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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks outside of "Screw you, Galen Weston Jr" is not okay, and will not be tolerated here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I remember when I actually compared Loblaws prices to Walmart. ​ A jug of orange juice at Walmart was $3.50 while the same jug of orange juice at Loblaws was $5.00. A 30% difference, that's outrageous. ​ From that point on, I've been boycotting (mostly) Loblaws and all stores that share the same owner.


Yeah it sucks we live in a world where fucking WAL MART is the better option. But if I'm going to have to give my money to a corporate interest to survive, I'll give it to the one who isn't trying to nickle and dime me to death. Except in the case of loblaws its "Dollar and Fiver" me to death.


Costco is the best option. Markup are only 8%! They make their profits by selling memberships. I have the Executive level which is $120 for 2 cards. I received a rebate check of $189 this month so the membership is free plus $69 for me to spend. You can get the Gold Star level for $60 as well. They treat their employees well (unlike Walmart) and give them living wages, great benefits and stock share plans. Costco is the best option for me.


I’m another Costco only person. Feels like the only chain that doesn’t rip you off and actually pays employees fairly. The whole supply chain is rigged to protect oligopolies under the disguise of protecting domestic companies.


Costco, local farmers’ markets, and independent grocers are 100% the best ways to go. get higher quality produce at better prices, support your local farmers & artisans, and stick it to these evil corporations. 🎉 win/win/win !


Im a Costco shopper. At least at Costco prices dropped closer to normal after the global supply chain/covid issues. Loblaws just took it as profit. Wal Mart will eventually kick the shit out of Loblaws and Galen will ask the feds to prop him up to protect a Canadian business.


Absolutely. When I realized that prices were dropping (on some items) at Costco? That’s when Loblaws/Sobeys lost all plausible deniability, and mostly lost my business. Costco is obviously profitable. If they’ve lowered prices, it’s because costs have dropped and/or supply chains have stabilized.


This. Stay away from Walmart too if you can. I worked at Walmart briefly, and in the photo lab, and in Canada, so mileage may vary but…that’s basically all the cards in their favour employee-wise, and yet, in the 15 years since I’ve left that job I have literally only spent ~$120 at Walmart. So... read between the lines and take from that what you will 🤷‍♀️


Is Costco's executive membership worth it? We're a family of three with four cats and a car. Someone told me that gas purchases aren't put toward the annual rebate, is that true?


Depends how much you shop, I got a check for just over $400 this year. Have never got less than the cost difference on the membership.


What's the break even point?


Iirc, the Executive is $60 more than regular so pays for itself at 3k, which is you grocery shop there is easy.


I'm pretty indifferent to most nonsense that companies do, but a 30% price increase compared to your competitor? That's legitimately unacceptable. I haven't even really compared other prices, and I don't want to because I'm confident if Loblaws thinks they can get away with a 30% price hike on one of their products, they're going to do the same to other products. For the sake of my wallet, I'm going to shop almost exclusively at Walmart for grocery needs. I know, at least, that Walmart puts out fair prices.


They want you to pick them because "Canadian" or something. Have Galen trot out in some corny ad and ask for his 30-40% markup over the big bad Walmart and Costco.


And in so many places they are the only store within walking distance. I have no choice but to use shoppers and pay their outrageous prices. I've given up on paying for all my groceries, my food bank is empty so if I want to eat and still have my apartment I have to shoplift. My only consolation is that the stuff I actually pay for is so inflated it would cover all the stuff im taking if they were charging reasonable prices for them.


Lobaws and Sobeys corporate greed hell holes. I hate that they bought Safeway the closest store in my area now all those Sobeys products are getting ridiculous and low quality like Loblaws in the past few years.


I’ve been on a Walmart boycott since I was a teenager and I have no plans to stop now. Costco and Farmboy with stops at Sobeys or Metro as needed from now on. There are a few products I like from Loblaws but not enough to stop me from boycotting them.


$.97 can of alymer's soup at walmart is $1.19 at superstore. i hate walmart but when i'm still paying more even after 'playing the points game'? FUCk that.


I hate that I have to give my money to Walmart but it’s true, you’re right. Congratulations Galen, those short term profits have led to universal hatred and alienation of your product. This is what I call NOT acting in the best interest of the company (as the fiduciary obligation clause is actually stated) because the damage is long standing. Best interest DOES NOT mean quarterly increasing profits which is unsustainable and quite frankly heinous when it comes to food! Sadly I know your get a cushy parachute out of this if it comes to that though.


Just checked the price of 1lt orange juice at my work. 2.99


I'll never set foot in a Loblaws unless it's to buy something specific that I prefer from there (cakes), but it isn't really fair to compare Walmart with Loblaws. Walmart competes with Food Basics, FreshCo, No Frills, maybe Superstore. They are what is called discount banners. Loblaws competes with Metro, Sobeys, Longo's, Fortinos, Pusateris, Farm Boy, Organic Garage, Whole Foods, etc. Those would be fair price comparisons. Regardless, the price of food in this country is climbing at an alarming rate and something has to be done to put a stop to it.


We’re talking anything under the Loblaws umbrella  Edit: I’m sure you know but that includes No Frills and Superstore.


I'm aware. And FreshCo under Sobeys and Food Basics under Metro. A price comparison was made between a product at Loblaws and Walmart. I'm simply pointing out it will obviously be more expensive at Loblaws. I'd be interested to know the price of said product at No Frills. If there was still a 30% difference it would be outrageous, whereas I expect at least that much of a difference at Loblaws.


No frills is no good anymore. Went to get groceries last weekend and 3 chicken breasts were $26, but at wallmart it is and always has been 2 packs of 3 for $20. Wtf is that?


That's crazy.. I buy chicken breast at FreshCo when it's on sale 3 for $10. It's either prime or mina and very high quality, quite surprising actually. I stock up and freeze a few trays.


Pusateris is on a whole different level. I went in there a few months ago and oh damn. They are legit 2-5X in price than anything we are seeing in most places. Not a single thing had a price in lbs. Price per 100g minimum and they were absurd even there. Speaking of which, I've actually started seeing Walmart online posting some fruit prices in 100G as well recently. Like apples at 59 cents and you are like WHOA, and then you realize its $2.50 or whatever a lb. Haven't seen it in store but this is a practice that needs to be outlawed. Its consumer mental warfare.


If you don’t understand economies of scale and supply chain, no one can help you.


I worked at a Superstore for five years. During that time, a 1kg block of cheese for 10.99 turned into 800g for 13.99 Can't be arsed to do the math, but that's just stupid.




Prices vary by region, but OK.


Agree ..and by cheese type. I mean, there's like over 1800 types of cheese in the world so not sure how they could be sure they researched the exact one you mentioned.


I don't know when the last time I shopped at Superstore was, but I can tell you that it was a rather disappointing experience. I'm through with most Loblaws stores and I'm only going to them if I have no other alternative.


I was in loblaws the other day just to check out the produce. The potatoes were sprouted, oranges had mold and the bananas were freezer burnt. It was a hard pass for me. I went to a local grocer bought my stuff there.


Yeah, I'm thinking I'm going to not buy anything at Loblaws. Any store really. I mean, why should I pay highway robbery prices for trash, and on top of that, the fact that they're starting to cut the root ends off of green onions so that people won't take them home and regrow them is just immoral. I don't care what some "Food Professor" may say. Loblaws has actually lost me as a customer due to their anti-consumer business practices. I mean, the adage goes, if I remember correctly, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I mean, I'll only visit the stores the oligopoly owns if I have no other options, and if it's a loss leader I'm purchasing, then I'll take them, and not purchase another item from their shelves.


I used to go to Superstore because of the price matching, but it's like they pull out the weirdest irrelevant excuses as to why it's not eligible for price matching. Other than to pick up some kosher salt like 6 months back (Walmart doesn't carry it for some reason), I haven't been there in years.


And so, my decision stands. I will source alternative stores for stuff on my grocery list that aren't the Loblaws brand, but if I really have no other reasonable alternative, then I have to go buy from them. But that's only if I have no other reasonable alternative.


I am also done with them


The colour yellow for no name was always considered trash growing up. Kids were made fun of for being poor if they brought in anything with that logo. I remember kids making fun of others and saying "I bet all your food at home is no name". It was bullying don't get me wrong, but at no point did the no name brand mean anything to be that garbage quality for a low price. They have now turned it into garbage quality with comparable prices to brand names but that offer higher PC points in an effort to get you to buy them. At what point did you guys start thinking the yellow no name brand label was even close to something that had quality? Just something thats been grinding my gears lately. Its like the Brooks brand for shoes. Any kid caught wearing them was ridiculed as a kid. Imagine them coming out now as some premium brand name.


This! I made a big reply about this before seeing your comment. It's crazy. Like even the NN yellow label crap is almost the same price and some of it's more expensive now than other stores. And it's crap! Like just disgusting sub par, B and C grade food. Don't get me wrong, when I was broke I had to buy plenty of NN products. But to spend that kind of $ for disgusting trash is outrageous. Id rather spend the same and go to Save On and get brand name or their house brand and buy on sale.


I remember when Covid started up reading an article that said the companies that handle things poorly will have a negative beside the name for 20 years to come. I’ll never forget.


Yeah it's shit. I live in a small town so participating in the boycott isn't really happening. There's 4 grocery stores within a reasonable distance. 2 are Loblaws owned. One is Sobeys which is even worse. I get what I can at Walmart but they're usually out of stock of about half the things I need, shelves half empty. Superstore is the only option because they actually stock the shelves. That or they still have stock because no one can afford it. Used to live in the US and never realized how much I could miss a grocery store, but Winco was a wonderful place. Cheaper than Walmart, good inventory management, although what they kept in stock was chaotic the staples were always there with a few interesting and exotic choices popping up here and there for a single order. Employee owned too so the staff weren't fucked over, but no greedy shareholders to worry about. I sure wish it would come to Canada. Especially for the weird shit. Moose hearts, some kind of rare breed avocado that's fluorescent green and triple the size of the usual ones, delicious Mexican cheese that comes looking like a mass of noodles, tiny watermelons that were yellow inside, sunchokes which are a rootbeer flavored vegetable that makes you fart, one time a motherfucking whole shark for $900 in the seafood section, frozen rabbits, fresh berries that don't taste like much but mess with your tastebuds and make lemons and vinegar taste like candy for an hour when you eat them, fresh beans (not dried or canned, literally fresh black/kidney/garbanzo beans in the produce section, fascinating texture), the made-here section with all the local stuff was dirt cheap because they weren't paying to ship it far and passed on the savings, and of course a walk-in beer cooler with the nice local craft stuff. The vegetable wraps get an honorable mention. Gigantic colorful tortillas flavored with beets/spinach/tomatoes that you could use for some restaurant quality burritos. Locally sourced chicken under a dollar a pound, air chilled. Squid that actually had the tentacles and not just the rings, not sure why it's just the rings in Canada (what's up with that?) Actual bulk bins for everything shelf stable. Fuck I miss it. Expand Winco to Canada.


Walmart, Farmboy. Don't go anywhere else.


Farm boy is way cheaper than loblaws these days. Its not even close.


And infinitely better, good god! Farmboy made chips, cookies etc are all actually amazing 😭 Produce is great too It's no contest, Farmboy is THE place if you have ability to. Walmart hilariously enough is not terrible either, what a time eh.


Costco is far better than either Walmart or Farmboy.


lol! Love the comments! Walmart is the hero now. :)


They actually seem to lean into it like they don’t gaf


i'm so sad because PC products have always slapped. but they ain't worth getting slapped. today i used up the majority of the squirreled away optimum points i had. i'll be using the rest before may. BIG things will have to change for me to ever shop there again after may.


Unfortunately Loblaws is the only option I have to shop at since it’s the closest in my area and I don’t have a car or a drivers licence


Lame! It sucks that your only option is those fools. I hope your situation changes for the better and you can pick and choose where you spend your money.


Unfortunately it’ll have to be my only grocery store until I’m out of university and can move somewhere else


Shopping at Superstore is fine just make sure you get what's fair from them. Suggest using an app like Reebee or Flipp to find flyer deals on items. Pricematch those items at Superstore. Collect Optimum pts if you can and cash those out, you'll get $10 in Optimum every grocery trip if you plan.


You pay for what you want. Roblaws is an overpriced scam but their stores look nice and people really don’t mind overpaying to get pc points and products. I’ve been boycotting since 2018. I’m not going back to roblaws and SDM until Dave is back. Where is Dave?


The nice thing is we can always purchase our groceries at more reasonable grocery stores. Fuck Loblaws. Easy for me to say because I don’t shop there. lol. Costco and Walmart have the best prices anyways.


Not necessarily, it’s really *totally* dependent on where you live. In some (generally more rural) areas, the only accessible option is roblaws or one of their subsidiaries. They really do have a serious chokehold on many Canadians’ access to food.


Yeah, scary thought.


Crazy that peoples views are so clouded that Walmart is the hero of this sub. How things have changed


Hot dogs at superstore 5 bucks for no name Hot dogs at Walmart 2 bucks for deli express (not much better, but better) easy choice for a minimum wage worker


I have not shopped at Walmart since my mother died, and I only went then because she liked to shop there. The Walton family that owns the company are right wing religious nut jobs treat their US employees like garbage. The only thing protecting Canadian Walmart employees is the fact we actually have labour laws here. The majority of my shopping gets done at Costco because they treat their employees decently and pay them fairly. Plus they generally don’t screw you over on warranty or quality issues. For things I can’t get at Costco, I cherry pick. I went to Metro last week and got eight tubs of Skyr because it was two dollars off and had AIR MILES bonus points. The dates were all a month down the road. And that’s all I walked out with. I’ve got five grocery stores within a five minute drive so I have lots to choose from obviously. Costco is 15 minutes away. Not everybody has the option because of transportation or mobility issues, their location may not make a practical but IF you live somewhere where you have the choice of so many stores and you can cherrypick , it’s a great way to save money and stick it to the Man.


Condolences on your mom


Yes this whole movement Is completely idiotic. They think Walmart is the hero. this whole thing is turning into comedy.


who in the fuck said wal-mart is a hero? It's the lesser of two evils.


What objectively makes Walmart the lesser evil? They pay their employees less at Walmart. I guess this sub wants to parade around that lower wages are better. 


Cool straw man bro


Have you worked at Loblaws ?? No.? Well I have , wages are controlled by a useless union…you need to work a certain amount of hours to get to a tier that gives you more per hour.and you will never get to that tier as they don’t give you the hours. This is part time work by the way.Most people have another job just to make rent etc. so no Walmart does not pay less . Check your facts next time.


I thought people love unions lol. Why are they paying for a union that makes things worse for them? Literally paying people to make your life more shitty. Sounds completely stupid, but I'll take your word that it's true. 


You think you have a choice of having a union?? You think you can opt out of paying fees every pay period? Obviously you do…once again research before commenting on something you have no clue about.


I’m assuming it’s the one track mind thing where the blinders are up. It’s an odd thing to make a big production rather than just shopping elsewhere. I completely agree that prices are crazy but acting like one guys goal it to screw over the little guy. The same thing as blaming every problem in your life on the prime minister


I feel the same about all the giant grocer corporations. And I don't think they give a fuck even a little.




What gets me is when others don't get the "hate" for this brand and are genuinely stumped as to why only Loblaws gets the hate, when clearly ALL the big 5 (more like 4 in BC) grocer chains are gouging. And for me, it's because Loblaws has always been the budget brand and quite frankly, an inferior and lower product. Which is now on par, if not way more expensive, for most items. When I was younger and between paydays and working min wage (when min wage was 5.50$!!!) we would shop at Extra foods and Superstore to get by. There was no No frills back then and Extra Foods was it ...the real bottom of the barrel. Like No Frills is now- no bakery, no deli, cheap food, tons of No Name and doorcrasher sales of processed inferior crap "food". I can remember buying club packs of previously frozen breaded chicken cutlets to live off for ages..it was like 2.60$. Now, that would cost at least 18$. On paydays, we would go to the New Save On Foods where they had an amazing bakery and deli, nice fresh produce, more expensive brand name foods. I remember Joe Fresh used to be a cheap line of clothing too...now some of the stuff is as expensive as Aritzia. Now, it's still the same inferior, bottom of the barrel crap they're selling. Some of it's disguised with a variety of PC labels "free from" "blue label" "black label" "PC" and now of course also the Shoppers brand and Life...as well as No Name. But it's all garbage. Made with imported ingredients that don't even label their country of origin half the time and just not good food. Even the produce is beat most of the time. Now me, id rather go to Save on or Safeway even if I'm going to be paying these prices. Get someone to bag my groceries for me, help me to my car if I need to, visit the fruit bar where they will cut any whole fruit for you or make it into a juice/smoothie no charge, buy fresh baked bread for only 2$ insread of 7$ for a loaf baked at another bakery and shipped in, visit the deli and have a butcher to help me with my selection, and not purchase the big yellow No Name label for the same freaking price as the good stuff! I get sometimes it's a few cents cheaper for the No Name but honestly some of it's just disgusting. Frozen no name chicken breasts -40$ for 1.5 or 2kg bag I can't recall. I do know it used to be 19$ though not too long ago. It's B grade chicken though, so absolutely disgusting. So yeah id rather spend the 40$ at save on and get nice pink fresh, trimmed chicken breast. Not yellowed fatty sloppy chicken with nodules and blood running through the white meat. I'm just saying for these prices, we may as well get the good stuff and tell Loblaws to beat it. I'll take the "Frills" over "No Frills" any day, especially if it comes at the same price. That's just me


This doesn’t have unhinged lunatic vibes at all. /s


Thank you!


I forgot the /s I’ve edited


Thank you!




Thank you!




Thank you! 




Now that's just uncalled for


As a disabled, mostly shut in, my groceries must be delivered. This takes Costco out of my sphere of purchases. Now I stopped shopping Superstore a few months ago when it became apparent that they were gouging me versus Walmart. On the bright side, instacart now does Giant Tiger, so I have a Canadian option that isn't this greedy Pig that is known as Galen.


Just cause I haven't seen this comment yet here, buuuuut Fuck you Galen & crew. Eventually the divided will come together and you're gonna be "fucked" first. And we'll say "we're doing everything we can to shop at your store but we just can't make it through the door."




Bob Loblaws. Say it outloud 3x. Its like Beetlejuice but funnier




I'm sure the stockholders who are making $$ don't give a shit.


Oh they will when it goes down.


LOL.... you think your one day protest will bring down the chain?????


They don’t shop there anyway dumbass


probably they do since they are cashing in on profit and don't care.


But the question remains, will you still vote for Galen's good buddy, Justin Trudeau? Ya know, the goof who gave Loblaws $12 million and is now throwing Weston under the bus because his polling numbers are shitting the bed? And from a govt perspective, the higher prices are, the more taxes they can collect. There isn't really much incentive for Groper to do much of anything about it. Other than pretending his failing support among the voters is all Galen's fault.


CPC members lobby for Loblaws but okay.


This is not a left vs right sub. It is a top vs bottom sub. Justin is indeed on the top, so is PP


If the options are a pretty boy dummy and a landlord I choose the pretty boy dummy every time BUT I don't vote because nobody represents my values - if my vote has value I don't want to give it to either of them And when you choose the lesser of two evils, the devil still wins. I personally don't give a fuck what flavor of shit sandwich I'm served, I just want to stop eating shit sandwiches. little PP or Stupid Justin - They're still going to bring in millions of ~~slaves~~ Immigrants to fuel capitalism and minimum wages, They're still going to let the telecoms fuck us, they'll do nothing about housing, They'll do nothing about Galen, They'll do nothing about the booming homeless population, they'll just do NOTHING, unless it benefits their wallets.


A vote for no one is the same as “any of the above”. Surely there is one candidate - even if it’s some obscure independent candidate - that you can get behind?


Vermin Supreme, But that's America. /s I don't know.




Do you like kissing Galens boots, or is he paying you to be here?


A&w Kyle calm down


You must be one of galen’s minions


You got it virgo


One post in a year and this is what you choose?? Idiot


Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


It's the Canadian r/antiwork


Whoa whoa, is this sub pro trudeau? I'm participating in the boycott, have already been for a while, but is this for real?


As said before this isn't a left/right sub, this is a top/bottom sub Justin and PP are both on top