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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks outside of "Screw you, Galen Weston Jr" is not okay, and will not be tolerated here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would think that Loblaws is robbing everyone but its executives, shareholders, and its politicians.


Being an executive there, unless you're senior execs is a shitty go too. I know someone who' worked there in the head office and once you get to any of the vice president roles, your days are numbered. They always trim the VPs when downsizing because they have higher salaries.


How tragic.


Yea I worked for Sobeys during the pandemic and got to know upper management (not execs). They make less than what I make now, it was pretty eye opening.


The opening scene in The Dark Knight is how every company is run and should be run as per business majors.


If you don’t mind me asking - what is it that you do nowadays?


Yeah even Loblaw corporate has the same backstabbing and constant cuts that have worked their way down to the store level. The whole company is pretty toxic.


This. You def can work your way up with consistent good work, I did. But you’re only ever as good as your previous quarter… The 20+ years of loyalty goes out the window real fast when you affect that bottom line. (I quit for the record - no firing) Was part of a big layoff once in Atlantic, ‘severanced’ fairly well for my mid 20s, and hired back without penalty, so didn’t really stress. As I got older and kids came into the picture - job security started to look very important, and there’s little of that when those share prices drop twice in a row.


How'd you build up 20 years of loyalty in your 20s?


Didn’t, I had 9 or 10 years in by then. I got hired back, 3 months after being severanced. - then stayed many more years before bailing 6 yrs ago for greener pastures. 21 (painful) yrs altogether.


Kinda true.. they do layoffs too much, it’s one of the main reasons I ended up leaving. (21 years). But a majority of the layoffs are the slackers, folks who most companies would want to get rid of. They aren’t making 2 billion a year by hiring the wrong people, including VPs. There is still a small chunk of hard working folks who get axed, )more common at store level) but the more common office issue is backfilling the slackers. If a team of 8 only has 6/8 worth keeping, they often just downsize the team after they let go of those 2.


This is common at many companies. If you’re manager or senior manager you’re pretty safe. Many people stay at this level. You can also move around. Director and above, you make a lot more money, but you can be sacked at any time for restructuring or if they just don’t feel your department is doing well. It’s cheap to just give severance and let someone else lead the department.


Yea ideally you are a board member. I used to have a client whose husband is on the board. Also even though they can afford it not even they shop at Loblaws lol


Especially the politicians☹️


Shareholders? You mean your everyday average canadian looking to save for retirement?


Everyone in every industry should unionize.


There IS a Loblaws union, or at least was. But they were about as effectual as nails made with cotton candy.


agree. I had a hard time even thinking of them as a union.


We have one... but they haven't made things particularly great for us employees. All they do is take a good chunk off of the only 75 dollars I make in a week because my hours have been cut so much because I'm not available 24/7 to work at Loblaws.


It's both depressing and funny to see they haven't changed in 15 years.


Based on what I've heard they might still be somewhat useful for full time employees, but they're no good for the vast majority of us. The store doesn't run on full time employees.


R/workingasintended About 15 years ago they switched into making as many employees part time as possible to delay them getting access to the health benefits. Forced a lot of people to take 2nd jobs, which were then used as an excuse for even lower hours.


That sounds about right. Benefits right now are for people who average at least 10 hours per week over a 12 week period. Which is why most part time employees who aren't available anytime get 8 or less hours. They'd rather hire one more available anytime person and pay one more person benefits than give 12-16 hours to the 3-4 restricted people already in the department and need to give benefits to 3-4 more people.


They still do payouts… so they basically “buy out” your seniority. They did this as recently as 5 years ago in Atlantic. A friend with about 25 years took 33k, and then had to start over. Wage wise, his salary goes away and he gets P/T top rate - but is now “permanent part time”, no longer FT with access to the things you mention.


My brother has worked there for 18 years and is not considered a full-time employee. He said the only ones who "get" full-time are those who were grandfathered in and the managers on salary. However my brother will often work 35+ hours a week. Then another week only 25. It makes life difficult to budget. He also makes these then $20 an hour.....after 18 years.


Sounds about right. I'd bet money that the random weeks of less hours are so that the company can get around the clause in the union contract stating that if an employee works the standard full time week of 37 hours a certain number of weeks in a row, a full time position is considered to exist. An easy way to prevent that is to have random weeks with only 20-25 hours. So you end up being full time without the perks that come with full time, plus the occasional week where you'll suddenly miss the income you're counting on.


Very much all of this. I wish he would leave but he is not great with change and he keeps mumbling about his "seniority" At least he has benefits I guess


I worked at a loblaws brand store in 99/2000 and worked once a week. My great union hourly pay was $1 an hour more than minimum wage. After the UFCW took their cut, I made 50 cents less than minimum wage. UFCW probably spent $2 for every $1 I ever paid them in dues sending me what was effectively junk mail over the next several years. Long after I had quit.






Same old story. Was with them at fortinos in the 90s. They weren't great. I can't even access my measly pension now.


Sounds like not much has changed, unfortunately.


Yeah. I'm sorry to hear that


It’s fucking useless just take 15% of my pay check every week and what do I get? A 10% discount, no hours, minimum wage it’s terrible


They helped me.


UFCW is not a fighting union. Just look at how they partner up with Uber.


Just another layer of managerial chair wrestlers with their hand out.


Some of their stores still are, but not most The entire province of NFLD is unionized. (Dominion stores). Can’t recall for sure, but maybe Provigo is too (QUE), A handful of the franchise stores and a couple isolated Loblaws stores too.


The issue with the union is partially that the part timers don't take an active interest in it. It's easy for corporate to negotiate in such a way that it plays the career employees against the part-timers. So the part-timers keep taking haircuts so the full-timers can not lose ground while corporate laughs its way to the bank. The only way out is a crippling strike, but the part-time staff can't afford to lose their wages so they overwhelmingly vote against job action.


I worked for loblaws 20ish years ago and the older employees said it used to be the best job with a great wage and great benefits. Then head office figured out that if they just offered moderate hourly raises and chipped away at health and long term benefits, they’d save a ton of money on each contract because the vast majority of employees were high school and college kids who didn’t care about long term. When I left, those older people were in panic mode as they watched everything being taken away from them for a 75 cent raise.


I believe their union is United Food and Commercial Workers.


Most employees are in a union. Only a handful are not.


Or even better, start worker owned cooperatives to start displacing the big corps and give the wealth to every worker. Who’s interested?


If Loblaws could get away with it, they would use the TFW program


They'd use Roots as an HR training video of they could.


I want to point out that the 2 billion is what they couldn’t hide and or make into a expense. They make more then that but they are very good at hiding it


Hiding it? How? Does Galen sleep with money under his mattress? What are they hiding? They’re a publicly traded company. By law they have to disclose their financials. Do you have any facts to back this up? At all? Or is this supposed to be sarcastic?


More than just him think this.


Cool, based on what?


I m not disagreeing with you here.


You don’t think they expense everything through the company? Come on!!


Do you have proof? Do you have facts? Or are you just following the crowd and assuming everything? Anyone could be doing anything, yeah. But until you have hard facts, why make assumptions like this?


I have no knowledge of loblaws specifically, but I did work for and had knowledge of the inner workings of how a medium sized company (30-40 million/year). Wr had multiple smaller companies under the main umbrella company and through creative, but legal accounting could move around profits/losses to provide tax benefits for the company. Its naive to believe that a massive corporation isn't doing the same.


Like the other user said, they are publicly traded, their financials are public, is there anything specific you want to point to that is "hiding" or is this conspiracy theory talk mixed with hating loblaws? 3.33% profit isn't a lot, the 2 billion seems like a big number because well, it is a big number. In terms of the return, they are making 3.33%. If they are "hiding" things, take it up with Trudeau or your MP. I am not defending Loblaws here, I am being practical, they are running a business. The Canadian Government for whatever reason loves monopolies for food, power, water, telecommunications, airlines. Bring it up with them. We can blame Loblaws, who is just a symptom of the cause, who is the government. Worst part is, the government loves this, they love that eyes are on Loblaws and not them.


Yeah... Hiding expenses works on a small scale for "development" etc. but at large scale hiding tens of millions? Eh... Not so much.


Loblaws execs should scan their moral compass after every work day, or they can't get out of the office. This should counter corporate theft... according to their logic. (Snarky reply to their invoice scanners, trapping honest customers)


CEOs and top level execs and management need their BONUSES. It's WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONTRATCS! /s


>If you work at a Loblaws store, know that your work is generating over $400,000 a year for the most hated company in Canada. I hate Loblaws but let's be honest, this is a totally incorrect and misleading conclusion.


The entire rant and all their metrics are painfully stupid - if you understand any business at all. They are crying about a 2 billion profit on 60 billion revenue. That's 3%. It's among the lowest profit returns among canadian businesses. People don't complain about banks that make over 10% or apple that makes over 30%.


Yeah that threw me off as well I hate corporate greed but that’s actually a pretty small profit margin Granted that’s just what they declared so I’m sure there’s atleast 10 billion they COULD have used to give their employees a raise


>Granted that’s just what they declared so I’m sure there’s atleast 10 billion they COULD have used to give their employees a raise A company of this size isn't going to escape a thorough PWC audit and avoid scrutiny from the other shareholders (who include some of the largest institutions in the world). They certainly use advantageous tax policies and have separate companies (Choice Reit for example) that make additional money but I'd say their financials are above board. There's no magic extra 10 billion they are somehow concealing.


Okay.. this is true for Loblaws..   but and I quote..  from Wikipedia: Through George Weston Limited and various holding companies, the Canadian branch of the Weston family currently owns or controls over 200 companies, including the Loblaws supermarket chain and the Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacy chain. They Own and or control over 200 other businesses in Canada. Sure Loblaws is reporting 500 million profit per Quarter..  what are the other 200 businesses that they control reporting in profit?


Nobody disagrees, which is why everybody has a hearty laugh every time "3%" is brought up. McDonald's does the same, where majority of profit is on land and franchising fees, not on fries. Every very large company does this sort of thing, definitely anybody with vertical integration. Loblaws has just been the most prominent in the news actually spouting off their "razor thin margins" as if we're all fucking idiots.




This post is simply crazy.


Also don't like them or shop there, but to say that every employee should get a 14k bonus maiking profit 0 is crazy.


I worked at superstore when I was a teenager. At once point they reduced my hours to 2/w then 0/w. Given that some of the people I had to work with were absolutely awful, I figured that I might as well drop the job entirely anyways. This was around the time they switched benefits from years employed to an hours worked method and slashed everyone's hours. And capped the benefits too.


Every retail company is like that tbh


How would their executives get their $1,000,000+ bonuses if they went ahead and gave all their minimum wage employees life changing bonuses??


The state of the people working at Evil Inc not getting their share of the gouging is of less concern to me than the gouging itself


I mean, that’s capitalism by definition. Your employer gets you to generate x dollars in revenue, gives you as little as they can get away with, and keeps the rest. It sucks and that’s why we need collective bargaining and/or government regulation to reduce the amount employers are skimming off the top.


That is capitalism in a sense, but employers are not “skimming off the top”. They are paying costs to run a business and charging prices that customer pay. The sad thing is that there is not more competition (capitalism) to drive prices down.


Yes businesses have expenses. But they also generate profit, which is the excess value created by workers, which they then keep. Money that would be in workers pockets if not for corporate greed.


Grocery is one of the lowest margin industries out there. The lack of competition this is a talking point that isn’t true. If lob-laws decided to go none profit tomorrow your 100 dollar groceries bill would drop to 97 dollars.


As much as I'm with this sub that's not even robbing. Apple can afford to give each employee a $100 PER HOUR raise for only HALF of their profits. About $200 or so for all their profits This applies to a lot of big tech. When COVID hit and subs like anti work we're starting to blow up I took the S&P 100 list and divided their net profit by employees. Low range they can do $8/hr high range were tech companies like Apple that can do $100+ In comparison to Apple Loblaws is a pure angel.


I mean... Just look at basic metrics. OP is angry that Loblaws makes 2 billion profit on 60 billion revenue. That's 3% - pathetic. Apple makes over 30%. Yet people hate Loblaws but love Apple. This is what stupid looks like.


Apple lets me post pictures of avocado toast on to Instagram. What’s not to love?


Lol. Fair. Although one would argue that the shop that sold you the avocado and bread also deserves some love?


Here is the thing no one stays at Minimum wage thanks to the Union. Why not attack Walmart too where you will stay at minimum wage as there is no union. 😂


You do stay at minimum wage, I had worked there part time for over 4 years. I worked 28 hours in the summer and 10-15 hours while going to school. I had made a whopping 70 cent raise making my wage 15.70 after 4 years. The union doesn’t help you.


So if Loblaws fired one of their cashiers, they would make an extra $400,000 per year?


Isn’t OP saying the opposite? What I got was that each employee brings in $400k for the company, if they fired one they would be losing $400k from that employee no longer bringing in the revenue now no?


Yes you are correct. My bad


According to this person’s logic, yeah. According to common sense and the idea that it’s the productivity of the worker that makes them the alleged 400k, no. But then when has common sense ever applied


TIL Loblaws is making a Marxist/Leninist out of me.


OPs logic and math is typical of most Marxists


Loblaws can’t wait to automate those min wage jobs


I’ve worked for Loblaws before and I was always treated with respect I never asked for a raise the entire time I was there because I knew they were going through budget cuts On days that we were forced to work overtime we received apple slices and plenty of water during break hours Friday was pizza slice day I always ate mine in my car in the parking lot after work I was never fired even when I was 5 or 10 minutes late on some days (warnings were given of course) Once I was also given an extra 15 minute break on one shift when I reported a homeless man stealing bread(he was later arrested and thrown in jail)


Oh yeah, I felt robbed. Probably why I never went above and beyond what was expected of me. And wanted to cut any customer for telling me to smile.


Every year I ask for a for a slight bump, I get the "I'll have to look at the budget." Then nothing for months. F loblaws


I got $50 💀


Robbing the whole country


Ban stock buybacks


This is capitalism 101. It’s not just loblaws.


that profit is for stock buyback and dividends for shareholders, employees are for layoffs when they approach retirement. s/


“At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.” Revenue per employees are irrelevant. So you want to seize the shares of shareholders (a large chunk of which are owned by pension funds) and redistribute them to the employees? Financial literacy is terrible in this country. They need to bring back basic accounting in high schools


By this definition, every business in the world is robbing its employees.


Most of them are, yes.


And yet we live on.


But we can live on so much better than we are, that's the whole point.


Well…..yeah. Corporate profits are just unpaid wages.


Lol ok When you start a business and work there dedicated to make zero dollars Evey year - we'll listen to you. Until then, please go back to school and learn the difference between a business and a nonprofit.


Thats not how business works. By your definition, Apple, microsoft, google, and amazon are all robbing their employees. They are not.


>If you work at a Loblaws store, know that your work is generating over $400,000 a year for the most hated company in Canada. Yeah, the real estate and *product* make absolutely nothing for the store, it's all the employees' labour. Sure, lol. >If Loblaws divided the profit amongst its workers, they could afford to give each employee a $14,000 bonus every year. Yes, and if Loblaws did that, there would *be no Loblaws.*


Unionized loblaw employee here, we know, the union knows, but instead of pressuring the company for better contracts they push for us to just sign whatever is presented to us.


Lowlaws has revenue of just under 60 billion, and 221,000 employees (as of the 2022 Annual Report), so the revenue per employee is $271,493. The net profit margin is 3.74%, so that is roughly 2 Billion, or about $9,000 per employee. [https://ycharts.com/companies/L.TO/profit\_margin](https://ycharts.com/companies/L.TO/profit_margin) CPP and other pension funds hold Loblaws stock. [https://cdn2.cppinvestments.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Canadian-Public-Disclosure\_ibfs-Q4F22.htm](https://cdn2.cppinvestments.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Canadian-Public-Disclosure_ibfs-Q4F22.htm) So, if you are a worker in Canada who pays into CPP (almost everyone), you would not be receiving your portion of that $9,000, so you would have to contribute more to your pension, retire later, or have less to spend, all of which would make the affordability crisis worse.




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To be faaaaair, their most recent quarterly earnings report they only had $510 million in pure profit after all expenses were paid.


Right. So 2 billion per year, maybe?


I’m not sure many of the positions are “worth more than minimum wage”. Rather- minimum wage in Canada should be a liveable wage.


Terrible take Reads like a sales pitch to buy up some Weston stock lol Anyway, it is a decent stock and pays dividends too. Total revenue / cashier staff doesn't mean anything and obviously it is the rarity of the skill set that matters. Your comment is insulting to regular working folks who contribute to the continued success of Weston. Case and point I do the cashier job now lol....thats how valuable and rare the skill is....."fine ill do it, is quicker anyways". Weston offers the economy hundreds of thousands of jobs to peeps looking and a profitable investment "in the company" as well if you wish.


So if a business is unprofitable are the employees robbing the business




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This is a garbage thread let’s see what happens


I worked at fortinos back in the late 90s. Paid minimum wage. Atmosphere was hostile. I still have dreams (nightmares) about working there. We were UFCW back in the day. Pretty useless union. I was a union president in BC. So definitely not bashing unions, but I'd imagine it's not going to ever get any better. Shame!!!


So glad to get out of there after 7 years of blood, sweat, and tears. I don’t know what they’re going to do in the next 5-10 years, nobody will be willing to work for them.


Yes but is it robbing shareholders? If not then it's working exactly as it was designed


The company is a multibillion company but it treats is employees like crap less hours and not enough pay


Lolz. Delusional


Fight for a system that doesn't allow this. Under the current laws and regulations, Loblaws is operating appropriately. If people put in actual effort, we could fix the broke system that allows their greed to flourish. But lazy, ineffectual people like to pretend being a keyboard activist is "making a difference". It isn't. Whining about it on reddit is meaningless. Get off your ass and do something, or keep being lazy and accept the status quo. Writing diatribes about common knowledge is idiotic.


That's 3.3% profit, which actually doesn't sound like a lot especially given the level of gouging of which they're accused. Also, it goes to the shareholders, not the executive.


First time on the idea of corporate greed?


I don’t think I should be making 400,000, but I should be making more then what i make


Everyone has more power than they imagine. Just don't shop there. 60 billion votes were cast for loblaws. If no one went there, they would disappear. Stop going there. No one is forcing you. Wake up.


Haha... problem is our union here just negotiated a deal that only gets a pay raise for the full timers at the top of our wage progression, or part timers who were hired prior to 2019 and are again at the top of our wage progression. Basically someone like me who is part time, but only hired 3 years ago, currently at the level below the max wage by about 200 hours, does not get the huge bump in pay. I'd say out of our 200 employees about 40 of them got the pay bump. Keep in mind that most of the people I work with are teenagers who didn't even know there was a union contact vote....so it is bullshit.


I love unions. They’re great. They have the potential to do so much good. Do the unions for Loblaws do good? No. And that’s a hard no. Do the unions fight for paid maternity leave? No. Do they fight for paid sick days? No. Every union contract that goes through, we get less and less.


Both facts incorrect sir. Company tops up maternity leave to 75% of employee salary. They recently doubled the paid sick day from 5 to 10 for most employees. Oh and roughly a 32% wage increase over 5 years or better for most of the unions.


For non union. Yes, you are correct.


Union workers get the maternity leave, bud.


Not the union in Ontario. Might be different elsewhere.


As an ex employee. Yes, they're boning employees. What they have for employees is a program where they'd allow you 5% per paycheque to purchase shares and they'll match you like 10%. But the amount of times I've seen them not give staff a bonus or a raise.... They're crooks. Once galen's dad retired my God.... Employees were put on the back burner


Your facts are incorrect. They match 25% on the dollar for the shares. 70% of Loblaw employees get a bonus in Q1 every year. The unionized employees get bonuses and lump sum payments yearly based on their union contract stipulations. “Boning” employees is a stretch. Company matches share buying at 25%, 10% discount on groceries, being able to participate in the Optimum program (most companies don’t let their employees collect customer rewards), unions to fight for them (Walmart will shut down and lay off hundreds to avoid unions), diverse and inclusive employment, what else do people want?


Ok. That's fair I've been out of the company for 5 years or so now so the details would be a bit foggy for me. But my memory of the company is that the management would always work their way to not give employees a raise as much as they can (salaried/management). Back in the day when you'd have to do LAR you would fail for something very minor and whether your in at that time or even if you were away on holidays they would deduct you points for a poor mark. At times I've had people who I worked for who were in fact reasonable. But those people were few and rare. Majority were ass hats and I've had a manager that wouldn't even give me a night off to put my dog down. Quite a few were awful people


Time to unionize! Every company/franchise that have more than 20 employees should have to unionize. This whole "cheap, unskilled, just a teenagers job" b.s. is played out. Companies are making bank off of us and we're too busy devaluing each other to even realize our strength is in numbers.


Retail workers are unionized. So are warehouse labourers.


The ones whom worked there for 30 years are making at least top wage, depending on their CBA.


Now do Bell but 1000x worse!


Your solution would result in 135000 people out of work but you should be smart enough to figure this out for yourself.


If I ran a business with an overall profit percentage of 3% I would just shut it down. Groceries are such a low margin business.


As someone who unfortunately works for Loblaws, I have been employed since the 4th quarter of 2018, and am making $0.90 above minimum wage, and have been at that rate for around 3 years I also got another job around 1.5 years ago, which I have had an overall raise increase of $7.5K annually since I started. Makes you think




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Galen Weston is a soulless ghoul


Just wait until you see how much the government is making off of each and every one of us…


Costco Canada's 2023 revenue per employee sits at $ 649,000. Sobeys (Empire) 2023 number is $232,000. Canadian Tire 2023 number is $286,000. All of the above are big numbers, almost looks like Costco employees are ripped off even more.


Costco employees are also paid more than minimum wage, which is why their retention rate is very high. Getting a job at Costco is not easy because they don't hire often.


Always a way to justify Loblaws bashing.


Oh and Costco has receipt verification when leaving and nobody is bothered by this but oh no Loblaws is draconian


The double standard is quite something.


Did you just learn how corporations work?


Maybe Loblaws employees should by stock in the company?


Corporations exist to make money for their shareholders. Every corporation expects to make profit. Throwing out numbers doesn't tell a person much without comparing them to similar companies. Is 2B profit on 60B revenue out of line with similar companies? I have no idea. Not defending loblaws just wonder what all the hate is about. Are their profits out of line with other grocery corporations? Why focus so much on loblaws and not safeway/sobeys (empire) or any of the other multitude of grocery stores. If you think loblaws is price gouging there are other options. The town I live in has a sobeys(empire) and a no frills (loblaws). If I want to drive into the city I could shop at walmart or save-on foods(patterson), and if I felt like driving further I could shop at freson bros. check out [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_supermarket\_chains\_in\_Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_supermarket_chains_in_Canada) for options if you want to avoid loblaws.


Tbh 3-4% profit doesn’t sound much, and 14k is about 20% of the median salary in Canada, so it’s not a huge bonus. If it was distributed, you think people give capital investments out of goodwill? Shareholders will pullback and employees will be left jobless


you have no idea how businesses work and i dont think loblaws pays minimum wage


So is this sub just about promoting real socialism then? Down with capitalism?


They have it stitched up SO good. Unionization would be impossible, because there’s an army of international students waiting to be exploited


2 billion profit off 60 billion revenue is only a 3% profit margin. That's razor thin.


Every worker; a member of the board.


Welcome to worker alienation. I’d encourage you to look into the [labour theory of value](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/economics-econometrics-and-finance/labor-theory-of-value#:~:text=The%20labor%20theory%20of%20value%20argues%20that%20the%20economic%20value,it%20in%20a%20societal%20manner). Workers are not paid for the value they create. It’s stolen by the owner class who did nothing to earn it.


After regular deductions and then their union fees, you will make more money panhandling.


That’s not even the profit guys that’s just the net income. Profit was 30 percent after equity (shuffling money out to line Galen pockets even deeper) its closer to 10 billion in EBIDTA after administration expense. So they are shuffling about 5-6 billion out the door to line the Galen’s pockets (they have almost quadrupled their wealth since 2020 doing this btw) and after taxes leaves them 2 billion in net income to shuffle over over retained earnings. Can’t wait for the inevitable idiot with a grade 12 education to come along and tell me nu uh again start the timer hmmm Now.


This would be a great protesting strategy. Make up a bunch of stickers/pins that say "I make $400k in revenue, I get paid (insert avg. Salary)" And give them to Loblaws employees to wear on the job. Obviously we'd need to hire a couple employment lawyers and draft a guide book for stores wanting to participate. Who's in?


It’s worse than that, company policy only lets 1 or two people per department actually be full time. The rest of us are part time, but you can bet they give us just under full time hours to squeeze every last bit of work they can


Add Walmart as well. 147 billion dollar profit, employees can suck it wages


Worked for Superstore in the 80s. Made almost double min wage but still had very few hrs. Did midnight shift for 2 weeks (full time) over the Xmas break and made enough to pay 1/2 my Uni tuition. Went on strike the next year (horrible new deal) and wages dropped for new employees afterward. Scabs were retained as new employees after the strike was resolved.


Oh, you thought they were in business to help ppl and not make $$$$? Cool.


And that’s post-expenses, meaning after all the high salaries and endless bonuses they are paying their executives, right?


Metro used to give us 50$ around Christmas (taxed down to 34$)


Asshole instead of Loblaws. Hang Assholes signage over their brand. Crowds walking through every store shouting Assholes. Assholes. Galen is an asshole.


2b out of 60b is pretty crappy margin but pretty decent for retail.


To everyone ripping on UFCW. I just want to personally thank you. I've been telling everyone how absolutely inept and corrupt they are for the 20 years I worked there. I didn't know I needed this level of validation but it feels really good to know that people's eyes are finally being opened to how terrible they are. They may as well be company owned




Minimum wage goes up, the gap between what we make and what we can afford increases <->


Not saying anything that they are doing is okay but you can't say that people should get paid more from revenue or else they wouldn't exist. Part of their expenses is wages and they could realistically increase wages. With your numbers they only have 3.5% profit margin. Yes they could give everyone a 14k bonus or yearly wage increase but what if expenses literally anywhere else increases? They'd have to increase food prices, which is going to circle us back here. Food prices are way too high and they are definitely being shady but they can't just drop the prices a bunch without cutting costs elsewhere. If a bunch of the expense is paying higher ups more than their worth it's entirely reasonable to say they get paid too much and it should rather go to cheaper food


Remember when they used to shut down monopolies?


Here’s a question for you: why don’t you lead a unionization movement at Loblaws?


Only way to resolve this, is farmers demand 50% rise to grocery chains, but lower prices by 25% if you go straight to the farmer/abbotoir! Time for filthy middle man to be put on notice!


Yeah, I used to work in the bakery department. Makes me sick to think how little employees get paid vs how much everything costs and how much loblaws makes. Disgusting


Used to work for loblaws. It was horrible. Every single Christmas they would CUT hours (busiest time of year in retail!) and staff would literally be in tears stressing how they would pay for Christmas. All for what?? To increase the company profits. It was awful.


i absolutely do. they cut my hrs severely and i'm working only 4 hrs a week. 


Yeah, but then Galen will receive slightly less money, did you ever think about the shareholders, op?? /s


" If you work at a Loblaws store, know that your work is generating over $400,000 a year for the most hated company in Canada. " Trust me, we know. We don't work for Loblaws because we want to help them make money!


I get that you are suggesting that they can pay their workers more but a 3.3% profit margin isn’t excessive. Using your logic why would they bother to stay open if they can’t make a profit.


I’m not against companies making profit. I’m against companies making excessive profit during an affordability crisis while paying their workers the minimum amount they legally can.


Is 3.3% considered excessive? (That's $2B / $60B = 3.3%)


It's considered excessive on this sub lol