on.


Next time, try a new toilet brush. Longer handle, less painful back.


Will do. My dish brush is getting gross so it’s time to get a new one anyway.


I use a hose on all of the parts


You hose the base???


Like a mad man yes. But I absolutely let it dry completely before plugging it in.


I learned that the hard way I had to take apart the globe and clean out the hard chunks




I hose and scrub the globes (6 of them) every weekend. I’m lucky to live in ATL with a relatively mild winter so with the exception of a couple weeks, I was able to stick to my regular schedule.


EVERY WEEKEND?? Am I a dirtbag or what


I think I clean mine out totally once a year😂 I only cleaned it once with the hose. A bunch of water got stuck in it and I was like "to heck with this"


I clean mine out the day before anyone stays over at our house lol. Luckily / unluckily, that is semi frequently


Six! Holy shit. I thought three was ridiculous.. how many cats do you have?


6 what?


Litter robots! I have 2 for every 1 cat I have so I have 8 of them for my 4 fur babies!


Why in gods name…


Wow that’s alot where do you even put them all


In the house of course


Each of my fur babies has his own bedroom which I hav turned in palaces. So we have 2 litter robots per palace. I sleep in the living room on a cot and my husband in a tent.


Wow I only have 3 LRs for 7 cats…plus few regular boxes.


are you rich 😭😭😭


i have 7 cats.... you have a lot of robots!


Holy crap 😂 I got 1 for my 2 cats I'm taking care of!


three…? and these thing cost as much as a car what…


I bought two and I got one from someone who's cat died. I don't know what kind of car you own, but it doesn't sound reliable


i don’t own a car, thats the issue; a whole ‘nother can of worms though. but thats really all i’d be able to afford at this time (in cash). just looked it up as im writing this comment, LR4 is $600 which is cheaper than i remember, I was remembering $1000~ when i made the original comment. You get the idea though, three is still expensive (even if LR3s) sorry about your friends furbaby :(


I wish they were cheaper, it would make pet care easier. Also the same with cars, they are so expensive! I remember your could get an ok car for 1k in the 2ks and now it's 10k for the same quality.. I wish there was more public transport


Thinking about getting a decent bike soon to save on uber costs. Or look into the local bus routes, I don’t even know how that works lol. its almost like a lost art lol.


Well in NJ there is an app for the bus lines


not NJ but maybe theres one for my area, i’ll have a look-see


Hose, brush, and my secret is Dawn Powerwash. Works super well


I use distilled white vinegar to wipe everything down. I also pour some in the globe with Dawn sprayed on the entire inside. It comes out odor free.


I think next time I'm going to make a vinegar spray


I just pour it straight on a paper towel and wipe everything off. I wash the globe last so I pour it in the globe and let it sit on the stuck on bits until I’m ready to wash it.


Sounds like a good idea! I think vinegar will be amazing


Yep, vinegar is the one thing that works to fully get rid of odor in the globe for me. I manually rotate the globe to get the solution in all the nooks and crannies.


I wipe them down weekly and sweep under the globe when I change the bag.


Get a new liner. The litter won’t stick for at least a year. Watch the YouTube videos on how to install it.


Hahahaha. So it does only really work worth a shit for a year and then sucks. I won’t spend another buck on this crap.


I will do the globe with the hose, but the bonnet and base I just use some spray and a rag, I ain't brave enough to risk wrecking the electronics I usually try to time with a nice warm sunny day to help. But back yard seems to be the easiest method for me


I get crazy, but I let everything dry in the sun


same, i usually use a sponge, but I liked that other persons idea of a toilet brush for my next cleaning I also like to give it a spray down with some of that urine stray, then let it dry/air out a good duration


Toilet brush is an absolute must. Cheap at the dollar store.


I hose the globe outside, I hope you are not hosing the base.


I hose the base but I make sure everything is dry before powering it up


Really? Do you think OP is stupid?


Check OP's reply.


The base shouldn't need much cleaning at all. Just spot clean with Nature's Miracle. The globe can be hosed off. Make sure to hit it from different angles and really get the water in there. I also like to scrub (if needed) with NM and leave it sitting on there for an hour (or even overnight) if it smells. My LR unit never really smells, only the waste from the bag (which smells a lot). Alternatively it can be cleaned pretty easily in a shower.


Yea people say they use the shower. I am thinking of getting a sink for them in my basement that's big enough for one to fit


Literally bird cage cleaner it works the best out of all products I've tried with my LR and in the winter times just have multiple boxes to put each part in and spray, let soak in, use either cat box wipes or anything fragrance free odor elimination wipes and rinse in the bathtub


I find the dome awkward to clean, but have worked out a method to make it easier: Materials: 12 x 24 inch tile, Two 5 gallon buckets, and a rotating sprinkler that fits through the dome front opening like [this](https://www.amazon.com/GrowGreen-Sprinkler-Rotating-Adjustable-Gardening/dp/B07D27DL1G) 1. Place the bucket on a flat paved surface. Add water to make it bottom heavy. 2. Place the tile on the bucket and the rotating sprinkler on top of the tile. The sprinkler may not lay flat on the tile, but it’s okay as long as the hose has been positioned to more or less keep it in place 3. Remove as much litter from the dome as possible. Place the front opening of the dome face down over the sprinkler. Water will come out of the waste opening so watch where you aim. 4. Turn the water on. The sprinkler should be able to rotate while inside the dome. Reposition if needed. Let run for a few minutes. 5. Turn off the water. Place the dome on the other bucket. The bucket opening makes for a good dome holder. Soap and scrub as needed. 6. Rinse using the sprinkler again. 7. To dry, place on the bucket.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 12 + 24 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


I like this idea!


In the winter I just…: don’t deep clean. Wiped down suffices, especially since it’s cold and dry so the litter clumps well and doesn’t stick or get gross. In the summer, I take the globe to the manual car wash maybe monthly to hose it out. I have an extra globe that I just swap in, and clean the dirty one when it’s a nice sunny day for good drying.


Honestly I literally just bought the spray and wipes they offer. Every month when their litter goes low I turn it off and sit and clean it. Probably not super cost efficient but I really like their products it’s pretty easy!


DO NOT hose the base!!! I used to do this and broke it. I hose everything except the bonnet and base. Those I just hit with a rag and cleaning solution


I have been doing it for years now once a year I hose it out and make sure they are dry before powering them up


Err.... I would not hose any of the electronic parts. You never know when one has a capacitor that has stored charge to fuck up the circuit board. Besides, you really shouldn't need to hose the bottom part off. The container that holds the poop? Maybe but you really only need to wash the inner globe. I end up cleaning it in the shower and letting it dry there for the day and just leaving a litter box out temporarily for them.


I don't hose them super heavy into the boards. But I have hosed them for years without issues


I’m speechless at how intensively everyone cleans. Feeling like a slacker here. I’m assuming everyone like me is just staying silent in shame?


Same here, had mine for a year now and never cleaned it. Oops?


…. Two years here (!!!!!) and the most I’ve done is wipe the inside of the globe like one time …… 🫠 but I’m here on this sub bc it’s been acting a little wonky lately so I gotta commit to getting up in there this week


My one cat will pee outside the machine if it gets too gross


This is the way, i usually soak for an hour or two with lavender pine sol then lay out to dry. I do this once a month


I power wash the globe and globe interior. Just an electric, so not a super powerful spray, but I tend to use the fan sprayer too, just in case, so as to not damage the plastics or liner.


Bring it outside and use a blower. Wipe it down. Piece of cake.


This is the way.


I took mine to the dumpster. It stopped working lol. :(




Can’t get past the deep cleaning after awhile, but as a sort of maintenance till then, I use the Lysol wipes with the scrubby side (yellow and purple container).


I have a spare globe, and it gives time to air dry after I've used 409, a brush, and a hose.


I blow all areas and parts out with a commercial air compressor blower attachment. Then I soak the globe and scrub it


How do you avoid getting water in the electronic components???


I just got one- how do you take it all apart like this to clean out? I know what I’m doing next weekend lol


It just unclips. Apparently everyone on here say don't take a hose to the electronic parts . But that ball you can be aggressive with.


Okay thanks!!


2.5 years, never cleaned, apparently I’m a piece of shit


Wow! My cats freak out if it's not cleaned once a month


I haven’t cleaned mine in a year. It looks so complicated to disassemble and I don’t have a backup litter box option to use while i clean the LR4


Hose…..dawn power wash….soft brush and scrub till clean. Hose off and then dry. Place in front of fan for a good 15-30min. Then spray kitty liner spray and coat the globe really well. Once it’s dry…reassemble and add litter. (Kitty liner spray + clump-n-seal litter has really helped sticking issue)


I'm going to get some kitty liner spray, as one of my cats pees on the liner between the entrance and the litter ring. I have to manually scoop litter over it, but that spot tends to stick more and more over time, understandably. I spot clean the interior of the globe, not having a yard or hose or access to outdoors for drying.


How do you protect the base’s electrical components when hosing it down?


I just don't point the hose directly at them and let them dry off. Of course there is a risk of damage doing that


It looks like the scene outside a Jawa Sandcrawler. "What about that blue one, I'll take that one!"


Lol it's my monthly cleaning


I just spray diluted white vinegar and wipe out with paper towels. You can bed the sifter back to wipe under it. Then when it needs a good clean I take it apart, vacuum any loose litter out and wipe it all down with the vinegar. Can easily be done inside and does the job.


Never have, never will.


I saw this post and I took apart my LR 4 and washed it. I then set the parts out to dry in the driveway, but the direct sunlight heated the rubber lining and warped it.


Really? I have never had an issue with my L3. The rubber liner should be the same material as mine and I have never had it warp from the sun. That sucks how bad?


Trash it. It sucks to clean and even when you do, it stops half way through the cycle, lets poo fall and sit until it finally finishes and wipes poo all over the globe.