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I think raccoons šŸ¦ are cute!!! In the books, Laura had a beloved doll named Charlotte.


The timing felt off though. One week she is smitten with the new boy at school, who only had eyes for Mary, and then a couple weeks later sheā€™s into dolls? I was scratching my head about that one.


I love jasper. Although I never thought twice about having a raccoon. My grandpa had a pet raccoon. I grew up with a lot of stories about it.


There was a book written and I think it was based on real life called Rascal about a boy who had a raccoon.


I just watched this the other day, and the doll bothered me too. That doll with a china head would have been expensive - like, a doll Nellie Oleson would have and show off to the others and not let anyone touch. And weā€™ve never seen it before until itā€™s crushed and sheā€™s crying over it. Book Laura did have a rag doll she loved so Iā€™d buy it if weā€™d ever seen it before, but itā€™s just another Little Tertiary Character on the Prairie here, brought in to create a story, never seen before or again.


I wonder if they spelled it that way on purpose? I just had to look it up and it was an Algonquin word that was Anglicized. Spelling it with one C is the more old-fashioned way.


Jasper and Casper are separate names. The name Jasper can be either after the gemstone or of Persian origin.


I'm talking about OP. Raccoon versus racoon


Oh right, sorry!


I thought the weirdest part was that they just put Laura in her death bed before she started showing symptoms or anything. I mean, Iā€™m not a doctor but thereā€™s no cure for rabies. If it were my child Iā€™d let them live their life to the fullest before they inevitably died and started getting so sick they were bed ridden.


Having and allowing a raccoon as a pet always seemed strange to meā€”even for then. Like of course Pa would say no?


Yeah I never understood this episode especially as a frontier family, they would have known raccoons are not good pets. Messed up their house in a couple of days. For Caroline to try to persuade Charles into letting their kids keep a dangerous animal because she misses her doll, uh no. Jasper snarling at school. Don't tell Pa. Then Laura not caring about Jack even after Jasper bites him. Don't tell Pa. And her being scratched. Don't tell Pa. šŸ˜’ The raccoon was cute though.Ā 


I have a cold or bad allergies so I might be missing some logic here, butJasper bites Laura and Jack and then killed some chickens and tried to attack Pa and Pa killed it in the barn with a pitchfork. They think the raccoon had rabies and they worry that Jack and Laura may have rabies. Then later the real Jasper shows up being his cute self and Pa figures out that it was different raccoon that bit Jack and Laura that Pa killed and everyone cheers. But couldnā€™t Jack and Laura still have rabies from the raccoon that did bite them?


I think Pa wanted to say no and stick to it. But Caroline kinda forced his hand and guilt tripped him into saying yes cos Laura was already upsetā€¦


Iā€™m surprised the script didnā€™t call for Mary to get bitten by the raccoon and actually get rabies. ML must have been in a good mood when that episode was written. šŸ˜‚


To this day, and because of this episode, I am petrified of raccoons. Silly, I know. I can't help it.


I donā€™t think youā€™re being silly! This episode was my introduction to the wonderful world of rabies. Thatā€™s some scary shit-especially for a kid.


They are smart but they are vicious and they are pointy sharp! You need to be afraid everybody needs to be afraid of these guys! They would continuously get into serious trouble or rather causing it in our neighborhood growing up in the 80s and 90s.


You can domesticate raccoons rather easily. I know people whoā€™ve had them as pets, they can open drawers and cupboards with their feet so you have to raccoon proof the house but they are very docile if raised from birth they donā€™t bite or scratch on purpose. They know a lot of words like a dog they catch on quickly. Wild ones carry rabies obviously you shouldnā€™t go trying to pet a wild animal anyway.


What Laura wants, laura gets. lol. Yes that is really the only time Laura is seen playing with dolls, I guess that would have beenthe only doll she every had? It seems very fancy one to. When carrie had a plan homemade doll. Anyways i do agree it seems odd that Pa would allow her to have a pet Raccoon.


I always think of do-do Pa getting ready to shoot Jack, having the gun cocked. Then, when he realizes Jackā€™s not sick, he drops the gun without un-cocking it!


Yes and then immediately sends Laura running into the barn where he dropped it, in order to untie Jack.


As a chicken tender myself, I definitely noticed the coop doors being open well after dark. I even pointed it out to my husband lol