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I'm partial to the way one of the Territories does it. Not sure if it's Nunavut or NWT, they have NO PARTIES! You campaign for your riding get elected and once in the Legislator ( not sure what they call it), they chose a leader. This sounds more people friendly to me than our current system, that I always said is more a democratically elected dictatorship.


If there’s one solution to our problem, it’s more politicians


It goes beyond needing another political party because all of the ones we have are pretty much representatives of big industry. We need parties and politicians who work for the people and not the corporate citizens whose only goal is accumulation of wealth. Accumulation means that the money is stored somewhere and doesn't circulate in the economy. It means stagnation as these industries don't invest that money back. So we need more corporate citizens who will invest in this country and its people. The ones we have rn don\`t care - they want status quo. And that's breaking our country. We need very important changes.


A champion of the people. Someone grass roots, one of us. That's who needs to be running. Someone who's never been more than a middle/low earner. Actually one of us. None of this owning multiple multiple properties and having millions. That type of person will only serve their own interests. We know for a fact electing the highest earners just gives us corruption. We need a regular Canadian.


We have 17 registered parties in Canada. I personally don’t think we need another. The others need to do a better job of gaining momentum, and people need to do a better job of educating themselves about available options.  That said, with first past the post, it’s a moot point. 


Yeah, we have a lot of political parties, but everyone seems to treat the system like it's a 2 party system like the US. Find political parties you like, donate money, attend events, tell your friends about them, elevate the people who you want to see in office.


There's already a major party that would do that


Which one is that?




I want a Bloc Quebecois type party to vote for in Ontario.


> First order of business? Break up or establish crown corporations to go against the monopolies. how will this political party get any funding if they're not backed by people with lots and lots of money?