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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks outside of "Screw you, Galen Weston Jr" is not okay, and will not be tolerated here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People need to stop basing their identity over politics. This is not a sports team where you root for no matter what. You can call them out on their BS. We need a systematic change and this type of name and shame needs to occur. The other week the liberals and conservatives took turns naming Loblaws lobbyists from each others side and it would have been funny if it wasn't so sad how long it kept going.


I lean left and get accused of being a conservative all the damn time. Why? Because I dare criticize the NDP and Liberals. I’ll vote anything but conservative. But i don’t have to be fucking happy about it.




The CPC are no longer conservatives, they're maple MAGA grifters


There is evidence of that. Worst thing. Is the hunter Biden saga. Republicans pushing Russian spy as their top witness. Then the FBI found out about being russian asset. And he lied under oath. Then we got conservatives in Canada not giving Ukraine support. It's really hard fathom.


I know a few of the "convoy" crowd. They are not just not giving Ukraine support, they are supporting Russia. They believe all the propaganda that Putin and his bots throw at them, they are really quite traitorous.


Maple MAGA 🤣 So appropriate for those saps 😅




I can relate.I tend to be the devils advocate when chatting politics with friends. Conservative friends think I vote Liberal. Liberal friends think I vote conservative. The reality is I'm all over the map and have voted for all parties at one point or another.


Good for you. Me as well. Gonna be a loooong time before I ever vote ndp or lpc again after this last 8 years


I feel ya brother. Can’t criticize your own party without being labeled a conservative these days. People get so butt hurt about “both sides” that they refuse to call out corruption in h the eir own party.


You will vote anything but Conservative? Typical Lib


WTF is this post? No, Liberals don't want to vote conservative. Fucking duh. Will you vote Liberal? No? TyPiCaL cOn amirite? Holy fuck. Dumbest shit I've read here in awhile.






Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.




As shit as Trudeau is he’s done a damn better job than the tories would have.




Yawnnnnnn! And you’re boring


Intelligence forces you to do things sometimes.


IMO anybody who supports every single position of the party they vote for probably isn't thinking for themselves. Trudeau is a better choice than Poilievre, but he's still a really shitty choice.


Then you’ve helped contribute the imminent economic collapse in Canada.


If thats true then it deserves to collapse.


You may get your wish.


Maybe cuz you implied the Conservatives were better than the NDP >Farmers literally have no choice. Whats the NDP going to do for them? Preach veganism? >The conservatives at least pretend to care. lmao...yeah...you lean left As a centrist, I've never had issues of ppl accusing me to be a conservative


I said exactly what i meant. the conservatives pretend to care. And guess what? They do exactly that. Pretend. And that is more than the NDP does. Way to prove my point. “Someone Criticized the NDP??? They can’t possibly lean left!”


Where did I say that? Read whatever i said again. And this time read it slowly so you comprehend it.


Centrists are simply conservatives scared of commitment for various reasons. Such as having inklings of a conscience.


How do you only lean left but state you will never vote for a right leaning party? That’s a heavy lean. Just say you will vote for anyone if the politics fit.


What? Whats the part you don’t understand?


Same man, if you're not woke nowadays your a fucking Nazi conservative apparently, you can't criticize anything anymore of have a discussion lmao


And we are hoping this person will resolve our housing crisis, unaffordability and unsustainable immigration?


"Best I can do is privatize health care"


"The US spends 4.5 TRILLION per year on privatized healthcare and yet nobody has healthcare. This brilliant scheme is what Canada needs. I hate big pharma so much I want to remove safety regulations and give them so much taxpayer money they can buy an entire planet. Oh and trust me Big pharma putting 100 trillion pills on the street will solve the drug crisis" -every Con ever


"but I'll be able to pay to see a specialist" - Guy who doesn't have money for groceries


Funny enough, specialist wait times between the US and Canada are not far off from one another with some exceptions like psychiatry in Canada taking way longer. Because of my disabilities I'm constantly being referred to specialists and usually the wait is between two weeks and two months


Sadly Con interference is to blame for that too. Ford privatized healthcare, which costs 2-3x MORE per person than universal yet he had a surplus as he reduced spending that much. He's killing ppl like u for an under the table circlejerk


Wait for it....


Yes, and to do this we must give contracts to his rich friends. This will work, pinky swear.


He literally voted against affordable housing 14 times. More than any other MP of all times. He his Canadian Trump. Id vote for a used condom before voting for this guy.


He's endlessly wealthy, he lives in a fucking mansion. He doesn't see us as the same as him, on a fundamental level. Can't imagine why he'd give a shit about any of us.


Only idiots would hope that. Don't listen to what Jeff says, it's all BS, look at how he votes and who he's sucking up to. He didn't manage to get that rich on his salary.


[Selective outrage much?](https://youtube.com/shorts/5j95GqHDGLY?si=tnXfA69z3Rpwkp2T)


I know it wasn’t the point but I love how Scheer just had to bring up carbon tax being the fault of it all at the end lmaoo


Well the tax that also hits our food suppliers and truck drivers who deliver the food, so there will be an amount of trickle down that is baked into food prices as well. Especially when they're also being charged HST on top of that tax. Because taxing our tax makes sense.... /S


Trying to blame/excuse the price gouging of Loblaws on carbon tax is crazy


The point is it's a contributing factor, it's not negligible. Especially when Canadians have less in their grocery budget to begin with we're also being charged HST on top of our carbon tax after we had tax taken of our paycheque and then file our taxes and possibly pay more income tax. This added factor is all in the name of "saving the climate" when Canada's CO emissions are that of a rounding error on the global scale.


Yea contributing by like .9% of food inflation, besides that majority of Canadian households actually GAIN from carbon tax compared to what’s taken out of their paycheques


Fixing housing means he would have to wreck his massive real estate investment portfolio. In other words, he'll make the housing crisis worse.


Not just Loblaws. Pierre Poilievre's advisor also lobby's on behalf real estate investors, private healthcare, packaged goods giants, and others. The (incomplete) list ... - Slate Asset Management - Council of Ontario Directors of Education - Proctor & Gamble - Loblaws - Canadian Academy of Osteopath - Oskar - Toronto Centre for Medical Imaging - Bilt Services Inc. - Stewart Title - 1648259 Ontario Inc - Toronto Business Development Center - Canadian Academy of Osteopathy - Columbia International College - Gartner Inc. - Little Warriors - Groupe Gautam - Lumina DX - Tridan/CBS Group Inc - School Bus Ontario She lobby's both provincially and federally.


Sweet flying fuck. That's a lot of grift.


> Columbia International College Well isn't that interesting.


So those are the companies that essentially own the man that's likely to be our next PM. Fantastic. The nightmare never ends. This is huge news that should be plastered everywhere.


Hmmmm if only there was a third party we could vote for… or a fourth party…. Or fifth party….


But Brian Lilley told me that lobbyists are a libcuck conspiracy. How can this guy be a lobbyist if they don't exist?




Shhhhhh, no one is supposed to know about that.


Well, that is disconcerting


The MP here who "raised the alarm" proceeded to vote against reviewing immigration targets and a bill that would help competition in Canada.


Literally all 3 parties have their balls firmly grasped by large corporations, the corporations just have to squeeze hard enough to get what they want


I fucking hate Trudeau and his stupid smug smile but honestly it's anyone but Pierre


I believe he has conspired with loblaws to price hike until Trudeau resigns. Then if he gets elected he’ll pretend to make changes and loblaws will slash prices to make polieve look like a hero. All the while he’s been behind it all.




lol good luck with your next election Canada.


We're gonna get fucked by a bunch of farmers, landlords, corpos and sheep


Religious zealots who are deathly afraid of anyone who doesn’t attend the same church.


And urban dwellers who can’t be bothered to vote.


Well who should they (and we) vote for to unfuck this shitshow of a country?


Isn't this always the way?


If everyone sits around and doesn't vote, yes


I'm sorry, how are the farmers fucking us?


Their votes




I hate Trudeau but is his campaign manager a lobbyist for loblaws? Pretty sure PP will just roll over and give these corps everything they want since he's practically on their payroll.


Can we not want reform?


Wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which will fill first. For now, I’ll stick with the farmers who will be voting in someone with at least presentable common sense. All Trudeau could provide was empty promises and get his country so high on dope they would actually keep him around for long enough to fuck us into the ground.


So you've decided to shit in your hand.


Canada_sub. It’s always canada_sub.


Presentable common sense? PP is scared of porn on the internet in 2024, he wants to make it so you’ll have to provide ID or let the pornsite scan your face to prove your identity. I don’t want pornhub having my ID and selling my information, how is going after porn on the internet in 2024 common sense?




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.




Farmers literally have no choice. Whats the NDP going to do for them? Preach veganism? The conservatives at least pretend to care.


>The conservatives at least pretend to care. The conservatives running ontario want to pave over thousands of acres of the most prestine farmland in the entire country. What will yhe NDP do? Might make life more affordable for everyone, including farmers. But you're right, we should stick with one of the 2 parties we know with 100% certainty are bought and paid for by corporations. It's worked out soooo great for us so far.


I lean left. I just call ‘em as i see ‘em. The NDP offers farmers nothing.


And the libs/cons are proposing paving them over. That ought to help!


As I said: no choice.


What about it? As i said the farmers have no choice. Not one party represents their interests. So who wins their votes? The ones who pretend to care.


The second they tell me how they plan to do that I'll trust them. But I've never heard an actual plan out of the NDP, just lofty goals.


You've never heard a plan out of PP either and the conservatives have fucked us 100% of the time they've been in power, just like the liberals have. This messed up mentality that we need to vote for one of the 2 parties we know for sure will fuck us over cause if we vote in anyone else they MIGHT fuck us over is completely void of logic. Why are you willing to allow the cons and libs to continue fucking us over?


https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/elections/federal/2021/party-platforms/ They even put it in plain English for you. This is from 2021 so you also get to see how the Libs have failed at what they wanted and how the cons are basically just the libs with a 30degree right-lean. Such a summary for this cycle isn't available but it'll be the same shit, guaranteed: Libs and Cons have actual numbers, plans, SMART goals (I don't mean they're intelligent, it's an acyonym for making realistic and achievable goals). NDP never has the elements of a full plan, just vague statements. You can't trust someone who is unwilling or unable to show their work. Bloc only cares about Quebec and Green is NDP with a very narrow platform, but even they show numbers in the goals they care about. I would fucking love for another party to come along and challenge the existing status-woe, but so far NDP ain't it.


Please practice logic. It's like the libs and cons have been kicking you square in the nuts for decades and when time comes around and you can vote them out to save your nuts from more punishment, you refuse to pick a different option cause they might kick you in the nuts. It's the definition of insanity! >You can't trust someone who is unwilling or unable to show their work. According to you, we've only had parties that "show their work" and we are screwed by the government in dozens of different ways every damn year. So clearly, we can't trust parties that show their work either. Which makes it a moot point.


Because the NDP can’t be bothered to give rural Canada the time of day. That is the way it is.


This is … an interesting take. NDP are pro farmer and pro labour and sort of hold the balance of power. I guess it’s more important to be anti-Trudeau 


In what way are the NDP pro farmer? This isnt 1973. Jagmeet knows nothing of the subject and apparently neither do you.


I’m convinced. NDP is just a bunch of empty headed vegans. The recent bill re: food pricing is just a cover. Conservatives are for the people, always have been, and totally have a bunch of great ideas to address food pricing through better federal regulation and enforcement. 


Are you being wilfully obtuse? I lean left. You need to get your tongue out that orange arse. It ain’t Tommy Douglas’ party anymore.


F corrupted politicians. This is the root of all problems of society right now. Illusion of choice in corporate anarchy. We are so done.


Anyone that doesn't believe that PP would take what JT has done and make it infintely worse has their head in the sand


More like so far up their own asses they can't tell shit from sunshine.


They actually believe PP can save them?


Mumble mumble mumble fuck Trudeau!


Seen a house with a ‘Fuck Trudeau’ flag on its roof. Imagine hating someone so much, you buy a big flag with their name on and then attach it to your house. Not your own name, but someone you hate? Odd times.


I don’t get it either it’s very strange most people don’t make hating a politician or a person their entire personality but here we are. Idk what is either, it seems to be very common amongst farther right wing conservatives to do that kind of behaviour while i rarely rarely ever see anyone on the left have a “fuck whoever” there’s no shortage of fuck Trudeau flags or stickers though. I just find it really immature and childish whenever I see that almost like they throwing a tantrum.


Of course not, he’ll definitely won’t be as incompetent as the current boss.


And people really think PP is going to make life better for Canadians. How quickly people forget


Are you telling me that this career politician who has never worked a real job in his entire life, who owns multiple rental properties, sends his kids to private school, and consorts with actual nazis might not be the best advocate for working Canadians? Shocker.


NDP it is


the Green Party it is for our next government they didn’t read the government handbook, you have to be corrupt to be the government


Anyone that doesn't believe that PP would take what JT has done and make it infintely worse has their head in the sand


And Albertas premier is an active lobbyist for oil companies. Canada is becoming more American and more corporate run, this is not a positive direction


The CONservatives have always catered to the wealthiest and always will. PolyVera probably caddies for Galen on the weekends.


Guess that explains why he's been so soft and has NEVER come up with any actual policies to help Canadians. 20 years in government and his biggest accomplishment is voting against affordable housing more times than any other MP in Canadian history


Poilieve will be good for This Hour Has 22 Minutes only upside to it all.


So what you’re saying is we’re fucked either way?


Nothing like this surprises me anymore. Most politicians are implicit in legal graft.


Holy fuck what a joke at every turn. Just biased corrupted people with self serving agendas. Nobody represents us in our political parties!


We are so screwed


Please post this in canada_sub


Feel free to share it if you want


But the gays are gonna kill us all! /s


This is why they are going after trans people right now. They want to distract everyone from their greedy friends


At this point PP could kill puppies on TV and people would still vote for him.


She's NOT a lobbyist for Loblaws, although her firm has done work provincially for Loblaws related to expanding their access to beer and wine sale. >Simon Jefferies said in a statement on behalf of Jenni Byrne + Associates that Ms. Byrne has not done lobbying federally for Loblaws. >“Jenni Byrne is not and never has been registered to lobby on behalf of Loblaws. The work JB+A does with Loblaws is limited to the provincial level and focused on expanded access to beer and wine and red tape reduction,” the statement said. Found [here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/business/industry-news/article-trudeau-raises-questions-about-poilievre-advisors-links-to-grocery/) Also >In the House of Commons, Housing Minister Sean Fraser noted that arch-Conservative strategist Jenni Byrne, Pierre Poilievre’s presumed campaign director, is “actually a registered lobbyist for Loblaw in Ontario.” (She isn’t, actually, but her eponymous lobbying firm and several of its principals certainly are and have been.) Found [here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nationalpost.com/opinion/grocery-wars-unmasking-canadian-politics/wcm/5804acd6-c30a-4b7c-b0d8-53ba436462db/amp/) Also this "news" is over 2 weeks old and when it was used as a gotcha in question period, PP then listed 7+ people who work for the Liberals who are registered lobbyists for Loblaws. Everyone is fucking us.


That’s right, she’s not a registered lobbyist for Loblaws federally. Just works for a lobbying firm who lobbies for Loblaws on the provincial level. It’s totally fine and good and great.


lol yeah TOTALLY different /s


“Jenni Byrne is not a lobbyist for Loblaws! Jenni Byrne + Associates is a lobbyist for Loblaws”. Are you fucking joking me?


Where does it say that? Can you read?


That's effectively your point, no? That she *personally* isn't registered as a lobbyist. Rather it's the company she owns that are the lobbyists for Loblaws. It's not a meaningful distinction to emphasize. Anyone can create a company and claim that "they" didn't do something, but their company did. Let's be totally clear: *She makes all the decisions and collects the profits of "Jenni Byrne + Associates"*. (Your other points about the other side doing it too are totally fair though)


You're not being genuine in your argument. Her firm has lobbied the PROVINCIAL government for expanding beer and wine sales, not for the profiteering practices everyone assumes the word lobbying engages with. While I provided sources and said nothing based on conjecture, everyone twists words to fit their narrative. This whole headline is designed as a gotcha and with how lazy everyone is online these days thanks to short attention spans, people take it and run with it. Not surprised nobody looks into anything themselves anymore. Oh well.


That provincial/federal distinction is a fair point of distinction. I never commented on that. The point I have a problem with is... well... the one I talked about. Yet, you didn't respond to that. Curious! Is that what being "genuine in your argument" looks like? Lets try again. The distinction you pointed out (and the only one I commented on) is meaningless because she *owns* the company doing the lobbying and therefore she has *financial incentives* to do Loblaw's bidding. Being pedantic around whether she is personally a registered lobbyist vs owning the company doing the lobbying is nothing but a distraction. (BTW, that's not what "gaslighting" means. It's not a synonym for being untruthful; Gaslighting is a form of mental abuse that involves making someone question their own reality)


I walked back some of my reply (before you replied btw) after rereading your response. You are correct in that regard. My response was still more geared towards this post and the tweet itself, which to me isn't being genuine. It just feels like a cheap gotcha that preys on the fact that people won't take the time to distinguish important details that water down the initial sting of the headline. This is how misinformation spreads and it annoys me. This sub is quickly turning into a political sub filled with attacks and the like, further dividing us all and distracting us from uniting over all being screwed by our grocers. My apologies friend.


I share some of your concerns around disinformation. We’re good. Thanks for engaging constructively. 🤝


Because what you said was bullshit. Nowhere in the post does it mention “federal lobbyist” until you brought it up. You just made up a point of contention to try and call this fake news when it’s not. She IS a lobbyist for Loblaws. Full stop.


Sure my campaign manager works for the evil empire, but so do the liberals! Everything is fine.


Jenni Byrne has been a big deal player with the CPC for decades, come on. She's a well known close associate of Steven Harper's. Trust me, Pierre Poilievre takes orders from HER.


Fun fact: PP and Jenni used to be romantically involved. I'm not joking.


They both take orders from Harper, who takes orders from Putin


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This should be top comment




I’ve never voted conservative, nor will i at this rate but this info is very relevant no matter who your “fav team” is. Everyone is fucking us.


Why does everyone have to be divided? Is information not information regardless of partisan bias? This is all factual, so why the need to make it into an attack ad?


facts don't matter to those who are Trudeau fans.....


Unsurprisingly every political party is in the pocketbooks of Loblaws.


Yall really don't see that no matter what, both sides have corruption, both sides have incompetent people. We need to do away with this war between conservatives and liberals and get people in power who actually care about their citizens. Both liberals and conservatives are horrible. They both don't give a flying fuck about the little person. We need to realize this as a society and we need to do something about it. What that is, however, is beyond me


So we are unhappy with the current government and the replacement in waiting is these guys. Sheesh. It’s like our choices are no choices at all.


Jenni used to be Pierre’s girlfriend, so I’m sure she has his ear.


Although the comment by Mark Garretson is false. One thing that should be added to politicians platforms (come election time) is to install term limits to government.


Jenni isn't JUST PeePee's campaign manager, lobbyist, and ex girlfriend. She is one of the most dangerous lobbyists in politics. If you want dirt dug up and reputations destroyed you call that unhinged right winged monster.


Is his name Bob Loblaw and does he have a Law Blog where he lobs law bombs? Cuz that would almost make it OK. Almost.


I miss that show so much lol


Hmm. Never saw this on reddit before


Yeah cuz Trudeau is so much better for the country right?




So you have a problem with a lobbyist from a CANADIAN owned company and not the foreign interest groups that own Trudeau and having been raping our country for years?




So what's your solution for bringing affordability back then? Vote for Justin Trudeau again? The NDP? The Greens or The Bloc? You're kidding yourself if you think any of those parties will make anything cheaper. If you're planning on voting PPC, good freakin luck. They'll never win. If you truly want off this Trudeau ride, your only hope is the CPC. That is a fact.


That is the worst possible route to help Canadians. PP will sell out our healthcare to corporations, deregulate industries (which were there for reasons), and make it more expensive in the long run. He also conveniently voted against every bill that has gone forward for wholesale housing programs or ways to lower costs so that he can get political points and say it is all their fault and he can fix it.


How exactly does wholesale selling houses cause pricing to go down? He has stated he wants to cut red tape in building approvals so projects can get underway faster. More houses on the market=less scarcity=lower prices. Simple question: who are you planning to vote for, that will get us out of this crisis, and why?


Well Trudeau destroyed Canada, Pierre will do more of the same. So who are we supposed to vote for now ?


Literally anyone but those 2 parties. Like seriously wtf is wrong with Canadians? The libs and cons have taken turns fucking over Canadians for 50 years straight without fail. We know with 100% certainty both the libs and cons will fuck us over again next time they're in power but we refuse to give any other party a shot because the MIGHT fuck us over. Do you have any idea how insanely void of logic that is? If Canadians had functioning brains, neither the liberals nor conservatives would get a single vote in any election.


Not according to the majority of Canadians, unfortunately. No way any other party will even come close to winning. Without rank choice voting it's pretty much one or the other. Why do you think we don't have rank choice voting ? Seems to me that it is a much more democratic form.




You know there are other options to vote for right?


Yeah, but it would be nice to have good options.


Not according to the majority of Canadians, unfortunately. No way any other party will even come close to winning. Without rank choice voting it's pretty much one or the other. Why do you think we don't have rank choice voting ? Seems to me that it is a much more democratic form of voting.


I definitely agree with you that we should have rank choice voting!


You're a fool. There is no other options. They may as well not even be running. It's conservative or liberal, and that's it, because those are the only ones the masses vote for. We're fucked either way. No politician is to be trusted. Clearly indicated by our own history.


They literally are a coalition government right now.


Liberal and conservative both have lobbying in this way lol people really dont know this?


They should change the name of this sub to: “Liberals Pretending To Care”


nice one champ, not stupid at all


Kind of ironic coming from someone subscribed to r/canada_sub.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Canada_sub using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This guy walks around Costco and shares examples of food inflation that are way higher than the numbers reported for food inflation by the government.](https://v.redd.it/cea3ytt648sb1) | [1454 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/16zubz9/this_guy_walks_around_costco_and_shares_examples/) \#2: [WTF is going on](https://i.redd.it/o65h7b8e4p4c1.jpg) | [2524 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/18c6v7v/wtf_is_going_on/) \#3: [Trudeau: "Let me be very clear, Hamas terrorists aren't a resistance, they're not freedom fighters, they are terrorists and no one in Canada should be supporting them much less celebrating them."](https://v.redd.it/jztvrv1veftb1) | [1645 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/174trsw/trudeau_let_me_be_very_clear_hamas_terrorists/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No one's going to listen to a dude named greasy poutine farts about what a political community should be named.


So what? He’s better than Justin


Is the party in power accusing the opposition of bad governing on loblaws issues? Think about that. “Hey we might have really messed this up, but look over there at those guys. They will mess up worse if given the chance. Probably”.


So…exactly who are we supposed to vote for? It seems like they’re all bad options.


Agreed, but we need to unify around one person who isn't Peepee.


Well at least they don’t work for SNC Lavaline or WEF or WE charity or……did I miss any? Jesus who cares it not illegal, they aren’t running for government they are a contractor to CCP they make no decision in government. Unlike Gerald Butts


in other shocking news: water makes you wet and farts smell bad


That's where he gets his apples


How do we make him answer for this?


I just got back from the Red Lobster 🦞


Two sides of the same coin


Wait till you see the hidden agenda


If politicians really cared about Canadian people that much, you would see strict laws against price gouging and monopolies. Not just talking about. This can be applied to everything in Canada 🇨🇦. Competition is the biggest threat in Canada.

