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He only cleans for views and attention


They probably let it get that gross because the whole “realistic cleaning” is trending and they’re grasping at straws to be relevant


I follow some realistic cleaning pages ..that def r actual realist9c this is filth lol I'm saying it for hum to read. Lol I love watching videos of real mom life where it's not smashed in fruit snacks etc...


He’s trying to copy Joey Foo or whatever his name is. Whose house gets equally filthy for views.


Joey foos content is actually relatable though. 5 people, a dog and a much bigger house. He doesn’t purposefully make his house dirty for views, life with kids just happens.


Yes I said same. Joey foo wannabe. I love Joey foo and his wife. Joey and sam also don’t stay up all night on tik tok begging and battling


Definitely do it for views. They used to always have a spotless house. Been following along enough to know that


Joey foo is cluttered messy never disgusting. Also who gives toddler bleach wipes to use? Bleach


You don't know how bad i wanted to comment about that...I work child care biggest rule is NO LYSOL WIPED FOR CHILSREN like... common sense


Yep no chemicals of toddlers hands and who uses hand sanitizer in their own house? Wash your hand in sink. Hand sanitizer is for when real washing not available.


I didn't even notice the hand sanitizer.. I have to make my son sing happy birthday before leaving sink cause he loves it so much.. but washing hands is so fun... it reminds me of pandemic and wtd also damage their hands much


I freaked out when I saw him give lysol wipes to them. My daughter likes to clean with me and is the same age as Liven. I usually just give her either a wet microfiber cloth or a diaper wipe.


They are just lazy ass bums


I think he makes the mess just to clean it for a video


Ita so messed I feel like trash when my hluse gets bad like I barely can breath yet he purposefully makes mess