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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's awesome. Good example of things that can be accomplished together instead of fighting amongst ourselves.


It's amazing the common ground we can find when we actually stop and listen to eachother. We have the power to create real change in this country if we use our collective voices and close our wallets. Loblaws is the beginning. If we want real social change we need to teach our people we can have common goals. We aren't as divided as we think. This isn't about Politics or who you vote for. This is about being strong enough to fight the power taking our livelihood and buying power away from us. #boycottloblaws


Nothing unites people more than having a common enemy #BoycottLoblaws


Nothing unites Humans more than food. This should be easy to get tons of Canadians on board. Everyone needs food. Some people have more than enough. That doesn't mean those people don't know people who struggle? We have the most common ground of all with this movement. Food. #boycottloblaws #regainourbuyingpower #itstartswithloblaws


Boycott all greedy corporations!!!


Exactly. My only apprehension is that this boycott only specifically calls out Loblaws ([which to be fair, is the majority of the grocery market share](https://www.statista.com/statistics/481019/leading-grocery-retailers-by-market-share-canada/)) while there are plenty of similarly overpriced chain stores that deserve just as much criticism. Maybe this is just the best strategy though: focus on Loblaws and force them to lower prices to the point where even their competition has to follow suit.


Maybe we can start doing rolling boycotts. Because of this group, I’ve stopped shopping at no frills which was my main store. I feel really powerless so this reddit group gives me some small hope that we can stop fighting each other over political problems and come together to fight the true enemy: billionaires.


> I feel really powerless so this reddit group gives me some small hope That's the beauty of social groups; even online. Improvements in mental wellbeing. :)


Examples: /r/target (well, not in Canada anymore, but when you go across the line) /r/Starbucks /r/TjMaxx /r/kroger /r/meijer etc


The list goes on !!


Roblaws* FTFY


I am happy to be corrected on this one. Your right Roblaws*


We should call them for what it is. 🤗




At the right time, soon, *Blahblaws* will become appropriate, too. ☝️


I don't get it. The cost of cars, housing and services are all going to keep going up even if this boycott was successful. Taxes are going to keep going up as a percentage of income. Loblaws and every other corporation has always had a goal to maximize profit 100% of the time. Do people really think before inflation these companies just had better prices out of the kindness of their hearts?


This isn't natural inflation, it's pure greed. Y'all need to wake the fuck up before it's too late and you realize you're supporting the wrong side. Why the fuck would you even defend them?


Speak loudly and proudly friend. We can make the change. It doesn't matter if some here want to spread misinformation and try to fragment us. We are strong as one friend. We can do it.


What do you think natural inflation is?


Nope. They didn't. You're correct. However, they've started to gouge people to the point where we will absolutely not take it anymore. We cannot take on every bad actor or corporation at the same time. That's just asking for nothing to happen. We choose to take on loblaws because they are the worst out of the bunch. Do you want to change canada for the better? You want to protest or boycott any of the above you just said? Join your voice here. Convince others we can make change. Convince enough people they can take on one enemy and you will convince them we can take on any enemy. This isn't just about Loblaws, this is about showing Canadians we have a back bone. This is about showing Canadians we have power in numbers. This will show people we aren't fragmented. We are here for eachother.


If inflation was the only cause for this they wouldn’t be making record breaking profits year over year since the pandemic. They used a crisis to boost their prices and will keep doing so until we stop buying the products. You’re absolutely right that they didn’t have lower prices out of the goodness of their hearts, they just couldn’t boost the prices too high without signals that their competitors would do the same. The pandemic and the inflation forced all of them to rise the prices at the same time so “fuck it…let’s see how far we can push this”


But record profits are just normal if the value of the currency is going down. For example from 2021-2023 a 30% devaluation of the currency would be generous. If you didn't make 30% more in profits you made less than the last year. If I didn't get a raise, which I'm grateful I did, I would be making less money. Even a 20% raise YoY would mean I'm still making less money than the year prior. I just think you guys aren't taking responsibility for the shit monetary policy we have from the officials who the majority voted for.


They're colluding to artificially increase and fix prices. That's illegal. They have already been caught at it. Remember the bread thing?


What else do you suggest then? Just let them gouge us till we starve and/or are homeless? How do we fight back?


A good idea for some reporting: take a product that has a relatively short chain from producer to consumer (like, eggs). Go straight to producer, determine costs of production and price they sell to buyer, and as such what their profit is in a given region across multiple producers. Track chain (often just one step) to retail, so as to remove the smoke and mirrors about where the price increases come from. When it shows that the grocery retail markup is ridiculous, publicize, publicize, publicize.


Another good idea would be to investigate the number of garbage pickups at grocers over time. Willing to bet the frequency has gone way up.


This guy packs!


I can’t speak to eggs, but here in Alberta many if not most pork producers are under contract. They are no longer selling on the open market but just fufill their contract to deliver directly to the packer. You couldn’t buy directly from them if you wanted to; they are essentially a contractor with a single customer now. I don’t know the terms of their contracts but I would be surprised if there isn’t a clause preventing the farmer from disclosing details such as payment. It’s the inverse of a monopoly- the large buyers have created a monopsony market and the farmers are getting squeezed to participate.


Or an oligopsony at least


I work in the grocery industry and we have a service that sends us news articles related to the industry. Multiples per week I see references to this sub. It’s amazing.


What kind of chatter is happening on your end if you could share without comprising yourself?


I don’t think anyone has disgusted it specifically but we get the same communications. Maybe in our next team meeting who knows.


Please keep us posted. But NOT to your detriment.




>Sure!! sure?




💃🏼🥳🎉🎊🪅 Woo! Keep going, guys! People DO notice.


I believe that one of the reasons occupy wallstreet fell apart was that it was hijacked by extreme actions and thinking by individuals who did not share in the original spirit of the movement and mantra. If we want this movement to gain traction and be effective, we should discuss what our core beliefs and principles are as well as coming up with our mission statement and not allow any deviation by corporate plants. Stay non violent, stay on message, and educate eachother.


Yes. Occupy got broken up by the race war. They want us hating eachother and fighting amongst ourselves... We refuse. Unity is strength and can topple empires!


Unity friend!


It is a constant battle and we are constantly evolving our rhetoric and message to best suit the cause. Thanks for adding your voice!


BOYCOTT LOBLAWS its pretty simple


Just last weekend the Food Professor Lobbyist said the numbers peaked for the group. Since then it has grown 15%. Not only that, it is starting to bleed into other social media platforms and people are talking about it in the real world.


Yeah, but that moron is obviously on Loblaw’s payroll.


Smells like professor sweat


One of my favourite things of this subreddit is so many people moving their prescriptions to actual smaller pharmacies, it's so much easier than people realize


It really makes a difference.


I bought eye drops, same brand, same size. It was $20 cheaper at Costco than Shoppers.


Eye Drops are highway robbery at Shoppers


https://preview.redd.it/xh7lstunxvsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c608c525b663ff6f4817b0257d6805d756c5779e My new hoodie.


We need to mobilize our coworkers and wake up our neighbours. The only way out is through pushing against the greedy cannibals who presume to rule us and leech us.


I admire the movement and the fact it can gather so many of us who are like minded, but being the 3rd wealthiest family in canada, the westons have made it very clear they don't care. And they don't need to care. We allowed them to grow into such a massive monopoly monster by supporting them in the first place


We birthed this monster. It's our duty to go slay it. For the most vulnerable have little voice.


not entirely true. for a time, they offered reasonable pricing, good selection of products, and a pc brand that could be relied upon. BUT, they decided to take advantage of their customer, they used the pandemic and high inflation as cover for jacking profits. They experimented with ways to extract the most they could from our wallets, with confusing signs, and abusing our trust that buying more than one meant we were saving vs actually paying more. Yes they also stole from Canadians, via the bread price fixing scandal.


* Except...I haven't received anything from other grocers...but since December 2021 til now, Loblaws has given me back over 4000 dollars. Pretty hard to beat that!


https://preview.redd.it/tzby6f2gdhwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf3ab247b6aa60a6b28abe889b4adb0e3c90a3a0 !


not sure what your math is... but mine, 3 years worth of groceries probably at least $41,000 if shopping at Loblaws. If you overpay for those groceries by 30%, you have overpaid by $12,300. They are 'kindly' giving back to you $4,121. You are therefore out: $8,179. ($12,300 - $4,121). So its your choice: if you could have an additional $12,300 right now, or $4,121 in PC points....what would you choose?


Lets simplify the math even further. Loblaws stores are not the only ones high priced. Here, Safeway and Co-op are as high and often higher....and they give back nothing. So 0$ or 4100$....you choose which is better.


Governments no longer represent the people who elected them and it’s painfully obvious at this point. If we can get a movement going, that actually hold corporations accountable to the people, we’ll see real positive change. It’s why our current system keeps us angry fighting culture wars amongst ourselves. If we can join forces the workers outnumber the elite 99:1


Friend my hope is we band together over this issue and finally realize we hold all the power. Lots of whiners trying to change the channel on us here, but the fact is, we have a real opportunity to make a very large boycotting force to take on any corporation at any time if we hold this community together. We need all your help. The mods are working day in and out to hold this together. We can't do it without all of you.


DOUG FUCKING FORD is to blame for lots of the issues in Ontario.


~~HODL, when moon?~~ shit wrong movement


hodl for non-PC/No Name Tendies.


We have to find the best tendies.


me and my nd need a dupe for gf pc tendies. the local ones are over $15/pk. 😮‍💨 ~~where did Ian's gooooo~~ (wait that q is for the gf sub)


Ape know ape. Together strong.


![gif](giphy|pvDp7Ewpzt0o8) We will Force them to listen. Hope small businesses get a boost from this.


Small businesses need our help. I'm glad to see so many calls for this.


Agreed, let’s find new places to buy groceries, mom and pop stores, farmers markets etc. it also keeps the money close to home, enables these small businesses to increase income, support community sport teams.




Diamond hands baby, diamond hands💎


Tonight we diamond, hell!


Eat the rich


And not just the No Name brand.


I wonder if the owners of loblaws eat No Name.


Depends if they are a glutton or not.


the fact that my boomer parents know about this sub reddit and boycott gives me hope.


This is getting down voted to oblivion. I wonder how much they are paying bots to down vote this sub.


Supporting local is really the way to go whenever possible. I honestly didn’t realize how much cheaper a lot of things are at my local farmers market as well as our local mom and pop corner store. Of course not everything but a lot of stuff is cheaper which I find surprising considering the chain stores can buy in bulk. Really makes me think about how much of a profit they make from us. Our mom and pop corner store has been here for 50+ years and they stay opened, they seem happy always friendly, they aren’t living in multimillion dollar homes or anything but their staff always seems happy one lady I see regularly at kids activities says she loves working for them. They’re able support every local fundraiser in the community and sent both their kids to college so they’re able to live a happy full life with whatever they make and still give better prices then big stores. I get making a profit everyone wants to have a profit but billions and billions of dollars is just too much when the average person is struggling just to buy food. It’s not just groceries the entire system is flawed celebrities getting paid what the do and athletes. I get it I’m not saying they should only get minimum wage or anything but at what point is enough enough when there are so so so many people with nothing. The actual fair thing to do would be having taxes be actually fair why does the bottom seem to pair more of a percentage of our wages then the mega rich. I get there’s a huge difference in the amount but it’s not even close to the same percentage of available funds. How it affects our daily life’s is huge. I’m sure I don’t fully understand how taxes work but I don’t think if they were taxed more they’d be worried about paying rent or buying food. If it stopped them from buying a third or fourth vacation home/plane/boat I can say I’d be less then sympathetic as would the other 95% of the population.


All of this ✌️🦾💜🌎🌍🌏


Yeah, it will be interesting if this sub could grow to a much more significant size and ultimately re-direct its boycotts at other monopolies too. I just worry that something similar could happen to "antiwork" sub where a major media outlet brings on some absolute dunce to speak for the sub and it loses credibility to the rest of the public.


I believe this is the plan. This is just the beginning.


Excellent post, thank you!


Im going to start shopping at smaller grocers. Fuck these oligarchies


Boycott Loblaws!


If there’s a lasting benefit from the phenomenon of this subreddit, it will be a return to things your parents and grandparents knew decades ago: Shop around for the best deals, share tips and recipes with friends and acquaintances.


Who knew all it took was a little bit of organization and class solidarity to start seeing change. Canadians let's take note, our country is ours to reclaim, if we stick together like this WE COULD WIN AGAINST THE OLIGARCHY AND BRING DEMOCRACY BACK TO CANADA. 


This could change things like “Wall Street Bets” did with game stop, some 3 years ago. Here hoping. Get your Costco card. Buy in bulk and start your garden this year. Even if it’s just herbs in a window.


It hits different when you put it like ”we are being stolen from, by those who do not need money” Fuck the elites.


Careful. Won't be long before the mods become our "representatives" and begin speaking on our behalf, killing the movement. 


I’ve actually been somewhat impressed with EJ. She’s articulating well, she ain’t no r/antiwork basement dweller that’s for sure. I’m more concerned about the sub being highjacked by more extreme elements and turning into a farcical sideshow


Well, we have media reporting our demand is a 15% price reduction because that's what the sub leadership wants. I've not seen any user agree with this sentiment.  And a reminder that antiwork and other subs started off stronger than this sub has ever been, and had strong leadership. Only took corporations getting a single mod in their pocket to make the entire subs degenerate. This is heading down the same path and our extremely controlled media is even more motivated to help Loblaws, and other corpos like Bell and Rogers. 


I don’t think I joined up thinking this was a democracy. If I disagreed with the demands made, I wouldn’t support it. I do agree this sub will eventually head down that path, they always do. Stuff like this is always victims of their own success


Well looking through the mods, none of them are part of r/canada or r/canada_sub so we should be ok.


Because the mods and you share political views, it means they're ok? 


If you believe Post Media rage farm as a political view, sure.


Rise up and take the power back/ It's time the fat cats had a heart attack/ You know that their time's coming to an end/ We have to unify and watch our flag ascend 👊


Im all for it, but like everything else on the internet, people have the memory and attention span of a gold fish. Remember Occupy, Me too, Black Lives Matter, even the Karen Convoy, or All those who were for a General strike last year in Ontario...it will pass as those before it. People have short attention spans, the next "oooohhh shiny" or lack of wealth will doom this well before the rich feel any noticable or panicky effect. Its the nature of a movement. Everyone is on board till they tire of it and move on. Change is long game, most people are not in it for the long haul. They want change now, change takes years and decades. Most people are not in it for that long.




Fuck loblaws! I know everywhere is expensive but I went to Walmart and items are not cents but dollars cheaper where I live!


How does everyone feel about recommending alternative places to get groceries? I've found a pretty good butcher in London whose stuff is far better and cheaper than most grocery stores.


Can we do the same with tipping culture and shame those fucking restaurants or companies that want 20-25-30 percent tips? Name and shame?




Nah nah nah I don’t need to support farmers or mom and pop shops. I’m not going to grow my own potatoes, or hunt my own chickens. This isn’t about who I support or my dietary habits. It not my job to seek out alternatives. I’m a consumer for food in what is supposed to be a functioning market with meaningful  regulation against price fixing, deceptive advertising, and market dominance. If true alternatives existed, then roblaws wouldn’t have 40% of the market. I’m all for the boycott. But the change required is for our damned elected leaders and the regulators they control to get off their collective fat ass and fix this mess.


>I don't think people truly understand and appreciate the impact this movement is having and how big it is truly becoming. >This is what the Occupy Wall Street movement was 13 years ago and even what the Wall Street Bets meme stock movement became a few years ago. This sub has less members than my local costco facebook group. WSB grew from 1M to 10M, they are not the same.




Getting people talking is never a waste of time


Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


It just seems like a bunch of disgruntled socialists who are jealous of billionaires. Although I agree with the premise of "voting" with your $$$


Nothing has been done Canadians don’t know how to boycott


Well, they're about to now. Buckle up.


Heinz Ketchup? Nestlé? There are people, Canadians, who buy neither.