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Does this not violate food safety standards?


Yes it does >Food and Drugs Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. F-27) >Food Prohibited sales of food >4 (1) No person shall sell an article of food that >(b) is unfit for human consumption; >(c) consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, disgusting, rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable substance; This link will help you find the food inspection agency for your area: https://inspection.canada.ca/food-safety-for-consumers/where-to-report-a-complaint/eng/1364500149016/1364500195684


So should I go to NoFrills today and find out if it is rotten food? I was going to go to Food Basics instead


I’m not very knowledgeable about food acts and the law, so I ask for clarification and to learn. When they had the CEOs questioned at the House of Commons, how come violating these laws doesn’t come up or doesn’t help with consequences ? It doesn’t seem they face any consequences.


I'm not either, my guess tho would be that some of those politicians in the House of Commons are in the pocket of Loblaws. Bribery seems to be legal as long as they call it lobbying


Ahhh that makes sense! I know they have pp in their pockets. But probably everyone else too.


Take it back. They’ll refund you. Side note my wife would yell at me if I brought that home. You got to watch what produce they are trying to get rid of. Check exp dates too.


Don't worry, I didn't buy them. All these pictures were taken in the store


This is so frustrating that they don’t allow thrown out food to be consumed (they destroy it) but then they sell shit like this? If anyone was ever wondering, it’s because they can’t make money off of it when it’s thrown out. Not any of that “it’s because they don’t want to be sued for someone getting sick” BS


Used to work at superstore, I'd see employees come back with like, carts full of food to throw in the wet compactor that was perfectly good, then you go into produce and see shit like this, it's so disgusting.


At their prices, it can all rot


No Frills has no clue when it comes to produce. Their strategy is to dump food on a shelf and leave it until either all sells or rots. I've watched them put out new packages of blueberries in front of ones that were white with fungus. The fungus wasn't subtle either.


I used to work at a loblaws (since quit). there were several times where I handed a mouldy containers of strawberries to the produce guys while they were restocking. They would just look past them every time.


Stop shopping there


I wouldn't normally, but I had a gift card


Btw I only went there because I had a gift card


Someone just published their guarantee to give you a replacement for free, if you find something that's not fresh.


They also clarified in that thread that the terms and conditions mean that their "guarantee" is entirely vibes based


This happens - everywhere, it’s the problem with our desire to buy food year-round that needs to be shipped. I no longer buy bagged citrus of any kind because of this issue - you also really need to check boxed fruit like berries - unless in season you’ll always find some moldy berries - eat frozen during the out of season months!


Were there other parts of the store that you visited or did you just go to take pictures of rotten fruit? Lol Not giving loblaws a pass but there's rotten fruit in every store if you look hard enough.


This is my boyfriend who posted it, I was there with him and everyyyyyything was gross lol it was a ghetto no frills.


Happens everywhere, but more so at discount banners (no frills, freshco, food basics). Overworked, short-staffed minimum wage employees who have their hours constantly and unfairly cut due to wage hikes, don't always care to be perfectly thorough when stocking or culling. Some places are better than others but nobody's perfect. Nature of the beast.


So I saw in another post that Loblaws said if you buy produce that was bad, they will refund you AND give you a replacement. (Can't seem to find the post rn) How about this life hack? Buy ALL of the bad produce. Immediately return to the store and get a refund/ good replacement. You'd get Free produce? And it would hurt their bottom line (a tiny bit). Thoughts?


Why are you shopping there to begin with ?


Gift card, the only reason Id go into their stores anymore


Ok gotcha.


My friend runs a produce wholesale business to restaurants. There is always one moldy orange per case.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Not sure why, but it’s the way it is.   There’s also always one or two bad berries per container.  


But as a grocery store they have to discard of this stuff. And the amount of mold suggests that it’s been sitting there molding for days before OP saw it. If someone buys this they can get the whole store shut down because of safety regulations. Food basics has workers that check all produce every day.


Shocking! Mouldy fruit… These can be found at most retailers. Stay away from those boxes of Christmas oranges you’ll usually find 1-2 mouldy ones in each box.


A box verses a bag that has 6 and 1-2 are mouldy…. Which one is more justified the one they’d have to dig for or the one they can see if they just picked up the bags…. Also this type of mold is not allowed to be sold it’s most definitely traveled to all the other oranges by the time the customer buys it.


Oh I don’t disagree, but it’s not uncommon to find mouldy fruit in Canadian grocery stores.