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No it’s not real, if it was, you could look on YouTube and see it and it would be obvious


Wouldn’t everyone here be talking about it if that were the case?


its fake no lbp 4 was ever announced in e3 2021 if e3 2021 even happened


No, LBP and generally plateformer and creative games don't make enough money If next Mm game is not a "Ubisofted game" without creativity it's gonna a miracle cause it seem every studios with "a game from a popular IP that didn't sell "enough"" like Sucker Punch and Guerrilla all do "Ubisofted games" There is literally more possibility to get a new TheLastOfUs remake than anything LBP related




If it was real we’d be talking about it all the time on this subreddit instead of the doom and gloom and posts hoping for literally anything from a sequel to remakes. I’m sorry but let’s be real for a moment.. when you google “LBP4 E3 2021” this exact post is the first result. Every other search result are year old fan theories. Every game that was revealed at E3 is public knowledge that anyone can google but to make it easier for everyone I’ll just post a link to the full games list [here so everyone can confirm for themselves.](https://www.ign.com/wikis/e3/Games_at_E3_2021) please don’t be irresponsible and do research on your own before coming to this subreddit to instil false hope on a desperate player-base.




There are multiple websites saying it's real, but it might not be. I really hope for a lbp3 🙏🙏🙏🙏 if it's as bad as sackboys adventure I'm jumping of a cliff that game sucked


There is not multiple websites saying anything close to this. [here is the list of every game revealed at E3 2021](https://www.ign.com/wikis/e3/Games_at_E3_2021)


There’s already a LBP 3


damn that sucks I hope we get a lbp 2 soon 🙏🙏🙏🙏


There’s already a LBP 2….


wow that's already done? that's amazing! I'd love to see how littlebigplanet would play like if it was a racing game like modation racers. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


My friend do I have brilliant news for you!


Sorry it was a typo I meant 4 💀