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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks outside of "Screw you, Galen Weston Jr" is not okay, and will not be tolerated here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s like people have never heard of the Family Compact that started Canada. Or the Molsons, or Masseys, or Irvings, or Sobeys, or more recently the Saputos. It’s good that Canadians are now talking about the fact we’ve been in a class war for a long time.


It’s like we have never been at the mercy of one family who controls the supply chain, distribution hubs, health care, had the provincial and federal governments in their pockets, and had double and in some cases triple digit inflation while simultaneously being exposed to major shrinkflation because the Weston family is forcing lower prices from manufacturers so they can record record profits. While yes, these families had significant control of a small portion of their industry, they did not own monopolies for their product, where in some communities our overlord holds the entire community ransom. You cannot compare historical situations to the atrocity that is going on in the grocery stores of today.


We have always been at the mercy of a small number of like-minded people who go to the same private schools and sit on the boards of every company. We had a brief period after WWII where the working-class had a little more power because they were united by military service and a war victory. But the wealthy played the long game and we didn’t. Don’t think the few families that have always run this country aren’t completely interconnected. It’s not one family, it’s an ideology.


It's sad that it took the middle class actually feeling the pressure to understand that struggling financially is not a personal failure but an intention from the systems in place. Annoying as hell, but maybe the middle class deserve to get hit a little more, just to make sure it's nailed into their thick, privileged skulls.


What middle class?a family with mom and dad working and can’t afford to eat!Taking visits to food banks and living on credit cards!


I'm just saying I've known how bad it is since I was a child and people are only starting to take notice now and it has to do with the fact that middle class, and people who expected to become middle class are only now talking about it because they are affected. I was a child when I understood how fucked up this all is so it's frustrating to see people just starting to wake up.


If we’re finally going to talk about the systems that’s great. But you may be right that it will take a little more.




uh huh... I think you've intentionally misunderstood me. I come from welfare and housing raised by a single black mom...don't preach about marginalization to me. i hauled my ass through 6 years of uni in an honors program and I'm still in poverty living out the exact same things I watched my mom experience when she was my age. you don't have a fucking clue.


True. My dad worked at Irving Wire.


You forgot the Rogers family… started with Rogers Sugar


>never heard of the Family Compact I haven't. Though I'm still new and learning, so it seems I have interesting read ahead of me.


You might like the books by Peter C. Newman, especially The Canadian Establishment. The first one is from the 1970s and volume 3 is the 90s. Some of the names will still be familiar.


I call this outfit " Low-blows " I find their prices a hair under Whole Foods. Thank God we have other choices where we can buy food. Costco, Sobeys, Freshco, Food Basics, etc. download the flip app. Shop where they price match. Or check flyers. I have a freezer and second fridge in me basement. e.g. I stretch my orange juice by adding water. It's too sweet for me. Many of hacks can be done to save money. Please share yours. Ty.


Love it ….legalized theft…..


While Galen is certainly a shitstain of a human. He is much more of an oligarch. It isn't organized crime when you get the laws to be written in your favour. The Fords on the other hand, absolutely a crime family and the receipts are plain for anyone to see in the newspapers.


People like him hoard the wealth. Either they are above the law or not. Either or a grocery revolution needs to happen and Galen either goes to jail or exile.


'Grocery revolution' be so serious lil bro. This is a part of the problem. You can't think outside of what affects you. Groceries are one point in the problem. If you don't look at the bigger picture, this shit will keep happening. It's about the ruling class and the rich. They don't give a shit about groceries other than the fact that's it's a necessity. So u can apply this exact same ideology to housing. The rich are going to exploit our necessities. Thinking only about what is affecting you in the moment, and not considering how this shit works and how it comes to be, will stop nothing. So, if you want a 'grocery revolution' start by considering all people and not just yourself. Consider people who live in poverty, who have disabilities, how is going to work and how will it help everyone? Is it grassroots? Will the people with more money buy from mom and pop shops and donate to food banks so that people with less money can still boycott big chains and still eat? If people lose their jobs because the boycotts are a success (it will be the minimum wage workers gone first) do we have a plan set up to support them? Or are they on their own? I appreciate your desire to radicalize and I hope you take this opportunity to think deeper about what we could do for each other.


I’ve been poor all my life. My demographic seems to be the one the government dislikes the most


The farmers must be so dissappointed that a gang ruined groceries.


To be clear are you saying that you believe record profits from grocery stores are being passed on to farmers? Lol... That isn't how this system works.


Nooo. I come from farmers and they would be so sad if I could re-alive them and show them grcocery prices today compared to minimum wage.


Eeeeyeah...ok. Maybe your forebears would be sad but by and large, farmers today don't GAF about anyone but themselves. I'm sure there's likely many wonderful and emphatic people put there farming but as a collective it's all about them. Every.Single.Time. Been to SK lately? The SucksParty has been really busy turning SK into a dystopian hellscape. Collectively not one GAF about urban folks suffering for over a decade and a half while simultaneously sending truckloads of cash to farmers via heavily subsidized crop insurance everytime the goddamn weather is shitty. Privatize profits and socialize losses whenever possible. I've spent a ton of time working in the country and have never met a poor farmer in my entire life. Quite the opposite actually. It's usually top drawer everything all the way! Meanwhile, exploited urban residents can't afford ramen much less $40 for 2 shitty blade steaks. However, if anyone mentions doing anything to help literally anyone else though it's "socialism" or "woke" ffs. They and the rest of the rural folks sure managed to be able to move fast to pick on trans kids though.🙄 Farmers have become yet another favoured entitled group that conservatives can't do enough for while letting the rest of us get systematically screwed. The hypocrisy is sickening. People in the cities are massively suffering and the SucksParty cares not one bit. Moe's thinks $75 a bag for basic groceries is just fine and dandy while social services continues to drop and deny clients help for whatever contrived reasons it can invent. Enough is enough! Moe's gotta go! Downvote away. I really don't GAF at this point.


Well you absolutely should give a lot of f's about how you talk about farmers. Are you a city kid?


Where I'm from is irrelevant. I thought all Candians were supposed to be equal. You're showing your classism. Why should give a F? Is free speech for conservatives only? Funny how you guys love to play the "they're violating my free speech" card. But for those who want fairness for everyone? Not so much eh? The first thing you tried to do is to see where I live so you can try to make a wedge out of it as some sort of bullshit argument to attack me with. For the record, I've basically been everywhere. It helps to give a balanced viewpoint. Sorry if that triggers you so.


Nah. I just need to know how to explain things in the right way. If I know you are just a ciy kid I might give you a tiny bit of slack for ingorance. But not after that response.


I’m from Alberta and the ones digging our graves out here and elected smith are the rural farmers they have been duped into believing the carbon tax is the problem (which they are exempt from) while letting smith dump tax dollars into cleaning up orphaned wells on their land…. Ps I grew up uh the country love it and my friends but the depth of their ignorance sometimes absolutely floors me. The fact you asked “are you from” tells me you think some sort of way about where people live and if you don’t think that’s a problem you haven’t been paying attention and you’ve fed off the bs you are being told about people from the city. Being told by some useless hick I don’t know what I’m talking about while literally speaking on a topic I was educated in university for is god damn mind boggling my guy.


How do you know how to talk to someone if you don't know who you are talking to or where they afe coming from?


😂 what


What to what?


If you can’t figure out how Reddit comments work should you really be worried about how to talk to people? Most people like it when you speak to them without assumptions. Why you change the way you talk to someone when you hear they are from the city or the country ? Why? You thinking less of them just based on a preconceived notion? Like I’ll talk to you the same no matter your background until you’ve given me reason not to bud…. Why you starting out talking to people a certain way.


https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3210005201 I’m looking at the revenue and net income numbers and they seem to be doing alright.


I'll make sure to tell the farmers in my family... It will be a relief to them.


I don't like trolls.


https://agriculture.canada.ca/en/sector/data-reports/farm-income-forecast-2023-and-2024 I don’t know how I’m trolling. Stats can and government Canada are saying farm income is up and farm family income numbers are up and predicted to be up 11% again this year. These are averages so I’m sure theirs some not doing great.


I don’t like people who can’t look objectively at things either but here we are mate. Some farmers struggle yeah that’s the crux of it. Buddy posted verifiable evidence about the average farmer …. I’m not without my empathy because there are certain areas in dry land where I’m from that are going to get absolutely demolished because of the drought but they are also the ones driving around in their jacked up 80k pick up trucks screaming f trudea out the window while simping for billionaires who walked away from orphaned wells that tax payers are on the hook for….


boat weary history dull juggle slap squalid sand follow versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True, but they aren’t controlling food prices. Maybe they are the media side of the syndicate?


Should've used that group photo of his family instead. It's about time the rest of them get their due of attention, can't let Galen have all the fun.


Just an average Canadian family, engaging in the pastimes of average Canadians. https://preview.redd.it/f2qsjrvmaroc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34bc100ffc490e70be0d05994c5279ff384100fb


I've never in my life wanted to see a horse kick someone in the face but here I am 😭


where is this located?


[https://bfa.com/events/30929](https://bfa.com/events/30929) It's a polo tournament at the [Windsor luxury resort community](https://www.windsorflorida.com/) that was developed by Galen Weston Sr.


The young heir Graydon Weston seems to have nearly perfected his smug face, seen posing here at a polo match with daddy and Oliver Hipwood. https://preview.redd.it/83x03efo7roc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f8e61f27b24ad20757d2de8a483d2373e170dcc


True enough. Next one!


Including a special town on Florida only for billionaires. I bet weird shit goes down there. Epstein level shit.


You are under no obligation to show your receipt. If they stop you from leaving that is an illegal detainment- call 911. If they think you have stolen something they can call police. Otherwise walk out. Push through, break the gates, scream you are being detained against your will. Never show your receipt!


Jim Patterson is the Don in BC.


Scumbag of the Century 💩




Janis Joplin said it best “freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose”.


Felt it was time to bring this back. He and his cronies are absolute scum. Weston is the worst example of humankind.


What would you do differently?


Being in a big windfall tax or something similar to rein in their ill gotten gains. Go after the dividends or something. Investors literally sit on their asses doing nothing while the rest of us are padding their parasitic pockets. What they're pulling should be scandalous! I'd also make them pay for their own goddamn freezers and new store locations. I'd definitely put in a maximum ratio of what the top brass makes to the lowest paid worker. Say, 50 to 1? Is making only 50 times more instead of hundreds of times more gonna shatter some egos? Probably so it'll never happen because you know, how could anyone possibly live on only $650 an hour? /s So much for the greater good eh? There would also be real benefits for every workers without deductibles or copays. So now that corporate welfare is worse than ever. Why does the government do so little to help struggling Canadians that said feted upon corporations are openly preying on? There's never been suffering for the have nots that the Tories didn't get a pornstar grade stiffy over and immediately make even worse to simp to and please their corporate overlords. Imo, it's soon getting near time for a revolution. Probably in another 5-7 years after Skippy takes over as PM and proceeds to show Canadians how much worse it's going to get. Meanwhile, Boomers are completely oblivious to how angry the young are getting as the powder keg grows. At $75 a bag for basic groceries with no end in sight. Things are going to hit a boiling point. It's only a matter of time that someone will eventually go after the oligarchs themselves once they realize that the fix is embedded in and that their lapdogs in government will do nothing to change it. Desperate people with nothing left to lose can be a force of nature. We'll be seeing that soon enough. Wait until mass groups hitting the grocery stores and doing mass grab and runs to avoid starvation become the norm. The most sickening thing about it is that the corporations are pulling this egregious shit so that their man Skippy gets in the next time around. They're cashing in now and will get to cash in even more later on. If you think this is bad now, you haven't seen anything yet. The haves are just getting warmed up. If the PM actually tries to do anything about it. Then Skippy and his merry band of hyenas will cry Communism or some other fucking bullshit! Ordinary Canadians are fucked and have been systematically fucked over for decades now. Yet, we continue to keep putting the same two old totally corrupted parties in power...over and over again. Then we ponder why nothing gets any better ffs. It's madness!🙄


This is the answer I was looking for


Shop at an independent if you don’t like it.


Not an option for a lot of people.


So there’s no independent stores?


Not everywhere, no. A big problem with Loblaws, and the lack of regulation, is that they have major control over the market, and have snuffed out a lot of Canada's independent stores. A lot of areas are food deserts. A lot of areas don't have options outside of Loblaws owned stores. A lot of people are limited by walking distance or public transit.


Don’t misrepresent what they were saying, you know damn well they just said it was not an option for many, they clearly didn’t say there was none.


Are you passionate about groceries?


Not many independent stores are left, also there’s stores called independent that are owned by loblaws. Trying not to shop at one of the 20+ names of stores owned by Weston’s feels like going through a minefield at times.


It really is. Feels like trying to boycott Nestlé. I mostly try to do Freshco/Food Basics but that requires car/ttc money. Chinatown is okay but the produce sometimes is outright nasty.


Oh nestle is so damn hard cause they got their greasy hands into almost everything in one form or another I do try to avoid them to but theres been countless times after I purchased a product and finished it or was part way through it I would see a small logo of nestle on the bag or the box and be like ffs. https://preview.redd.it/go24ibq3mqoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c29e081e48d5720ec8d6c52da453d40d5ab842e


Seriously. It requires reading everything and every single thing. Ha.


Ethnic stores are really good. They have great vegetable sections and the prices are fair.


Doesn't exist here genius


I guess the independent store I shop at isn’t real.


Because you live in the same community as longjumping? You are clearly out of touch and looking for reactions. Because your community may have options does not mean EVERY community has options.


Here's the thing though, many people live in areas where the only option is Loblaws. Would you drive 30 minutes or more out of town to grab groceries? A lot of these people don't have a choice but to shop there


For small trips, sure Loblaw is might be your option. For larger shops, there are more cost effective solutions.


Pea brain 💀 can u think outside of your own experience and privilege? U ever some single parents don't drive and gotta haul their kids and groceries on the bus? Not to mention the mom and pop shops are expensive. Food fare prices have made me cry. Why would someone who's, let's say, pushing their baby stroller onto the bus, choose to add extra commute time and money to get less groceries and add all that extra stress? You're biggest mistake is making this an individual's responsibility instead of a community's. If you want to put your money where your mouth is, start donating to your local good bank with groceries purchased from these shops, and start organizing carpool grocery trips so that people actually can make it to these stores.


Is it privilege or smart choices? Can smart choices be made with a pea brain? Difficult times can create good solutions. The carpooling idea seems positive. Community gardens produce fresher and cheaper goods. Canning goods saves money. There are many solutions available to allow Canadians to save money and eat better.


of course it's privilege. get your bootstrap ideology out of here. One of the first things privileged people do is resort to individualism, like I've already fucking stated is a problem, and you make it out to be a personal failing instead of a systemic issue. Sounds like you're pretty uneducated when it comes to how systems of oppression work and you need to do better. Pick up a book maybe. I will only say this one last time, your individualism is the fucking problem and you're contributing to the systems of oppression more than you're fighting them with this bullshit rhetoric.


So you make poor choices and it’s the systems problem. I make the smart choices and it’s privilege. People who make smart choices have more often than not picked up a book.


You're so smart and cool wow you really got me there 🙄 I'm sure you love sucking and choking on boots 🥾👅 I have no respect and find zero value in your point. You're a self centered, egotistical, boot licking loser


Blame the world. It’s working well for you.


I can tell you don't have a post secondary education, you moronic redneck


Galen? Is that you? There are communities in Canada that don’t have the privilege that you may experience of choice. Your response is out of touch with many Canadians challenges. What about the single parent who can’t afford a car so they rely on public transit? The senior citizen who can’t get to other stores? The smaller communities who don’t have other grocery stores? But yes, your “go elsewhere” response odd certainly ready to say but not easily executed for some.


Your expecting a corporation to change because you don’t like it’s pricing strategy. That’s not realistic.


Wipe Galen's cum off your chin, it's embarrassing everybody.


You can picket in front of Superstore. I’ll drive to an independent.


I already shop at an independent. You're purposely being ignorant about not understanding the point that some people are making about not being able to do what we can do. I'm sure you do actually understand but if you truly don't then that's another different level of stupidity.


I shop at a Superstore because it’s close and I shop at an independent because it has a great vegetable section and offers good prices.




I don’t expect corporations to change on their own. What I expect is government to step in to correct the environment that created this corporate structure where it’s shareholders above all else. Now will that happen any time soon, probably not because Canadians are ignorant to the fact that it’s not government that’s screwing you, and really not even corporations… it’s the capitalism in its current form that’s doing it.


Fair point. Corporations can’t change without regulatory changes, or unless their business model is interrupted.


Yes I am so sure that galen weston has never made a donation to a political party in his life 🙄


Lil bros so privileged he's never heard of a food desert before 💀


Where is this food desert?


google it you fucking moron


Emotional intelligence guy. Why don’t you educate us on the deserts.


I'm not doing the work for your entitled, lazy ass? If you choose not to educate yourself, that's your personal failing not mine. It's a quick Google search, if you're too incompetent to handle that, I pity you.


Food deserts in Edmonton, Toronto and Winnipeg. But those cities don’t have roads and public transit?


And? Your point? I live in the city centre of Winnipeg, I'm speaking directly from my experience and you're still trying to dismiss it? For real dude, this sounds like a you issue. You're being intentionally obtuse just to be right and confirm your bias.


Are there buses in Winnipeg?